600 Te-72 main battle tanks, more than 500 Tiger armored vehicles. In the face of such a terrible firepower blow, it was like a paper paste, and it was torn apart in an instant.

The soldier who survived the fluke had a buzzing head. The tinnitus caused by the explosion made them feel as if they were bursting, and it was difficult to feel bad.

Two minutes later, however, a second round of rockets washed the ground and struck mercilessly.

The eyes of all survivors are full of despair and regret.

Despair is because they know that their lives have come to an end. There could be no second luck, hiding from death.

Regret is participating in the invasion. Knowing that the ending is like this, it is better to change careers and raise children at home…

Unfortunately, in this world, there has never been a so-called “early knowledge of this”.

Taking the initiative to provoke war comes at a price. The cruelty of mankind must be curbed by the same brutal methods.

Otherwise, the world will become hell.

Two rounds of 6,000 rounds of 122 mm rockets washed the ground, making the three ace division troops of the Kryptonian country wipe out most of them in an instant.

However, they did not wait for them to slow down in the war and organize the attack.

Only to see the direction of the sky of the covenant country, the M-29 changed to the fourth generation aircraft, the Sword-20 stealth fighter. Like a hovering god of death, mercilessly harvesting them…

It’s an asymmetrical war. It belongs to the scientific and technological powerhouse, and the textbook hangs the invaders.

Air-to-ground missiles, aviation cannon strafing, and indiscriminate bombardment, only a few Kryptonian soldiers escaped this disaster.

Halfway through the call to the front line, the Kryptonian lieutenant was left with only a blind tone on the phone. He didn’t know what was going on, but he knew it was definitely worse than he thought.

“What is the situation on the front line? Has the mines been cleared? Where are the enemy forces? ”

Marshal Cherniman, as well as the Kryptonian officers in the war room, were anxious to find out what was going on on the front lines.

However, they only saw the adjutant, holding the phone in a daze, and kept calling there. But there doesn’t seem to be a response.

Until 5 minutes later, a Kryptonian soldier who survived by chance. From the pile of ruins, find the communication equipment buried in the dirt. This was the contact with the headquarters.

“Marshal, the phone is connected…”

At this time, Marshal Cornyman took the phone and asked loudly, “What is the situation on the front line!?” Hurry up and answer me! ”

The soldier on the other end of the phone, however, did not know whether it was a wartime response or something else. There was silence without speaking.

It wasn’t until after a while that he hoarsely lowered his throat and said in despair, “All gone, all three divisions gone…”

As soon as the voice dropped, I saw Marshal Gurneyman on the other end of the phone. The whole person’s expression was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and he was shocked in an instant!

Even the microphone in his hand slipped and fell unconsciously. Finally there was a “pop” and it hit the ground.

“What? How is this possible…? Marshal Cornyman, staring blankly at the battle screen ahead.

He did not expect that this time, the other side would not even have to move the ground troops, and would directly annihilate his three main divisions. How else to fight this battle…

At this time, the General Headquarters also successively received confirmation messages from other military departments.

“Report! The 17th Division, the 26th Division, and the 32nd Ace Division of our army were hit by long-range fire from the other side! Casualties are currently being confirmed! ”

“Report to HQ! The enemy’s self-propelled rockets were extremely fierce, firing thousands of them in three minutes! This is definitely not the original hole of Hua Xuanguo–the Second Three Self-propelled Artillery! ”

“Headquarters, headquarters! According to the report of our reconnaissance aircraft, the 17th Division, the 26th Division, and the 32nd Main Division were attacked by the enemy… Annihilation altogether…”

The last piece of information came, which directly caused all the Kryptonian officers in the command center to be shocked on the spot as if they had been struck by lightning!

The expression on his face was the same as that of Cherniman. From being stunned, to gradually sluggish, I couldn’t believe what I had just heard.

“Is this the true strength of Hua Xuanguo?” The new rocket artillery with 6,000 rounds in three minutes and more than 100,000 airborne mines must have been made by Qin’s military industry, right? ”

“How is that possible? Can’t be a front line mistaken, right? We are the strength of three divisions! More than 35,000 people! Whole…… Wiped out? ”

Inside the Kryptonian command center, there was chaos. They had never experienced a war of this magnitude.

Before even half an hour had arrived, the three ace masters were eliminated by each other. The key is to listen to the intelligence coming back from the front line, the enemy is terrible 0 casualties.

What is the concept of zero casualties in war… That means that it is no longer a hanging, but a merciless slaughter…

Soon, the news of the failure of the Kryptonian offensive swept the world like a whirlwind.

However, when the results of the battle between the two sides come out. The militaries of the Northern Union countries, as well as military experts, are dumbfounded! To be precise, it is completely dumbfounded!

They had originally thought of schadenfreude, hoping that Hua Xuanguo’s combined army would suffer heavy losses. It is better to take it with you and pay the garrison of the country of Kosovo.

But what they never expected was that. Hua Xuanguo actually destroyed the absolute superiority of the other side’s 33,651 people with zero casualties, ending the first confrontation between the two sides.

1132 Te-72 main battle tanks, Tiger armored vehicles, were blown to scrap in this battle.

The entire southern part of the Hura Plain was reduced to a forbidden land of life. Because there are more than 20,000 anti-armor mines, standing in the outer circle. No one dared to go and demolish it.

Such a textbook-like blow of destruction can be said to have refreshed the entire world and the concept and cognition of modern scientific and technological warfare.

“Lieutenant General Qin, the 17th Division, the 26th Division, and the 32nd Ace Division of the Kryptonian Kingdom, were annihilated by our combined army. The 7th Army, the 9th Army, which they were supporting from behind, was currently retreating towards the central part of the Hura plain. The front line asked for instructions, asking if our army would take advantage of the victory to pursue? ”

Hua Xuanguo, in the operational command room, received intelligence from the front line.

After this war, the Kryptonian kingdom was really afraid. If the last confrontation, they think it was a sneak attack.

That time, it was a complete and utter defeat. The kind that can’t find any excuses at all.

Qin Yuan stood in front of the electronic screen, watching the immediate dynamics of the front-line troops, and then said, “Poor Ko Mocha, order the front-line troops to make slight adjustments and wait for the next instructions.” ”

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