The Last Dark King

Chapter 784: God of Giants (2 in 1)

Rhodes looked at the Book of the Future in surprise.

"Opportunity, what opportunity?"

The Book of the Future said hurriedly: "I saw the melody of the master's fate flashing in the distant darkness. It was a huge cemetery, with twelve columns engraved with rhombus patterns rising straight into the sky, surrounded by the black mist of the source. There, a strange shadow is flickering! It’s calling for its owner!”

Rhodes was shocked and asked urgently: "What do you mean? What is calling me? What is the cemetery? Can I get promoted when I go there?"

The Book of Knowledge was thoughtful: "A huge cemetery and twelve columns engraved with rhombus patterns. I seem to have seen it somewhere before?"

At this moment, the doll suddenly spoke.

"This is the cemetery of giants. The twelve columns represent the twelve giant kings, and the diamond pattern is the giant's language of rest."

"Giant Cemetery?" Rhodes found it even more difficult to understand. "Is there anything in the Giant Cemetery that can help me improve? Am I the missing Giant King Omir, returning to the Giant Cemetery to reclaim the Giant's legacy?"

The puppet shook its head: "No way, you are not the size of a giant."

Rhodes glanced at it: "Aphro, the best thing you can say is the size."

The puppet said calmly: "I'm talking about the soul. Every giant has a natural giant origin law. The giant king Omir, who was originally a human, is no exception. He has a very thin giant origin power in his soul, so The soul body is naturally huge, otherwise the giants would not respect him as the king of giants no matter what."

Both Rhodes and the Book of Knowledge looked at it with surprise.

"Aphro, I never knew you knew so much about giants."

The puppet said calmly: "I recalled many things. Meditation restored some of my memories, including many memories that were erased when the dream was broken."

Rhodes was surprised and happy. Unexpectedly, the puppet that had been silent and had no sense of presence actually gave him a surprise: "Then can you remember how the dream was broken? The previous generation of dream master Hege Or What level is it? How many stars have been ignited, how many fundamental sources have it? Has it exceeded the limit of level 17?"

The puppet calmly replied, "I'm trying."

Rhodes smiled and said: "Very good, I hope you can regain your memory soon, and you, the Book of Knowledge, take a look at Avro."

The Book of Knowledge said unhappily: "I have too many things to do, and I have no time to stop and meditate."

The puppet also said: "The book of knowledge is an existence that carries knowledge, and its erasure will be much stricter. Therefore, it is normal for memories to be confused, mental confusion, and idiots to be stupid."

The book of knowledge turned the page: "Look, even Avro said that."

Rhodes covered his forehead. It seemed that this guy was no longer smart. Wisdom was just an occasional flash, and stupidity was its normal state.

"Okay, now I want to know, where is this giant cemetery?"

The Book of the Future slowly turned the pages: "I saw endless darkness and underlying mountains... deep in the dark world, there are stretches of mountains."

Rhodes frowned slightly. There were too many places deep in darkness and with rolling mountains.

The puppet suddenly said: "If the scene you saw is correct, it should be at the end of the Dead Ember Mountains."

The Book of Knowledge was surprised: "How do you know?"

"The Giant Cemetery will not leave the Ashland Continent, and the southwest of the Ashland Continent has been occupied by us. There are not many places left with rolling mountains. The mountains are falling, which means that it has reached the end, and the area beyond the Dead Ember Mountains Mountains are not at such a high level that they can see a downward slope, so what Asa Weiguang sees is most likely the end of the Dead Ember Mountains."

The puppet's words shocked everyone.

As expected of Avro, he kept silent, and shocked everyone when he opened his mouth. It turned out to be more reliable... Rhodes sighed in his heart and said: "Now that we know the location, it's not too late, I'll set off now. "

The Book of Knowledge asked anxiously: "Wait, is there any danger there?"

The Book of the Future turned the pages and replied slowly: "The future is unclear, but it should be dangerous."

Rhodes smiled and said: "No matter how dangerous it is, I have to go. After all, there is my 'opportunity' there, although I don't know what that opportunity is."


"Shu, don't worry, I am already the true king after all. As I said, I will definitely hold up the declining human race, rekindle the dying flame, and achieve the final victory."

Without waiting for a reply, Rhodes turned around and left the dreamland.


