After taking a good rest in Yuanzhu City, Xiaozhi and the others were heading to Kaji Town.

However, just when they were about to move forward, they heard bursts of ringing in the wind.

“Strange, where did this ringtone come from?”Xiaoxia asked

“If I guessed correctly, this was the sound coming from the Bell Tower.”Xiao Zhi listened for a while and then told the source of the sound. At the same time, he also recalled this part of the plot.

In the original work, after the Team Rocket trio were beaten away, they accidentally fell into the ring. Near the tower, after they knew the value of the transparent bell, they had a weird idea and wanted to steal the transparent bell.

However, they did not know the true meaning of the transparent bell (that is, they could not ring the bell), but it was because of Musashi. He was careless and accidentally broke one, which resulted in the attacks of many Pokémon in Yuanzhu City.

Although the crisis was resolved in the end, what impressed him most was the second appearance of Suicune. If he followed him in the Celebi Forest, he didn’t know if anything would happen.

Xiaozhi glanced at the high-level ball on his waist and said,”In that case, let’s go over and take a look!”

So, they hurried towards the direction of the Bell Tower.

When they arrived at the foot of the tower, they were stopped by a handsome young man,”You guys, don’t you know that entry is prohibited here?”

Before he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth elongated strangely, and he revealed a strange smile.

“Gengar, didn’t I ask you to find the transparent bell?”He pushed Gengar behind him away and said.

After hearing”Transparent Bell”, Xiaozhi felt that things had gone in a bad direction, and quickly asked:”What happened to the Transparent Bell?”

“Xiaozhi, are you here?”At this time, a person came down from the Bell Tower. It was Xiaosong, the gym trainer of Yuanzhu Gym.

So, no wonder this Gengar looks so familiar. It turns out to be Xiaosong’s Pokémon!

“Xiaozhi, let me introduce to you. This is Mina-kun. He does research on Pokémon legends in various places. Sometimes he comes to me to investigate ancient documents.”

“Minajun, this is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. It was on the day he set out on his journey to become a Pokémon trainer that he met Ho-Oh.”

“Phoenix King?”Minajun looked at Xiaozhi with a scrutinizing look, but Xiaozhi didn’t pay attention to him at all, but asked Xiaosong:”I mentioned transparent bells just now, could it be a transparent bell?……”

“Something bad happened indeed. All the transparent bells dedicated to the Phoenix King on the top floor of the Bell Tower were stolen.”Xiao Song told the whole story.

“So, are the other bells in the bell tower a warning?

Minajun nodded,”Yes, do you know what this means?””

“The Phoenix King is watching us. It is said that the anger of the Phoenix King can only be eliminated when there is a true connection between humans and Pokémon~「 ”

“However, King Feng sent three messengers to this world, namely Yan Emperor, Sui Lord and Thunder Lord.”

“Phoenix King prays that humans and Pokémon can coexist peacefully one day, and sends these three Pokémon as human monitors. When they admit that humans and Pokémon can coexist peacefully, Phoenix King will return again.”What Mina Jun said above is the result of his investigation.

Xiao Gang thought for a moment,”In other words, the three divine beasts must have a unified opinion.”

At this moment, Xiaozhi felt the high-end ball on his waist move. Xiaozhi felt that Suicune was a little uneasy.

“Strange, if only the transparent bell of the Bell Tower was lost, it should be able to be found; but, why does it feel like things are still not that simple?”

Suddenly, a student from the gym ran over panting and said to Xiaosong:”Xiaosong, something bad has happened. The Bell Tower has been occupied by many Pokémon.”

————————Dividing line————————

Go back a few hours……

“According to the previous Pokémon monthly manual, these bells are the legendary transparent bells.”

“I didn’t expect that we could get these things so easily.”

“As long as we ring the bell, we can see the Phoenix King.”

As a result, after ringing for a long time, these bells didn’t make any sound at all.

“Why is there no sound at all, meow?”Miao Miao said in confusion,”Come out, come out, Phoenix King!”

“There has been no sound!”

“Could it be that the bell has been rusted for too long?”

“Impossible, how could the crystal rust?”

Then, the elder sister Musashi wanted to do a miracle. She took all the bells in her hand, pulled the rope and shook it hard. Not only did it not ring, but she also threw one of the bells away, and then she heard” There was a crisp sound, and the bell was broken, the kind that could not be repaired.

At the same time, the ringing of the bell tower stopped.

