The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 527 Little Grandpa Enters Beijing

Sitting in the study of the big courtyard, looking at the collected information about the domestic textile industry, Yang Dongxu couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

It is not that he has not considered that the textile factory is the top priority in the reform of state-owned enterprises, because the huge number of workers is really scary. If one is not done well, it will really cause social unrest. But after reading the information in his hand, Yang Dongxu realized that the pit was much deeper than he imagined.

1994 can be said to be a year to remember in the history of China's textile industry. In this year, the total domestic export of textile products reached 35.55 billion US dollars, accounting for 13.2% of the global textile and clothing proportion.

On one side is a hot market, and even exports to earn foreign exchange. On the other side is a half-dead textile factory. Such an obvious contrast is so dazzling. Could it be that those large textile factories have eaten up most of their heads?

If you think about products such as thermos bottles and enamel jars that have been eliminated by the times, you will lose money when the factory loses money, but the products are still selling well, so you still lose money?

Obviously, so many textile factories are facing closure not because they do not make money, but because only a small number of people make a lot of money. This is completely different from what Yang Dongxu imagined before that the textile factory closed down because it cannot continue to operate. The obstacle that the acquisition is to cover the country's bottom line is much smaller.

It is said that cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents. And this time he decided that the textile industry is not planning to make a small fuss, but that the above is not to monopolize the market, but also to go for at least 60% of the market share.

How many people's money will be cut off? One or two don't care too much, but if he buys ten or eight textile factories, or even hundreds of textile factories, this person will be offended

"NND, it's just a mess." Putting down the documents in his hand and leaning back on the chair, Yang Dongxu felt his brain throbbing and hurting.

I really didn't know if I didn't see it, I was shocked when I saw it, no wonder Yu Feihong kept reminding me before I came. At first, he thought that Yu Feihong had miscalculated the strength in his hands, but now he realized that he had miscalculated the depth of the pit.

At the beginning, he planned to monopolize the market quickly. Given the half-dead state of domestic textile factories, the start-up capital of 500 million is more than enough. After all, it is impossible to buy and accept workers' full payment. At most, one-fifth will be given first. , The rest of the balance will be settled over several years, so this much money is almost on a firm footing.

But now it seems that such a big pit, coupled with the organization of a group of vested interests, let alone 500 million, even 5 billion is not enough to throw in.

"It seems that we can only take it slowly." After collecting the materials on the desktop and throwing them into the drawer, Yang Dongxu came out of the study rubbing his forehead.

As soon as he left the house, Yang Dongxu saw his elder sister Hongying walking towards him. Seeing her embarrassed expression, he just wanted to ask if something happened, when he saw behind her a man who was as embarrassed as her.

He froze for a moment and then realized that this man was none other than his brother-in-law Liu Leehom. He is too familiar with his brother-in-law's appearance, at most 165, he doesn't look as tall as his elder sister.

The forehead is a bit big, and although Liu Leehom is not a "smart" person with hair, after all, Liu Lihong is 22 years old this year, but it is definitely not related to Lushu. Although his appearance is not very ugly, it is also the kind that cannot be found in the crowd.

And after my elder sister Hong Ying adapted to life in Yanjing, and she was no longer a rural girl in terms of appearance and temperament when she opened a store, the two of them standing together like this felt like a rich girl supporting dick.

It's not that Yang Dongxu fought and looked down on his brother-in-law after his rebirth, but that even in his previous life, even if his elder sister didn't have the current fashion and temperament, he still felt that his short brother-in-law was not good enough for her.

But radish and green vegetables have their own loves, and both the brother-in-law and the family of the brother-in-law have nothing to say to his elder sister, so naturally he doesn't say much, and he also helps a lot of parents. work.

"Xu Xuzi" originally mustered up the courage to bring her boyfriend to the study to find her younger brother Hong Ying, but when she saw the younger brother who suddenly came out of the study, she was startled and didn't know where to say what she had prepared before. Rubbing the corners of his clothes with cramped hands, he was a little afraid to look at his little brother.

"Have you eaten yet?" Yang Dongxu's expression froze for a moment before returning to normal.

"Not yet, no. That" Liu Leehom said quickly when Yang Dongxu seemed to be asking himself. But as soon as I finished speaking, I felt inappropriate and wanted to change it, and I didn't know how to say it, and my forehead was a little sweaty for a while.

In fact, although Liu Leehom has never seen anything big in the world, he usually doesn't have the cowardice he is now. After all, people who have traveled thousands of miles from Sichuan to Yanjing to work hard these days, if they don't have a little courage, they really can't survive.

So before I came, even though my girlfriend kept telling me that although this younger brother is not old, he has a great say in the family, as long as he agrees with the basic parents, he will pass half of the way. Although he was seriously anxious about what his girlfriend said, and felt uneasy, he was not too nervous.

