The Last Dark King

Chapter 540 Resurrection Ceremony

Latest website: "Since we didn't get any information in advance, we were unprepared for the attack. The doomsday cultists used a series of elaborate plots to attract our attention. When the attack occurred, only ten adjudicators were present."

Wang paused and said in a serious tone.

"They all died in the line of duty."

"The attack caused huge casualties and triggered a huge explosion that destroyed most of the stone street. The burning black fire reduced the most valuable production workshop in this area to ashes."

"Although we killed all the attackers and paid a huge price to uproot the fundamental doomsday cult that planned this attack, the damage is irreparable."

"This is the deadliest casualty we have seen in decades, and Olivia's children were also killed in this attack."

"She couldn't accept this. The huge blow caused her soul to darken. The Soul Church warned that her spirit was going to be out of control."

"In order to save her, Olivia's brother used a forbidden resurrection ritual to cut his flesh and blood, split his soul, and finally resurrected her child."

Rhodes opened his eyes wide and could hardly believe his ears.

"Resurrection ritual? Resurrection of the dead? How is this possible?"

Wang glanced at him.

"Don't you also have the ability to resurrect? Although it may just have a similar effect, you shouldn't be surprised by the resurrection."

Rhodes frowned and said nothing.

His ability to resurrect comes from the "Resurrection Stone", a miraculous creation in the dream. He must bind the effect of the "Resurrection Stone" while he is alive. From this aspect, the "Resurrection Stone" does not necessarily mean death. His resurrection may be due to some other effect.

The "resurrection ceremony" that Wang mentioned was obviously to resurrect the dead.

This was beyond Rhodes' understanding.

"King...there is another reason for my resurrection."

Rhodes said hesitantly.

"As for the resurrection of the dead, according to my knowledge, this is impossible. The dissipation of the soul and the inactivation of the flesh and blood are irreversible. Even if the soul is reorganized and the flesh and blood are reconstructed, the person will not be the same person as before."

"And, I remember, you said many times that Olivia lost her baby."

Wang nodded slightly.

"Little Rhodes, you are right."

"The resurrection ceremony was actually not successful. Olivia's child was not resurrected. What was resurrected by this ceremony was a freak that was made up of the flesh and blood of her child, the flesh and blood of her brother, and mixed with their soul fragments."

"What? This..."

Rhodes felt the cold hairs on his back stand up, and a creepy feeling hit his heart.

Wang continued.

"Olivia was also involved in the ritual. She was deceived and her brother lied to her."

"She lost part of her body and soul, but her brother gave all his life."

"For this resurrection ceremony, her last relatives also left."

"After this incident happened, our investigation found that her brother was bewitched by doomsday cultists and did such a crazy thing. The resurrection ritual was also passed on to him by doomsday cultists."

"We determined that this doomsday cultist was the mastermind, but he disappeared quickly and was never seen again."

"It wasn't until today that we discovered based on some clues that he is Amon!"

Rhodes' heart sank for a moment.

He had never felt so sick for a moment.

Amon, I will definitely let Asa eat you!

"What happened next?"

Rhodes asked hoarsely.

"How did Sister Olivia recover?"

Wang said calmly:

"Olivia was already on the verge of losing control, but during the resurrection ceremony, her brother replaced her blackened soul with part of his soul, and the souls of the same blood actually merged together."

"This is the only case of a cure for severe soul corruption."

"After that, we used a dangerous method to block her memory and let her accept the fact bit by bit. Finally, we lifted the shield and recovered most of her memory."

"Although she survived the danger, the incident became her inner demon. Although her soul was healed, it became unstable due to the integration of her brother's soul, but she also gained her brother's characteristics as a result. , Dark Moon.”

"This is a forbidden power, and you have seen the danger of it getting out of control in the God Tower."

Rhodes nodded cautiously.

He remembered the horror of the black moon deeply.

Amon inspired this power, which was obviously premeditated.

