The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2368 Who is Wu Yibo?

Finally, a bunch of things were sorted out, just when Yang Dongxu was packing his luggage and preparing to take Zhang Jing and Du Weiwei home for the New Year.

The world's attention can't help but begin to focus on Europe. More than two years have passed since the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis. It feels like a long time since China hosted the Olympic Games. Planning for the next Olympic Games has begun.

As a result, when the economies of various countries around the world began to recover slightly, Europe was still trapped in an economic crisis and was still unable to extricate itself. Since the debt crisis broke out in Greece, everyone has been speculating on who will fall next in Europe's debt quagmire.

So Egypt stood up at this time. Although the news has not yet been reported, many people with channels have actually received the news, that is, Egypt will eventually take the blame for the debt crisis and step down.

Many times when people watch the news, they feel that some news is very sudden. In fact, except for accidents, most of the news is actually not a secret in some circles.

For example, when the president of Egypt comes down, it feels very sudden to ordinary people when they see the news the next day. But in fact, unless the president of a country is ousted due to a coup, otherwise the handover has already begun in advance.

It is impossible for the president to suddenly announce his resignation, then pack his bags and go home, leaving a lot of things for his successor to deal with.

The external announcement is often much later than the handover time, and even taking the blame and resigning is a means of evasion. For example, the successor actually wears the same pants as the outgoing president.

The president's resignation allows the people to vent their inner anger and give a decent explanation for the poor domestic economic environment. Then the work can start after the successor comes up.

It's not like what most people think: a certain president took the blame and resigned. It was so embarrassing, so helpless, and so unwilling.

The resignation of the Egyptian president is obviously not the last president to step down due to the European debt crisis. Not far away, the Italian president is already eager to try.

"Do you need to make more preparations?" Zhang Jing asked.

The debt crisis is a disaster for some countries teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, but it is a carnival feast for capable capital, because it means that lower and higher-quality assets can be used at cheaper prices.

"There is no need to change the plan, just proceed according to the previously formulated plan. When it comes to other people in the United States, it is time to jump in. If it is not possible, we can leave the heavy industry alone. Anyway, our own development is not slow, so we can buy the bottom. It’s just multiple acceleration packages at once, the most important thing is the land.” Yang Dongxu said.

Although Yang Dongxu did not take any action towards Europe on the surface, he was not noticed when he was being targeted in various ways when he went to Spain.

But secretly Yang Dongxu has never been idle. After all, there is no reason not to take a big bite when encountering such a feast. Of course, the core things must not be touched.

After all, the United States regards Europe as its own back garden. If it touches something sensitive, the other side will definitely fight back with bared teeth.

Therefore, Yang Dongxu did not touch finance and banking this time, nor did he touch sensitive technologies. Instead, he directly bought some basic industries, such as land. This land is not commercial real estate, but agricultural land.

While the European debt crisis has plunged the financial and economic sectors into a quagmire, it has also dragged other industries into the abyss, including bankrupt farms one after another.

Yang Dongxu's world agricultural layout was launched many years ago, so he will naturally not miss this opportunity. However, compared to other times when various land purchases were made around the world, this time it will be relatively low-key.

Moreover, the acquired land will not be used to grow food or the like, but will be used to grow pasture and focus on breeding. Because growing too much food will attract the attention of international grain merchant giants, the breeding industry is relatively low-key.

As for when most of the meat will be sold to China, this will not be a problem. Because China imports various meat products from all over the world every year, a considerable part of the farm products of these farms were originally sold to China before they went bankrupt.

If it doesn't work, I can just find some domestic bosses and travel there. Then I see the cheap beef and mutton there, so I start a business of so-called imported beef and mutton, imported red wine, etc. Isn't this reasonable?

Moreover, with Yang Dongxu holding a treasure in hand and Jingdong in his arms, when the time comes, the shops on these two e-commerce platforms can easily start up business.

The only worry is whether the cold chain transportation can keep up when the time comes, but this can be left to Miao Shan and let him prepare in advance.

At the same time, the question that needs to be considered now is how long the European debt crisis can attract the attention of the United States and how much time it can buy itself to steal the chicken.

"There are still many technologies and technologies that are stuck in the neck, which is difficult to handle!" Yang Dongxu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, I lamented that I still had to do what I had to do, not to mention that I had indeed grabbed a lot of opportunities in this life, and there was no reason to give them away.

There was no other important work, so Zhang Jing went back to clean up, and Du Heng walked in.

"Ning Ning left. Our people are targeting her, do you want to?"

"What's the reaction from Baian?"

"Baian didn't do anything, but he donated 10 million to the Runyu Fund?"

"Huh?" Yang Dongxu was stunned for a moment, a little surprised by Baian's sudden donation.

"Five million of them was left by Ning Ning." Du Heng explained, although he was not at the scene and was not a party.

But the man behind Ning Ning wanted to prevent something from happening. Baian didn't care about Yang Dongxu but didn't know that they had given in, so they released the news to let Wu Aibing know. Therefore, Du Heng naturally understood what was going on here.

"Since the other party is so aware of current affairs, let's forget about it." Yang Dongxu said.

He obviously doesn't care about these trash fish, but even if he doesn't care about it, he would definitely want the other party to shed his skin even if he doesn't die. He wants to escape completely for a mere 50 million, let alone the door and the window. nothing.

But this matter involved Baian, and he also stated that he would hand over the matter to Baian. Baian took the 5 million left by Ning Ning and added another 5 million to the Runyu Fund.

This obviously means that there are some things that are difficult to talk about, so I want to express myself in this way. Baian didn't care and was willing to let the other side go, and even used this method to plead for mercy. Naturally, there was no need for Yang Dongxu to continue to be a villain.

"Wu Yibo is chasing Yang Zi." Du Heng continued.

"Who is Wu Yibo?" Yang Dongxu had a question mark on his head.

"He's the trainee from South Korea who is very popular after returning to China. You have rejected all the offers that wanted to join Zhu Xian's car before."

"That boy." Yang Dongxu remembered who it was, and then asked doubtfully: "A popular star like him dares to fall in love?"

Wu Yibo is not just an eyeliner, he has now become a cash cow, and the company behind him does this to make money.

Therefore, if possible, they would rather let Wu Yibo be a cash cow than let him fall to the top in order to complete the task, because the former can earn more than the latter.

Therefore, after various previous attempts to complete the task were unsuccessful, in the end, he became the top player in the country by accident. Both Wu Yibo and the company behind him have instantly changed their strategies to focus on making money through traffic first, and can put tasks aside.

So the other party hasn't been bothering much recently, so much so that Yang Dongxu almost forgot about this person.

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