The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2631 Dominant Angel Robot

The combat legion that Thane brought to Faerûn from the Gallente Federation this time was mainly composed of three parts.

One is the war fleet, with Bond in charge. The commanders of those fleets were the first Federation humans to surrender to the wizard civilization. With Bond responsible for supervising them, Thane felt more at ease.

The second is the mecha unit, headed by Robert. He was piloting the Dangerous Wanderer. After the Gallente Federation surrendered, his military rank jumped several levels. Although the number of mecha troops he leads is not large, it can be considered a reliable combat force.

The third is the low-level robot cannon fodder army controlled by the Icarus plutocrat, many of which are angel models. Thain has not turned on all of these robots with intelligence. After all, the energy of the Rubik's Cube is limited, and there is no need to create too many intelligent robots. The total number of intelligent robots has temporarily reached a state of relative saturation.

This war in Faerun is the first close cooperation war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation since the end of the Civilization War.

Therefore, this large-scale plane war has also been given significance in other fields.

Anyway, there are quite a few high-level creatures from the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation who are paying attention to this war.

It is precisely because of this that this war can only win but cannot fail!

When Thain arrived at the Sipunas Experimental Base, the federal army had already prepared under Thain's advance notice.

Each legion marched toward the Wild Star Territory in an orderly manner.

It is also embarrassing to say that the two sides who were still fighting fiercely hundreds of years ago are actually fighting together today.

The Wild Star Territory was reduced to ruins due to the desperate war between the civilizations of both sides.

But it is also there that the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation will begin their journey into a new era.

Deep inside the experimental base.

After being introduced by Sipnas and others, Thain looked at the "almost completed" Icarus in front of him with a sigh.

As a top artificial human scientist, Gallo showed their latest research results to Thane.

Gallo took out an electromagnetic blade and cut open the arm of a smart robot.

As far as the eye can see, there are no longer metal lines and various steel structures, but a special substance that is blue and a bit like cells.

"This is our latest developed nanoparticle technology, which can perfectly replace the original materials of smart robots, making them more vivid and vivid, and their ability to resist strikes and self-recovery and repair will also be greatly enhanced."

"The only pity is that the cost is too high."

"It is not necessary to promote it to the entire intelligent robot group. It is best to only use it to strengthen those advanced robots with level four or above combat power."

"And in our experimental expectations, intelligent robots recast with nanoparticles

, in the future, it may not be possible to give birth to life. Gallo said excitedly to Thain.

As the top artificial human scientist of the Norman Federation, Gallo is indeed an expert in this field.

Before him, although Sipnas of the Gallente Federation also reshaped and improved the limbs of the angel robot in his hand, nothing could be done so completely and completely as Gallente.

Oh, by the way, it’s worth mentioning that Gallo is the chief designer of the Dominator-level artificial man in the Norman Federation.

Therefore, despite the fact that this guy is short and fat, his language is sometimes vulgar.

But he is really a talent.

Gallo and Sippnas' work report on Thain lasted for a long time.

After listening to the opinions of the two experts, Thain also believed that this extremely costly transformation technology is only suitable for a small number of intelligent robots.

For example, his personal intelligent robot Fumila, and another example is Icarus, whose eyes are still closed.

Regarding Thain's proposal to take Icarus to Faerûn to participate in the war, the two top scientists unanimously rejected it.

"Icarus's performance is not stable, and her command system often makes mistakes."

"What if she falls into dysfunction on the battlefield? What if she fires indiscriminately..."

"There are 23 types of federal doomsday weapons stored in her body!" Sipnas said.

Gallo also objected at this time, "This robot already has dominance-level combat capabilities. If she is damaged on the battlefield, how much loss will it mean for us?"

"If she crashes on the battlefield of Faerun, can we still have new funds to start research in related fields?" Gallo asked.

Faced with the rhetorical questions from two top scientists, Thain replied, "Since there may be errors, we will modify and debug her on the battlefield."

"As for the final cost of this experiment and the magic coins that need to be invested, this is something I should consider, not something you should worry about."

"Anyway, do as I say!" Thain said solemnly.

Seeing that Thain's attitude had been decided, the two scientists could not say anything else.

Then, they called other scientists in the experimental base to awaken Icarus.

Procedures including the blessing of some spare energy and the loading and activation of weapons are also being completed one by one.

At the same time, Thane came to Ikaros.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube shines brightly in Thain's hands.

