The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 801: newborn

With a fierce piano playing, the top of the rising crystal column, the psychological chamber was blown to pieces. Under the black and white moonlight, Ivan landed at the bottom of the slender crystal tower. The dramatic thing born due to spiritual conflict was crumbling, and finally disintegrated and shattered in the air.

Crystal debris was scattered in the wind, like rime blown away by the wind. Moonlight in black stopped Bai Yi behind him.

"Evan, you didn't lie to me, did you? Sean is not dead?" Moonlight in white asked.

"You're the guy who's causing trouble for everyone..." Ivan said patiently, "If it weren't for looking for Sean, I wouldn't bother to come to you."

"Stop listening to him fart here." Hei Yi said lazily, "This guy is not well-intentioned. He wants to trick you into leaving R'lyeh, and he wants you to lose the power of revenge."

"But he is Ivan..."

"Whoever he is!" Hei Yi yelled, "He's lying!"

"Moonlight, you decide for yourself whether I'm lying..."

"I've finished my judgment - you are controlled by that Nietzsche guy and want us to lose the power of R'lye! You traitor!" Heiyi yelled, suddenly raised his arms, and played with a furious attitude That billions of fingertips.

The surging sound of the piano was like an army roaring to attack. Moonlight, who played the suite in R'lyeh, was probably one of the most formidable enemies Ivan could imagine.

"That's fine..." The thunder and lightning rushing in his blood gave him endless strength and courage, and Ivan said coldly, "Don't you always think that you are stronger than me?

"Then prove it to me." Thunder boomed, and the legendary mythical beast spread a pair of giant wings in the dream-green country.

The sound of the piano is as dense as a heavy rain. It is a green rain, as if the sky and the earth are hanging upside down, and the sea is returning in this way.

In the heavy rain, thunder and lightning roared like an unyielding dragon. Raleye also has its own climate, and there will be thunderstorms. Fortunately, this battle looks like too bad weather, and it will not attract the attention of the heirs or even the direct relatives in a short time. However, there is no thunderstorm like today. Residents of Laleye near the rainfall area have fled for fear of being affected by such a natural disaster...

The green rain is getting heavier and heavier. The true meaning of "billions of fingertips" is that the fingertips from the sky are constantly beating the keys of the earth. The Raleye Suite was interpreted into a living scene, where the dreamy green illusion actually descended and expanded, becoming an aggressive and terrifying dream.

The thunder and lightning became more and more intensive, and the blue-white sky thunder and the sunset yellow shock almost became one, constantly projecting the shadows of billions of raindrops in all directions, shining an unimaginable vastness of light and shadow, reflecting the surrounding like a colorful starry sky, even if the gods If you come here in person, you may be amazed by the stunning scenery in front of you...

Ivan's heart and soul were so delicate that they were projected into the surging ion body. Thunder and lightning are like dragons, swimming in the endless heavy rain, and finally I see the black clothes playing in a wild form in a ray of light! The thunder and lightning seemed to have found a port to pour into the earth, and slammed into the body in black. The performer's body was electrified but there was no reaction, and he continued to play wildly. On the other hand, the man in white clothes behind the black clothes tightened his body and trembled all over, as if he was suffering from great pain...

How could the fighting stop? The angry beasts of thunder and lightning still continued to attack the performer, but the black clothes were not injured at all. The only ones who suffered were the pure people behind him.

Haters can no longer feel pain, and all suffering is only for the weak-hearted.

What's the point? Why does God arrange this? In the heavy rain, Ivan's mouth was filled with bitterness.

All attacks are targeting hostages... How can this battle be fought?

Not only that... Ivan turned his eyes and saw that the majestic thing that originally suppressed the night watcher was disintegrating, revealing the golden true body inside... Catherine's role as a character has come to an end. She is afraid that she has exhausted her strength and can only wait in a hidden place. The night watchmen who originally left will definitely discover everything here and may bring more reinforcements.

Moonlight in Black is already troublesome enough, but if you add the Night Watchman to the mix... everything will become irreversible.

Amidst the roaring piano playing, Evan Burns felt something strange rising in his heart. It was a pale, dark thing, a kind of anxiety and fear of destruction.

what to do? The heavy rain seemed to suffocate him.

what to do?

In the midst of the boundless crisis, Ivan suddenly saw something flash by. It was the face of a lion that had swallowed a demon child on its way to the forest and then pounced on itself...

Eventually, Ivan killed it, biting its throat. After the most **** and cruel struggle, Ivan killed the lion. There was sticky blood all around his mouth, but he had an indescribable feeling...

He felt that he had become smaller, and this small self was standing in an infinitely vast new world.

Having killed the "lion", one must accept "rebirth".

Due to his upbringing and past experiences, the experienced and steady Ivan has never been as natural and innocent as Moonlight. I have always been cautious, nervous, and even lacking imagination.

But now he knows that he must learn a new way of thinking. Must be able to stop.

What happens when you stop?

There is no answer. But he knew he had to do this, UU read the book www. In order to no longer hurt the real moonlight, in order to let a new destiny unfold by itself.

What would I become if I were no longer a lion? How will everything play out? The thoughts that came to my mind were still the familiar "Ivan mode", a perfect occultist. He controlled the last bit of anxiety and tried to loosen his hands little by little.

What will happen, we will know the answer next.

In the pouring rain, the thunder and lightning that patrolled like a dragon suddenly stopped. Ivan stood where the sound of the piano was booming, and his white cloak, which had not been wet before, was instantly wet.

He stopped fighting and no longer bombarded the moonlight with thunder and lightning. Instead, he stood quietly, looking through the crazy black figure and looking at the streak of white behind him.

This was never my fight. If a lion remains a lion, it will only meet the fate of being destroyed in battle.

And he had already killed the lion, and it was time to embrace new life.

Every drop of rain is like a piano sound, and every piano sound contains hatred, and every bit of hatred makes people feel tortured. The painful rain hit Ivan's body, as if the entire Raleye was pressing down on him. He felt as if his body and soul were being destroyed bit by bit...

His opponent was exhausted so quickly and gave up! The player of Heavy Rain was laughing wildly, and his invisible fingers played as if venting his anger. He was going to kill him, this guy who was always self-righteous, and then he was going to drink Raleye, and then go find Nietzsche to settle the score.

Only the power of hatred can do all this!

Die, Evan Burns! Your death will be an excellent prelude to my revenge!

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