With a flick of Yan Tao's wide sleeves, the skirt embroidered with green bamboo swayed in the wind. She moved her long legs and walked with her hands behind her back like a platform for praying for rain.

The camera panned to the back of the young man with extraordinary bearing. As he walked, his black hair was raised up, like an exiled immortal.

Feng Wei and the assistant director stared at the figure on the screen, and the assistant director's eyes glowed with inconceivable and concealed excitement—he had directed so many scenes, and this was the first time he had seen a boy with such an overwhelming presence.

The boy's footsteps seemed to be leisurely and slow, but in fact he walked very quickly to a position one meter away from the altar.

She looked up, and her indifferent peach eyes fell on the black flag fluttering in the wind.

Suddenly raised his breath and raised his leg, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and jumped abruptly onto the one-meter-high platform!


The onlookers were stunned—how did this happen?

In their eyes, the boy seemed to have flown lightly to the center of the altar.

Under the stunned and astonished eyes of everyone, the wide sleeves brushed past like flowing water, the young man's peach blossom eyes slightly raised, and his lips parted.

At the same time, the mighty and upright singing seemed to really ring out in everyone's ears.

It took a full minute for them to react—as did the assistant director, but the props crew hadn't played yet.

They are bewildered.

The assistant director hurried over, but before he could speak, suddenly, the sunny day turned into dark clouds.

Then at a speed that everyone couldn't dodge——heavy rain began to pour!

Feng Wei...! ! ! !

Everyone...! ! ! !

The weather forecast didn't say it would rain today!

It was still sunny just now!

Feng Wei suddenly remembered Yan Tao's identity, and was startled.

Could it be that Yan Tao really asked for it?

She actually has such a powerful ability?

Little did they know, Yan Tao was also completely drenched by the heavy rain, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he grabbed Xiao Qi and asked, "What's going on?!"

Xiaoqi was wronged: "I was afraid that your filming was not realistic enough, so I moved my hands and feet a little bit. I promise, I just moved a little bit!"

It doesn't know that it can only use the tasteless function of dark clouds in the star field.

It's going to be pouring rain here!

Xiao Qi: "Master, I will put on a rain cover for you!"

"No need!" Yan Tao gritted her teeth, strings of raindrops slid from her forehead to her mouth, and then dripped into her neck, so cool.

She will reset the data of this self-proclaimed stupid system as soon as she goes back!

Xiao Qi looked at the warning button that was beeping red in front of him, pressed it frantically, and burst into tears.

Master, please don't!

They are very well behaved!

People will never give you rain again next time!

The assistant director stood under the rain spray equipment set up by the props team, and was drenched in a few seconds. The props team was still on top and asked him what he was doing.

Mom, yes, it's raining from the sky.

What do you want?

The filming of this scene went very smoothly, but the heavy rain came so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

Feng Wei ordered people to carry away the damaged equipment. Anna hurriedly handed Yantao a towel and asked her with concern, "Hurry up and change your clothes. Wet clothes are easy to catch a cold."

After getting wet in the rain, Yan Tao's only thought: strangle Xiaoqi to death!

Fortunately, all the scenes they were going to shoot were finished, and the group packed their things and went back to the hotel.

Yan Tao declined Feng Wei's invitation to eat together, and went back to the hotel to rest.

Time passed quickly into the night.

On the construction site of Imperial City Line 7, there was a gust of wind, and people from all three parties withdrew, leaving only some engineering staff to watch from the outside.

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