The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 694: bye queen

The impromptu Moonlight · 1902, which everyone gathered around, was obviously the return moment of the lost, but suddenly turned into a recital by the ocean pianist. chatter

Not only that, this is probably the most soul-stirring recital ever seen in Ocean City.

The rhythm of the second act is extremely aggressive, as if a huge monster is trying to swallow a warrior, and the warrior has been fighting tenaciously. Moonlight recalled the story told by Arthur, Sean and the others even caught a glimpse of the fierce battle through the synesthesia caused by the sound of the piano. The scene is titled "The Slaying of Hydrar."

When the song switched to the third act "Crazy Tundra", Sean could undoubtedly see the divine feather of Raliyah imprinted in Moonlight Soul. Moonlight is trying to pour out the pressure generated inside by releasing passionate performances, so as to ensure that her spirit does not collapse or fall into madness.

He is trying to control.

Of course, this kind of control is difficult for him alone. Sean once again united all the spiritual power and provided it to his closest teammates without an upper limit to help him control Shenyu.

Variations again, and the third act is over. The piano music became loud and crazy, and Xiao En and the others were extremely surprised: How did Moonlight use the sound of the piano to imitate the noise of the Nightmare Wall?

Act IV "Song of the Nightmare Wall". chatter

Apparently, the guards around who had never witnessed the maddening sight of the Nightmare Wall all thought that the pianist in front of him, who was bursting with green light, had gone mad. Amidst the sound of the piano, a wall full of chattering lips looms before your eyes. It is unquestionably evil. Not forgetting their duty, they all raised their arms...

A tall figure stopped in front of them. It is the legendary explorer, in the mask there is a bright ark floating in the night sea.

"I said, don't move." Xiao En stopped in front of Moonlight, his soul deterrent made those guards unable to move...

The last scene begins. With the memory of the moonlight, the aura has faded from dream green to evening yellow. The last scene.

The wind of the deserted city that no one listens to gushes out from the window, and in the thick fog, there is the bleak sound of the flute. As soon as the piano sounded, they recalled Huangzhan again. But this time, they visited this deserted city with a brand new identity.

They are no longer castaways who have to face thousands of soul residues and unknown dangers, they are detached recallers. Therefore, the bleak and terrifying deserted city has a deeper meaning—it is a place that almost everyone has forgotten, even the big dream family members in R'lyeh no longer remember it. If it weren't for the nuisance of the explorers, perhaps no one would have discovered those wandering terracotta figurines forgotten by the dream master.

Soul scum walks in the dark, wandering among the remnants of past nightmares. chatter

The last key was pressed, and "The End of the Past" came to an end. The desolate scene fades like a vision on a rainy window...

The torment and wandering of the soul scum will eventually stop, and death is the eternal comfort to everything.

The air was quiet for several seconds. Then Arthur clapped his hands in amazement.

Moonlight was drenched in sweat and out of breath. He gave a curtain call ceremony, his legs went limp and he lost consciousness. Carried by Ivan and Sméagol.

Elizabeth showed her prestige with divine feathers, but that strong power did not swallow the moonlight, and the pianist did not become a slave of Keshi. Not only that, he obtained the feather of the most powerful evil god.

At this time, a figure walked into the secret room. When she saw that the guards she sent were holding up their weapons and seemed to be confronting Xiao En and his party, she sighed: "Guys, don't be stupid... These are the people who returned from the enmity of the stars."

"Wendy." Sean nodded. chatter

"Go. My queen is waiting."


Ocean City felt different.

Not only have buildings destroyed in the previous war been restored, but the atmosphere of the city has also changed.

Before, the air here was a bit intoxicating, and there was always a faint smell of blood. This visit, that smell was swept away.

Of course, this may be because the wise mayor, Mr. Tesler, shut down the meat processing plants. Smell is only one aspect of the change, though. In short, this sun-drenched underwater city has become less gloomy and crazy.

Led by Wendy, they took a railcar across the familiar streets to the headquarters of Daedalus. On the road, Moonlight was still sleeping soundly, breathing steadily. Sean thought back a lot. chatter

This time it all started with an illusion. In the trial of the wheel of the heart palace, he saw Alicia who was completely burned by the blue fire, and after that, everything happened unstoppably like flowing water.

In the end, they successfully rescued Alicia, destroyed the Philosopher's Stone, and escaped from Kruvitan and R'lyeh...

Sean sighed with relief... The journey was exhausting. He was grateful that the current had finally found the lake and allowed him to stop. Hope to stop. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and fell asleep.

Arrive at the headquarters, go to the office on the top floor, and open the door to see a huge underwater viewing wall. Alicia Pompey turned her head, her elegant profile and slender silhouette are just in front of the seabed scenery. She was looking out the window when they entered the office. Sean found that here he could see the depths of the Vinland Trench. In other words, Alicia should have just witnessed the aurora caused by the moonlight solo.

The young lady turned around. It has been a month and a half since the rescue, and she is no longer as thin as when she was imprisoned, and her green eyes are no longer numb, and she has regained her composure and agility.

When she saw Sean and his party for the first time, a trace of surprise bloomed in her eyes.

The change in Sean Dickinson's temperament was noticed at a glance. Thanks to her understanding of Arthur Merlin, she knew that the mystery seeker in front of her had become an "enlightened man" after returning from R'lyeh. chatter

And behind Xiao En, the soul of the Eye of Annihilation is full of some kind of ferocious energy. From the sunset yellow lightning emitted from the vortex of his mask, it is known that he is slowly digesting that ferocious energy...

The other gentleman... Moonlight has already woken up, he just got Shenyu, he was a little disoriented, ignored Alicia, just stood in front of the window and looked at the bottom of the sea.

This Mr. Pianist seems to be exuding R'layeh?

Alicia's first sentence made Sean, who had been reunited after a long absence, burst into laughter.

She didn't make any jokes, and even asked seriously: "Are you all cursed by Kluvitan...

"Or was he blessed?"

Asked by Alicia, Sean couldn't help but fell into deep thought. chatter

Indeed, from the perspective of the female chess player, everyone on his team is stronger than before the "Hate of the Stars".

Not only that, due to the restriction of Maze Island, the female chess player may not know that she has subdued an evil that is comparable to an Ace level.

From this point of view, it seems that Keshi's curse has really become some kind of blessing?

"Perhaps, as the ancient sages said," Sean replied, "The disaster that is overcome becomes a harvest in the end."

"I didn't believe in the ancient sages before," Bitong stared at Xiao En, "but seeing you like this, I think it is necessary to respect the ancient sages."

"Arthur." The detective approached, and Alicia gave the old acquaintance a measured hug, "It seems that you haven't received the 'blessing' from the dreamer."

"God favors the explorers, the evil **** doesn't like old fritters..." Arthur said with a wry smile. "Is everything ok? How is Ou Lu? What happened during our absence?" Lu

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