Wang said in a deep voice: "Olivia has two characteristics. They compete with each other, consume and replace each other. Her soul is no longer stable and it is difficult to go further. As a result, she loses the qualifications for the Seat of Ashes and can only become the Grand Knight Commander."

Rhodes was silent for a few seconds and then asked: "Where is that freak?"

Wang said calmly: "The Life Priests stripped him of the distortion and made him a normal person. He is now one of the seven Sons of Fire in Trorian."

Rhodes was horrified and lost his voice: "Son of Fire? He became a Son of Fire?"

The king nodded.

"Olivia's younger brother was a super genius before Lightning Misha appeared. We have placed countless high hopes on him and think he is the most likely person to become the true king."

"His soul is extremely powerful and his soul characteristics are extremely special. The freaks produced by the resurrection ceremony only inherited part of his soul characteristics. Although his qualifications are far inferior to Olivia's brother, he still has hope of becoming a true king, so he sat on He ascended the throne of ashes and became a son of fire."

Rhodes' throat rolled, and he had already guessed who that person was.

The sixth Son of Fire, the one who always wears a veil and is called the Princess of the Dark Moon.

But the whole thing was completely beyond his imagination.

A person who is almost a monster can actually become a son of fire?

Wang saw his doubts and explained: "He is a normal person. Although his birth was a tragedy, it has nothing to do with him. Moreover, in the legend, the creation of humans is the domain of gods. We break through We have entered the realm of God, although this is not something to be proud of.”

Rhodes asked hesitantly: "Is he really normal?"

"Yes, there is no problem with the resurrection ritual itself, otherwise it would not be able to deceive Olivia's brother. It's just that Amon concealed its true function... In the royal city, some scholars believe that human beings may be born in this way. ”

"Princess Dark Moon's body and soul are normal, and her personality and spirit are also very normal. Apart from being very obsessed with Olivia and some minor problems, there are no problems."

"For Olivia, this special Son of Fire is legally her child, her brother, and a part of her. She has never been able to face it, until now..."

Wang paused and continued.

"She completely untied this knot in her heart and no longer ran away from this inner demon. Her soul truly accepted the remnant soul and became a perfect fusion. The moonlight swallowed the dark moon, and the source's power increased. As a result, she gained The opportunity to take another step forward is a blessing in disguise.”

"When the promotion ceremony is completed, Olivia will become the ninth Son of Fire and the first King-level Son of Fire in Trolian."

Rhodes was silent for a long time and then asked: "Then what happened to Mavis?"

Wang Shensheng said: "At that time, in the center of the attack, the only place with resistance was the workshop of Pharmacy Master Shi Po. Half of the trialists and judges hid in, trying to rely on the workshop to delay time and wait. Rescue is coming."

"They ultimately failed, and when we arrived, there was only one living person among the black fire and piles of corpses."


"She can't perfectly explain why she appears there, nor can she tell what happened. Interrogating other doomsday believers is also ineffective. These lunatics who follow the original creed are particularly difficult to deal with. Their spirits are different from ordinary people. We have no clue. Get any information on them."

"So, Mavis, who cannot be convicted, became the only surviving 'doomsday cultist'."

"Later, due to the interference of the Silver Oath Taboo Armed Forces, her soul curse became stronger and stronger, bringing ominousness and corruption to the people around her, so she became even more disgusted... Little Rhodes, you can imagine Olivia In such a mood, she did not rush to kill everyone, but she exercised the utmost restraint."

Rhodes nodded and said: "Yes, Sister Olivia has a very strong heart. She always puts the overall interests of Trolian as the most important priority."


Wang smiled a little again.

"There is no problem now. Olivia has grown up. She defeated herself and became her own master."

Rhodes nodded deeply. There is nothing more exciting than a king-level Moonlight Knight.

