The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 300 Huangdi’s Enlightenment

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It is said that after Cangjie finally created a text that can be passed down for eternity. Return to the human race. The Yellow Emperor summoned sacrifices from various human tribes to learn this writing, and the human race finally had its own writing. This kind of writing was mastered by the priests and used to record various events that happened in the clan and all kinds of knowledge to pass on to future generations.

After the writing was created, the Yellow Emperor finally no longer cared about the affairs of the human race. He recorded his experience in cultivating Taoism and the various classics he had learned over the years in writing, and passed it on to various ministries, allowing the priests to select smart children among the human race to learn from it.

Another twenty years later, Huangdi wrote another book, "Huangdi Neijing", which included 81 chapters of "Suwen" and 81 chapters of "Lingshu", each with nine volumes.

As soon as this book was completed, a master from Xuandu came from Lihentian and told the Yellow Emperor that his merits and virtues were perfect and that he should pass on the position of human emperor and then go to Huoyun Cave to repair it. The Yellow Emperor was overjoyed when he heard this and summoned The minister announced that he was about to abdicate, and also ordered the ministers to nominate a new emperor.

Some ministers said that Zhuanxu, the grandson of Xuanyuan, was not worthy enough to rule the human race, and many ministers agreed. After hearing this, Xuanyuan nodded in agreement and ordered everyone to prepare for the succession.

Three days later, Xuanyuan followed the rules passed down by Emperor Fuxi and first worshiped the Heaven and Earth, the Human Mother Mother, and the leader of the Human Religion, Taishang Laojun. Then, under the witness of the prehistoric human race, he passed the title of Human Emperor to his grandson Zhuanxu.

Just after the Yellow Emperor passed on the title of Human Emperor to Emperor Zhuanxu, the two Holy Emperors Fuxi and Shen Nong descended from the sky in dragon chariots. They smiled and said to the Yellow Emperor, "Congratulations to my brother, who has successfully attained the title of Human Emperor. You can wait with me." Let’s go to Fire Cloud Cave to practice together.”

After saying this, he gave up half of the seats and invited the Yellow Emperor to sit on the dragon chariot with him. The Yellow Emperor saluted and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you two brothers to come here." After saying that, he boarded the dragon chariot and went to the thirty-three days with Fuxi and Shennong. Flying away from the outer fire cloud cave.

Just when the Yellow Emperor boarded the dragon and flew towards the Fire Cloud Cave, a stream of merits fell on Guangchengzi from Jiuxian Mountain, and then countless merits fell on him. Each place he passed by was the one who helped the Yellow Emperor in the Battle of Zhuolu. The cave where all the immortals and gods live. The Yellow Emperor became the emperor of human beings, and great merits and virtues were sent down from heaven, and everyone had their share.

After experiencing the governance of the three emperors of heaven, earth and man, the prehistoric human race has greatly improved their living standards in all aspects. They are no longer as backward as after the Lich War. They are showing signs of great prosperity and gradually have the protagonists of heaven and earth. look like.

Leizu was the Yellow Emperor's concubine and had two sons. One of them was Xuanxiao, who was Qingyang, and Qingyang descended to the river; the other was Changyi, who descended to Ruoshui. Zhuanxu was the grandson of Huangdi Xuanyuan and the son of Changyi. He was born in Ruoshui. It was the mother and daughter Shu who were born due to the feeling of "Yao Guang".

Zhuanxu succeeded him as empress, named Gaoyang. He was calm, steady, resourceful, sensible and knowledgeable. After he came to power, Zhuanxu ordered him to be appointed as the official of Nanzheng, in charge of worshiping the gods; he appointed Li as the official of Huozheng, in charge of civil affairs.

He raised various crops and livestock to make full use of the soil, calculated the four seasons to conform to nature, followed the ghosts and gods to formulate etiquette and justice, straightened out the energy of the four seasons and the five elements to educate the people, and purified the body and mind to sacrifice to the ghosts and gods. He went north to Youling, south to Jiaozhi, west to Liusha, and east to Panmu. All kinds of animals and plants, big gods and small gods, wherever the sun and moon shine, are all pacified, and there is no one who does not submit.