The Dead Ember Mountains are a huge mountain range thousands of yards long, running from west to east across the entire junction of the Ash Earth Continent and the Dead Earth Continent. If you include some branches, its total length will exceed ten thousand yards.

Trorian has not really reached its end, because to the east is the endless sea.

The huge sea has been completely corrupted and polluted, turning into a dead and dark sea. No one dares to imagine what exists under the sea, and no one dares to approach the sea.

There is no sea in the scene seen in the Book of the Future, so the Giant Cemetery must be at the western end of the Dead Ember Mountains.

Although the location of Trorian's expansion is more than 10,000 yards away from the royal city, it is to the southwest, while the Dead Ember Mountains are to the northwest, far away.

Rhodes handed over the affairs of the battlefield to the Black Legion who accompanied him on the expedition, and asked Molly to temporarily manage the legion, station it on the spot for repairs, clean up the surrounding area, and refrain from expanding until he returns. At the same time, he also waited for the rear production personnel and The pace of logistics personnel, due to the rapid expansion, they have been far unable to keep up.

Rhodes had no intention of telling the Royal City about this matter or seeking support, because the expansion war was now in full swing. The reason why Trolian dared to make such a big move was because four true kings had been born in the kingdom. With their existence, All dangers are no longer dangers, and all factors that restrict Trorian's expansion are no longer in effect. That's why the royal city dares to expand like this.

In the final analysis, it is because although they have never occupied these areas, they have set foot in them before. They roughly know how many dangers and threats there are in the area. They used to have no power, but now they have it. Why don't they dare to take back what once belonged to humans? soil of?

The same goes for the reconquest of Saint Rey.

Otherwise, the royal city would never expand to an area close to 10,000 yards away in one go. It would be too dangerous.

Therefore, Rhodes did not want to use the royal city's combat power to affect the progress of expansion, which might cause him to lose his divinity.

And he also has confidence that even if he encounters an invincible being, he can still escape.

In order to ensure that the location was not mistaken, Rhodes flew directly above the Dead Ember Mountains and flew west along the mountains.

It had to be said that the Dead Ember Mountains were so majestic that he had never imagined before. This dragon-like mountain range had an average height of more than three thousand yards, and the highest peak was ten thousand yards high. The mountains were rugged, extremely hard, and even more All ground that has been reinforced by psychic energy must be strong. Even with Rhodes' current strength, he cannot cut it off.

Along the way, Rhodes discovered that the concentration of the black mist was indeed much higher than before. He only flew about 2,000 yards, and all that surrounded him was the black mist of the source.

According to the definition of the royal city, the areas filled with the black mist of the source are the deepest parts of the black mist. Once you enter here, you enter the "real world of darkness".

In other words, the real dark world has approached within 3,000 yards of the royal city.

Although the Saint Rey area has not yet reached this level, the black mist has been rapidly increasing in recent times, and it may not be long before the surrounding Saint Rey is shrouded in the source of black mist.

Rhodes did not bring a red tear stone or a lantern of fire. There was no bright red light around his body, blocking the heavy black mist of origin from his body.

[Red Tears]: Has the protective power of fire of red tear stones.

The ability of [Bright Red Tears] is indeed very useful. Common red tear stones are not as effective as it. Moreover, as Rhodes' soul becomes stronger, its protective effect will become stronger and stronger.

Unfortunately, this is just an ordinary star.

Rhodes felt a little regretful, if only it was also a giant star.

After flying for a while, Rhodes was now more than 5,000 yards away from the royal city, but still could not see the end of the Dead Ember Mountains, nor the legendary giant cemetery.

"Isn't it a mistake?"

Rhodes was slightly doubtful, but he flew another 3,000 yards and still couldn't see the end.


I have flown almost 8,000 kilometers. The royal city is in the middle of the Dead Ember Mountains, and its west side cannot be that long.

Rhodes stopped, opened his soul eyes, looked around cautiously, and soon discovered something was wrong - there were slight distortions in the space around him.


shouted the Book of Knowledge.

"This is a foggy space. You are trapped in this area, spinning in circles without moving forward!"

Rhodes already understood what was going on. This was the operation of the Space Source Law, and someone was preventing him from going to the Giant Cemetery.

"Is it Ake? Humph, you just want to stop me?"

