The Last Dark King

Chapter 655: The King’s Disaster

Latest website: The hall of the Supreme Council.

Jon, the First Elder Armando, the First Defense Chief Lin, and the new Lord of the White Tower Ietta came to meet them.

Behind them are High Priest Megan, Chief Judge Lucian, Legion Commander Leo of the Night Watch Legion, Legion Commander Cross of the City Defense Legion, Legion Commander Lockhart of the Conquest Legion, Lister, Commander of the Survey Legion, Taboo The armed leader Linen Beak, the Chief Consul Manderly, and the great scholars of the Jinworth Society.

Qingyu introduced them to Evera and Percival one by one, with Rhodes acting as the authoritative translator.

After not seeing each other for many days, Jon seemed to be in high spirits.

During the period when Wang sealed the Holy Fire Sacrifice, his achievements were indeed not small. Although Qingyu completed the great trip to Saint Rael, he believed that his contribution was greater than hers, and he was praised and recognized by more people. , the probability of becoming a king in the future is higher than hers.

"Efra, Percival, nice to meet you."

Jon said solemnly and seriously.

"On behalf of Trorian, and on behalf of the king, I welcome you to Trorian."

Ifra and Percival were excited and emotional. They hugged everyone enthusiastically. Percival was even so excited that he checked everyone's soul on the spot.

Jon regretfully told him that due to the urgency of the expansion war, most of the combatants were not in the royal city, but he would try his best to arrange it so that Percival could see the highest-level battles of every Trorian in the shortest possible time. personnel.

Percival nodded repeatedly and smiled from ear to ear.

After that, the two sides officially started talking. Jon took each senior figure to introduce Trorian's organizational form, institutional model, combat system and scheduling style in detail.

It contains a lot of past history, disasters encountered, key information mastered, etc.

Ifra and Percival also revealed everything about Saint Rey without any reservations, and revealed all the secret information they had.

Especially the information about the Sunless Sea, the Abyss and the Old Gods.

All the great scholars stared wide-eyed, fearing that they might have missed a word.

From the birth to the destruction of a civilization, there are so many experiences and histories that it can learn from. Their students record their words crazily, unwilling to let go of any point.

Everything about Saint Rael shocked them too much. This powerful civilization mastered too much knowledge. In the field of past history and the secrets about the ancient gods, Trorian was like a toddler. What they knew The content is too superficial, too fragmented, and contains many fallacies.

For example, they never knew that the ancient gods were divided into righteous gods and subordinate gods.

The powerful righteous god is the orthodox system of the ancient gods and the leader in the Age of Gods.

The soul weapons owned by every Zhengshen are the artifacts they have seen so far, and the soul weapons of Congshen are all made by Zhengshen.

To study the history of the Era of Gods, one must study the system of Zhengshen.

Percival told them that the Era of Gods was an extremely long and mysterious history. During this history, gods, old masters, legendary creatures appeared, and the Black Mist and the First Fire were born. The source of everything is Dating back to the Age of Gods.

Researching and exploring the Age of Gods is an important act throughout human history. In the catastrophe called the "Twilight Tribulation", all the gods fell. The old masters went crazy and were dismembered, degraded or crushed, and legendary creatures fell into darkness one after another. , the initial fire was extinguished, and everything sank into the abyss of history.

But they have not dissipated, but continue to affect the fate of mankind and the direction of the world in another way.

In the Era of Fire, almost every Fire King city is trying its best to explore the truth of the Era of Gods. Any kingdom that finds the legacy of the Era of Gods will rise rapidly in a short period of time.

Therefore, exploring the Era of Fire and finding the history of the Era of God recorded by them is also a direction.

Moreover, humans in the Age of Fire also had their heyday. During their heyday, the main continent was shrouded in fire. The strong light of the holy fire shot straight into the sky, even affecting the high-level spiritual world. The black mist retreated, and the fire Warriors hunt monsters across the entire continent and take pride in doing so. The Black Mist can only occupy remote and remote areas and a small piece of the continent.

