The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 638 Things are different and people are different

After leaving Lu Lianman, Thain took Lina around the Holy Tower.

The area that the two of them focused on was the Holy Tower Library.

On the contrary, Lina didn't seem very interested in the busier Shengta peripheral business district and the Shengta College, which had a large number of people.

Like Thain, Lina usually has a boring and homely personality.

The Holy Tower Library, with its massive collection of books, undoubtedly has a great appeal to Lina.

Moreover, although Lina is now a second-level magician, what really appeals to her about the Holy Tower Library is the basic knowledge of the first-level or even apprentice level.

Such a massive collection of knowledge is enough for Lina to spend more than ten years traveling and exploring.

Thain also came here like this when he was in the apprenticeship stage.

Now that Lina has a higher level, simple basic elemental knowledge of fire and dark elements obviously cannot meet Lina's needs.

More other knowledge systems also have great appeal to Lina.

"Actually, just one library makes a huge difference between the learning conditions in the Black Domain and the normal Holy Tower." Lina sighed to Thane.

"My mentor also has a private library. Next time I have a chance, I will take you to see it." Thain said quietly.

After Lina arrived at the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, Thane felt that the sun seemed to be a little brighter.

Not only inside the Holy Tower, but outside the Holy Tower, he also took Lina to many places.

Dragon Turtle Tourmaline obviously knew Lina, and she was also very happy after seeing Lina also appear in the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan.

Of course, the more important reason is that as long as Thain is happy, Tourmaline will be happy too.

This is a demigod-level dragon turtle that is very satisfying and easy to coax.

Thain felt that he could become friends with Bixi. In addition to the light of the plane in his body, there was another reason because he took the initiative to communicate with Bixi.

To be honest, with Bixi's character, it's easy to get along with her as long as you ignore her huge size and mountain-like sense of oppression.

Thain really couldn't think of any creature that couldn't get along with Tourmaline.

Those who have not become friends with Tour Xi are probably intimidated by Tour Xi's huge size and momentum from the beginning.

In addition, she has been sleeping at the bottom of the sea all year round, so it’s no wonder that she only has one or two friends like Thain.

Meet Tourmaline and take a look at her tumbling nest in the Sea of ​​Gemstones.

Thain took Lina back to the Lycian Alliance.

His father Kelman, great-grandfather Ulysses and others have still not returned from the world.

However, the war in that low-level plane has ended, and there is basically no danger, so Thain is not worried about them.

At this time, the Grant family of the Lycian Alliance only had a group of direct and collateral members headed by Thain's younger brother Sauron.

Thane is over a hundred years old this year, and his brother Sauron is also in his nineties.

The position of head of the Grant family has long been passed to Sauron's grandson.

He was a young man about thirty years old, in his prime.

After not seeing each other for decades, Sauron's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes in Thane's eyes.

The red-haired young man who was dissatisfied and even had conflicts with Thain.

Now he has become a rickety old man on crutches, with few hairs left, and his face is full of wrinkles.

It is different from the situation where magicians become stronger as they get older and stronger.

The vast majority of knights in the wizarding world have experienced a more serious decline in strength as they reach their later years.

This applies not only to knights and attendants below the first level, but also to those above the first level.

Sauron failed to break through the first level after all. When he was sixty years old, he used many potions and family resources to forcefully rush to the quasi-knight realm.

But in the next ten years, problems broke out due to age, physical decline, and the hidden dangers of barely improving through the use of medicine.

He soon fell back to the rank of high-level knight attendant, and from then on, he plummeted all the way.

Although Zoro looked very old at this time, his body was still strong.

After all, he was once a knight. According to Sauron himself, not long ago, he had made two moves with a little guy with the strength of a mid-level knight squire. The other person was his most beloved grandson.

Because Thain has no heir, the position of head of the Grant family must be passed down along the Sauron line.

If Thane gives birth to a son in the future and shows good talent in fighting spirit training.

Perhaps the position of head of the Grant family will return to his side.

It's just that Thain didn't care about it at all.

At this time, Thain is not only a grandfather, he is also a great-grandfather, and this seniority will be promoted again soon.

It seems that one of Sauron's great-grandsons was pregnant with a maid when he was only fourteen years old.

Because of this incident, the current head of the Grant family almost limped that brat's leg.

The knights are indeed energetic, but an old family like the Grant family, which has a lot of heritage and a history of thousands of years, is still very strict in some aspects.

Including Sauron back then, he was under strict control before he was a minor.

It seems that indulging in it prematurely will lead to physical depletion of the knights and affect their fighting spirit cultivation and future development.

Some knight families with deeper foundations still have certain secret techniques. Before the knights are promoted to the first level, they are not even allowed to touch women.

It seems that those secret techniques can increase the success rate of knights in reaching level one.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, even if it can only increase the success rate by 1%, it is enough for those big families with strict rules to force the younger generations of disciples to implement it, especially those direct disciples with great potential.

Likewise, this also resulted in many knight families passing down a single line. .

Like Natalya and Lenna, their respective families have great influence in the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall, and they also have many family members.

But the direct members, especially the generation descended from their parents, seem to be just the two of them.

Thain had never heard of them having any younger siblings.

Sauron's mother, Thain's stepmother, was a woman who once made things difficult for Thain. She died sixteen years ago because she was an ordinary person.

As an ordinary person, if she lived to this age, the woman named Tiya would be considered dead.

Sixteen years ago, Thain's father Kelman was still fighting in the world of Thunder.

Even at that time, Thain had just learned that Kelman was seriously injured in the Thunder World, so he hurried to the Thunder World.

Thain didn't know the specific relationship between Kelman and Tiya, but before going to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, in the limited memory of life in the castle, Kelman and Tiya could be regarded as respectful to each other.

Kelman must have a certain relationship with Tia, after all, Tia gave birth to a child for him.

But now that life and death are separated... Kelman doesn't know what to think.

This is also the price of the combination of high-level life forms and low-level life forms.

Kelman was promoted to a first-class knight and had a lifespan of a thousand years. Ordinary human women could no longer keep up with him.

Not only Tia, but also the old Zoro...

As an elder, it is obviously a very painful thing to watch your relatives and descendants pass away one after another.

Thain remembered that after the Thunder World War ended, Thain asked Kelman if he wanted to go back with him. He could apply for a place for Kelman through the Blue Origin Holy Tower.

But Kelman rejected it.

Could Kelman not know that his son was dying? He may have already known about Diya's death!

Many knights and magicians in the wizarding world came here like this, and have basically experienced this.

Only by experiencing this kind of thing can the knights truly mature, and the magicians can better understand that only the truth will last forever!

Taking Lina's hand, Thain took her to his mother's grave.

It is the season when spring turns to summer, and the flowerbed in front of the cemetery is blooming with gorgeous flowers, mostly white.

"Let's hold the wedding here, just the two of us." Thain said to Lina.

Lina blushed with embarrassment at this time and leaned into Thain's arms.

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