[Spirit Boat] Together, Rhodes instantly traveled through space and jumped out of this foggy space.

[Spirit Boat] already has the ability to travel between the spiritual world and the material world, but he just didn't realize it before.

His vision immediately returned to normal, and Rhodes accelerated and flew forward. Sure enough, the surrounding scenes no longer felt repetitive.

"When did Acker have the source of space? How did he know that I was going to the Giant Cemetery?"

Rhodes glanced at Asa.

Of course, this couldn't be him tipping off the information.

Forget it, it's not necessarily Ake, that area might have been distorted in the first place.

No matter what, as long as I master more powerful power, all conspiracies will be shattered in front of me.

Rhodes made up his mind and stopped thinking about it.

Soon, the height of the mountain began to decrease, and it should have reached its end.

Rhodes also quickly lowered the height and found that the end of the Dead Ember Mountains was very strange. It was a large flat low mountain with a height of only one thousand to two thousand yards, but a width of four thousand to five thousand yards. It was narrow in front and wide in back. , slightly white.

"right here!"

The Book of the Future yelled.

"On the south side of it."

Rhodes flew south, and within a moment, he saw twelve huge columns rising from the endless darkness.

They are all pure white, with rhombus patterns engraved on the pillars.

A huge rectangular cemetery lay between the columns. It was at least two thousand yards high and tens of thousands of yards long, and a majestic aura rushed towards it.

Is this the Giant Cemetery?

Rhodes quickly descended and found that the sides of the giant cemetery had been broken and collapsed, as if they had been broken by something.

In the deep darkness, the extremely thick black fog of the source is rolling.

Rhodes hesitated for a moment and asked, "My opportunity is in the cemetery?"

The Book of the Future replied affirmatively: "Yes, Master."

Rhodes carefully flew towards the cemetery. The red light was compressed a little, but it still firmly blocked the black mist.

Soon, he entered the cemetery, and an ancient and profound aura hit his face.

Looking around, there was nothing all around except for countless gravels. The ground was covered with complex patterns. Judging from its exquisiteness, a very great giant should be buried here.

"The God of Giants."

The puppet suddenly said.

"This is the tomb of the giant god."

Rhodes was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Look at these patterns. They are the rune badges of the giant clan. They are the expression of the giant's origin law in the pattern. They are usually used to show their identity. It has a special ring structure. The more powerful the giant, the more this structure will , there are only 2 to 3 ordinary giants, 5 to 6 elite giant warriors, 9 giant priests, 12 or 15 giant kings, 25 giant ancestors, and it has 99, which is beyond the normal number. Quantity that only the legendary giant god can possess.”

Rhodes keenly noticed the numerical problem: "Is the ring structure related to the strength of the source law?"

"It used to be, but later it became a symbol of honor and only represented status."

At this time, the Book of Knowledge suddenly shouted: "Master, there is a line of text over there!"

Rhodes walked over quickly and soon saw a line of text written in Giant language on a strange long trapezoidal platform.

"The protector of the giants, the great god of giants, rests here."

"I, Ehaeus, will lead the giants forward and defeat the twisted laws of darkness."

Ehaeus is the ancestor of giants. From this point of view, the god of giants and the ancestor of giants are indeed two people.

It is likely that Ehaeus inherited the god of giants and expanded the giant family, thus becoming the ancestor of giants.

Until he died later, his body was locked in the mountains of time, and was eventually dismembered for unknown reasons.

But it was obvious that the corpse of the God of Giants had long suffered the same fate. The cemetery was empty and there was nothing. And he learned from the soul of Amidala, the Star Devourer, that the corpse of the God of Giants had been destroyed by the Supreme Will. Thirteen weapons of destruction were made.

Rhodes frowned slightly, feeling a little confused.

If according to what Asa said, the Supreme Will is the source of everything, and it was He who released the black mist, trying to destroy the world and be reborn in darkness, then when did the Giant God die? How did you die? Why did the Supreme Will wait until He died before coming to take away the body?

There must be some key points that he didn't understand.

At this moment, Rhodes suddenly noticed a strange skull on the long trapezoidal platform.

In appearance, it appears to be a human skull.

Why are there human skulls here?

Rhodes stretched out his hand to pick it up, but with just one touch, the entire skull was reduced to ashes.

The next moment, a shadow fell from above, and a roaring sound echoed throughout the coffin.

