The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2394 Breaking out of the comfort zone

When he got up in the morning, Ran Hao first went to the school cafeteria to solve the breakfast problem. Under normal circumstances, unless it is a school with strict regulations, universities actually allow outsiders to enter. Relatively speaking, the control of vehicles in universities is stricter.

At the same time, the university cafeteria is also open to the public. If you don’t have a student meal card, you can buy meal tickets. At most, you can get some preferential benefits without a student card.

But compared to the prices outside, the university cafeteria is still affordable. Of course, if you don’t really care about the taste of food in the university cafeteria.

But there is one thing to say: the food in some university cafeterias actually tastes pretty good. Compared to the weird fried moon cake dishes introduced by some unscrupulous university cafeterias, most university cafeterias are pretty normal.

So if you don’t have too high requirements for the fineness and quality of food, and you don’t dislike the taste of big pot rice. The school cafeteria is definitely a good choice.

Big steamed buns cost one yuan a piece, and rice porridge and side dishes are free. For an adult like Ran Hao who works hard and has a large appetite, he only needs four steamed buns, plus boiled eggs costing one yuan each. It’s an easy breakfast for five yuan. Done.

After dinner, Ran Hao walked around the school for a while. Feeling bored, he went home again.

He took out a mop and rag and cleaned the house thoroughly. Ran Hao didn't do housework in the past. When he lived in the basement, hygiene was limited to sweeping the floor.

Because he now wants to get out of his original comfort zone, he plans to arrange housework that he did not do before.

I have to say that before I started doing housework, I felt that doing housework was very troublesome. I had to do this and that, but after thinking about it, I didn’t want to do it anymore. But when it comes to actually doing it, the same tidying up time flies by.

After tidying up the entire home, I was a little tired, but the sense of accomplishment I felt when I saw the clean and new home was beyond words.

Looking at the results of my cleaning, I feel that my labor is really worth it. I am very glad that I chose to do housework instead of lying on the sofa or bed boringly playing with mobile phones and lying down with backache. The former gives me a full sense of comfort. , the latter became more and more depressed as he traveled.

"So it's better to move." After looking at the time, it was already 11:30 in the morning. The morning had been very fulfilling. Ran Hao continued to prepare to go to the university for lunch, so he closed the door and walked downstairs. Thinking, “What should I do this afternoon?”

I have too much free time every day after I stop working, and I don’t even know what to do.

Suddenly an idea popped into Ran Hao's head that he had never dared to think about before, "Why don't you go read a book and study?"

When you go to school, you want Ran Hao to read and study, which is more uncomfortable than forcing him to go to the execution ground. So Ran Hao was shocked when this idea suddenly popped up in his head.

But if he thinks about it carefully, this idea seems to be in line with his own mentality. Isn't what he has to do now is to leave his previous comfort zone and do something he didn't dare to do before?

Reading and studying is undoubtedly something that was extremely exclusive and beneficial to me in the past. And after the idea came up, he was not as repulsive as before, and even felt a little eager to try it. This was a feeling he had never had before.

"What kind of book are you reading?" Ran Hao couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

You said it was just to pass the time, but you could read any miscellaneous books and treat it as a boring pastime. But he wanted to read at this time because he wanted to learn something while reading. Obviously, he couldn't just find some miscellaneous books to read, he had to be purposeful and targeted.

"Forget it about reading. You are not planning to study any major and get a certificate. Moreover, you are reading because of the novelty. Even if you are reading some interesting miscellaneous books, once the novelty wears off, you will probably not be able to remember reading. This is such a thing, it is impossible to develop a reading habit.

If you are really bored and have nothing to do, would you like to come to the store and be the assistant store manager or something? Although the management methods of the normally operating stores outside are different from those of our more sophisticated factories at home, we can still learn some things. "

Ran Hao, who didn't know what book to read, called his sister Ran Feifei. He would definitely not make this call before, but now he and Ran Feifei have undoubtedly communicated a lot more.

Regarding Ran Hao's situation, Ran Feifei also gave a very pertinent answer. Ran Hao was not good at studying. Even though he was rebellious in adolescence when he didn't like going to school, it is certain that he is not good at studying. of.

So if you ask Ran Haoduo to read history books and learn lessons from history, it will be impossible for him to be full of poetry and calligraphy.

At the same time, you cannot let Ran Hao study accounting, finance, computer and other professional courses now. Because his talent does not include the extra points of studying to become a professional. At this time, the novelty of doing this will feel over time. Now, this seemingly hard study is actually a waste of time.

Therefore, instead of going into the library and wasting time, it is better to contact more people and welcome them to learn more, and this is also Ran Hao's talent point. Compared to learning book knowledge, Ran Hao's talent in intersection absolutely surpasses the former.

That is to say, he was too young and innocent before, and he had no sense of defense in the environment in his hometown, so he looked like a silly novice.

But after being severely beaten by society for more than a year, I have matured mentally and have some experience in dealing with people. At this time, continue to strengthen the abilities above the intersection of talents.

And through this kind of communication, I learned some more formal management methods. It is undoubtedly a good choice to take a look at the operation and personnel structure of a hotel, as well as the relationship between employees and leaders.

"I don't want to work in a store. It's not like I haven't experienced those things before when I went to a restaurant to serve dishes. Although the positions are different, the relationship between people is actually very different. There is no point in repeating it again." Ran Hao refused. road.

If you say you can work stably in a hotel, make a few friends, get together for a drink after get off work, and go out for a walk on your days off.

Ran Hao was quite happy to go to work, because it was really boring to be alone at home, and he really didn't have many friends in Yanjing except Yang Dongjie.

But he obviously went to the store not for a stable job, but for an experience person. And if it is just a temporary experience, then there is no need to go.

Because in the previous restaurant, he had seen clearly how the store manager with a little power suppressed Mei Shang, and how the employees fought among themselves to get more wages. It’s really clear how restaurant owners use substandard products to make more money and take advantage of their employees.

It’s not that there are no good colleagues and good bosses in the world, but most of the time you work to make money. Therefore, given this premise, it is extremely normal that most of them are related to interests.

This is the type of company that is involved in the family and factory. He has experienced this before. I have experienced the benefits involved when I was working before, so there is really no need to do it again. Even if you look at it from a different perspective as a store manager assistant than from the perspective of an employee, the essence remains the same. 'Benefit'.

"Then think about what you want to do first. But you can't wander around like this all the time. If you can't think of anything to do for a month at most, you have to find a job first. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. Being idle for too long can easily make you inert. .”

"Okay, I understand. I really don't know what to do, so I will work as an assistant in your store." Ran Hao said.

Although I didn't learn much as an assistant, I have been working hard at the grassroots level for so long. When choosing a job, I will definitely choose a higher-level position. So if you still don't know what you want to do, you can do this first.

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