The Last Dark King

Chapter 854 Arnold

Rhodes wanted to see the Holy Emperor. He had many mysteries and speculations in his heart. Under the Holy Fire, he might be able to tell some of them.

But it is a pity that the Holy Emperor just "woke up", the door of fire did not open, and he saw no one.

The Patriarch handed the blessed Fire Lamp to Rhodes and said, "It's time to set off. According to your request, everyone in the expedition team is waiting in the royal city, and only Thoros is accompanying him."

Rhodes nodded. He had told the Patriarch that his spirit boat could only carry one more person at most. If more than two people were taken, the consumption of divine power would increase significantly. With his current power, it was far from enough to exceed 300,000. yards to Arno.

The best way is for him to go there alone, and then open the portal after arriving in Arno, so that no matter how many people want to come or go, there will be no problem.

But the Patriarch insisted that he take people with him to avoid danger on the way - even if he could open the portal, he might encounter an accident. No matter how powerful the [Spirit Boat] is, it is still a type of source law. Once he encounters an extremely powerful being that completely suppresses his divine power, he may not even be able to open the portal.

Therefore, Soros must go on the road with him. With the Terminator of All Things, Rhodes' absolute safety can be guaranteed.

Rhodes could only agree. He took a look at the spiritual lanterns in the space storage bag and found that there were 12 of them.

"Seven to Arno."

said the Patriarch.

"There are 5 more to go where you need to go."

Rhodes was slightly moved. He didn't expect the Patriarch to be so thoughtful and take this point into consideration.

But Asa hasn't woken up from the bookshelf yet, and Rhodes will never rush there without confirming whether it is safe to go to Mount Godouin.

Afterwards, Rhodes said goodbye to the Patriarch and many powerful men from Saint Lund, and then left the royal city with Thoros and embarked on a journey to Arno.

The strong men of Saint Ronde are all waiting at the Holy Fire Sacrifice of Saint Ronde Royal City, not only waiting for the meeting with Arno, but also to ensure that when Rhodes encounters danger during the journey, they can Support immediately.

Watching the figure shrouded in mist go away, everyone in Shenglongde was very nervous. In the Dark Age, it was the Kingdom of Arno that truly inherited human civilization and the heritage of fire.

Its power is incredible and beyond imagination. Even Saint Lund has become extremely powerful with the help of Arno, and the gap between him and Arno is also very large. This is not only reflected in the gap between the Holy Fire and the King. , it is more about the heritage of the two civilized countries. The number of strong men in Arno, the depth of cards, and the many powerful items brought back from the former Kingdom of Fire are all incomparable to Saint Lund.

The final plan was also personally informed by the King of Arno to the Holy Emperor of Fire through the fire brought back by the expedition.

Perhaps, when they arrive at Arno, they will find that the King of Arno has broken through the final boundary and reached the realm of the true king.

All the difficulties and disasters we face will be easily solved.

With such wonderful expectations, everyone watched as the figures of Rhodes and Soros disappeared from sight, blending into the boundless darkness.


When the [Spirit Boat] was running at full speed, its speed even exceeded Rhodes' own imagination. It took him less than 2 seconds to fly out of Sheng Ronde's territory and away from the light of the fire.

Taking only Soros alone had basically no impact on Rhodes. The consumption of divine power was slightly faster, but it was only between 2 and 3% at most, which was completely within the acceptable range.

After leaving Saint Ronde, Rhodes took out all 7 spiritual lamps from the storage bag. Strong golden light suddenly emitted from his body. The strength of the spiritual lamps blessed by the Holy Emperor of Fire had exceeded that of the Guardian. The category of fire has a hint of holy fire. As long as it does not encounter the high-intensity black mist of the source, there will definitely be no problem.

The road from St. Ronde to Arno is fixed. They have been walking for thousands of years and know everything on the road. However, due to the changes in the black fog, the most commonly used main route can no longer be used. The Patriarch chose for them another

route and use the prophetic city to determine its safety.

There is basically no need to worry about the route.

Along the way, Thoros held the astrolabe in hand and firmly grasped the direction. Although the speed of the [Spirit Boat] shocked him, it did not exceed the limit of his reaction, so there was no need to worry about the [Spirit Boat] going off direction.

