The Original Seeker

Chapter 170: Thinking

"There are two new kinds of general spiritual arts uploaded on the contribution point system. If you don't keep improving your learning speed, it will probably not be long before you will be overwhelmed by the explosion of new knowledge in the direction of cultivation." Bai Mo walked in the sky alone. On the way to Qing, he lowered his head and muttered to himself.

   "Yes, you will soon be overwhelmed by us."

   "Return to our embrace."

   "One is all, and all is one." The sound of the monster's overlapping and overlapping voices kept ringing in his mind.

   Since coming back that day, whenever Bai Mo talked to himself, or when he was alone, that voice would say something inexplicable.

"It can't spy on my thinking. It's not a big worry, but it's always troublesome to stay with such a time bomb. Although it is entangled in such a brown candy, it is worthwhile to really feel the way forward. ."

   After some small tests, he confirmed that the soul-like things that haunted him could not see his own memory, nor could he mobilize any part of his body.

   "We will eventually be one..." This incomplete aggregate began to chatter again.

"After these things were possessed, the consumption rate of psychic energy in my body increased by about 15%, indicating that their activities also require the support of physical energy. If they can cut off their energy source, they should be able to fall into it. Sleep and even die."

   He swept his body very carefully with God's mind, trying to find a way for them to absorb energy, but he didn't get any results. On the contrary, there was a problem in the part of emotional observation.

Countless colors of different shades representing various emotions of various degrees appeared mottled everywhere in the body. Because he had never dealt with such a complicated situation before, his emotional vision was stuck for a while, and he was only for a time. Can look at the ever-changing colors on the body.

   "The seven emotions and six desires appear on my body at the same time, and they change rapidly, just like a neon sign." Bai Mo reluctantly admired the colorfulness of his body.

"I don't know if it is because of the lack of the protection of the original energy body. As long as this aggregate is thinking or sending out messages every minute and every second, there is a small amount of essential consumption. This consumption seems to be irreversible. In other words, its current goal is to drive me mad before it dissipates completely, let me become one of the'them', and thus seize my body."

Although the scan of    Divine Mind did not find its specific location, Bai Mo keenly discovered the key points and clarified the other party's fundamental purpose.

  Ghost is nothing to be afraid of, but buzzing in his ears all day is really annoying.

Bai Mo also tried to separate the clone again to see if he could use this method to take away the group of flies, but after the clone was separated, the soul aggregate was naturally divided into two parts, only a few small flies followed. On the clone, the fly den is still on the main body.

Because it was not clear whether this group of aggregates could perceive some of the circumstances around him, Bai Mo was worried that there would be no way to kill this aggregate, so for the sake of confidentiality, he did not choose to go back to the laboratory where many secrets were hidden, but returned to the existing A new home I haven't been back to for a long time.

   Entering the house, there is no cobweb or dust caused by lack of care, everything is in order, the windows are bright and clean, and it looks clean and refreshing.

   "It seems that someone is always taking care of it, and this assistant is quite competent."

After giving a light compliment, he took out his computer and downloaded a lot of songs from the Internet, such as the Great Compassion Mantra and the Death Mantra, and then read them along with him, wanting to try to use the metaphysical method to "superior" Get rid of these lingering things.

   It was a pity that he was disappointed in the end. These tracks did not suit the appetite of the ghosts. They were like joking, they were all reading along with Bai Mo... completely without being "over-conscious".

   In desperation, he had to put these ghosts aside first, took out a few books from the shelf, took out a stack of manuscript paper and began to quietly read and calculate.

"Sweep, swipe..." With the sound of turning pages one by one, time flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, the sun is ready to go down the mountain, and Bai Mo found out that a group of noisy ghosts were reading by themselves just now. When I was in, I was all quiet, and my learning status today seems to be very good. Basically, I can understand the contents of that page thoroughly after reading a page.

   "We will eventually be one..."

   "Come on... join us..."

   As soon as Bai Mo put down his book, the soul aggregate that worked tirelessly to drive him started to declare its existence again. When there was no way to borrow a trace of physical matter from the host, it could only influence the other party through the bombardment of information.

  Perhaps an ordinary person will soon start to have a nervous breakdown under this almost uninterrupted fatigue bombardment, and then slowly have hallucinations, and then will rush all the way to madness.

   But the white ink, who has experienced the psychic of the brain, can receive and process information many times stronger than ordinary people. Moreover, he has long-term experience of using divine minds, and he is even more handy in processing a large amount of information. This kind of information flow is not even comparable to the information that divine minds give him back every moment.

"Is it possible that looking at these academic materials can calm them down?" He suddenly flashed such a strange took out a few thought crystals from his pocket, and he started his own small experiment. .

   Baimo pinched one of the mind crystals about biochemistry knowledge, and let the information flow into his mind. Immediately, the lingering voice in his head calmed down again.

"They are thinking for me?" He soon discovered that he had understood the knowledge stored in this mind crystal almost effortlessly. Combined with the excellent learning state just now, Bai Mo came to such a conclusion. .

   In order to further verify his conjecture, he replaced it with a pure mathematics mind crystal this time.

   "It seems to be true!" After testing two or three mind crystals one after another, Bai Mo had the same gain, "Thinking, really is the first instinct to have self-conscious existence!"

   Then Bai Mo randomly clicked on a movie, and after watching it for a few minutes, various voices appeared again.

   "Everything is illusory, only with us can you find the truth..."

   "In our arms, you can walk into a world as wonderful as a movie..."

"In an environment that lacks external information input and cannot stop through sleep, something with self-awareness will think about any input information to prove that it does exist." He wrote in scribbled handwriting in his notebook. Such a sentence.

"Strong thinking will accelerate the consumption of its essence." Baimo closed the computer and began to walk towards the proving ground of Nianjing's main storage area. "Because it is a thinking aggregate, ordinary-level knowledge is like a movie. There is no need to think about his thinking ability; only some hard bones that are extremely difficult to digest can let it burn itself violently."

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