By mistake, Sean for the first time has a "God Feather" recognized by the deity.

Just like the "few words" scattered in history, they were passed down by the author himself, and they became a complete "long poem".

Just like the shortened version of the patented invention that could only be "trial", it has actually obtained a complete version and authorization.

He did not choose to believe in any god, but now he has unlocked more rights to use black life energy, and even represents the will of the "Hessian Sheep Mother", while continuing to retain his independence.

Just because the Ability God, who was far outside the foreign dimension, felt a joy that had not been experienced for a long time, for a long time - "The Ancient One" was annihilated in the long river of time before hundreds of millions of years ago, and even the deity never imagined it, You can still taste this deliciousness.

So much so that he looks forward to such a "sacrifice" and will bring him other surprises...

Sean was a little surprised to see that the black flora was like a fire burning dry wood, completely swallowing the unbelievably strong thorns...

When he noticed the change in the "Hessian Sheep", he was even more surprised and sluggish for a moment.

After a while, he clenched his fist slightly, and his cheeks were slightly bulged-in any case, the evolution of Shen Yu was a good thing for him.

The food that was closer was burned by the flames, and they could only continue to run forward, hoping to share the remaining black truffle veal...

In the process of running, Sean suddenly heard a loud noise, like a boulder rolling down the ground.

Then, he felt something cover the sky and fall, like a mountain collapsing.

Looking up, I saw a pair of guards of the kingdom of God with white flames and wings, passing by the collapsed "mountain" with cold eyes...

"Xiao!" Yueguang was shocked, but his feet were still incessant, "Red wine! Red wine is poured!"

The sober bottle containing red wine on the dining table was overturned by the guards of the kingdom of God, the huge glass "mountain" was dumped on the plain, and the red wine poured into the valley like a flood...

"Why did he..." Before Falgar Taylor could finish speaking, the old exorcist saw that the red flood washed the only remaining black truffle beef...

To secure their lead, the Kings chose to destroy their food.

Sean stared angrily at the guards of the kingdom of God floating in the sky. The latter seems to have been unable to maintain the state of having two wings on his back, and fell on the silver tower, quietly watching the flooded earth...

And the "Deadwood Sage" and "The Director of Hidden Corpse" don't care about the changes around them at all - they are surrounded by delicious food, all they have to do is to eat desperately and put the only food left on the field. finished eating.

And it is precisely because of the first-come advantage that their scores have also been promoted to the second and third place.

Sean and Max's team were still unable to escape the danger.

Looking at the candle that was about to burn out, Sean felt blood rushing straight to his forehead for the first time in this game...


At the dining table, red wine poured out from the glass bottle, dyeing the white tablecloth red, as if a gentleman in a shirt had been stabbed by a knife.

Red wine tainted fine food, and Michael Dollings kicked his feet in his chair with delight.

Peter Pan smiled mysteriously, raised the knife and fork in his hand, and winked at the Dollins siblings: "The cockroaches on the table have all come to us, shouldn't it be...?"

Saying that, the knife in his right hand stabbed the silver plate heavily...


A huge sharp blade pierced through the ash cloud and plunged straight towards the silver plate.

The guards of the Kingdom of God and his party almost swept away the food on the silver pagoda, and immediately dispersed.

Then, the "megalithic statues" held knives and forks and began to gouge the plain, trying to kill the "cockroaches"...

The explorers who were originally addicted to eating had to flee in a hurry under such a "natural disaster".

The candles that are about to burn out, the flood of red wine, the huge knives and forks that keep lifting and stabbing...

Everything in front of him fell into chaos.

Sean, who was still at the bottom of the ranking, found that this country, which used to be full of delicious food, has now become chaotic and barren.

There was only contaminated or burnt food everywhere.

The only leftovers were cold and burning, and were also destroyed by the giant hand that fell from the sky.

Standing some distance from Peter Pan's Colossus, Sean stood alone and muttered:

"So, what you want to express is..."

He looked at the face hidden by the gray cloud, and then at the "Sage of Deadwood" hiding in the valley.

"If the lower ranks want to squeeze into the upper ranks, they can only be cold-blooded and ruthless, and they can only do whatever they can.

"Just a little hesitation...even just a little...

"All will fall into the abyss of eternal doom."

Scores are no longer moving, just like the hierarchy has finally solidified.

The guards of the kingdom of God, the directors of the corpse, and the dead wood sages ranked the top three!

The remaining teams are about to be eliminated.

"You created this not-so-sophisticated game,

"Just to explain the truth..."

Sean stared coldly: "From the very beginning - those who follow the rules, or who want to maintain their decency... are the victims of this game."

Landslides and fissures, the giant gods watching here seem to want to completely destroy this place.

However, even in such a desperate situation, Sean did not give up completely.

The mind that had been thinking, in the sea of ​​information, suddenly threw a question.

That question was like a life buoy in the vast ocean, and Sean, who was about to indulge, caught it.

The colossi were violently smashing the table, everything was collapsing and destroying, and the candles had been swaying so much that they seemed to go out at any moment...

In such an apocalyptic scene, Sean turned around and looked at his teammates, and was extremely calm:

"This place is hell...

"However, maybe we can find a peaceful paradise."

In the roar, he once again looked helplessly at Sean's moonlight and asked loudly, "Xiao, where is the land?!"

Sean looked at the sky shrouded in gray clouds, and didn't explain, just whispered, "If that paradise exists, then we'll win.

"If it doesn't exist..."

He smiled bitterly: "Our journey ends Before the moonlight could continue to ask questions, Sean had already threw the esoteric hook towards the huge fist that fell in front of him.

His spiritual essence entangled Max and all the team members, waiting, waiting...

Waiting for the fist to rise higher and higher until it breaks through the gray cloud.

With the help of the esoteric hook, Sean and the others were thrown out like a giant trebuchet.

Drilling into the ash cloud, Sean threw off the giant fist, still attenuated in flight by the remaining kinetic energy.

Ash cloud. Surrounded by howling winds and thick clouds.

Below your feet, you are farther and farther away from the rectangular continent - from this angle, you can see the outline of the dining table.

"Xiao! Where are we going?!"

Moonlight trusts his captain. However, he was also afraid of falling into meat sauce.

Sean's eyes have been staring at the ground ahead...

He has gambled many times, but this time, there is an inexplicable exciting feeling in his heart...

In the end, is it a desperate and crazy Yibo, or is it a blessing from the gods of the soul?

He couldn't tell the difference for a while.

However, he thinks he knows the Lord of Paradise, so...

When doing such a freehand and crazy move, he still felt confident.

Finally, in the falling gale, through the thick gray cloud, he saw the circular "island" outside the "Table Continent" that had become hell.

There the candles were still burning quietly, and some things were beautifully placed. It's like a piece of...

A peaceful paradise.

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