After all, seeing a brother-in-law who is three years younger than him is more confident than meeting his father-in-law and mother-in-law. But after seeing Yang Dongxu, his body became a little disobedient, and his mouth instantly became clumsy.

Is it because of the pressure that Yang Dongxu is too tall? It does not seem.

Because the other side looks unfriendly? It doesn't seem to be the case, the other party's expression returned to normal after a moment of stunned.

Then why are you so nervous that you can't speak well? For a while Liu Leehom couldn't find the reason/

"It's time for lunch at this point, let's have a meal together." Yang Dongxu said with a smile.

"No, that's me." Leehom Liu quickly waved his hand and refused.

But before he finished speaking, his girlfriend glared at him and quickly shut his mouth. Seeing Liu Lihong's appearance, Yang Dongxu smiled and did not speak.

In fact, at the beginning, after my sister suddenly talked about her boyfriend joining a foreign country, he was very relieved, because the elder sister had been working hard since she was a child, doing housework and doing housework, but she was too soft-tempered, and he was afraid that his sister would be bullied if she married too far.

Only later did he know that being soft-tempered also has the happiness of being soft-tempered. For example, whenever my brother-in-law said something, the elder sister would cry when she felt wronged, and Liu Leehom would soften his heart when he cried, and he took it for granted and ignored it.

So it doesn't matter whether a girl is bullied or not, especially between husband and wife, as long as there is love, no matter what temperament they are, they will be loved.

Lunch is eaten in the dining room, in fact, if there are no guests, or when there are many people for dinner. Basically, Yang Dongxu would eat casually with Old Man Xuan on the stone table in the front yard, and he also did a lot of things like squatting at the gate with a bowl in his hand to pick up noodles. Sometimes he and old man Xuan would chew garlic vigorously.

And seeing Liu Leehom's crampedness, maybe it would be more comfortable to eat on the stone table in the front yard, and he chose to eat in the spacious dining room, not because Yang Dongxu wanted to show off, but because Liu Leehom came to the door for the first time, even if his parents no longer should have the etiquette There are still. You don't let people enter the dining room, and let people deal with it in the yard, who do you look down upon?

"Sit down, it's nothing. As long as my sister agrees, I'm sure I have no objections. Why are you in such a hurry?" When he came to the dining room, Yang Dongxu didn't allow himself to sit on the main seat. Liu Leehom hasn't married his sister yet, so he should have The shelves still have to be picked up.

Even if he knew the character of his brother-in-law, he couldn't be too happy, otherwise people would think that the girl from the old Yang family couldn't get married. And the first half of the sentence was to Liu Lihong, and the second half of the sentence was naturally to my elder sister.

Although he had a showdown with his elder sister last time, he wouldn't be surprised if his elder sister hesitated to talk about it until the end of the year. It is obviously abnormal to bring Liu Lihong here in such a hurry.

Seeing that her younger brother still agreed that nothing had changed, Hong Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Grandpa is coming to Yanjing."

"Why did you suddenly come to Yanjing? Did something happen?" Yang Dongxu's face changed.

"Xiaohao was not feeling well and was found to be pneumonia at the city hospital, but he didn't recover after staying in the hospital for a week. My grandfather was a little worried, so he contacted my aunt and said that he would come to Yanjing to have a look." Hong Ying said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yang Dongxu frowned.

"My grandpa and my aunt won't let me tell you, don't delay your class. If you didn't come back suddenly yesterday, I wouldn't."

"When will it be?" Yang Dongxu asked without worrying about this question.

He knew the little grandpa's temperament in his heart, relatives belonged to relatives, but he was definitely not the kind of person who took advantage of things. If there are relatives in my family who are in trouble, it’s okay to help. If my family doesn’t have them, they will just work hard and won’t ask for anything.

Although my grandpa didn't say anything when I went home in the past two years, my aunt Ran Feifei would forget to send money home after a while. Casually always makes the young grandpa feel that the Yang family has lost too much money, so this time since the daughter is in Yanjing, even if it is only a stepdaughter, it is a family after all, so naturally I don't want to make Yang Dongxu busy.

If he hadn't come back suddenly this time, his parents probably wouldn't have said anything to him when he returned to celebrate the new year after the treatment, and Ran Feifei could have arranged for him to come over for the treatment, so he wouldn't have to go back to Yanjing from Hangzhou to be so troublesome.

"The plane tomorrow morning will arrive in the afternoon."

"Is the hospital arranged?"

"My aunt has already made arrangements, and I have contacted several experts at the Second City Hospital." Seeing that her younger brother didn't look too angry, Hong Ying was slightly relieved.

"You guys eat here first, I'll call my aunt and ask." Yang Dongxu was still a little worried.

Although my aunt was vaguely hailed as the number one woman in Yanjing's catering industry, and she just arranged for a pneumonia patient to be hospitalized for treatment. With her relationship, there was no need to say much, but he was always worried about such a thing if he didn't ask clearly.

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