These are all soldiers from the arsenal, and at the same time, there are also soldiers sent by Zhou Ye to South Africa, the Middle East, and Dubai.

They also often go to the mountains and rivers to rest and train.

Because of the speed of time, they give the enemy the impression that they never sleep.

So fight for a long time and bring down the enemy.

And in the middle of the space, it's good to be able to rest.

They don't have to worry about being afraid of someone sneaking up, so the quality of sleep is much better than outside.

There are also mercenaries, who are now getting stronger and stronger, and their reputation in the country is constantly improving.

They not only have weapons such as rocket artillery and gatling, but also tanks and other weapons.

Quite tough.

In addition, there are many people and the strength is strong.

In Africa directly controlled a tribe.


Zhou Ye now controls many places, three in Africa and three in the Middle East.

One of them is Dubai.

However, no one else knows that he is behind these forces.

Even, Zhou Ye also arranged his own people in Europe and the Americas, which is the so-called spy.

Hold back.

Wait for the moment.

And the killer organization, because of a few votes, completely became famous in the underground world.

The Eye of God, all at once, became famous.

None of the killers in the Eye of God are simple.

Some time ago, the people of the Fuso Yamamoto family released an assassination message in the Eye of God, assassinating their opponent Ichiro Honda.

The two are competing for a business worth tens of billions of fuso coins.

In order to ensure their own success, the Yamamoto family decided to get rid of Honda.

So, the Eye of God Gold Killer sent the Black Kirin over.

Without knowing it, the ghost assassinated Ichiro Honda.

And no one knows how the other party assassinated.

However, the other side succeeded.

And the Yamamoto family also got the order as they wished.

After the matter came out of the underground forces, that guy completely detonated.

Then more and more people began to connect with the Eye of God.

Some are rare, and some are simple.

It's easy to leave it to the people below to do, but it's difficult, and you can only let those trump cards shoot.

These aces will not be shot in simple tasks.

After all, it's too big and too much.


After accompanying the two daughters, Zhou Ye remembered that he still had something to do.

As soon as Zhou Ye stretched out his hand, a suitcase appeared in his hand, and what he had to do now was to help "Liu Fangfei" carve this "imperial green" jadeite.

"Qilin? It's easy to say", although Zhou Ye has never seen a real Qilin, he has never eaten pork, and he has seen a pig run.

Zhou Ye has seen their portraits.

What's more, there are also very bullish Pixiu and other divine beasts in the space.

The unicorn, the traditional auspicious beast of China, is as famous as the "phoenix", "turtle" and "dragon", the ancients regarded the unicorn as a benevolent pet, the male called the unicorn, the female is the lin, and the elk body is a corner of the dragon's tail. Like a deer and a horse, the body is golden, and the auspicious clouds under his feet are bursting, extremely sacred, and he is the son of auspiciousness.

Zhou Ye thought about the appearance of the unicorn in his heart, then took out a piece of green radish and a carving knife, and then carried the knife like flying, leaving one phantom after another on the radish.

After a while, a lifelike unicorn appeared in Zhou Ye's hand, like a piece of jasper.

Zhou Ye observed carefully, found some flaws, and then took out a green radish again and carved it, this time Zhou Ye nodded, feeling very satisfied.

Zhou Ye didn't dare to relax, and practiced a few more times before taking out the imperial green.

This time, Zhou Ye's grasp was much greater, he first closed his eyes for a while, and then opened his eyes and carved them quickly.

I don't know how long it took, the shape of a unicorn appeared in Zhou Ye's hand.

Zhou Ye picked up the carving knife and carefully modified it, and after a while, the scales of the unicorn, the horns of the unicorn and the sideburns on the tail were presented one by one, lifelike, like a living thing, making people unable to believe that this was a dead thing.

Zhou Ye looked at the unicorn in his hand and was very satisfied, "Yes, now there is only a pair of eyes missing."

Ordinary people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and for a work, a pair of smart eyes will give life to the whole work and multiply its value, so the eyes are very important.

Zhou Ye picked up the carving knife again and carved a pair of smart eyes for this unicorn.

"Hum", as if a burst of golden light erupted from Qilin's body, making Zhou Ye can't help but close his eyes. When Zhou Ye opened his eyes, the temperament of the unicorn in his hand had completely changed, as if there was an auspicious aura enveloping his body, and the auspicious clouds under his feet seemed to be flying on the side, and the whole unicorn gave people a feeling as if they were going to fly away by the clouds, which made Zhou Ye's hands clench a lot.

"Yes, it's perfect, hahaha", Zhou Ye was very satisfied, and then laughed, this is a perfect work of his, like the finishing touch of the story, adding eyes to the unicorn, making the whole unicorn like a god.

Zhou Ye couldn't help but engrave his name on the bottom of the unicorn jade body - Shanhe Jushi, this is Zhou Ye gave himself a nickname, and the cultural people on one side have their own titles, and Zhou Ye also wants to make a fuss.

Looking at the jade material under his hand, Zhou Ye felt that it was a pity to throw it away. So the remaining discarded jade material was moved to the "Fuling Mountain", and with the help of the magical power of the "Fuling Mountain", it was melted together, and then taken out again.

Looking at the elongated jade jade material in his hand, Zhou Ye began to think about what to carve.

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