"Who dares to disturb the giant god's eternal sleep?"

Rhodes immediately raised his spiritual power and entered combat mode, but the moment he saw the shadow, his pupils trembled.

Isn't this the Giant King Omir?

He had seen him in the phantom of [Giant Power] and was very familiar with his appearance.

"I am the true king from Trorian, the Kingdom of Fire. I..."

Rhodes tried to communicate with him, but soon discovered that the shadow's eyes were filled with chaos, black mist eroded every part of it, and terrifying pollution was released from its body.

The Book of Knowledge shouted: "This is a contaminated shadow. It has already fallen into madness and cannot communicate!"

Shadow opened his hands, level 17 psychic energy rushed towards his face, and the field of the fundamental source opened up.

"Intruder, you will be punished by God!"

The battle begins in an instant.

Rhodes was shocked to find that Shadow's spiritual energy intensity was around 10 million kilometres, which was about the same as him, but its fundamental source intensity was more than 10 times stronger, almost twice as much as his.

"How can there be such a deformed existence?"

As soon as they fought, Rhodes felt that the pressure was much greater than imagined. The shadow attacked rapidly and extremely fast. It also gathered or exploded psychic energy, making it more like a powerful human true king than a monster.

The most troublesome thing was that Rhodes suddenly discovered that he could not activate [Giant Power].

The Book of Knowledge shouted: "Master, your source law has been suppressed. His source law is also a giant. The [giant power] is sealed in this field and cannot be unfolded."

Rhodes had never encountered such a thing before and felt a little troubled, but he was not worried.

Because he has [Destruction of Darkness].

Although Shadow cannot be defeated for the moment, Shadow cannot cause fatal damage to him. As long as the stalemate continues, Shadow's defense will collapse.

Moreover, due to the existence of [Crimson Tears] and [Blood Contract Resurrection], his soul is extremely tough, his spiritual energy is deep, his strength is long-lasting, he will not tire, and he can fight for as long as he wants.

However, what he didn't expect was that in the middle of the battle, Shadow suddenly hit him with a heavy blow and forced him away, then flew to the long trapezoidal platform and raised his hands high.

"O God of giants, please give me the strength to defeat the invaders."

An invisible gray energy flashed through the air, and Shadow's spiritual energy intensity suddenly doubled to 20 million kilometres.

"My compatriots, please join me in defeating the invaders."

Boom boom boom!

Rhodes was shocked to find countless giant corpses crawling out of the ground.

Their bodies have been severely decomposed, and the black carrion hangs on the huge skeleton, which looks very scary.

The puppet suddenly shouted: "They are the guardians of the Giant God. In the legend of the Giants, they are existences with the same strength as the King of Giants."

Rhodes was shocked: "What did you say?"

The giant zombie let out a low roar, and the fluctuations of level 17 psychic energy echoed in the cemetery.

Their spiritual energy intensity is above 4 million kilometres. Although Yuan Lv cannot feel it, it is not too weak.

"Is this the strength of the King of Giants? How can any of the King of Giants I have met be so strong?"

The doll explained: "The giant kings at the end of the Era of Gods have been severely weakened. After being corrupted into monsters, due to some special reasons, their power continued to lose, and they were far from being able to compete with the giants in their prime. Compared to the king."

Before he finished speaking, a blow of 20 million kilometres of spiritual energy roared towards him. Rhodes exploded with all his spiritual energy to block it. It was like a thunderbolt exploded in the air, and the space wrinkled like dough, followed by huge ripples. Scattered, Rhodes was knocked back thousands of yards, his soul felt a sting, his spiritual energy was not functioning smoothly, and his flesh and blood ached.

But in just one breath, Rhodes felt okay. The giant zombie rushed towards him. With a finger, the destructive beam of light shot through the air. The 12-million-kilometre-strength psychic impact instantly burned the giant zombie to ashes.

[Psychic Duo] is really useful.

Rhodes clicked his fingers together, and the giant zombie rushed forward to follow up, but could not even touch the corner of his clothes, but the next second, the shadow hit him again.

The battle gets tough.

If it was just like this, Rhodes could still persist, but not long after, the shadow returned to the long trapezoidal platform again, calling for the protection of the giant god.

