The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2637 Misjudgment and Contempt

"Is it Chris civilization? Or is it the world of the formless?" Io couldn't help but ponder.

In the past few years of breaking through the rule blockade of Faerun and traveling in the star world, Io has also come into contact with many world civilizations.

Of course, these world civilizations are mostly based on medium and small plane worlds.

Of course, there are also large-scale world civilizations like Faerûn.

Among these world civilizations, the ones that are closer to Faerûn and may have a sneak peek at Faerûn are none other than the Chris civilization and the world of the Formless.

Chris Civilization is a large-scale world civilization that pays equal attention to technology and cultivation system.

When Io first came into contact with the Kris civilization, he was amazed by the achievements of this civilization.

The world of the formless is a world of pure cultivation.

The overall strength of this world may not be inferior to that of Faerûn.

Moreover, neither of these two large-scale world civilizations has embarked on the path of belief in gods.

So much so that after Io left the continent of Faerûn, he gradually realized that the star world was so colorful.

"There are no eighth-level gods like me in Chris civilization. Their highest combat power is only the seventh-level main god, but there are quite a few..."

"If the news of my injury is known to those Chris creatures, there is a possibility that they will spy on me."

"Including the arcane masters and floating cities that have appeared in Faerun in recent years? They seem to be similar to those battleship fortresses built by Chris's civilization."

"What a despicable fellow!"

"It was originally agreed that the three large worlds would form an alliance to jointly explore the Land of God's Fall and deal with possible threats from the top civilizations in the star realm." Io couldn't help but punch the golden floor in front of him.

"The strongest man in the world of the Formless One is about the same strength as me."

"However, he also suffered serious injuries during the last exploration of the Land of God's Fall."

"And the world of the formless is better than

Chris's civilization is much more reliable, so it's probably not like they started a war. "

"Is Chris really civilized?" Ao couldn't help but ponder.

In his current state, it would not be a problem to deal with one or two level seven masters.

But if Chris Civilization attacks with all his strength...

Thinking of this, Io's heart became even more upset.

If Chris Civilization had started a thousand years later.

In addition to Io's own strength, which can be greatly restored, Lady of the Night and the God of Elements should also be promoted to masters.

At that time, Io will have enough confidence to face the Chris civilization and the world of the phaseless, and then talk about the formation of an alliance between the three civilizations.

These plane worlds in Io and the surrounding star fields have not come into contact with top-level civilizations.

Only in the Land of God's Fall can they vaguely feel how exaggerated the strength of the top civilization is.

No, the woman who severely injured Io and shattered the stone of his destiny must be from a top civilization!

Because neither the Chris civilization nor the world of the phaseless ones had any information about the woman in black robe.

Including the master-level thugs summoned by the woman holding the scythe, Io has never seen them before!

To put it more shamefully, Io, who has mid-eighth level strength, let alone defeat the black-robed woman, he is not even a match for the master-level servant summoned by the other party.

Especially the giant frost dragon that has always been the mount of the black-robed woman.

The ice dragon flames spewed by the opponent reached a level that Aodu had to retreat from.

If he hadn't run away fast enough after attracting evil to that woman.

I'm afraid Io won't be able to return alive.

Lun continent.

Not to mention leading the continent of Faerûn into a new era.

"What a terrifying woman..." Thinking of some past experiences, God Ao couldn't help but tremble.

However, the current difficulties faced by Faerûn still need to be dealt with.

The Chris civilization does not have an eighth-level master, which is a major disadvantage for them.

If Io can use a tough stance to push back the vanguard of the Chris civilization.

Then it is possible for both parties to sit at the negotiating table again.

"What a cunning civilization!" Thinking of the despicable and shameless civilization of Chris, Ao couldn't help but hit the golden floor in front of him again.

After venting his anger, Io took a deep breath, stood up and flew away from the ancient main temple, flying towards the purgatory space.

There he will negotiate with these invaders.

The ancient main temple where Io is located is the resting place of the famous ancient gods of Faerûn.

It is worth mentioning the "new gods" that have been born in Faerûn over the past 100,000 years.

Either during the Saint Catastrophe, he grabbed the godhead and divinity, thus igniting the divine fire and ascending to the altar.

Either in this place where the ancient gods rested, and in the exploration of the secret realm and special divine domain space, they inherited some of the priesthoods and divinities of the ancient gods, and thus became gods.

In the continent of Faerûn, there is only Io, who has lived since ancient times and is still alive and kicking.

As for other gods, they include the God of Justice, the Lady of the Night, and the God of Elements, the leader of the three major pantheons: the Justice League, the Dark Alliance, and the Wings of Nature.

They are all relatively young among the gods in Faerûn.

The glory of the ancient gods has long passed.

Now is the new era. The god Io leads the continent of Faerûn and sets foot in the starry sky.

New Era.

The fierce battle did not stop for a moment after Thane arrived in the second level of Purgatory.

The battle with the God of Justice was also a valuable experience for Thane.

Many large-scale plane masters have not mastered the mastery of omnipotent soul recovery techniques, but they have also developed other ways to use power.

Including the God of Justice in front of him, he has not been promoted to master for a long time, but he seems to be quite thoughtful about the use of some master-level power methods.

For example, when fighting Thane, the God of Justice did not consume his own master soul unlimitedly.

In addition to using his own divine power to launch attacks, he also borrows the power of faith, this special energy.

The soul of domination is not the only energy of domination-level creatures.

They will only use these trump cards when they are desperate.

As for the God of Justice, his battle with Thane is not just to eliminate heretics.

At the same time, there is also the consideration of using Thain's power to hone himself and become more proficient in mastering the power of domination.

If it is a general situation, there is nothing wrong with this approach of the God of Justice.

He's even smart.

Treating the enemy as your own grinding opponent is not something ordinary creatures can do.

But the mistake of the God of Justice lies in his misjudgment of the enemy's strength.

He didn't know how powerful the wizard civilization on the opposite side was!

This may also be because Thane has no aura of dominance, which makes the new Lord God of Faerun underestimate and despise his opponents from the beginning.

It wasn't until...the true master-level combat power of the wizard civilization appeared that the spirit of the God of Justice finally became tense.

After Thain, the second master of wizard civilization to enter the continent of Faerun is the goddess of death-Hela!

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