In the black mist, Rhodes' speed was slower, but it only took less than half a quarter of an hour to fly out of the Ashland Continent and arrive at the last edge land - the Deathland Continent.

At a glance, Rhodes quickly understood why this continent was called the Dead Land Continent. The ground of the entire continent was dark and filled with a gloomy life, just like the kind in the cemetery that had lost all vitality. dust.

Soros told him: "The area of ​​the Dead Earth Continent is the largest among all edge continents, even larger than the outermost ice continent, and only smaller than the main continent. Its environment is also the smallest among the four edge continents. What's terrible, this continent is covered entirely with the black mist of the source. There is no secondary black mist derived from it. The traces of horrific battles left in ancient times can be seen everywhere here. There are unimaginable and terrible things hidden in the ancient ruins. Horrible monster."

Rhodes was shocked. In comparison, the Ashland Continent where Trolian was located was like a paradise.

"How old is Arno?" Rhodes asked curiously.

"It occupies the northwest of the Gray Earth Continent. The territory controlled by the entire kingdom is about three times that of Saint Lund. The total population exceeds 5 billion, which is many times that of ours. The total resource output is an astronomical figure, at least It is more than ten times more than Saint Ronde, and there are 317 strong men who have entered the Origin. This was the number three years ago, and it will only be more now."

"Not only that, Arno also has more strong men in the fourth stage of the Origin than we do. Girod, the Destroyer of Life, and Barrow, the Light of the Dawn, are all strong men at the peak of the fourth stage. They are stronger than me. They are just We are only half a step away from entering the fifth stage, which is the final stage, and there are Lily the Wind Whisperer and Sansa Stormborn who are only half a point weaker than me."

"What's more, they also have the genius King Arno. He has been in power for five hundred years and is the longest reigning king in the Dark Ages. The final plan came from his genius idea. But the cost is too high and there are risks. We have been just preparing and will not use it until the last moment."

Rhodes blinked: "Can the final plan really lead to the promotion of true king? The two quasi-kings have not even reached the peak."

Soros shook his head slightly.

"Sir Rhodes, when you truly understand the final plan, you will no longer have such doubts... Regarding the details of the plan, it is impossible for me to tell you here, but I can tell you that the original blueprint of the final plan came from The blessed holy city in the Era of Fire, the Sacred Heart of Ameliacas, the City of Loren."

Rhodes was shocked, and then a trace of doubt arose: "But didn't the five human heroes escape from Asdegas, the last city of the Fire King, the capital of hope?"

Soros smiled lightly.

"Your Excellency Rhodes, the history we know will only record part of it. I once had this doubt, until the Patriarch told me that the five human heroes may have come from different Fire King cities, just like the human hero Ya No, he was the prince of Loren City, the Holy City of Blessings, the Sacred Heart of Ameliacas. At that time, he was called the [Prince of Holy Light of Amelia]. When the City of Loren was destroyed, he He completely took away the sacred fire of Laurent City and took away countless valuable items in the city."

"The other four human heroes were not so lucky. When they were destroyed, they only took away an ordinary holy fire seed and a small amount of supplies. Therefore, Arno had the seventh-level holy fire from the beginning. The other four Fire King cities only have the most advanced holy fire."

"Our destinies are therefore completely different."

"As for why they failed to take away more things like Arno, there are too many possible reasons. Perhaps they could manage to escape from the City of Hope and gather the remaining humans. They have already tried their best. The weight of history The reason is that no matter how great the disaster is, there is only one simple line in the ancient books."

Thoros's words made Rhodes feel heavy. The powerful ancient gods and the prosperous fire civilization

They were all destroyed, could they survive?

But he didn't think about this matter for too long. No matter whether he could survive or not, he just had to find the right direction to do it. If the monster came, then fight. As long as he tried his best, there would be nothing to regret. Just thinking in his mind was Fruitless.

With this thought, the burden in Rhodes's heart was quickly relieved, and his mood became relaxed again, without any distractions. In this state, his thoughts were always very quick, and he soon discovered the doubt.

"Sir Thoros, are you saying that the blueprint for the final plan comes from Loren City in the Era of Fire?"

Soros nodded.