During Zhuanxu's reign, an important religious reform was also carried out. The Jiuli tribe, which had been conquered by the Yellow Emperor, still believed in witchcraft and worshiped ghosts and gods when Zhuanxu arrived. Zhuanxu banned witchcraft. Forcing them to obey the teachings of the Yanhuang tribe, this reform promoted the integration between tribes.

In the seventy-eighth year of Zhuanxu's reign, it was passed down that Gao Xinli, the grandson of Xuanxiao, was appointed Emperor Ku.

Gao Xin was born with great aura and called out his name as soon as he was born. He generally bestows favor on everyone but not himself. He has sharp ears and eyes, can understand the situation in the distance, and can discern subtle things. He complies with the will of God and understands the concerns of the people. Be kind and dignified, be gentle and trustworthy, cultivate yourself, and the world will obey you.

He collects the products of the land and uses them frugally; he caresss and educates the people and teaches them all kinds of useful things; he calculates the movement of the sun and the moon to determine the solar terms of the year, and respectfully welcomes the coming and going of the sun and the moon; he understands the movement of the sun and the moon. Be aware of ghosts and gods and serve them carefully. He has a dignified appearance and high moral character. His actions are in keeping with the times and his actions are like those of a scholar. The emperor governs the people as impartially as rainwater irrigates farmland, all over the world, wherever the sun and moon shine, wherever the wind and rain go, no one disobeys and submits.

Emperor Ku married Chen Feng's daughter and gave birth to Fangxun. Fangxun married the daughter of the Gaozi family. After the death of Emperor Ku, his son Zhi succeeded him as emperor. However, Emperor Zhi had no outstanding political achievements, and the leaders of various tribes came close to Fangxun and alienated Zhi.

In the ninth year of Emperor Zhi's reign, Zhiqin led officials to the Tang Dynasty to cede the throne to Fangxun. Fangxun succeeded to the throne and the emperor was named Yao.

Yao's real name was Fangxun, and he was named Tang Hou when Fangxun was fifteen years old. He shared the joys and sorrows with the people in the Tang Dynasty, developed agriculture, properly handled various government affairs, and governed the Tang Dynasty in an orderly manner. He was not only supported by the people, but also And it has been praised by many tribal leaders.

Yao was Zhi's younger brother, and the person who ascended the throne was called Emperor Yao. At the beginning of Yao's accession to the throne, the astronomical calendar was still very imperfect, and the people often missed the farming season. Therefore, Yao used ancestral weaving specialists to summarize the experience of his predecessors.

Emperor Yao ordered the Xi family and the He family to follow the will of God. According to the appearance and appearance of the sun and the moon and the position of the stars, a calendar was formulated and the people were carefully taught the seasons of production. In addition, he ordered Xizhong, who lived in Yuyi, a place called Yanggu, to greet the sunrise respectfully and arrange the spring farming in different steps. On the vernal equinox, the day is as long as the night. The stars in Suzaku's seven constellations appear in the south at dusk. This is used to determine the time of mid-spring. At this time, people dispersed to work, and birds and animals gave birth and mated. He also ordered Uncle Xi, who lived in Nanjiao, to arrange the summer farm work step by step and do it carefully. On the summer solstice, the day is the longest, and the Heart (also known as the Great Fire) among the seven Canglong constellations appears in the south at the beginning of the night, and the time of midsummer is determined based on this.

At this time, the people are in high places, and the feathers of birds and animals are sparse. He also ordered He Zhong to live in the west, that place was called Shibuya, and respectfully watch the sun go down. Arrange your autumn harvest step by step. On the autumnal equinox, the night is as long as the day. The virtual constellation among the seven constellations of Xuanwu appears in the due south at the beginning of dusk. Based on this, the time of mid-autumn is determined. At this time, people moved to the plains, and birds and animals regenerated new hair. He also ordered Uncle He, who lives in the north, that place is called Youdu, to carefully arrange the winter collection. On the winter solstice, the day is the shortest, and Pleiades, one of the seven constellations of the White Tiger, appears in the due south when it is first twilight. Accordingly, the time of midwinter is determined. At this time, people go into their houses to keep warm, and birds and animals are covered with fine hair.

