Zhou Ye looked at the figure in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ivan, why are you?" Zhou Ye said with a hint of surprise.

Because of the time difference, he and Ivan get together less and leave more.

Of course, Zhou Ye has the fruit of the door, and it is only a step away to go to the United States.

But he stopped him.

The last time the two of them saw each other was a week ago.

Zhou Ye's movements couldn't help but slow down, holding Ivan's hand.

"There is two good news for you, do you want to listen to that?" Ivan looked at Zhou Ye in front of him, his eyes full of love.

"That's fine", Zhou Ye hugged Ivan's willow waist.

Pick it up in your arms.

Ivan liked the taste of Zhou Ye very much, and he didn't sell it.

"Okay, then I'll tell you", Ivan smiled, "I've done what you asked me to do for you, if there are no accidents, the mountain and river space should be able to continue to expand."

Ivan, as the hostess of the mountain and river space, will of course do his best.

Coupled with his power and money, many species can be obtained.

For example - bald eagle.

The bald eagle is also known as the American eagle. It is a large bird of prey, and the adult sea eagle can reach a body length of 1 meter and a wingspan of more than 2 meters. The eyes, beak and feet are pale yellow, the head, neck and tail feathers are white, and the rest of the body is dark brown.

It mainly inhabits the coast, near lakes and marshes, and near rivers, and feeds on large fish such as salmon and trout, waterfowl such as mallards and seagulls, and small mammals that live near water. The upper beak has an arcuate vertical process at the end, which is suitable for tearing prey to swallow, the base has waxy membrane or whisker-like feathers, the wings are strong, the wings are wide and round and blunt, the wings are flapped and soaring, and the rhythm of the wings is slower than that of the falconidae, and the tarsal plantar parts are mostly relatively long, about equal to the length of the tibia.

It is endemic to North America and the national bird of the United States.

It is equivalent to the panda of Huaxia and has a high status.

"Okay", hearing Ivan's words, Zhou Ye's face couldn't help but smile.

Zhou Ye has a covetous heart for species all over the world.

So, everyone has a task, and that is to collect all kinds of rare species from all over the world.

For example, Australian koalas, kangaroos, etc.

What surprised Zhou Ye was everyone's collection of butterflies.

Among these butterflies are many national butterflies.

It's very rare.

It's almost hard to see.

For example, the Goddess of Light butterfly.

The Goddess of Light butterfly is large and gorgeous, with a wingspan of 75~100 mm, and the male butterfly has a shiny metallic blue luster, greenish-white luster, and orange-brown luster. The antennae are elongated, about one-third the length of the forewings. Abdomen short, wings underside brown, with stripes and rows of eye spots, but glabrous eyes, male forefoot tarsal joints hairy, hindwing mid-chamber open. The reason for the butterfly's sparkle is that the butterfly's wings are densely covered with scales containing a variety of pigment particles, and the denser the fine color ridges on the scales, the stronger the flash. The scales of the butterfly are more structurally complex, and when light hits the wings, physical phenomena such as refraction, reflection and diffraction are produced, resulting in a rainbow of brilliant colors under the action of optics.

This species is a beautiful and fantastic butterfly, with its entire wing surface resembling white waves on the blue sea, and its color and pattern are spectacular, and it is known as the most beautiful butterfly in the world. The whole body is purple-blue, the blue at both ends of its forewings has dark blue, azure blue, light blue constantly changing, the whole wing surface is like the blue sky inlaid with a string of bright halos, the color is beautiful, the body is graceful, the wings are spread like a peacock opening the screen, so there is the "goddess" said.

The Peruvian Amazon River basin living in South America is very small in number, weak in reproductive ability, and very precious, and at the same time, it is also the national butterfly of Peru.

Red List of Threatened Species 2010.

For this pair of Goddess of Light butterflies, Zhou Ye spent 20,000 yuan to get it, but it was worth the money.

Two million can get this pair of Goddess of Light butterflies, it's worth it.

There is also a butterfly that intoxicates the surroundings, called the heavenly butterfly.

It's a very beautiful butterfly.

The wings of the Heavenly Butterfly are beautiful and huge, and the whole body shimmers with pure blue luster on the black velvety background, as if falling from the bright sun, so it is recognized by the local aborigines as messengers from heaven, and they are named "Heavenly Butterfly". The butterfly is also a tourist symbol in Queensland, Australia.

The forewings of the Paradise Butterfly are black on the background, and most of the wings are covered with blue scales, with some scales immediately adjacent to the blue zone. The forewings are dark brown on the back with a light brown triangular pattern in the midfield.

The main color of the hindwings is blue, and the background color is black. It has a caudal process. The outer edge is wavy. The hindwings are dark brown on the dorsal surface with a series of large brown spots on the front and outer margins.

Body belly dark brown, head and thorax black, with blue scales. The abdomen, head, and back of the chest are brown.

Differences between the sexes: females are darker, darker blue on the wings, and have no scales on the forewings. The dorsal and upper part of the hindwings are stained with a small amount of blue in females, and black in males.

The wingspan is about 10 cm long.

The Paradise Butterfly is a representative species of the Butterfly genus, and its appearance has a high degree of visual artistic effect, making it a must-have collection for every butterfly collector.

The average price of the A1 quality Paradise Butterfly from Slan Island is $6.95, and the price may double with each additional level of quality.

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