"It was a great royal city. It is said that the first fire was ignited in that royal city. What the great Arno obtained was a incomplete blueprint. It lacked so much content that the previous generations of Arno kings and Countless geniuses with great wisdom have spent their entire lives unable to recover. It was not until the King of Arno of this generation, who touched its thread with unparalleled wisdom and inspiration, that the final plan reappeared in the world."

Rhodes opened his eyes wide and asked urgently: "Doesn't this mean that Luolun City, which has the original blueprint, has already mastered the method of being promoted to a true king? In the Era of Fire, is there a true king?"

Soros shook his head slightly.

"This is just a guess. None of us know how far the original complete blueprint has reached. King Arno once told me that the complexity of the final plan exceeded the limit of human imagination. He was not sure about the complete blueprint. Whether there is a complete final plan in it? Perhaps the former Loren City only controlled part of it. It was the King of Arno who, touched by coincidence and inspiration, used the fragments to figure out the context of the entire final plan. "

Rhodes was slightly disappointed, but there was also a hint of happiness in his heart.

He did not think about it further because the spirit boat had already entered the depths of the Ashland Continent and would soon arrive at Arno.

For this reason, he returned to the dreamland and communicated with the Book of Knowledge for a while.

The Book of Knowledge has carefully prepared many questions for the owner to find the answers after arriving in Arno, which will be of great help to Dreamland's next plan.

Soros also told Rhodes before that the environment in Arno is very harsh and they are always facing tremendous pressure. In addition to the reasons of the Dead Land Continent itself, more importantly, Arno is facing the ever-expanding super-large continent. The black domain, and on the back is the ice continent eroded by the abyss.

Fighting has been the main theme of Arno for more than 1,800 years.

Therefore, they must also be prepared to fight.

This is what Rhodes wants. There are still many abilities in his "Constellation" that he has not had time to use. More importantly, in the dreamland, from the large fragment he just obtained, Rhodes obtained the complete House of God, possessing The ability to guide the Tower of the Sun to bombard the material world.

Just take advantage of this opportunity.

The Book of Knowledge told Rhodes that during this period, it had controlled the dreamland to fill the energy of the Sun Lake. The high-power operation of the Tower of the Sun required the use of the energy of the Sun Lake. With its blessing, the Tower of the Sun Only then can the full power be released.

"One round of bombing is equivalent to about 1,000 current attacks on the spiritual world."

Rhodes was extremely happy. That meant that if he exploded once, he would have earned 10,000 divinity.

This is a sure-fire deal.

Of course, what is more important is divinity.

Rhodes glanced sadly at Star Square, but the boiling golden light still showed no sign of getting closer.

Without divinity, his second Law of Origin cannot be condensed, and the 24th star cannot be ignited.

"Why exactly?"

Rhodes really didn't understand why this divinity came so late. He found Saint Ronde, rescued Trolian, and helped Saint Ronde. What went wrong in this series of events?

This round, he estimated that there would be at least 100,000 divinities.

If he had come earlier, he would have stepped onto a new level.

Rhodes glanced at his soul. The strength of the divine power surging in his soul was 25 seconds. It was neither weak nor strong, but in the context of the existence of "Constellation", its actual operation

The combat ability reaches the sky.

"Sir Rhodes."

Noticing that Rhodes was checking his divine power, Soros said: "Although your divine power is good, the total amount is too small. Be careful not to use it excessively."

Rhodes was shocked. He saw that the amount of divine power wandering in his soul was not large. Compared with the grand occasion of the divine light connecting Soros's soul, he could only be regarded as a piece of dust at best.

"Hmm...why is my total divine power only over 9,000?"

Soros explained: "The total amount of divine power is related to the strength of your soul. Mr. Rhodes, your soul strength is too weak compared to the original strength."

Rhodes was startled and then noticed that his soul strength was only 91 billion.

So, 100 million psychic powers are only equal to 10 divine powers?

But my intensity is 25 ticks, which means I can use up to 25 copies per second. I can't even use this for half a second.

If it were operating at full capacity, 9,000 divine powers would only be enough to support me in combat for 360 seconds.

Rhodes felt a little heavy in his heart.

Of course, it is not actually that short, because in the soul, the process of transforming spiritual energy into divine power is always going on. As long as he recovers quickly enough, he can use it for a long time.

"Sir Rhodes."