Rhodes immediately hit it with [Psionic Duo], but it did not interrupt its strengthening. A gray barrier appeared around it, blocking the impact of the destructive light beam.

"So that's it." Rhodes whispered to himself.

After the strengthening was completed, Shadow's spiritual energy strength skyrocketed to 30 million kilometres.

Not only that, the spiritual strength of those giant zombies also increased sharply to 8 million kilometres.

The situation is not good.

Giant zombies of this level can no longer be killed instantly by [Psychic Duo]. It takes at least 4 seconds to kill, and the efficiency is greatly reduced.

Since he used the most complete [Super Star Flash] in the previous battle with Amidala, which consumed too much spiritual energy, Rhodes is not in peak condition now, and cannot use [Giant Power]. It is already difficult to resist the shadows and Siege of giant zombies.

"Run quickly, Master!" The Book of Knowledge said urgently: "If you continue like this, you will lose. Wait for you to recover for a while before fighting again."

Rhodes did not answer, relying on the recovery abilities of [Blood Pact Recovery], [Song of Life], and [Frigid Blue] to hold on.

Soon, the shadow returned to the long trapezoidal platform for the third time.

If this enhancement is completed, its spiritual energy intensity will skyrocket to 40 million kilometres, and the giant zombie's psychic energy intensity will skyrocket to 12 million kilokilometres.

This will be an overwhelming advantage.

The Book of Knowledge shouted for the second time: "Retreat first, Master! We don't need to fight it head-on!"

But Rhodes just smiled faintly, stretched out his right hand, aimed at the shadow, and activated the [Grip of Destruction] the moment it began to strengthen.

An invisible ripple instantly enveloped it. Although it was human-shaped, at this moment, it was a spherical object with the characteristics of a circle!


With a flick of Rhodes' finger, invisible killing ripples instantly enveloped it, and all spherical objects with round characteristics would be instantly destroyed by it.

Even if it is a shadow with 40 million thousand kilometres of spiritual energy, it is no exception.


Just like a balloon leaking, countless gray energy rushed out of the shadow.

The next moment, all the zombie giants fell to the ground and turned into dust.

The powerful field collapsed, Rhodes felt a lightness on his body, and [Giant Power] could be used again.

The Book of Knowledge opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief: "How is this possible? [Grip of Destruction] can only be used on suppressed enemies. How did you suppress it?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "I am not suppressing it, it is the giant god who is suppressing it."

The puppet said: "Its strengthening should be some kind of sacrifice. The giant god suppressed it on the altar and gave it power. At this time, its spiritual energy was sealed, the source law was restricted, and the giant The God's barrier can only resist the impact of spiritual energy, but cannot shield the influence of the source law, so the master can take the opportunity to use [Grip of Destruction] to kill it in one fell swoop, which is the lowest cost method."

The Book of Knowledge was surprised and delighted, and asked: "I can't believe that the master is so wise. How did you find out?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "I felt that its strengthening was very strange. I had to go back to the long trapezoidal platform, and the movements were exactly the same every time, so I tried it with [Psionic Duo], and it worked. Found the problem.”

The doll said calmly: "My master's combat intuition is actually very keen, but Adolis, after all these years, you still don't understand how to fight at all."

The Book of Knowledge snorted: "I don't want to fight. I am the elegant, noble and inviolable God of Hundreds."

As he spoke, the gray energy on Shadow's body had completely leaked out, and his body disintegrated, but no soul was harvested by Rhodes.

Obviously, this is just a derivative.

Rhodes was slightly disappointed, and when he was about to see what remnants it had, a bit of spiritual light flew up from the dust.

A low, long, ancient and familiar voice sounded.

"Ah, after so many years, a latecomer finally came here."

"Great, great, my mission is coming to an end, and these millions of years of pain are coming to an end."

Rhodes' eyes widened. He remembered clearly that this voice was the Giant King Omir.

"Is that you? Giant King Omer!"

"Do you know my name? The failure of the Twilight God War did not annihilate everything? The fall of the Giant King's Court did not erase the name of the giant? Do humans still exist now? Have you found any existence to fight against the black mist?"

At this moment, Rhodes' heart was filled with countless languages. He had countless things to say and countless questions to ask, but he couldn't speak out the thousands of words he wanted to say.

"Ah, I felt an extremely ancient aura from you, but, but you are not him, so we still failed? Yanosadag and the others did not succeed?"