Judging from the light of law it revealed, it was obvious that it was also full of curiosity about Icarus, the dominant angel-type robot in front of it.

The start-up work was carried out quickly. Icarus, who had his eyes tightly closed in the translucent experimental cabin, slowly opened his eyes as the energy input continued to increase.

These are a pair of dark red eyes, just like a real person, and there is no way to tell that she is a robot.

Including Gallo's bio-nanotechnology, in the past few hundred years, Icarus has been replaced and upgraded.

It's just that unlike ordinary people's bright eyes, Icarus's red eyes are dull, dull, and somewhat indifferent.

The core center located in the back of her head was rapidly judging all the scenes presented in front of her.

Especially when looking at Thain, because the instructions entered by Sippnas and others were that Thain was her only master.

So Icarus, who had just awakened, was trying his best to remember everything about Thane.

At this moment, she only had Thain in her eyes!

But in the end, as Sipnas and others said, Icarus has not yet been completed enough to be released from the warehouse, and there are still big problems with her calculation instructions.

While trying to recognize Thain as his master.

I don't know what went wrong with the data processing in Icarus' body, but she actually labeled all other creatures in the current experimental base as "enemies."

Including Fumila, the twelve-winged angel next to Thain who looks similar to her, is no exception!

Red warmth gradually rose from Icarus' body.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" All kinds of weapons suddenly appeared from all over Icarus' body.

Sure enough, as designed by Sipnus, a strategic omnipotent angel. Every part of her body is the embodiment of a weapon, and is full of destructive and threatening factors.

Especially the twelve metal wings behind Icarus. When you see the densely packed metal cannon barrels with cold light extending from the roots of Icarus's wings.

Even the owner, Thain, couldn't help but let out a "gurgling" sound in his throat when he felt the energy levels contained in it that threatened seventh-level creatures.

"What should I do? Cut off her emergency energy source?" As the red alarm sounded in the base, a federal scientist couldn't help but panicked.

If the Icarus in front of him were to explode, the experimental base would probably be reduced to ruins in the next moment.

Fumila, who also felt the great hostility of Icarus and had been targeted by the opponent, stood in front of Thain without fear.

She will protect her master from any threats coming from any direction.

Unlike Icarus, Fumila has a sparkle in her eyes and a special emotion that is hard to explain.

Icarus's eyes were dark red and lifeless. There was only indifference and murderous intention in her eyes that despised all living things.

It seems that the experiment by Sipnas and others was very successful.

At least in the field of combat power, this angel-shaped robot does have the power to threaten the Overlord.

He rejected the proposal of the federal scientists in the base to cut off the emergency energy source, and even pushed Fumila behind him, who was blocking him.

Thain, holding the Rubik's Cube, came to Icarus step by step.

Look at this dominator-level robot with dull eyes and about to explode.

The Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand is even more dazzling and brilliant.

He originally wanted to awaken Icarus directly, but after thinking about it, for the sake of safety, Thain directly pressed the Rubik's Cube in his hand into Icarus' body.

Icarus's energy center is located in her chest and lower abdomen.

Therefore, the process of Thain pressing the Rubik's Cube into her body at this time looked a bit like Thain directly hugging Icarus from the outside.

As the Rubik's Cube and Icarus begin to merge.

A bright light erupted from the center of Thain and Icarus.

Amid the bursts of bright light and fluctuations in special elemental laws, Icarus's firing state that was about to enter immediately stopped.

Her dark red eyes gradually turned into a pink color similar to her hair.

The originally heated state gradually declined.

When the first ray of divine light appeared in Icarus's eyes.

The first thing she sensed was the temperature and breath from Thain.

"Master?" Icarus' voice was soft, and his eyes looked at Thain with some curiosity and cuteness.

Who can associate the cute and silly twelve-winged angel in front of you with the destroying angel just now?

At this time, a piece of white smoke rose from the back of Icarus' head.

I wonder if it was due to the error in the Icarus command just now. Is it because the computing center was burned?

So she looks a little dazed?

Thain reached out and touched the back of Icarus' head. Under the influence of the Rubik's Cube in his body, the damaged area of ​​Icarus was rapidly recovering.

Icarus himself showed a very comfortable feeling during this process.

She even rubbed her face against Sean's chest.

Icarus didn't notice that behind Thain, Fumila's expression looking at him changed accordingly.

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