The Last Dark King

Chapter 728 Victory or defeat

Latest website: When Ake read out the name, his expression gradually changed from shock to ridicule.

"Alain, the first knight of Trolian? The guy who single-handedly broke the limitations of the Spark Sequence, shouldered most of Trolian's pressure for a long time, and is known as the undefeated God of War?"

Acker's sarcasm became sharp, like sharp nails scratching on glass.

"I can't describe your stupidity. Maybe this is why mankind will perish."

Weihele said coldly: "We have heard enough of the words of this doomsday god. Humanity began to perish tens of millions of years ago and has continued to perish until now. It will continue to perish in the future, right?"

Rovia said loudly: "Well said, Weihele, you spoke what was in my heart."

Faced with Weihele's ridicule, Ake did not get angry, but just smiled coldly.

"If you are not useless to a certain extent, you should know that there are three great leaders in the ancient evil thoughts. Their names are Ahe, the great Ake, and Alan."

Wihler scoffed: "Idiot, if that's what you're talking about, then I'll tell you mercifully that Alan is just the abbreviation, his name is Als Testrant, and he just likes others to call him that. "


Ake's cold laughter came from all directions.

"How stupid. Don't you know that a name is special in a spiritual sense? It is not just a title. In the spiritual mist that permeates the universe, a name is a string that can touch the spirit... Why does he like to be called For 'Alan'? Not Al, Lant, Art, haven't you thought about that?"

This sentence made many people's hearts sink, but Weihele immediately retorted: "It's useless to sow discord. I also like to be called Ahe. Do I have bad thoughts about Ahe? What you said is Like an idiot."

Rovia, Pebela, Jelaba and others said in unison: "Well done."

"Alan absolutely cannot have evil intentions, otherwise we would have perished long ago."

"Using such a far-fetched statement shows that he has no means at all. He is just disrupting our will and causing flaws in our spirit."

But Aker didn't feel angry at all after being exposed. His cold and triumphant laughter emerged from the darkness, just like the devil rising from the invisible shadow in his heart.

"What a poor guy. I have already felt his presence. Evil thoughts have been born in Alan's heart. Soon, you will receive countless bad news from the royal city, hahahaha!"

Amid the wild laughter, everyone's expressions unconsciously became solemn, and their original unwavering beliefs also began to waver.

"You fart," Wehler said angrily. "This is impossible to happen."

Ake mocked: "Human beings are like this. They always maintain childish fantasies, dare not face the cold facts, and live in their own dreams. But the fact is that the abyss has spewed out under your royal city, and there are countless people. The monsters of the abyss are killing your civilians, the breath of the abyss is polluting your city, your silver seal has been broken, your protective power will collapse at the first touch, the holy fire will soon be extinguished, and Trorian's destruction will be like dust. Like dirt, lost in the long river of history.”

Weihele sneered: "Just say it, we won't waver."

Ake's tone was full of arrogance and pride.

"The spirit is commendable, but it doesn't change the facts."

"The induction of evil thoughts has told me the truth of the matter."

"Did you see it? That invisible ripple is an ultra-long-distance psychic transmission. It's already here, hahahaha!"

Ake laughed wildly, and his voice was heard in the darkness from all directions.

"Accept the facts, this cruel truth... Ah, the message of evil thoughts has also arrived. My subordinates will definitely use the most perfect words to describe this human tragedy."

But his voice suddenly stopped.

"What? You were all killed?"

"Who killed him? Didn't Linebik rebel?"


Ake's voice sounded like he had eaten a pound of shit.

"What did you say, Alan killed you?"

"He suppressed all rebellions, flattened the abyss of riots, and captured Linebeek alive?"

"The end-of-life plan completely failed?"

"No, this is impossible. This must be a lie. I know it. It was someone who pretended to have evil intentions and sent me a message. You actually used such ridiculous means to deceive me. You are so stupid. Self-deception cannot change the fallen royal city. The world is... It won’t change based on your fantasies, hahaha, another message of evil thoughts is coming, this time it must be true.”