Therefore, the Era of Fire is also called the Era of Humanity.

And this small continent and remote area is the land of gray earth, dead earth, ash earth and frozen earth where they are currently.

Everyone was shocked by this information. Trorian had always thought that the other three lands were the main continent in the Age of Fire. Unexpectedly, they were all remote places.

Percival told them: "The main continent is an extremely vast land, and these four lands are the farthest places surrounding it."

Rhodes couldn't help but ask: "What is further away in the Far Far Land?"

"The endless sea shrouded in eternal mist is the end of the material world and the break of space. In fact, it is impossible for us to cross the endless sea."


"Because the deeper you go into the Endless Sea, the higher the position becomes. Extremely high positions cause the space to lose continuity and force us to return to lower positions. To resist this kind of oppression, we must have a super strong spirit. Energy and super soul source power.”

Rhodes' eyes widened: "How do you know? Have you been there?"

Percival shook his head: "In the Dark Age, no one could go there, but in the Age of Fire, there was a powerful True King who tried to explore the limits of the plane, but in the end, he was lost in the endless sea, in the eternal mist. He disappeared and never came back, which was a great tragic loss for mankind at that time. We found the records of that human kingdom, which recorded all of this in quite detail to warn future generations. "

"What's the name of that Fire Kingdom?"

Percival thought for a moment and replied: "Its name is."

Amidst the quiet rustling, Rhodes felt horrified.

In his mind, the Book of Knowledge also said: "Huh? Isn't this the name of the previous Lord of Dreams? I remember this name, it has appeared before."

Rhodes nodded. He clearly remembered that the full name of Hegeol's soul was.

Obviously, Hegeor is the prince of the human kingdom Belglier, known as the "Northern Fortress".

It seems that this northern fortress is quite powerful, but I don’t know how it was destroyed.

At this time, Professor Binns asked again: "How much do you know about the human kingdom in the Age of Fire?"

Percival replied: "We only know four. The main continent is too far away from us and we cannot reach there. All the information comes from the fragments we obtained in the abyss... This is another important information, the abyss It will devour us, and we found many human remains in the abyss, including ruined towns, settlements, and human bones, which are mainly found in the outer layer of the abyss."

Ifra said: "Obviously, the inhabitants of the abyss cannot exist. They are human beings who originally lived on the earth, but were swallowed by the abyss."

Trorian already has this information, they have seen the abyss swallowing the world.

Both Ifra and Percival were very surprised by this, and they were even more surprised by their behavior of entering the abyss and breaking the fragments of the abyss.

"How... is this possible? I can't imagine that only a king can step into the abyss, otherwise the soul will be corroded very quickly."

Jon replied: "It's Alain. He has a fire called the Abyssal Blade, which can create items that allow us to walk freely in the abyss."

Ifra and Percival looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

"It's unbelievable. The existence of Mr. Alan is simply subversive of common sense. Apart from Mr. Rhodes, I have never seen such a special son of platinum."

What shocked them even more was that Rhodes told them that under Trolian King City was the real abyss.

"Oh my god, I can't even imagine the royal city built on top of the abyss!"

"The fact that you have survived until now is simply a miracle among miracles!"

Horus briefly introduced them to the existence of the Silver Oath, which was a super-large sealed object used by the Royal City to suppress the abyss. Without it, the Trolian Royal City would have been destroyed long ago.

Percival said: "It sounds like a super seal like the Sunless Sea. Please be careful. This critical node is the most important breakthrough for doomsday cultists."

Lucian, the chief judge, said with a gloomy face: "I will find out all the doomsday cultists and those so-called ancient evil thoughts. The only fate of these maggots is to be crushed into pieces."

Ivra told Lucian of all the known traitors in Saint Rael and what they had done, especially about Galahad, Ach the Ghost of Fear.