Thoros added: "Although I don't know your specific situation, the combat methods of the original strong men are always similar. We not only fight with divine power, in fact, our main combat method is to guide spiritual energy with divine power. , pure divine power is consumed too quickly, and its power cannot be fully exerted. Only with spiritual energy can it cause greater damage at a smaller cost. "

Rhodes was shocked, and then he remembered that when they fought against the ancient god of space, they indeed used divine power and spiritual energy together.

"Generally speaking, one moment of divine power brings 10 million kilo-kicks of spiritual energy, and 25 moments of divine power brings 250 million kilo-kicks of spiritual energy. But for some reason, I didn't see your spiritual energy, nor did I notice the existence of your divine kingdom. , God’s Kingdom can provide additional spiritual energy. Without the supply of God’s Kingdom, your spiritual energy is impossible.”

Rhodes scratched his head. This problem was difficult to explain. He knew that this was probably a problem of unrecovered dreams. All his spiritual energy was used to transform divine power. How could he use it?

It seems that I must go to Godouin Mountain this time.

Rhodes thought.

I don’t know when Asa will wake up... Or, I should tell them about this and let the strong men of Arno, such as Jirod the Destroyer of Life, Balor, the Light of the Dawn, and Whisper of the Wind Lily, Sansa Stormborn, both come with me, there’s no problem, right?

While he was thinking about it, Thoros suddenly shouted: "We are coming!"

There were rare fluctuations in his tone, and his tone even trembled slightly.

Rhodes raised his head and saw a huge mountain in his sight. It was at least 100,000 yards high, spanning the sky and the earth from south to north, like the bulging back of the earth. Thick black mist gathered on the mountain, just like Like a black wall.

"This is the Sky Mountain Range extending from the main continent. Beyond it, if the weather is good, you can see the border of Arno in the distance."

Rhodes couldn't help but feel excited. After waiting for so long, he was finally going to the legendary Arno Kingdom.

Soros' tone was also full of excitement: "Arno's detection ability is very strong. Maybe they have discovered us and are preparing to send people to greet us."

As he spoke, Rhodes had already crossed the Sky Mountain Range, but the black fog in front of him became thicker. His sight range was shortened to 500 yards, and he could not see the boundary of Arno at all.

Thoros' tone was slightly heavy: "It's Yongye, and the intensity of the black mist has become higher."


On Rhode's waist, the seventh spiritual lamp was extinguished. The calculation in the Book of Knowledge was just right. From Saint Lund to Arno, there were seven spiritual lamps.

"Lord Thoros, how far are we from the border of Arno?"

"Less than 700 thousand yards."

Rhodes nodded and stopped the [Spirit Boat]. It was not far away anyway, and it would be the same if he flew over.

But to his surprise, the two of them flew for a long time without seeing the light of the fire. The concentration of the black mist was getting higher and higher, and they even encountered a black tide formed by the black mist symbionts. There were so many of them, Like a dark sea, drowning everything.

Rhodes and Thoros took action decisively and destroyed them, only to discover that there was a destroyed city below.

"It's the Lacambe War Fortress."

Soros recognized it at a glance, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"The fortress at the very frontier of Arno. Look, there are almost no traces of battle in the fortress, which proves that the guarding soldiers have already evacuated. They have abandoned this place. The coming of eternal night has put too much pressure on Arno. They are shrinking the border. , abandon the outermost stronghold."

"The terrifying black tide is attacking Arno, just like Trorian... I don't know what's going on ahead. I can't just let it go. The monsters Arno faces are much more dangerous than ours. Rhodes, turn on Use the portal to let the strong men from Saint Ronde come over. I will contact Arno King City directly and ask them to queue up people to come over."

After saying that, Thoros opened his five fingers and pointed to the sky. Super powerful divine power and spiritual energy burst out from his fingertips at the same time, forming huge concussive ripples that penetrated the black fog and spread into the distance.

Rhodes also opened the portal. At this moment, a super powerful roar was heard from the distance. It was so loud that it drowned everything in the world.

Boom boom boom!

The earth is shaking, the sky is shaking, and the three realms are shaking.

The destroyed fortress collapsed, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and layers of shock waves appeared in the air, which were twisted space ripples.

