The sudden magic missile attack could push me back a few steps. However, it was only a few steps. Soon, I woke up from the suddenness of being raided, turned my hand over, and started to target the opposite magic. The teacher is just a sidelight, still paying attention to the young archers who are still fighting.

Magic missiles are almost ineffective to me, unless they are a large number and intensive attack.

The magician in front of me obviously couldn't do this, so while cutting off the magic missile, I could still observe his image in time, oh, no, it should be her image.

For some reason, I have a vague illusion that this woman is quite similar to Yula. Although she is not a poker face, and even her expression is very rich, but from her every move, every moment when she waved her magic missile, she always Can feel the shadow of Yura.

Isn't this woman a relative of Yula?

I thought so.

At this moment, the young man on the side moved his bow.

He stretched the string of the strong bow, and at the same time, the feather arrow on the string also began to gather a light blue light.

In other words, why are there only two kinds of blue and red?

Does he only have three types of magic: wind, ice and fire?

Okay, I admit that archers who know three kinds of magic are already very powerful, and I am so good now, not even one kind of magic!

The moment the feather arrow was shot, the magic missile on the magician's side seemed to stop for an instant.

I thought this magician was a very ethical guy, at least knowing the sacred rules of singles, but I was wrong, I was so deeply wrong.

Before the feather arrow was shot, I glanced at the magician. The woman did not move, but on the head of the magic wand she was holding, a bunch of red things were slowly condensing, even if it was far away. From afar, I can still feel that the power contained in this red magic is many times more powerful than the magic missile!

This is so there is room for us to single-handedly, this is basically accumulating energy, ready to enlarge, OK?

In the past, after a certain heartbroken and madly abused me, he coaxed and said to me: Don't underestimate any of the magician's big tricks, especially the type that accumulates for a long time and is troublesome.

I have always kept this in mind. I have rarely encountered similar situations for so many years, but I have encountered it today.

I grinned, put away the thought of playing with it, aimed at the arrow, and struck it directly. With only a wave of my hand, the feather arrow was divided into two equal parts by me from the tip to the tail.

The light blue magic attached to it also turned into two weaker parts after the feather arrows were separated, and shot at the ground behind me on both sides, making a sound of ice fragments cracking.

Oh, it turned out to be ice magic.

Just when I was going to interrupt the magician's chanting, the annoying young archer next to him also issued a painful continuous arrow again.

Although these arrows do not cause any harm to me, they make me feel very troubled. To a certain extent, they will prevent me from interrupting the magician's chanting. This is very unpleasant. Even at one point, I I want to wake up the killing intent and directly kill this annoying young man.

Finally, the depressing singing ended. On the tip of the magic wand, a falcon full of flames whispered, flapping the wings that are half a meter long and flowing with stars and flames. Sharp red eyes stared at me closely.

I rub...

Unable to help, I let out a low curse.

Very good, really good, it turned out to be a magic made by simulating birds!

This kind of magic has a special characteristic of urination. Once it locks on the target, it will chase hard and die endlessly. The most painful thing is that it knows how to avoid blind eyes and avoid obstacles on the way to kill the target. , Is an absolute fixed-point strike, as the saying goes, where to strike, that’s it!

At the same time, I can also certify one thing-the strength of this woman is definitely stronger than that of Yula, and it is a lot stronger!

What annoying...

I sighed and said in my heart: Just looking for a cafeteria, I encountered a group of simple-minded teasers on the road, and what followed was a teaser with only looks and no brains, indiscriminately, to me It was just a random shot. Just when I was about to subdue this product, I don’t know from which corner, another teaser popped out, and it was still a powerful teaser!

God of creation, this heroic guild of meows, isn't it just a funny gang that integrates all kinds of funny!

I really want to yell up to the sky, complain to the God of Creation, and reprimand the human beings he created for how weird they are.

However, the magician woman opposite did not intend to give me this opportunity.

Pointing the tip of the stick, the falcon rushed like a sharp arrow, drawing a long flame.

Can ordinary attacks or defenses withstand the damage of this flame falcon?

I muttered to myself.

As the Falcon approached, the scorching sensation emitted by the little flames on its body had already hit its faces.

In the red eyes of the Flame Falcon, I can only see the burning and pain. This is the moment when the flame is in contact with the skin, which gives me the most real feelings.


It seems a bit too big...

The burning sensation, along with the sharp pain caused by the burning, made me frown.

However, this scorching scorching is only a drop in the bucket compared to the palpitating sea of ​​flames encountered in the space between them.

However, it still hurts and suffers.

Naotachi was in front of him, and his left hand was also on the back of the sword, colliding with the falcon burning with flames.

The bursting force made me take two steps back. At the same time, a surging force kept pushing on my blade, transferring bursts of heat from the blade to the guard, and then spread to my body. , The pain of burning skin keeps coming.


I frowned and resisted the scorching heat. At the same time, I was still resisting the force of the collision. The flame falcon’s residual temperature was in a semicircular shape, enveloping my body. Soon, I could feel it. There was the kind of burning pain all over the body.

There was a bang in my ears, that annoying archer attacked me again, but because of the burning problem, I couldn’t see the trajectory of the feather arrow through the vague flame, but it didn’t matter. As long as I don't hit the head or the heart, I have the confidence to recover in a very short time.

However, for more than a second, the feather arrow still didn't strike. I turned my head curiously, and only then discovered that a burnt wooden stick was dropped by my feet.

It turned out to be like this...

I hesitate: The flames surrounding me rushed away the strength of the feather arrows, and at the same time, they burned the feather arrows into black wooden sticks. Hehe, it was a blessing in disguise.

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