My plan was to go on the road with Mi Lulu. After all, it was the princess who was rescuing the princess, and the action needed to be hidden, but Mi Lulu believed that he should go to the Dwarf Guild to find some companions together. This risk is relatively small.

I don't understand it this way. God knows if those who attacked them would just wait in ambush near the dwarven guild.

However, after listening to my analysis and suggestions, Mi Lulu still insisted on her own opinions, and I had no choice but to please her. After all, it was the princess who rescued her. I just tried my best.

——She really is a girl who inherited the stubborn character of the dwarf race!

This is the first time I have entered the Dwarf Guild, and I always feel a little awkward.

The guild is very large and spacious, even much larger than many large human guilds. I really don’t understand why this group of dwarves, who are like miniature dolls, choose such a large building as their guild, and, All the facilities in the guild are designed according to human specifications, and even some parts are deliberately enlarged and erected.

Although I just entered the front hall, I saw dozens of dwarves sitting upright and serious and discussing something together. When I came in, all of them showed unfriendly faces and were very wary on me. Aiming around.

However, when they saw Mi Lulu standing next to me, their gazes turned into confusion, but the unfriendliness still existed.

"Mi Lulu" a dwarf wearing a battle armor with a big beard and a drooping chest stood up, his eyes flickered: "This human race is...?"

"His name is An Xiaoyi, and he is my friend."

"Ann, Xiao, Yi" The bearded dwarf frowned and thought about it, a little, and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of this name."

Mi Lulu waved her hand weakly: "It's okay."

The bearded dwarf seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, took a step forward, and asked with concern: "Is your body well?"

Mi Lulu shook her head: "Not yet, but this does not prevent me from rescuing the princess's loyalty."

Upon seeing this, the bearded dwarf stepped back and bowed his waist: "Your loyalty touches me. May the God of Creation bless the princess."

Mi Lulu also said: "May the **** of creation bless the princess."

Standing by the side, I was speechless. It's useless to talk about the princess since I entered the door. Are you really worried about the princess? If I ask you to continue talking nonsense like this, the princess will have to be scared and thin for several laps even if she is not dead.

So I asked Mi Lulu in a whisper: "Can't you save a province with these nonsense, aren't we going to rescue the princess?"

Mi Lulu turned her head to me, winked her eyes, and signaled me not to talk too much, but she was still heard by the bearded dwarf standing not far away.

How do you know?

Obviously, his fists are clenched right now, and his face is full of expressions of ‘bold’ and ‘presumptuous’.

Everyone hears that the dwarves have a hot temper, and sometimes they will fire their weapons if they don’t agree. However, the distinguished dwarf in front of him seems to be very well-educated. He did not immediately find a weapon, but took a deep breath. Then he spit out fiercely, like this, after four or five repetitions, the anger in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He walked two steps closer and came in front of me, only that my chest looked a little short, but full of momentum, facing me on his back, he said: "Your name is An Xiaoyi, isn't it?"

I nodded.

"I heard everything you said."

"Oh" I replied neither salty nor indifferent.

"You are right, but it is also a kind of contempt for the habits and beliefs of our dwarves. Our dialogue is not nonsense, but a kind of prayer. You humans will not understand."

He spoke with a serious tone, like an old pedantic.

"Oh," I still said indifferently.

"So, after I retrieve the princess, I will challenge you." He solemnly said: "If I win, you will apologize and promise that you will never infringe upon the habits and beliefs of the dwarves, but if I lose, In the future, you can speak freely here without any obstacles or corrections, how about?"

I frowned: "Is it okay? It's too much trouble."

"What do you want?" The bearded dwarf clenched his fists again.

I signaled Mi Lulu to stand on her own first, then stepped back and bowed to the long-bearded dwarf, saying: "I am not right to have a contemptuous attitude towards the habits and beliefs of the dwarves. You apologize!"

After that, he straightened up, stood next to Mi Lulu again, and while supporting her, said: "Well, my apology is full of sincerity. You won't refuse, let's talk about how bad it is to fight and kill. , Easy to hurt peace."

This action directly confuses the bearded dwarf in front of him. For a while, he looked at me at a loss, with angry and smiling expressions on his face. He was very responsible, but he didn't know what kind of expression to express. For appropriate.

Mi Lulu chuckled again, and she said, "President Aoli, I also think An Xiaoyi's apology is sincere. Would you not accept it?"

"I...I..." The bearded dwarf President Aoli was like a throat, but he couldn't vomit, his face was flushed.

After a long time, he flicked his sleeves and said angrily: "Well, I accept your apology!"

After the farce, everyone finally recovered calm. After listening to Mi Lulu's arrangement, President Aoli took a dozen good players and went to rescue Princess Aurora.

Before I left the city, I felt that someone was following us behind me, and the people who followed us were quite concealed. At least, I couldn't perceive exactly where they were.

When he was about to arrive at the city gate, Aoli whispered a few words to another dwarf beside him. The dwarf nodded and waved his hand, leading several dwarves to a nearby shop.

Is this to attract the attention of the stalker?

I thought to myself.

After arriving at the city gate, Aoli told the guard who he was. The guard at the gate opened the door very routinely and let us out.

As I passed by them, I looked at them carefully, a bit familiar.

The two guards also spotted me at the same time, smiled and nodded and bowed at me, and said: Lord An Xiaoyi.

I suddenly remembered that when I was hunting the giant ghost face spider, the two of them also fought together. When I came out of the spider hole, they cheered the loudest, so I watched them more. Eyes, no wonder they are familiar.

After the guards called me'Master An Xiaoyi', President Aoli looked at me deeply, Mi Lulu in the carriage poked her head out and said to me: "When did you become an'adult'? "

I spread out my hands, with a smirk: "I've always been an adult, whether it's psychological or physical."

After speaking, I subconsciously took a look at a certain position in my lower body.

Mi Lulu looked confused, not knowing what I was talking about.

What a naive girl, ha ha.

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