The next thing was that Team Rocket was used by the angry insect Pokémon.

The most frightening thing is that these insect Pokémon also attacked the Bell Tower and kept hanging them up with insect silk. By the time Xiaozhi and the others arrived, the entire Bell Tower had been covered by those insect Pokémon. Babies twine into a white kingdom

“The situation is urgent, let’s go to the Bell Tower and have a look!”

After Xiaozhi, Xiaomatsu, and Mina-kun looked at each other, they headed towards the Bell Tower. However, they were blocked by the vine monsters with vine whips, followed closely by a group of paralyzed fans from Paraster. Sleeping powder and poison powder, if they are not blocked, a group of people will be in the Pokémon Center.

“Kirulian, the reflective wall blocked the powder.”Ash released Chirulian, and Chirulian also put up a light blue barrier with both hands, allowing Xiaozhi and the others to avoid the harm of these powders.

“How is this going? All the wild Pokémon in this garden are here”

“They are angry.”Xiao Zhi felt their emotions.

Minajun looked at the Bell Tower and said:”These Pokémon seem to be centered around the Bell Tower and cover the entire area.”

“If this continues, not only the gym, but also the worms will spread to every household.”Xiao Song said,”We must stop them quickly.”

“what is going on? How could it become like this?”Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and said, this is the situation that he and King Feng least want to see.

“Ash, I’ve heard a saying that when the transparent bell is stolen, the Pokémon here will lose their attunement, causing them to behave aggressively.”Xiao Song expressed his guess.

Xiao Zhi shook his head,”It won’t be so easy. The harmonious relationship between humans and Pokémon is not maintained by just a few bells. If this is the case, Phoenix King will also Won’t come back”

“But one thing is for sure, something is definitely going on with the transparent bell, and it’s something that makes Pokémon furious.”Xiao Zhi expressed his guess,”Let’s go on!”

After arriving at the scene of the incident, Xiaozhi and his team were already a little numb when they saw the three members of Team Rocket hanging upside down.

It seems that anything related to them is not a good thing.

“` 々Team Rocket, it’s really a good thing you did.”Although Xiaozhi had some guesses, if he saw it with his own eyes, it would be a different feeling.

“Look, the transparent bell.”Minajun pointed to the three bells under the tree and said,”It seems that one is missing.”

“Which one?”

“It was broken by Musashi, nya!”Sonans”

“Hey, why is it my fault? The bell is obviously of poor quality.”It’s already this time, and Musashi is still shirking responsibility.

“You guys, really, Xiaozhi has always given you so many opportunities, but you still don’t know how to cherish them.”Xiaoxia was also angry and speechless.

“Because we are Team Rocket!”This reason is quite reasonable.

Xiaozhi put them down, but did not untie them,”Mr. Xiaosong, send them to Miss Junsha.”

“Okay, Xiaozhi, but in this situation, what are you going to do?”

“Leave this to me.”Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, and then took out his transparent bell from his backpack.

“Transparent bell? You, you actually have it too?”Minajun was shocked. This thing is very rare, and he actually has it.

Under the urging of Xiaozhi’s mind power, this transparent bell rose into the air, and colorful ripples rippled on the bell.

“bell!”With this sacred voice, the insect Pokémon all stopped their movements, calmed down their anger, and came here to worship.

At the same time, the high-level ball on Xiaozhi’s waist (King Zhao’s) automatically opened , Suijun jumped out and cleaned up the threads here.

Then, he came to Xiaozhi’s side and lowered his head.

“Water…Suicune, you actually conquered Suicune!!”If the shock caused by the transparent bell is twice the damage, then the shock Suicune brings to him is three times the damage, because that is his dream that is very close at hand!

“Could it be that you really have the approval of King Feng?”

“As you can see, that’s it.”

Minajun looked at it, and then smiled. Yes, he could keep his expression calm on that occasion. Just for this reason, he himself couldn’t do it.

After all the insect Pokémon went back, Xiaozhi put His bell was combined with the previous three bells and hung back on the bell tower.

He believed that one day, the Phoenix King would return again with the sound of the bells.

With this expectation, Xiaozhi and the others said goodbye. I picked up Xiaosong and Minajun and continued on the journey to Kaji Town.

The journey is still going on… End…

To be continued… I finally returned. Did you miss me? I really can’t help it. There are some old books. The chapters need to be revised, and I still have to work overtime, but fortunately I am free now and can continue to update this novel.

I will give you a 3000-word chapter to show my sincerity.

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