The life of a villain starting from Naruto

Chapter 135 The cause of a certain incident

It was a cold day when Hinata Yuuto returned to the village.

The village did not organize villagers to go out to greet them. After the ninjas who were withdrawn from the Western Front entered the village, they went directly to the Hokage Building to report on their duties. They were reassigned to their posts and cultivated themselves to prepare for the New Year.

As the deputy commander, Hyuga Yuuto naturally wanted to be the first to meet the Hokage.

In the office, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his figure turned out to be much rickety.

Time finally began to destroy this ninjutsu doctor. His beloved disciples left the village, fought continuously, suppressed the restless ninja clan in the village... In the second year of the Ninja World War, Sarutobi Hiruzen's hair turned gray.

"Yuuto." The Hokage didn't look back, but just smoked his pipe:

"How are you on the front line?"

Hinata Yuuto said what Uchiha Yukihei told him:

"Lord Hokage, everything in the Rain Country troops is fine, but Uchiha seems to be worried about Luna."

"Moon God? He is indeed a troublesome guy. First the Byakugan, and then the Wood Release. Sooner or later, he will also attack the Sharingan. Uchiha's worries are not unreasonable."

"Hokage-sama, because of the Moon God, the blood succession limited families on the front line are in panic. What I see with my eyes are soldiers who are afraid of death... They may not be afraid of death, but no one can calmly face what may fall at any time. Behead with guillotine!"

After hearing what Hinata Yuuto said, Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent at first, and then asked a strange question:

"Yuuto, you haven't returned to your clan yet, have you?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, I came here immediately."

"You can go back now."

"...Yes, Hokage-sama."

Hyuga Yuuto accepted the order, feeling a little confused - Is Sarutobi Hiruzen angry? What did I say wrong? It shouldn't be...

However, just as he turned around, the Hokage's voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"At three o'clock in the morning tonight, you come here again and avoid everyone. At that time, you may understand why I asked you to come."

Although Hinata Yuuto was puzzled, he still left the Hokage Building after saluting.

He first went to Tsunade to say hello, and then returned to the Hyuga clan.

There is still order in the clan area.

The Ninja clan, which has clan and branch systems, cannot be "lively" in any way.

The hierarchy is strict and as old-fashioned as a rotten old tree. Most of the time, the clan is extremely quiet, as if there are no living people.

However, this time, because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Hyuga Yuuto carefully observed the clan members and found that under the depressive atmosphere, there was an emotion called "excitement" hidden.


Hinata Yuuto frowned.

Is it because the village has intensified its "white-eyed protection policy"?

This thought crossed his mind, feeling a bit unlikely.

It was useless to think too much. Hinata Yuuto shook his head and returned to his home, planning to ask the Third Hokage for clarification at three o'clock in the morning.

However, when the sun went down, Hinata and Hinata suddenly sent someone over.

Thinking in his mind, "I'll dig out your eyeballs in two years." Hyuga Yuuto looked respectful and gentle, and followed the clan member who sent the message to the clan leader's house.

"Stay close to me, Yuuto." Hizu pointed to the tatami in front of him:

"I have something to ask you."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch." Hyuga Yuuto was sitting not far from Hiashi, and the sound of the heavy wooden door being pressed against his ears could be heard.

Inside the room, Hidashi, who was wearing a white cloak, looked at Yuuto, something seemed to be burning in the depths of his eyes:

"Have you ever fought against Luna?"

"Yes, but I am not strong enough and I was defeated almost instantly."

"Does Luna's moves really have the shadow of Rou Fist?"

"Yes." Hinata Yuuto knew that he couldn't hide this matter:

"He is used to relaxing the finger bones and joints at a small angle when speaking, starting from the ring finger and ending with the thumb and little finger. This is a habit developed through years of practicing Rouquan."

Hinata Hinata's hands hanging down were clenched tightly, and his eyes became even more intense:

"Yuuto, do you think Miko is dead?"

"Master Patriarch, Miss Meiko and I are not familiar with each other..."

“You just have to speak your mind.”

"I don't think Miss Meiko was killed. If she wanted to, the Moon God could kill any of us in that dense forest, but Miss Meiko disappeared, and there was no trace of a battle breaking out at the place where she disappeared."

"As I thought, Luna is a member of the Hyuga family, and he captured Miko... Is he really Nobuji?" Hizu closed his eyes and said something that surprised Hyuga Yuuto:

"There is more than a 90% chance that he is Shinji."

"The family will contact him...only to represent Hinata's will."

Hinata Yuuto narrowed his eyes and gave the reaction that best suited his status:

"Lord Patriarch!" He stood up and looked at Rizu with disbelief:

"You're collaborating with the enemy. Do you want to...rebel the village?"

"Don't say it so harshly. Hinata will always be the loyal arm of Konoha and Hokage. We will not break the covenant we made when we founded the village. However, it is also my obligation as the clan leader to contact the lost children."

The two pure white eyes looked at each other in the air. Slowly, Hinata Yuuto lowered his head:

"...But, clan leader, the Moon God is the enemy that the village wants to kill."

"Nobuji is from our Hyuga family, and he belongs to the clan." Hinata and Hiashi's tone suddenly became serious:

"First the family, then the village."

Hinata Yuuto took a deep breath and said no more.

He understood the reason for the excitement in the clan.

After the kidnapping of Hyuga Miko, the fact that "Moon God is Nobuji" is almost certain, which is undoubtedly good news for the Hyuga clan:

——The Byakugan can also gain new power in some way like the Sharingan!

"Yuuto, actually even if we don't do this, the village will take action." Hizu calmed down and said:

"Shinji didn't kill Miko, which proves that he hasn't severed the previous ties, which means there is still talk."

"Since it can negotiate and trade, the village must have more chips to pay than the family."

"After all, if Shinji wants the Sharingan... it will be difficult to get it within the clan."

"Yuuto, you are a smart man. For yourself and the clan, from now on, you must monitor the actions of the Hokage Building."

"After all, you are a direct descendant of master and apprentice, and they trust you."

At three o'clock in the morning, the temperature on the snowy night was lower than during the day. Hinata Yuuto added another piece of clothing before arriving at the office as agreed.

Inside the house, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around with his hands behind his back, as if he hadn't moved all day.

"Yuuto, unlike other young ninjas, you can always think about problems from a higher level."

He got straight to the point and said directly:

"I know deep down in your heart, you put the village before your family."

"And you, who was once called [Hyuuga's Jade], are deeply trusted by the Hyuga clan."

"So... from now on, you have to monitor the actions of the Hyuga clan."

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