"What? All the nails I planted have been uprooted? The White Tower has grabbed our tails, Ieta has used all the power of the tower to target us, and Alan is massacring our lair?"

"Impossible, this must be a lie. The real situation is that the royal city has fallen, the abyss has extinguished the holy fire, Trorian has fallen into darkness, and the era of deep darkness is coming, hahahahahaha!"

In the battlefield, Weihele couldn't bear it anymore and taunted: "Acker, do you want to use your corns to think about it, if the holy fire has been extinguished, why is the king still fighting here?"

Relaxed laughter filled the battlefield, and even in the midst of a fierce and bloody battle, they couldn't help laughing.

As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Ake's voice suddenly stopped.

"This, how is this possible? How could it be like this? Why is it like this? My perception will not deceive me, and the induction of evil thoughts cannot be escaped... I clearly sensed Alan. At the moment when the plan was launched, it must be him , it must be him, you can’t even try to lie to me, you are already about to be destroyed!”

No one paid attention to him anymore. The heavy burden in the hearts of the soldiers had fallen, and they were more focused on the battle in front of them.

Among the humans, only Asa felt very uncomfortable. He shouted: "Shut up, idiot, you have turned the ancient, mysterious, and powerful evil thoughts into a clown who can be fooled by others! You are the only one who still wants to be the king of evil thoughts, Even licking my ass is not enough."

Ake said angrily: "What did you say? You traitor! The royal city must have fallen. They are just holding on. When mankind is destroyed, I will let you know what regret is."

Asa said coldly: "Ak, I don't know what you are holding on to."


Ake suddenly regained his composure.

"I know, you are lying to me. The perception of evil thoughts cannot be wrong... If Alan didn't have evil thoughts, I would eat all your shit."

Asa was furious: "You're dreaming! The shit belongs to me!"

"Shut up!"

Rhode shouted, and in this moment of distraction, the tentacle of blood suddenly hit the back of the divine sword, deflecting the edge of the sword.

This round of attacks failed.

"Focus, Rod!"

Wang shouted in a low voice.

"We must gain enough advantage before the Blood God's will is completely silenced."

Rhodes nodded: "I understand."

He shut his mouth and focused on the fight again.

The battlefield below.

Ake's wild laughter suddenly turned into screams.

"The feeling of evil thoughts is weakening, why? Alan, haven't you been silent for many years? Aren't you just for this moment? Why is this happening? No, no, don't weaken, don't disappear, I want to see human beings decline in screams , I want to see the torrent of darkness drown the fire and light, no! This is impossible! Why did it disappear? Was it killed by you? "

Weihele mocked: "Yes, he was killed by Mr. Alan."

Amid the shrill screams, Ake's voice fell silent.

Psychic transmissions are still coming from the royal city. The defenders guarding the royal city are excitedly talking about their victory and the power of the invincible Lord Alan——

He killed all the evil thoughts, suppressed the outbreak of the abyss, and restored the normal operation of the Silver Oath. The entrance to the abyss below the royal city was sealed again, the crisis was completely resolved, and the malignant tumors hidden deep inside human beings were dug out.

This is a huge victory.

Humanity has completely defeated the conspiracy of evil thoughts and shattered their illusions. Everything in the royal city is normal without any interference. The entire taboo arm of the Silver Oath is controlled by the fire priest, and the doomsday cultist Ryan Bik is thrown into the psychic prison.

A harsh judgment awaits him.

Rhodes also received these psychic transmissions, but he didn't think much of them.

He knew from the beginning that Ake was dreaming. The first knight Alan did not have evil thoughts about Alan. He specifically let Asa see it.

Asa also has evil thoughts. After he became a strong evil thought, his ability to distinguish the same kind has improved to a higher level. After he verified it, there was nothing wrong. In fact, he had verified it for the entire top level of Trolian. Make sure that there are no evil thoughts among the highest level of mankind. Otherwise, how can Rhodes fight with peace of mind?

