The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 799: Sea Clan’s Participation

After returning to the Jizhiyuan Holy Tower battle zone, the master and apprentice were temporarily separated.

Both of them have their own things to be busy with.

A war has just ended here, and a large amount of loot collected needs to be distributed and stored.

Although Lu Lianman does not need to do everything herself, she still needs to control the general direction.

And this time, the number of personnel in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade is as high as four digits. This is definitely an unprecedented heavy damage since the establishment of the Holy Tower.

What made Lu Lianman even more concerned was that such a heavy loss was inseparable from her "erroneous" command.

In fact, it can't be considered a mistake, it can only be regarded as a relatively serious war accident.

Who knew that the Wild Orangutan Legion would have such a powerful wave of dwarf bullet firing base.

Lu Lianman and others made a prompt decision, released the forbidden spell, and immediately pulled up the space fortress behind. She had already fulfilled her due responsibility as a holy tower owner.

Including many magicians who survived the blast wave of dwarf bullets, none of them held any grudge against Lu Lianman.

During a plane war, it is completely normal for large-scale casualties to occur.

Furthermore, the Blue Origin Holy Tower family was not the only one to suffer heavy losses.

This wave of secret weapons of the Wild Orangutan Legion actually caused most of the holy towers and knight halls on this battlefield to fall.

But precisely because it suffered a loss once, it will become more difficult for the Wild Orangutan World to cause the Wizard Civilized Legion to suffer such heavy losses for the second time.

Dwarf bullets are extremely powerful, but they are not completely unpreventable.

Whether it is providing a large-area legion-type magic shield or combat troops advancing in skirmish style, it can effectively reduce the casualties caused by this powerful weapon.

The space fortresses in the wizarding world also have the ability to provide elemental shields to the combat legions below.

Perhaps after this wave of phased wars ends, the major holy towers and knight halls in the wizarding world will no longer be stingy with the energy expenditure.

After saying goodbye to his mentor, Thane did not return to his laboratory immediately, but went to Lina's place first.

Lina now lives next door to Thain's residence. She originally stayed in the Space Fortress's Rest Center for Seriously Wounded Persons, but left there half a month ago.

Although the injury has recovered a lot, Thain still took her to his side in order to take care of Lina conveniently.

After a month of recuperation, Lina's complexion has recovered a lot.

When Thain pushed the door open and walked in, she was lying on a white hospital bed, holding a magic book in her hand.

This magic book was lent to Lena by Thane.

No, to be precise, it comes from the fourth-level tower master of the Whispering Holy Tower.

This is a magic book that focuses on mysticism, which has always been an unpopular and relatively remote subject in the wizarding world.

The magicians in the wizarding world are already symbols of "mystery" and "eccentricity" in the eyes of the alien creatures in the surrounding star fields.

But few alien creatures know that in the wizarding world there are also "mysterious" existences in the eyes of magicians.

There is no logic in how the mysterious power is used.

In other words, it follows another logic.

Rather than the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of matter that most ordinary magicians know.

To give a simple example, the magic book given to Thain by the Master of Whispers introduces a simple and practical curse magic called Silk Puppet.

This is indeed an introductory book to mysticism. Because of the cursed secret technique of "Spirit Puppet", even magic apprentices have the possibility of success in actual combat.

The casting materials it requires are: the hair of the cursed person, two milligrams of silver mosquito blood, five liters of moon well water, three grams of red-eyed flea excrement, and many other strange items, a total of twenty seven species.

If it were just this, that would be fine, but the release time of this cursed secret technique was limited to the last three hourglasses before sunset every evening.

If you miss it, you have to wait until the next day.

If it requires materials such as the hair of the cursed person and water from the moon well, Thane can understand.

Because this involves the genetic information of the cursed person and the construction of the basic magic circle energy circuit.

But with the flea excrement and the very strict release time requirements, Thain was a little confused.

This can be seen from this that the mysterious magic is strange and beyond common sense.

"Are you interested in this book?" Thain stepped forward and asked with a smile. At the same time, he used the crystal ball to check Lina's body.

Thain's behavior at this time was very similar to her mentor's inspection of Penas just now.

It seems that no matter where the path of magic and truth reaches, as long as it does not break away from the category of "human beings", there will always be existences that one cares about.

"Well, many black magicians in the dark realm of mystical magic also do research."

"Because most of the experimental materials involved are rare and have low practical value, the Wizards Alliance's resources in this area are not strict in blocking the black domain." Lina shook the magic book in her hand and said.

"This magic book of yours is more profound than the ones I saw in the Canggu Black Tower."

"Although some of the curse magic spells introduced in it are not high-level, many of the principles involved are thought-provoking." Lina sighed.

"Of course, this is a gift from a fourth-level tower master." Thain nodded.

There are magic books to pass the time. For Lina, this kind of recuperation time is extremely fulfilling.

After staying with Lena for a while, Thain returned to the laboratory next door to him.

His experiments have reached a critical and busy stage recently.

The main reason was that the stimulation of the blue fire characteristics last time gave Thane a new understanding of the use of the power of fire.

Magicians are more concerned about this burst of inspiration. This period of time is considered prime time for Thain to conduct experiments and research in various aspects.

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He felt that his whole body was full of energy.

The giant mermaid Shirahoshi will arrive in the wild world of apes sooner than people think.

When everyone thought she was still mobilizing the Neptune-like army in the endless South China Sea, this powerful fifth-level peak mermaid had already led an army of millions to land in the wild orangutan world.

Of course, an army of millions cannot all be of the Neptune type.

The Neptunes in the wizarding world belong to a small number of species, and they are scattered in every corner of the ocean, residing in the depths of the ocean where the pressure is the highest and the temperature is the lowest.

Even if Bai Xing is born with a strong suppressive and commanding effect on these Neptunes, he cannot summon them all together in a moment.

There are a total of 50,000 Neptune species following Shirahoshi to the wild orangutan world this time.

Among them, there are a total of thirteen beings with life levels above level four!

These are just a few of the Neptune species bred in the endless ocean of the wizarding world.

For the other big guys whose habitats were too far away and whose movements were too clumsy, after Bai Xing received the news that Mo Yan was fine, he let them go back to sleep.

In addition to tens of thousands of sea kings, 99% of the legions brought by Shirahoshi are the sea legions of the wizarding world.

It is different from the hundreds of thousands of low-level sea clan legions that the Blue Origin Holy Tower attracted at cabbage prices.

These millions of sea clan legions brought by Bai Xing himself are all elites through and through.

Among them, there are more than 200,000 mermaids above the first level.

There are hundreds of thousands of other Shanghai clans above the first level.

This level of power is already equivalent to the sum of several, or even dozens of holy towers and knights' halls.

Regarding this situation, Thain's master Cuilis told the truth behind his back: "Because the dragon was injured, the Sea Tribe found an excuse to legitimately participate in dividing the profits of this medium-sized plane war."

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