The king added: "This incident reminds us that evil thoughts will enter the soul with flaws, take root and sprout in it, and eventually control the soul silently. Even the Herrscher cannot get rid of its influence. We must be on guard against it." If something like this happens, I have ordered the Anti-Curse Order and the Church of Souls to deeply detect the souls of all high-level combatants, and if necessary, Mavis will also participate."

"I see."

Rhodes gritted his teeth and said.

"It's a pity that Amon only lost half of his soul and couldn't catch him to death, but he can't escape. I must avenge sister Olivia."

Wang Xunao said: "Don't forget to have children with her."

Rhodes' face darkened: "King, there is no such thing."

Wang smiled and said: "I believe she is willing. If you are so good, the children you give birth to will be equally good. The royal city still needs more geniuses..."

Rhodes glanced at him: "Why don't you go have a baby with her?"

"Olivia doesn't look down on an old man like me... Anyway, this glorious and arduous task is left to you."

After saying that, the king returned to the holy fire, leaving Rhodes unable to speak out.

——He actually wanted to discuss matters related to the Divine Sword of Destiny with the king.

At that time, he was forced to throw away the Sword of Destiny to buy time.

If his life was not in danger, he would be extremely reluctant to throw away such a powerful artifact like this.

However, his thinking was fast enough at that time. While decisively throwing away the divine sword, he also used a more complete "Star Mark" on it.

With this mark, Rhodes can sense the location of the divine sword.

Now, the Divine Sword of Destiny is in the ancient city of Sagus, staying with Asmons, the King of the Deep Sea.

It seems that the King of the Deep Sea has captured the Sword of Destiny and is entrenched in the city of Sagus.

In other words, as long as he kills the King of the Deep Sea, he can regain the Sword of Destiny.

Of course, this is unlikely in the near future unless the king can move freely.

It was impossible for Trorian to risk everything and go to an ancient city so far away to challenge such a powerful old master.

Rhodes could only put it down temporarily.

Now, he has more important things.

In the Church of Souls, the dissection of the coffin is in progress.

People infected by Amon's evil seeds are undergoing soul surgery, which is jointly performed by Archbishop Horus and Soul Master Priscilla, assisted by several soul masters.

Mavis kept his soul frozen.

Under the superb skills of the Archbishop and the Soul Master, the seeds of evil thoughts in the souls of Lucian and several judges were completely dug out for the first time.

It was like a small transparent insect, very quiet when it was in the soul, but struggling wildly the moment it was dug out of the soul.

If they weren't frozen by Mephis, they would soon crumble and dissipate, like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Horus sighed: "I was controlled by this thing in the first place."

Rhodes asked curiously: "Lord Horus, is there any flaw in your spirit? Is your brother also dead?"

Horus's deadwood-like face darkened in an instant, and he roared: "I don't have a brother, focus on your work, don't make blind guesses!"

But Priscilla, the soul master on the side, revealed his old background without mercy: "He always felt that his talent was too low and his growth was too slow, and he was not worthy of becoming an archbishop."

"You fart!"

Horus' old face turned red, and veins sprouted on his forehead.

"I was just careless! I got hit accidentally!"

Rhodes shrugged, not paying too much attention.

Anyway, just give him some more star sources when the time comes to help him take the final step.

Horus is only half a step away. If he can break through the bottleneck and become the Herrscher, the royal city will have another special combat power.

On the operating table, the soul masters carefully studied the evil seed and were amazed by its exquisite soul structure.

This is an existence beyond their imagination. It is like a ghost that can invisibly change and control a soul.

A soul full of holes can hardly defend itself against it.

The Anti-Curse Order is researching ways to deal with it.

After removing the seeds of evil thoughts, Lucian and others are gradually recovering, and it won't be long before they can return to their posts.

The ability to recover so quickly was not only due to the superb skills of the Archbishop and Soul Master Priscilla, but also to the merits of Mephis.

Her ice was simply the nemesis of evil thoughts. At that time, if she had not sealed Lucian and others in time, things would not have gone so smoothly.

Rhodes wanted to see Olivia, but Asa finished eating.

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