"The black mist still covers the God's Tomb. It has not been touched by the orderly atmosphere for tens of millions of years... So, just as we expected, the black mist submerged everything and swallowed up all living creatures. You are just here Are you surviving in this dark world?"

You guessed it right, the wisdom of Giant King Omir is really amazing... Rhodes was about to speak when he heard its tone change.

"No, no, not entirely right! You have the aura of Giant Source Law in your body. The core power of the Giant Divine Sword has been preserved. Yanosadag succeeded. There is still hope. We still have hope!"

Giant King Omir's tone became urgent.

"You're here to find the Giant Sword, right?"

Before Rhodes could answer, he heard a loud noise, the long trapezoidal platform collapsed, the ground collapsed, and a huge pit appeared in front of him.

In the deep pit, there is an extremely huge long sword. The sword is shimmering with light and mist, making it look like some kind of phantom.

But Rhodes recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the giant sword he summoned every time he used [Giant Power]?

Powerful power rushed towards him, and Rhodes instantly realized that what the previous phantom prayed for was not the blessing of the Giant God, but the power of the Giant Divine Sword!

The phantom of Giant King Omir was fading, and he said in a hurry.

"The tomb of the gods has long been emptied by the incarnation of evil thoughts. The great God of Giants has long since disappeared. His bones have been made into terrifying weapons. The great God of Giants has turned into an evil monster, but that is only his body, his body. The soul condensed into an extremely powerful artifact - the Giant Divine Sword."

"It possesses unimaginable power. Most of the power of the God of Giants is concentrated in this artifact of the source. The ancestors used it to continue the giant family."

"For some reason, it was separated. This is one-half of the soul of the Titan Sword, but it is enough to awaken the true power."

"There is still one-half soul in the ancestor cemetery, and my body is also there. If possible, please take back this power as soon as possible and let my soul rest in peace. But please be careful, the ancestor cemetery is very dangerous."

"Goodbye, great latecomer, may your light shine on the world..."

Before he finished speaking, the phantom of Giant King Omer disappeared in the air.

Rhodes stretched out his hand, but only caught a step of air.

He was stunned on the spot, countless information impacting his thoughts.

The God of Giants, the Giant Ancestor, the Giant King Omir, and the Giant Divine Sword all gathered together, making him feel extremely confused and confused.

At this moment, the Book of the Future shouted: "Master, go quickly, then this is your opportunity!"

As soon as Rhodes woke up, he immediately jumped into the pit and touched the giant sword that seemed to be made of mist.

But nothing happens.

The Book of Knowledge shouted: "Activate [Giant Power] and use the Titan God form."

Rhodes suddenly woke up and immediately activated [Giant Power].

The next moment, the entire giant sword turned into a ray of divine light, submerging into his soul and inhaling the stars of [Giant Power].

Infinite light emanated from this star, illuminating his soul.

A powerful aura spurted out, and ripples from the Sea of ​​Origin appeared around him.

There was a violent vibration in the dream, and Rhodes felt a powerful warmth rising in his soul.

When the light fell, a new star appeared in his soul.

【Power of Titan】

[Status: Origin]

[Position: above the spiritual world]

[Star Power: Power of the Titan]

[Star Soul: Giant Sword]

[Strength: 1.5 billion]

[Source: 100]

[Description: How dare I fall, there is no one behind me. 】


[Power of Titan]: Possess stronger spiritual power.

[Giant Sword]: Summons the Giant Divine Sword.


Powerful spiritual energy surged in his soul.

Rhodes couldn't believe his eyes.

"[Giant Power] has become a giant star? Can a star be upgraded?"

The Book of Knowledge was also extremely shocked: "[Giant Power] has absorbed the power of the Giant Divine Sword, and its essence has changed!"

Rhodes was shocked, excited, and ecstatic at the same time. The upgrade of [Giant Power] completely filled the spiritual gap.

In this way, whether he awakens the [Eye of God] or finds the other half of the Giant Divine Sword, it will be enough for him to cross the spiritual barrier.

The deadlock was opened.

The Book of the Future is simply too powerful, I want to feed it more energy of destiny.

Hahahaha, I'm going to be invincible!

Amidst the wild laughter, Rhodes' figure cut through the sky and disappeared instantly.

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