The national school idol is a girl

Chapter 259 True Love Support

Sometimes, the older I get, the more I miss my younger self.

This true fan is also from an ordinary background, so he understands the hardships of an ordinary background better.

When she was young, she vowed to be a great person.

But after growing up, I realized that there are too many dissatisfactions in life.

Being splashed with dirty water, being injured cannot complain, always thinking that only after success can the wound be healed.

In fact, when did she forget the justice she originally wanted to wait for.

A young man who would say something like that would definitely not be someone who wants to tie someone up to copy CP.

She didn't know why some people still couldn't understand such simple logic.

But this is not forced on anyone.

When the wave of comments came out yesterday, she knew there was something behind it.

Z of Spades is a newcomer.

Without understanding the "Z of Spades", too many fans will turn to black under incitement.

This is the most harmful part of this matter.

From her point of view, the person who posted the post may not really like Z of Spades, and may even be a black person.

But she couldn't say this.

Once you say it, it will only make the boy more troublesome.

The only way to do it is to hug all the true fans, especially CP fans.

So as soon as Qin Shen sent Weiyan, this true fan issued the most sincere call in the CP building.

"If you really like Big Spades, just maintain yourself, because an insult at this time will not only lower our quality, but also attract more blackmail to Big Spades. Now that Qin Shen has posted a blog, we Just repost and like, don’t make any comments, and wait for further official news.”


"I'm going to forward it now!"

"In the final analysis, if it weren't for us YY, we wouldn't have caused Big Spades to be labeled as a hype. We have learned our lesson and will definitely respond to the original poster's call."

"Not much to say, just one sentence, I believe in Big Spade!"

"Wait a minute, the group is organizing a siege. I'm a little confused now. Who do I want to listen to?"

The true love fan sister is a person with work experience. After seeing this question, she immediately pointed out the pros and cons in one sentence: "Are there big spades in the group? Or is it officially certified?"

"This... doesn't seem to exist."

After reading it, the true love fan sister replied: "I can understand how everyone wants to keep the big spade, but any existence without official certification has a certain degree of blindness. In this situation, Qin Shen has not noticed Before the game, Big Spades had been hacked out of Xiang, and now the form has finally changed. What we have to do is to support Qin Shen, rather than doing unnecessary things at this time. Let me say it again, if you are a true fan , just follow me and forward Qin Shen’s Weiyan, and then we will wait for further official news.”

"Okay! I believe it!"

This is a game.

In this game, fortunately, reason prevailed.

So a huge outpouring of support appeared on Weiyan!

Everyone, regardless of gender, will add a Z mark when forwarding Qinmo Weiyan.

It was this kind of effective and sensational support that accelerated Feng Yi's follow-up work.

Originally, he was worried that if Mr. Qin made such a micro-research, the fans on the Little Spades side would lose their temper and start a scolding war. In that case, no matter what the facts were.

After such a turmoil, Little Spade will be disgusted by passers-by and fans...

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