The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 390: way to dive

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Sean clenched the receiver in his hand: "What do you mean, the old site of Kensington Park can't be traced any longer?"

He was worried that the New Testament detective opposite would give the answer "yes".

Because that means it will be difficult for him to deliver on his promise to Thomas.

Soon, Arthur replied: "Sean, if you really have a reason to go, you must know that if you are strong enough, there is no place in New York City that the explorers can't go to.

"After all, those people standing in the cloud only 'acquiesced' to its existence, and will not really intervene in the rules of the exploration industry.

"Because, that means going from light to darkness.

"And those who rely on the darkness for profit, they still have to live in the light...

"So, if you really have a reason to go, no one can stop you."

"But..." After a pause, Arthur Merlin continued: "The evil there cannot be taken lightly, you must be careful."

"I see." Sean nodded heartily, "Thank you Arthur."

"You're welcome, let's keep in touch."

After hanging up the phone, Sean and Moonlight looked at each other, and their hearts settled down——

On the other end of the phone, Arthur Merlin hung up the microphone, an old telephone set embedded in an ancient stone wall and tangled by vines.

He walked out of the dark corridor, and the telephone set, which was out of tune with the background of the times, disappeared in the darkness.

In the distance, three of his teammates were sitting and resting.

A lineup of three Ace-level players—Arthur suddenly realized that he rarely felt extravagant about such a configuration.

It seems that the abundance of resources is not a good thing. He thought to himself mockingly.

But at this moment, the New Testament detective's expression is not easy.

He was quite fond of that stubborn, young and intelligent colleague of the book club.

Considering the murky waters that the current New Testament reporters may have poured into, Arthur was a little nervous about Sean's prospects.

In the distance of the ancient city, a red sun that does not belong to this era is falling into darkness.

In Jericho, the evil one after another is planning to give back to these uninvited people.

Arthur lit a cigarette, his face illuminated by the blood-colored sunset, his expression became more unruly: "Whatever...

"Go ahead, Sean."

The three Ace-class suddenly stood up, followed their captain, and continued to move forward.


Realizing that he could only save Mrs. Dominic's soul on his own, Sean's heart was settled instead.

He first returned to the orphanage, and with the current shortage of manpower, he recruited Father Taro, who had shown great strength.

Then, the three began to discuss how to "sneak" into Midnight Paradise.

——Obviously, the biggest problem now is that without the golden ticket stubs, they cannot enter that spiritual realm, but will only be repelled by the darkness.

"Sean," Moonlight suggested, sitting in Taylor's office, "counting Wordsworth's old ticket stubs and the ones we got from Leon Jr., we now have two tickets.

"Why don't we get another one from one of the lethargic kids in Arya's class...

"With three tickets, I believe we will have a way to get in there."

Sean quickly overturned Moonlight's proposal: "Anyway, those two explorers, the mysterious gentleman and the man who shot me, have seen our masks...

"Plus..." Sean shook his head, "It's all children who got the tickets. The three of us took the ticket stubs to check the tickets... Isn't it self-inflicted?"

In Yueguang's mind, the three of them followed a group of children to check tickets...

It's really absurd and unnatural.

Therefore, it is not that you can enter Midnight Paradise with a ticket, you also need...

"Then what should I do? Can I just pretend to be a child?" Father Taylor sat up straight and said casually.

Sean's eyes lit up and raised a finger: "Yes, that's the idea!"

Father Taylor looked at Sean in surprise, because he just said it casually, and now that I think about it, this idea is a bit ridiculous-

After all, he has come into contact with many Salvationist magical techniques, some of which fill people with holy energy, some that make people extremely strong for a period of time, and even make people have the mighty power of an angel...

However, he has not heard of the magic technique that can turn people into children.

Before waiting for the priest to ask questions, Sean, whose thoughts turned on like a light bulb connected to a wire, said one after another: "If there is any way to turn us into children, and then we use those ticket stubs, it will not be exposed... …

"That's the real infiltration!"

Understanding Sean's thoughts, Moonlight continued: "However, there are several prerequisites for that kind of transformation.

"First, the time must be long enough, at least two hours, otherwise, if we return to the original state in Midnight Paradise, it will be exposed immediately...

"Second, even after the transformation, we must maintain the same strength, otherwise, we will not be able to bring back Mrs. Dominic's soul..."

Sean nodded again and again. Father Taylor, who was outside the explorer system, had never imagined that there was such a possibility in the world, so he could only be slightly surprised as he listened to the communication between the two professional explorers.

In the end, Sean and Moonlight settled on their immediate goal: to find a way to turn the three of them into children for a period of time within the Explorers' Association.

Whether it's a special potion, some kind of mysterious heritage, or some kind of weird magic, as long as it can meet the standard that Moonlight said, it's acceptable.

However, it is conceivable that such a "service" is bound to be expensive.

After determining the direction, Sean and Moonlight agreed to go to the association tomorrow to inquire, and then bid farewell to the priest and went home...

Saving Mrs Dominic's soul seemed destined to be ill-fated.

On the second day, Sean and Moonlight had to entrust an unreliable "mysterious intermediary" after inquiring about all the resources of the explorers they could think of. In the end, they only found a strange one that could make people feel Temporarily becoming a "dwarf" is not so much a transformation, but a mysterious legacy of a curse...

"Head of an Underground Gnome".

Holding a handful of dry long hair in one hand, he was holding the strange head of the "subterranean dwarf" that was obviously rotten, but was still rolling his eyes. His face was covered under a rough wooden mask. The speaker asked impatiently, in a voice with a heavy accent: "How does it look, think about it, I'm still in a hurry..."

Sean flipped through the "sample photos" brought by the other party, and they were clearly "dwarfs" with short stature, but very thick limbs and huge heads, not children...

Shawn pinched the bridge of his nose, remembering the scene where a few dwarfs were mixed in the children's team and were brought up by the fallen explorers, some wanted to laugh, and some were irritable...

"Man, what I told that person was to become a child!" Moonlight spent a certain amount of intermediary fee, and asked the person who "has a way", but he didn't expect that what he found was such a voodoo object... …

The pianist was a little embarrassed.

The wooden mask shrugged, "Children, dwarfs... what's the difference?

"Let me tell you, kids are just dwarfs who like to yell!"

"You go." Before he got angry, Sean returned those dwarf photos to the other party.

The other party and the underground dwarf in his hand looked at each other, and while saying "what's the difference between a dwarf and a child...", he put away the photo and left angrily.

Holding his cheeks, Sean looked at his partner with some melancholy: "What should I do now?"

Moonlight leaned against the back of the chair...

He has found all the doors he can find...

It was only then that he realized that his path seemed a little unreliable: "Alas."

Looking out of the window beside me, the sharp-eyed pianist saw a strange thing on the edge of Silent

He frowned slightly, stared carefully for a while, then bumped Sean's leg and pointed in that direction: "Sean, look there..."

Following the moonlight, the New Testament reporter looked in that direction.

Then, Sean also narrowed his eyes——

He saw a little girl standing on the edge of Silent Street.

She was wearing a dress with white dots on a red background, white stockings and small red leather shoes, waving to the people passing by and issuing something...

If that's the case, it's just an ordinary girl handing out flyers.

Strangely, the little girl had a huge rabbit head on her shoulders.

Perhaps, in the eyes of passers-by, it was just a girl wearing a hood.

However, Sean and Moonlight, who are explorers, can see that the rabbit head does not seem to be a decoration...

The huge rabbit head with red eyes and white rabbit fur seemed to grow from the shoulders of a little girl.

It's just like……

Sean's eyes widened suddenly: just like those children he saw in the darkness of Kensington Park!

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