The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 442 The Snera Family

Instead of calling the door directly, Thain just flashed and disappeared.

With his powerful physique, Thain has reached the ultimate level of control over his muscles.

Even when he entered Gazes City before, Thain did not use flying magic. Instead, he jumped in with his legs...

With a physique of over 200 points, Thain is enough to compete with knights of the same level who have just broken through.

At the same time as his physical fitness increased, there was also a change in Thane's fighting style.

However, Thain did not take full advantage of his physical strength during his battle with the second-level black magician a few years ago.

Including Thain himself, he is actually not very used to fighting enemies in close quarters.

His powerful physique only gave Thain an extra layer of backup hiding methods.

I believe that those opponents who regard Thain as a weak magician and try to get close to him to cause trouble will receive a "surprise" when they get close to Thain!

The architecture of Snella Mansion is different from that of the Grant family in the Land of Green Source.

The human nobles on the main continent of the Wizarding World prefer to build castles.

As for the native human nobles in the Western Islands, although a few of them have the habit of building castles, most of them still live in high-gate compounds.

Including some noble services, traditions and concepts, etc., they are also different from the nobles on the Wizarding Continent.

Baron Snera's mansion looks a little dilapidated from the outside, but when you get inside, you can find that this baron's mansion is still well maintained.

There are nearly two hundred servants in the entire baron's mansion.

This is not to mention the guards and attendants who numbered over a hundred and were patrolling throughout the mansion.

Now is the time of war, and Baron Snera's mansion originally maintained a total of three hundred guard servants.

However, two hundred of them were recruited by the count to garrison on the walls of Gazes City.

There are only a hundred or so guards left in the mansion, which are the last strength of the Snera family.

If Gazes City is finally captured by the Kingdom of Joseph, these more than a hundred guards will also be the last force to protect the Snera family from retreating to the hinterland of the Teutonic Kingdom.

Even in times of war, it is always the lower class civilians who suffer.

Although aristocrats like the Snera family will also be in trouble due to the impact of the war, at least the aristocratic families are not short of food and drink.

And when danger comes, these nobles are definitely the fastest ones.

Many nobles in Gazes City have fled to the hinterland of the Teutonic Kingdom and even the capital.

Many female members of the Snera family and the second and third heirs also retreated to the rear.

Only Baron Snera himself and his eldest son remained.

Except that it was because Count Hank of Gazes City was keeping a close eye on them and would not let Baron Snera and others leave.

Another reason is that Baron Snera and his family themselves are reluctant to leave the homeland where they have lived for generations.

Unlike other nobles who only have a history of a few hundred years or even more than a hundred years.

The Snera family is an ancient family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

This family has received the title of earl in its ancestors, but it has been in decline since several hundred years ago.

Not only was the noble title forced to be downgraded, but even among the baron families, the Snella family was not outstanding.

Although they are very ordinary among the barons of the Teutonic Kingdom, the Snera family still has great power in this corner of Gazes City.

The Snera family can be called the second most influential noble family in Geizes City after Earl Hank.

The reason for this is not because of the financial resources possessed by the Snera family, nor the force possessed by the Snera family, but because of the land they own.

Nearly two-thirds of the land around Gazes City that is suitable for growing buckwheat is owned by the Snera family.

Even in the most difficult times, the Snella family would rather sell their collection of antiques than sell their land.

It comes from the unique wisdom of successive generations of the Snera family.

Wealth and antiques can be regained, but land is not so easy to come by, especially fertile farmland.

The special situation of Qianba Coral Island with constant wars all year round makes gold and antiques not hard currency among the three kingdoms here, only food is the eternal truth.

If the war can be slowed down a little, the Snera family will be able to easily turn around in just one to twenty years with the large land they own around Gazes City.

The heads of the Snera family in the past generations also thought so. Unfortunately, ever since the Teutonic Kingdom lost a large area of ​​its territory more than a hundred years ago, making Gazes City the front line facing the Jansen Kingdom, the Snera family has been living in hardship. has arrived.

On average, a war breaks out every few years, and not only the loss of civilians around Gazes City is very serious.

Including during the war, the trampling of farmland and the looting of food were also very eye-catching.

Just over a hundred years ago, the Snera family could easily organize a private army of more than a thousand people.

But now, the equipment required to maintain more than 300 people has reached their limit.

As for the more than two hundred servants in the mansion... In fact, the Snera family did not spend much money to support them. They just gave them a bite to eat so as not to starve to death.

On the contrary, the guards not only need to eat, but also need a certain amount of equipment and weapons.

At this time, the current head of the family, Baron Snera, was sitting in a hall at the back of the mansion, frowning.

This year, the Jansen Kingdom is approaching with great force, and is threatening to annex eleven cities on the border of the Teutonic Kingdom, and Gazes City is just one of them.

As an ancient family with thousands of years of heritage, although the Snera family seems to have declined a lot, there are still many things in the family that have heritage.

Especially more than a hundred years ago, the city of Geizes almost fell under the pressure of war from the Kingdom of Jansen.

At that time, it was the Snera family who took out a magic item that had been passed down hundreds of years ago, and defeated the vanguard of the Jansen Kingdom, preventing Gazes City from falling.

But it is also this experience that has made the development of the Snera family over the years both good and bad.

At that time, the royal family of the Teutonic Kingdom used their noble title as a bargaining chip and threat to defraud two precious magic items from the Snera family.

Including Earl Hank at this time, he also kept peeking at the Snera family's background.

Whether they can hold Gazes City this time, as Earl Hank said, depends on the performance of the Snera family.

"This damn reckless man!" Baron Snera, who was originally well-educated, couldn't help but slap the armrest of his seat hard.

The Hank family is a family of knights, including Earl Hank himself, who is also a high-level knight attendant.

This is a strong man who looks rough on the outside, but is very calculating on the inside.

On the surface, it is obvious that the Hank family's background is superior to that of the Snera family.

But until now, this guy has not expressed anything, he just keeps pushing the Snera family forward.

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