After Wang Chao knew that Zhou Ye had chosen Xingyi Boxing, he began to teach it.

"Boss, since you want to learn Xingyi Boxing, you must be clear about the history of Xingyi Boxing, and what Xingyi Boxing is"

"The origin of Xingyi Fist is different, but it is basically believed that it was created by Ji Jike.

According to the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Nian's boxing book "Xinyi Boxing Original Committee Examination" and "Boxing Theory Questioning Preface", it is recorded that Ji Longfeng's family is in Juncun, and he is good at marksmanship, but he thought that once he has no blade, it will be difficult to defend himself in case of accidents, so he refers to marksmanship and creates Xinyi Fist.

According to Sun Lutang in the "Self-Order" of "Xingyi Boxing": "Yu tastes and hears my master's cloud, Xingyi Quan was created from the Bodhidharma Patriarch, and the name "620" is the inner diameter. After the invention of King Wumu of Song Yue, the Yuan and Ming dynasties were almost lost due to the lack of books. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, there were Pudong Zhu Feng Ren Ji Gong Mr. Ji Gong Ji Ji Mr. Cao is Kangxi Guiyou Kewu Trial Lianjie Sanyuan, and he is also a person who works in Jingyuan Town, Shaanxi. "

"Therefore, it is generally believed that Ji Ji can create a modern Xingyi boxing"


Wang Chao said a lot in a wordy way.

It's all about the history of Xingyiquan.

And, what is Xingyi Fist.

Regarding the historical celebrities in Xingyi Boxing, Wang Chao also introduced it.

Among them is Guo Yunshen.

When Zhou Ye was impatient, Wang Chao finally cut to the chase.

"Boss, I'll teach you the Xingyi Fist now.

However, if you want to practice boxing, you must learn to stand on the pile.

I'm going to teach you now the way of standing on the stake of Xingyiquan - Xingyiquan three-body pose"

"Okay", when he heard that he was going to teach himself kung fu, Zhou Ye instantly came to his senses.

"Boss, if you want to practice Xingyi Boxing well, you must keep these points in mind, Xingyi Boxing has three layers of truth, three steps of kung fu, three ways to practice.

The three-layer truth is: one practice refining qi, two practicing qi and transforming gods, and three practicing gods and returning to emptiness. The three steps of kung fu are: one is easy bones, two is easy tendons, and three is easy marrow. The three practice methods are: bright energy, dark energy, and chemical energy.

Among them, the most important is the pile gong, that is, the three-body pose, the basic pile method of Xingyi Boxing, which is the foundation of all shapes. "

"Boss, look ahead"

Then, Wang Chao stood directly on the open space.


Immovable as a mountain.

Wang Chao's stake is very stable.

It can be described as stable as Mount Tai.

Wang Chao just demonstrated, and Zhou Ye tried.

Zhou Ye only found out after this attempt that this stump is not so.

It was fine at first.

But as time passed, the muscles in his body, the muscles in his legs, began to tremble.

Jitter, to be precise.

Zhou Ye gritted his teeth and kept insisting.

He had to persevere.

Xingyi fist three-body pose, the two feet should be equally weighted, not single. The single weight is not one foot on the ground, one foot is suspended, but the front foot can be virtual or real, focusing on the hind foot ears. In the future, there are also double styles, although it is a double style, it does not deviate from the center of gravity of a single weight, and even the forms of extremely high, extremely low, extremely short, and extremely elevated, it always does not deviate from the center of gravity of the three-body pose.

Therefore, the three-body pose is the foundation of all forms. Three-body single weight, get the starting point of neutralization, flexible movements, the situation is one, and there is no interruption. The double three-body pose has a heavy form and great strength, but the yin and yang are not distinguished, the universe is not distinguished, the odd and even are not obvious, the rigidity and softness are not judged, the virtual and the real are not clear, the inner opening and the outer closing are not clear, and the ups and downs are not flexible.

Therefore, the three-body posture of Xingyi Fist is not allowed to be neutralized by its single weight, and it is not handed over to the successive days, just more and less soft, but it is lost in neutralization, the reason is not clear, and the change is not clear, since it is bound by the blood and gas, and the clumsy strength is bound... 0 This is all detained by the three-body double one. If you get the principle of neutralization of the single-weight three-body pose, you can do it in the future, regardless of the single-weight and double-shaped forms, there is nothing to do.

Wang Chao pointed at Zhou Ye as he spoke.

This practice is two hours.

Zhou Ye felt that his legs were shaking all the time.

Fortunately, Zhou Ye's physical fitness is good, otherwise it would have been impossible to last so long at the beginning.

But Zhou Ye doesn't regret it.

He wants to become a martial arts master.

Of course, he can also be called a martial arts master through the system.

However, Zhou Ye didn't want to do that.

He wanted to try his strength.

"Ding Dong, the system detects the host's martial arts heart, and specially releases a large-scale task - martial arts master, without the help of the system's strength, every time the host breaks through a realm, the system will give a special reward, and the reward is uncertain.

The higher the breakthrough, the richer the rewards"

Zhou Ye received the task of the system, and he couldn't help but be happy.

Becoming a strong man is his 5.1 wish in itself, but he didn't expect that there would be a reward.

Say no surprise, that's impossible.

In the future, he will be more motivated.

Moreover, Wang Chao is definitely a good teacher.

Although Xingyi Quan is not his mastery, Wang Chao can do anything.

The Xingyi boxing learned from Wang Chao is definitely not bad.


At noon, Zhou Ye finished eating, and his body was almost recovered.

He plans to go to the flower and bird market in Tiannan City.

Buy something, enrich your mountain and river space, and let it evolve.

See what you can get. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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