"Before the soul of his evil thoughts awakened, we couldn't realize that he was an ancient evil thought. He was flawless in everything in the past. He is so reliable, so we let him guard the most important Sunless Sea. When disaster strikes, he destroys Dawn Horizon, causing the scale of the disaster to quickly spiral out of control."

Rhodes said what the Book of Knowledge told him: "The essence of ancient evil thoughts is the countless elements that constitute the soul. They float in the spiritual world. Until abnormal disturbance occurs, they will gradually form a soul and be placed in a Above all living beings, this soul is no different, but its constituent elements are evil thoughts. When evil thoughts are inspired by the supreme will, they will awaken from the depths of the soul and replace the original soul. Currently, we have no way to fundamentally Distinguish evil thoughts, but they are not invisible.”

After a pause, he continued.

"The most important thing is that as long as our system is standardized enough, evil thoughts cannot cause huge damage. With Mephis and me here, they are just disposable explosives and nothing to be afraid of!"

Amidst the warm applause, Lucien said with emotion: "Thank you for your presence, Mr. Rhodes, otherwise it would be hard for me to imagine what kind of human beings can withstand so many doomsday cultists and so many ancient evil thoughts?"

This sentence awakened Rhodes. So far, the number of evil thoughts he had encountered was abnormal. Did humans have so many evil thoughts in the past?

But he didn't think deeply about it. Currently, the only doomsday cultists in the royal city are the original sect of destruction and the deeply hidden survivor sect.

As long as you are careful to guard against evil thoughts smuggling in from the refugees of San Rey, there won't be much of a problem.

Everyone discussed this issue for a long time and came up with a series of plans to prevent the infiltration of evil thoughts.

Afterwards, Rhodes once again told everything about Pope Saint Rey, telling them the truth about the death of the Pope, the great pollution above the starry sky, and the upcoming catastrophe.

"The Pope told me that only the First Fire can withstand this disaster."

"We want to find the ten major human kingdoms in the Age of Fire, gather all the sacred fire seeds, and rekindle the First Fire."

"In addition, the Pope also said that if possible, enter the real abyss, where the secrets of the black mist are hidden. At the end of the Era of Gods, it was the abyss where the lost true god went."

Even though it was the second time they heard it, everyone was still shocked.

Jon said in a deep voice: "I understand, but at present, our first priority is to establish the defense system of the 'Eternal Refuge' to resist the invasion of the Filthy Blood God."

They discussed this topic for a long time.

However, no matter how many defense methods they come up with and how many defense clusters they organize, the most fundamental problem remains—the one who fights against God must be God.

In Trorian, a true king must appear in order to resist the invasion of the foul blood god. Otherwise, all means and methods are like a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

Everyone was once again focused on Ifra and Percival.

The road to promotion to the True King is one that Trorian is completely blank with, without a shred of knowledge.

Wang has been at the limit of the king level for a long time. After the Holy Fire became stronger, he even took another step forward within the limit.

Now, no one knows what extent Wang is, just like no one knows the limit of Alan's combat power.

Percival sighed: "I really want to see your king, but unfortunately he is still closed. I hope he can handle this crisis safely."

Rhodes smiled and said: "Don't worry, my intuition tells me that there will be no problems with Wang, and you will be able to see him soon."

Percival smiled and his expression became serious.

"The path to becoming a true king is one of the biggest secrets in the world."



Spirit world.

In a golden firelight, Wang opened his eyes.

"Um...are you here?"

The gray spiritual world suddenly turned dark. A huge black shadow thousands of yards long fell from the sky. The infinite twisted aura tore open the space. Terrifying pollution radiated, dyeing the entire spiritual world pitch black.

But the king had no fear.

"Come on, weird shadow, inevitable king's disaster, weird creation of the infinitely great weird ancestor!"

He stood up, and golden flames ignited like the sun.

But he didn't notice that a shadow gradually spread among the flames soaring into the sky.

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