The Lingxi and He tribes were in charge of astronomy. They estimated the time and date based on the movement of the sun, moon, stars and other celestial phenomena and natural phenology, and measured the four seasons. They also used the moon cycle as one month, the sun cycle as one year, and one year as three hundred Sixty-six days, and the method of placing leap months is used to correct the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This is the earliest recorded calendar of the prehistoric people, which laid the foundation of the lunar calendar. After Yao came to power, he still lived a very simple life, living in thatched houses, drinking wild vegetable soup, and wearing coarse cloth woven from kudzu. He is a wise king who always listens to the opinions of the people.

It is said among all the people that Yao is as kind and virtuous as heaven and as wise as God. Being close to him warms the heart like the sun; looking up to him is like clouds covering the earth. He is rich but not proud, noble but not indulgent. He wears a yellow hat, black clothes, a scarlet chariot and a white horse. He can respect virtuous people and make nine generations of the same clan love each other. Since the people of the same clan were at peace, they went to inspect the officials. All officials have outstanding achievements, and all princes and states can live in harmony.

When Yao was old, he searched everywhere to find a successor to the sage. Later, the twelve herdsmen of the four mountains elected the successor to the military chief of the tribal alliance. At that time, a man named Fangqi said to Yao: "Your son Danzhu is an enlightened man." He is the right person to inherit your position. '

Yao said solemnly: "No, Danzhu has a bad character and loves to quarrel with others. I don't trust him, so I'd better choose another wise man."

Once, he summoned the tribe leaders from all over the world for discussion and asked for their recommendations. Everyone present at the meeting unanimously recommended Shun. Yao nodded and said: 'Oh! I also hear this guy is pretty nice. Can you tell us more about his deeds? '

Everyone explained Shun's situation: Shun's father was a very confused man, and people called him Gusou (which means blind old man). Shun's biological mother died long ago, and his stepmother was very bad. The younger brother born to his stepmother was named Xiang. He was unspeakably arrogant, but Gusou doted on him. Shun lived in such a family and treated his parents and younger brother very well. Therefore, everyone thought that Shun was a man of good moral character.

Yao was very happy after hearing this and decided to investigate Shun first. He married his two daughters Ehuang and Nvying to Shun, built a granary for Shun, and gave him many cattle and sheep. When the stepmother and younger brother saw him, they were envious and jealous at the same time. They plotted with Gusou and tried to harm him several times. Gusou asked Shun to repair the roof of the granary.

When Shun climbed up to the top of the warehouse with a ladder, Gusou set a fire below to burn Shun to death. When Shun saw the fire on the roof of the warehouse, he looked for a ladder, but the ladder had disappeared. Fortunately, Shun brought two hats with him to protect him from the sun. He held the hat in both hands and jumped down like a bird spreading its wings. The hat fluttered in the wind, and Shun fell gently to the ground without being hurt at all.

Gusou and Xiang were not reconciled, and asked Shun to go dig the well again. After Shun jumped into the well, Gusou and Xiang threw pieces of earth and rocks on the ground to fill up the well, hoping to bury Shun alive in it. Unexpectedly, after Shun went down the well, he dug a tunnel beside the well, drilled it out, and returned home safely.

Xiang didn't know that Shun had already escaped danger. He returned home triumphantly and said to Gusou, "My brother will definitely die this time. I came up with this clever plan." Now we can get a share of my brother's property. After saying that, he walked towards the house where Shun lived. Unexpectedly, when he entered the room, Shun was sitting by the bed playing the piano.

Xiang was secretly surprised and said embarrassedly: "Hey, I miss you so much!" Shun also pretended to be nonchalant and said, "You came just in time. I have a lot to do and I need your help to take care of it." ‘From now on, Shun will treat his parents and younger brother as kindly as before, and Gusou and Xiang will not dare to harm Shun anymore. (!) More ‘small’ says, ‘full’ in ‘stars’ ‘book’, ‘! Chapter 300 of the latest chapter of "The Mingyu of the Ancient World" The Yellow Emperor's Enlightenment was compiled and uploaded by Xingyue Book Bar ()

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