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to Ake's words at all, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or accidental. He acted like it was true. Maybe he really sensed the existence of the evil thought Alan, maybe it was just an illusion.

But no matter what, it cannot change the fact that mankind has won.

After a while, Ake's voice sounded again, sweeping away the previous haze.

"Yes, the final plan failed. It was a small misunderstanding, but you don't think I have this only method, right?"

He became arrogant and smug again.

"You have built an eternal refuge in the hope of gaining eternal peace, but you don't know that it is so fragile, just like the shell of an egg. I only need to destroy your star marrow altar, and the invisible wall will dissipate. , the vacuum moat will no longer exist, and monsters coming from all directions will drown you. When the fires are extinguished one by one, your towns, villages, and strongholds will be destroyed, and countless new humans will join the darkness. Strength, you will usher in true destruction."

Weihele sneered: "I'm dreaming again. Can you destroy the Star Marrow Altar?"

"Hahaha, do you think I don't know? Although the Star Marrow Altar is very hard and cannot be destroyed, as long as its internal space is polluted, the efficiency of the Star Marrow Altar will be greatly reduced. Such a huge spiritual curtain will have a slight impact on the effectiveness. It will collapse."

"You only sent one battle group to guard such an important core. You are so naive and stupid. Do you think we won't notice? Or do you think evil thoughts can never be fought head-on?"

Ake laughed wildly again.

"You are too naive. The Lord's envoy has awakened and responded to me. When He sends down the divine power of the Supreme Will, the evil thoughts will disintegrate and be reorganized into a fighting form. Although it will collapse after the battle is over, it is so powerful. The power is enough to destroy you, and their death is worth it for the end of Trollian."

"Hahahaha, you're"

Invisible ripples flew through the air and quickly disappeared into the invisible distance.

Acker's voice turned furious.

"What is this? What did you do?"

"Total annihilation...even the abyss rifts opened were destroyed. Snake Girl, Fire Eagle, Big Bird, Ice Tiger...are the Spirit Girl Group. No, no, why are they so strong?"

"Impossible, aren't they stuck at a quantitative level?"

Weihele scoffed: "Perhaps your information is wrong, Omniscient Ak."

"Despicable humans, when did you send them there? Aren't you afraid of collapse on the frontal battlefield?"

Weihele's laughter became even louder, and his joyful mood made his Holy Sword of Dawn shine brighter.

"Of course it was the order given by the king himself at the beginning of the war... Of course we are afraid of collapse on the frontal battlefield, but as you said, we are more afraid of someone attacking our core point."

Ake shouted frantically: "No, it's impossible! It's not like this, the plan is not like this, I will not fail, I can't fail! How can a despicable human being plot against me? I am Ake, how could I miscalculate? ?”

"But you just miscalculated. Admit it, you are actually a fool."

Wihler kept taunting him, and Ake's voice gradually lost its sanity.

I don’t know why, but the leader of evil thoughts became extra irritable today.

"Okay, you asked for this. You must force me to use the power of the divine messenger... I didn't intend to use it originally. It was not used to deal with you, but you angered me... The emblem of the Lord is on me. In the hands of the Supreme Will, when His divine power comes down, you will usher in your final destruction.”

Gradually, his voice calmed down.

In the distance, a black light fell from the sky.

A human figure made of black mist stepped into the battlefield, and a vague outline floated on the human figure, which was Ake's face.

He raised his right hand and pointed it at Dalong City, black light flashing in the palm of his hand.

"You, Modric's Star Song, are not valued because you are young, and are not loved because you are rebellious. You want to be the most important person in everyone's heart, but no one cares the most. You want to be Trorian The pillar of your life, but no one believes it. Your soul roars unwillingly, and your will groans with sad cries.”

"You are desperately seeking change, but you are still unable to do anything. This feeling of powerlessness surrounds you and makes your heart burn. You think you have failed and will never be able to turn around. But now, the supreme will is calling you. "

"Come on, plunge into the darkness, and you will become the master of the black mist. You will be in the palace of darkness, and you will be the new human being that attracts everyone's attention."

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