The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 465: Fierce battle with monsters (2)

I was so anxious that I moved my feet and went straight to the monster. During the dash, I could melt the anger in my heart, arouse the killing intent in the depths, and guide it out.

In the blink of an eye, killing intent poured into my body, and at the same time, the combat technique'resonance' was also activated.

The vague light spot on the knife's body drew an illusory half arc in the air. The half arc seemed to be full of strange power and remained in the air for a long time.

In my tendency, a straight sword with a half-arc dark light slashed into an eye on the monster.


With a muffled sound, the blade cut into the eye on its shoulder. In an instant, the khaki liquid sprayed from the wound. I could not avoid it. The clothes were splashed with dozens of drops, the fishy smell was unpleasant, and it was almost choked. asphyxia.

And this attack, more or less still had some effect, the monster roared, turned his head to me, waved a claw, I took a few steps and jumped away gently, and I saw that I was standing in the position just now. It penetrated into the soil with one claw.

At the same time, Jackson stood up from the ground with a large shield in his hand, shook his arm, kicked his leg, and seemed to have eased.

I felt relieved and slashed several times at the monster's body.

This blessed Nakata sword was almost unstoppable even if it encountered Amon's rough-skinned monster. Unexpectedly, it was frequently stopped by this disgusting monster in front of him.

I was wrong in my estimation earlier. Its carrion-like flesh is actually much stronger than the dense muscles of Meng. The knife is cut up, and it doesn't move. Even with combat skills, it can only get into the flesh. , There is no way to hit it hard.

While in distress, Zach also joined the battle with his two-handed axe.

The two-handed axe, which is as tall as a person, was forcibly plundered from Harold’s Treasure Treasury. It is said to be made of high-grade stainless steel. However, even this straight sword that can rival the high-grade stainless steel cannot be used. Shaking flesh, what can he get with a great axe?

After thinking about it, Zach's hands were tight, he rounded his strength, and hit the monster's feet with an axe and hit it down!


With a muffled sound, the two-handed axe, driven by his strength and inertia, slammed into the monster's feet.

What followed was a soft bang.

Accompanied by a soft sound, Zach's tall and sturdy body was rushed back by the reaction force, and the two-handed axe was also bounced aside.

Before he cared about Zach, he heard the monster let out a heart-piercing roar. Then, it turned around, his eyes full of eyes fixed on Zach who fell on the ground, and roared towards Zach. Rush.

The ground that the big foot stepped on trembled, but its pace had become staggered, and the attacked position on the sole of the foot had also been deeply sunken. Presumably, the attack by Zac just now was very effective. !

However, under that blow, Zac’s hands seemed to have received a lot of impact, and he was still lying on the ground, shaking his hands constantly, with a painful expression on his face, and the monster, at this moment, was far away from Zach. , It is already less than four meters.

If you want to save Zach, at the moment, you can only divert the monster's attention and come around Wei to save Zhao. Maybe it will work!

Thinking so, I jumped up here and pierced the other eye on the monster.

However, before I arrived, the monster's arm waved over.

I was so shocked that I swept my gaze, but saw that one of the eyes on its back was staring at me tightly. Good guy, even though the eyes became horrible and terrifying, it also had an advantage. During the battle, it was 360. Ten-degree viewing from all angles, leaving no dead ends at all!

This paw seemed to be waving casually, but I didn't dare to test it easily, so I kicked its body with my feet and jumped out.

When adjusting my position in the air, the tip of my claw rubbed against my clothes. Although it didn't touch the flesh, it also made me feel a hot pain.


I screamed, my body turned and fell to the ground.

Turning his head and looking, it was only after this delay that Zach finally got up from the ground and picked up the two-handed axe that fell on the ground, and under Jackson's cover, he withdrew a few steps back.

The monster turned his head again and saw that Zac had stood up and was a few steps away from him. He roared immediately and pointed all the fingers at me who was closer to it.

The corners of my eyes twitched, my whole body tightened, but my heart felt a lot more relaxed, no matter what, the monster's attention was finally attracted by me.

For an agile fighter like me, although the monster's attacks are extremely powerful, they can be avoided. As long as there is time to avoid, they will definitely find an opportunity to attack.

Seeing the monster, he roared like crazy, and rammed me aggressively.

Although one of its feet has staggered, and it looks strange when it starts running, this momentum is definitely not to be underestimated.

In a daze, I felt that this scene seemed familiar, and suddenly remembered that it was just at level 4, and when I encountered the tauren boss, I also felt the same pressure.

In my ears, I heard someone calling my name in a panic. I suddenly recovered and saw that disgusting monster was less than two meters away from me!

My eyes are wide open, my feet are working hard, and I am ready to go.

At such a close distance, although I don't know if I can retreat all over my body, it is better than losing my life!

Just as I was about to take off, a layer of translucent shield instantly opened between me and the monster.

It's Godot!

At this time, my feet had already accumulated energy, and I violently exerted force and jumped to one side.

At the same time, the monster also slammed into Godot's open translucent shield.

Titicaca, Titicaca!

It was just one impact, and the monster stepped back slightly, but the barrier erected in front of it had cracked a large part.

Just when Godot was about to repair these broken patterns, he was slapped into broken pieces by a claw that followed the monster, then turned into light foam and disappeared into the air.

It was the first time I saw Godot's translucent barrier with just one claw.

I couldn't help being astonished. Turning my head and looking at it, Godot's face was also not good-looking. He also frowned, his eyes fixed on the monster, and his eyes were full of surprise.

After the monster shattered Godot's barrier, his head shook, and his whole body eyes stared at me again, stepping closer to me.

After breathing a little, I finally pulled out my hand, charged a little bit, and rushed straight to the monster.

I just slipped away in the battle. It was my mistake. Fortunately, Godot helped me resist it. Now I am relieved. I plan to use my personal advantage to fight its disadvantages and see if I can find out in the battle. Its weakness.

This time, I didn't rush to attack a certain point of its body, but followed the giant claw it grabbed, leaped up its arm, and started walking up and down its whole body.

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