The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2680 Massive War Reparations

The Purple Dragon God's potential is not as good as that of the Colorful Dragon God, but he can't afford to have a good wife.

In other words, he has a good husband.

Thain has heard that the father-in-law of the Purple Dragon God, the giant dragon king of the deep sea, has entered a critical period of transformation into the realm of dominance.

After the war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, he was the person in the Wizarding Alliance who had the highest claim to be promoted to master.

Civilized wars resulted in the death of many master-level warriors.

The old gods fall and new gods emerge.

The deep-sea giant dragon clan, like the Namek civilization, is currently the "upstart" of the Wizards Alliance.

Therefore, judging from Thain's perspective, he believes that the future path of the Purple Dragon God will be much easier than that of the Colorful Dragon God.

Not to mention, the Purple Dragon God is still very capable of causing trouble.

The sixth-level water-based godhead it had previously captured in the Natural Forest took the initiative to hand it over to Thain, and stated that it was a gift from his wife to Ms. Tourmaline.

The negotiation process with the Colorful Dragon God went smoothly.

This is an extremely unequal negotiation, and there is no such thing as bargaining.

For the giant dragons of Faerûn such as the Colorful Dragon God, they can only accept any conditions offered by the Wizarding Civilization Expeditionary Force and have almost no right to say "no".

Because once these Dragon Gods refuse, the consequences waiting for them will be to be kicked out of the negotiation venue by the powerful wizards and civilizations at the scene, and they will wait for the final death notice.

The top leaders of the wizarding civilization such as Thane and Hela still have a strong demeanor.

They will not even attack the dragon gods who come to the depths of the wizard civilization army in advance.

This is something that can only be done by a party that is extremely confident in its own strength.

Faced with this situation, the dragon gods of Faerûn had no choice but to accept it.

During this negotiation process, the state of these dragon god dragons and the bargaining chips in their hands.

Far less than the previous situation when the Gallente Federation negotiated with the top leaders of the Wizarding Civilization.

At any rate, at that time, the Gallente Federation still had several Dominator-level combat units, as well as endless crystals, super quantum computers and other things that the wizarding civilization was extremely interested in.

Regardless of that time, the secret negotiation team represented by Thane always maintained an aggressive stance towards the top leaders of the Gallente Federation.

But in fact, Thain and others all have a "degree".

They have never broken through the Gallente Federation's bottom line, and they have also made guarantees and promises to those in power in the Federation.

Including those high-level federal figures, they also maintain a certain degree of respect and equality.

What the Gallente Federation lost in the end was the interests of the entire civilization and the future of trillions of low-level creatures.

What have those top federal officials lost?

They actually lost very little!

With the promise of the wizard civilization, these top federal officials who were the first to surrender will still be the top officials of the federation in the future.

They are still aloof figures, standing on top of all living beings.

In comparison, creatures such as the Colorful Dragon God are much miserable.

To put it nicely, they abandoned darkness and turned to light in time and joined the wizard civilization camp.

To put it mildly, they signed a series of unequal treaties with the wizarding civilization and paid a huge amount of wealth as compensation.

The real situation is only slightly better than the cannon fodder of slave creatures under the wizard's civilized army.

"The dragon clan is so rich!"

"No wonder there has never been a shortage of biographies of dragon-slaying warriors in the history of Faerûn." After the negotiation with the Dragon God System, Thane said with emotion.

The resources and wealth directly handed over to the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Corps by the Dragon Gods not only made Thain, a magician who had just stepped into the dominance-level power level, sigh with admiration.

At the same time, Thain also noticed that Hela's eyes at the negotiation meeting showed a bit of surprise at the end.

"This should also be related to the profound heritage and rich resources contained in this world."

"No wonder it can support thousands of gods!"

"The total amount of resources and wealth contained in this corner of Faerun Continent alone far exceeds the total amount of resources and wealth in the general large-scale star fields in the star world!" Hela said in a deep voice.

In this negotiation meeting, the main force responsible for the negotiations was except for a group of fourth- and fifth-level magicians selected by Thane.

There is also Wojin, the goddess of wealth, who has just regained all her divine power.

Back then, when Thane first came to Faerûn, the temple of Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth, was looted by the dragon clan.

Thousands of giant dragons roared past the city of wealth established by Wojin.

The once magnificent city collapsed into ruins.

Unexpectedly, more than ten thousand years have passed, the situation has changed, and this time it is Wojin's turn to take action.

In this negotiation meeting, the total amount of wealth Wo'jin squeezed out from the dragon clan was more than a thousand times exaggerated than what the dragons plundered from her back then?

Wo'jin even accurately determined the worth of each giant dragon to blackmail the dragon god system!

Including baby dragons!

Vol'jin's performance, as well as the list of benefits he ultimately gained from the wizarding civilization, impressed many powerful wizarding civilization players.

Even Hela, the goddess of death, said to Thain after the negotiation meeting: "The goddess of wealth you have is very good."

"A special god who holds the priesthood of wealth?"

"This kind of different gods seems to be rare in our Titan world."

"In the future, I have to consider cultivating a similar god." Hela said, touching her chin.

Thain smiled at this and said: "If you have any needs, Ms. Hela, I can directly lend Vol'jin to you."

"That is indeed a woman who is extremely sensitive to money, and it can help us save a lot of energy." Thain said.

Hela smiled and said: "I found that there are many capable people under your command, Thane."

"In my eyes, there are many that have great potential, and can even become dominant."

"If I need anything in the future, I will definitely not be polite to you." Hela chuckled.

"It's my pleasure." Thain replied with a smile.

When the Dragon Gods finally signed the unequal treaty with the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Force, a total of seven sixth-level dragon gods witnessed it and pressed their own dragon blood in the law contract.

These seven-headed and sixth-level dragon gods are also the current highest combat power of the dragon god system.

In addition to the colorful dragon gods, there are also: Bronze Dragon King, Red Dragon Queen, Blue Dragon King, Green Dragon King, Black Dragon King, and an old ancient earth dragon.

Among the five-color dragons in Faerûn, only the White Dragon King was not present.

It’s not that it doesn’t want to come, it’s that it can’t come.

This guy has been killed by the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Force!

Just in time for the showdown with the Justice League.

As a result, the power of the light attribute white dragon in Faerun was weakened to the extreme after the war.

Instead, Thain and other expeditionary forces obtained a large number of light-attributed dragon crystals, dragon skins, dragon blood, dragon horns, etc.

Not only are the dragons rich, they are also valuable!

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