Even the black mist was dispelled by this violent vibration. It quickly faded at an unimaginable speed, just like the sea at low tide. A large area suddenly became vacant between the sky and the earth. Rhodes' sight quickly extended and he soon saw the distance. , saw the sky, saw the sun.

"This, this is impossible!"

Thoros's eyes widened, and an unprecedented look of shock appeared on his face. He raised his head and stared blankly at the sky. The psychic ripples on his fingertips had long been blown away.

In the sky, the black mist disappeared completely, not a trace was left.

However, the sun did not appear. There was only a pure black sun in the sky. It was burning and emitting thousands of black lights, which looked extremely terrifying and weird.

And under the sun, a long black light fell down, fell into the main material world, fell on the Dead Earth Continent, and fell in the direction of Arno King City.

"This, this is the Ring of is it possible? How could it appear here?"

The extremely terrifying and evil aura spread in the world, and Rhodes felt an extremely evil and terrifying force rushing towards him, suppressing his source law, and the portal was closed before it was fully opened.

"how so?"

he cried in horror, finding that his powers were no longer in control.

Soros's expression was as if he had lost his soul: "This is an explosion of a super strong field. All the source laws that need to be realized outside the soul cannot be used unless you can resist it."

Rhodes asked anxiously: "What happened here? What kind of monster is that?"

In the dream, the Book of Knowledge shouted: "Master, I don't feel good, it's better to retreat quickly! This monster erupted just when you opened the portal, as if it was targeting you."

Rhodes ignored it, and would only run away when faced with a fight.

"Lord Thoros, what should I do?"

Thoros did not answer, and kept looking in the southwest direction. Soon, the roar that shook the world fell, and the black mist gradually gathered again.

"Look! Over there!"

At this moment, Rhodes shouted and pointed to the southwest.

In the sight of the Soul Eye, there was a strong spiritual light flashing in the distance, indicating that there was a battle taking place in the distance.

But the portal did not open, and they were in an extremely dangerous situation. Soros hesitated for a second, and the anxiety and fear in his heart almost overwhelmed his thinking. Almost immediately, he made a decision.

Powerful psychic energy exploded at his feet instantly

With that, he flew to the southwest at the fastest speed, spanning a distance of 300,000 yards in the blink of an eye, and entered a rolling mountainous area.

After turning around a large mountain, he finally saw flashing psychic ripples.

However, the scene that came into view shocked Soros and Rhodes who followed closely.

Under the huge mountains, there are countless human corpses. Blood and severed limbs flood the earth, and living corpses are constantly rising from the corpses.

Further away, countless monsters and living corpses were frantically besieging a remaining human team. Under the firelight that stretched for tens of thousands of yards, there were scarred warriors and ragged refugees, numbering at least more than a million. .

Now, they are crumbling.


Thoros's eye circles suddenly turned red. He instantly jumped into the sky, bursting out countless transparent ripples, and the strings of destruction fell like heavy rain, smashing all monsters and living corpses into pieces in the blink of an eye.

He waved his hand again, and the strings of destruction swept away the remaining bodies, turning them into ashes and returning to the space between heaven and earth.

"What happened here?"

Thoros descended as quickly as possible, grabbed a soldier at the front of the team and asked.

The soldier was already dying, with wounds all over his body, black blood soaked into the armor, and one arm was broken. His eyes burst into infinite light the moment he saw Thoros.

"Soros, Soros, is it you? Isn't this an illusion?"

Soros flicked his fingers, strings of destruction wrapped around his fingertips, and with a wave of his hand, a mountain was blown to pieces.

Under the rain of gravel, he showed a sad smile: "Great, you are here... But it's too late, it's too late, save them, even though I know this is impossible, but please You take them back to Saint Lund."

After saying that, there was just a click, and his jaw suddenly broke apart, and the torn mouth was filled with blood and he bit down on Thoros.


The string of destruction flew out and blew him apart.

The warrior named Burr failed to survive to the end, fell into darkness, and transformed into a monster.

Thoros stood up, his eyes were bloodshot, but his face was expressionless. At this moment, an invisible ripple flew over, which was the echo of the ripple he had sent before.

It created a line in Soros's soul.

"A ring of darkness descends, and the king falls into madness."

"Arno has been destroyed."

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