The Last Dark King

Chapter 494: Development

Latest website: The harvest of the temple trip was very rich. In the last hall, they found a hidden storage room, which contained piles of star marrow, high-quality sun stones, sun crystals and other precious materials. Because of the great The Royal City Warehouse, which had expanded significantly and was extremely short of rare supplies, sent a critical round of supplies.

More importantly, they unearthed an important piece of history, learned more about the existence of the Starry Kingdom, and roughly figured out the reasons for their downfall.

Of course, for them, there are still various doubts in this history, and it seems that some very crucial information is missing.

Only Rhodes knew the whole story, and knew that in addition to facing disasters and crises, there was also an ancient evil thought named Amon hidden within mankind.

Rhodes had to connect him with what happened in the Battle of Star City. The person who affected the soul of Archbishop Horus was most likely him. This also explains why the Archbishop of Trolian unknowingly Hit the target.

Horus is still half a step away from becoming the Herrscher. Although he is already considered to be a handful of strong men among Trorians, looking at the entire history of mankind, the strongest men below the Herrscher are not ranked among the top.

Amon was able to assassinate the Lord of Dreams in the Kingdom of Stars in its heyday. Although the dream was broken and Hegeor was seriously injured at that time, judging from the fact that he was able to make the "Celestial Sphere Bell", it was obviously better than what he is now. Rhodes is much stronger.

Although more than a thousand years have passed, Amon's body has long been destroyed, and the ancient evil thoughts have been reincarnated to form a new soul, which will no longer be so powerful.

But judging from the fact that he was able to leave a slate to mock Rhodes more than a thousand years ago, his wisdom and ability are obviously not comparable to that of Asa, who firmly believes in the "King of Shit Devouring" and even recognizes his dreams. .

So, it shouldn't be particularly difficult for him to hide in the declining Trorian and assassinate an archbishop who is not even a Herrscher. There are always some ways to achieve the effect he wants.

Rhodes deduced from this that the leader of the mysterious Advent sect was most likely him.

This is the biggest unsettling factor hidden in the Trorian King's City.

However, because it involved dreams, Rhodes did not directly tell them the whole story. He only used another similar inference and simplified the matter into a tragedy in which doomsday cultists framed a strong human being, which ultimately led to the destruction of cities, the death of people, and the destruction of stars.

Amides and others attached great importance to this result. They sorted out the entire incident overnight and secretly sent it back to the royal city together with the found stone slabs and other objects.

The top brass of the royal city attached great importance to it. The king, Archbishop Horus, First Elder Armando, First Defense Chief Lin, Chief Adjudicator Lucian and others immediately held an important meeting and decided to use the Holy Grail of the King to prevent and control doomsday cultists. Cleaning up to an unprecedented level.

At the same time, Wangcheng pays more attention to the excavation of Star City. There are countless secrets hidden in history, which are very important to them who walk alone in the dark.

The support materials and personnel further increased, and a large number of scholars, researchers, and archaeologists arrived in Starry Sky City one after another. Some schools even moved here entirely.

A royal city of the human kingdom is really too important to them, and countless mysteries may be solved here.

Most importantly, they may be able to find a way forward for humanity.

Trorian is currently facing countless choices. In terms of cultivating combat power, the path of the Fire Bearer, the Path of Forbidden Shadow of Kalil hosted by Archpriest Megan, the Path of Warcraft Construct decided by some great scholars, the Path of the Endless Spirit. A cannon road, a large war equipment road similar to an aerial battleship.

There are also steam system routes, lightning routes, gravity routes in the Industrial Mechanical Research Institute, as well as more ethereal spiritual matter splitting bombs, super-heavy singularity devouring fields, annihilation energy research, etc.

In terms of the direction of action, the choice between expansion and preservation, whether to build a world clock tower, how to find surviving humans, how to avoid disaster and misfortune, and how to resist the coming of great terror.

And most importantly, the coming catastrophe that the Queen of Stars warned them about.

There are so many directions and choices, but resources are generally limited. How to allocate resources, which path to take, and how to take them are all huge problems that plague all senior leaders.

If these problems can be solved, then the chances of human beings surviving in the Dark Age will be greatly improved, and tragedies like the Starry Kingdom can be avoided.

This is the meaning of studying history and pursuing the past.

Therefore, the Royal City is finally willing to transfer part of the first-level combat power back to Starry Sky City. Although the star source of Wanxingyi is extremely important, what is more important is the truth of the past. Rhodes not only needs to guard the Holy Fire Sacrifice, but also needs to be able to fight faster. Clean up the entire star city.

If more clues can be found to find the reincarnation of Amon, it will be more useful than the Thirty Drops of Star Source.

After the arrival of new combat forces, the cleanup speed of Star City finally accelerated. Rhodes, Churchill, and Gale were no longer running around, fighting one after another.

The results of their investment did not disappoint Wangcheng. They quickly dug out many valuable things from the ruins.

The starry weapons that can still be used barely include psychic cannons, enchanted heavy crossbows, star armor, spiritual weapons, star swords, etc.

Various rare materials, such as star marrow, sun stone, sun crystal, psychic crystal, etc.

Some specially preserved potions, phlogiston, and fuel for fire.

The last one is the most important.

The Holy Fire has just advanced. With two Holy Fire Seeds, its upper limit has been greatly increased, and it is in urgent need of a large amount of phlogiston and firewood.

The production of firewood is very cumbersome and the materials required are extremely precious. It took Trorian more than a thousand years of accumulation to exceed the upper limit of the holy fire.

In the short time now, it can be produced in Wangcheng.

The fastest way is to find firewood from the dark world.

After Rhodes, Churcher, Gale and others cleaned up the Starry Palace, Amides and many scholars discovered hidden warehouses in the palace, which were all filled with phlogiston and firewood stored in the Starry Kingdom.

The space of this warehouse has been folded, time has been frozen, and the items inside are so well preserved that they are almost like new.

Rhodes directly gained 50 points of divinity, even though it was not the warehouse he found.

This huge harvest made everyone ecstatic, and the annual trial of fire was about to begin.

The intensity of the holy fire directly determines the power of the Holy Grail of Fire.

The Holy Grail of Fire with stronger power can ignite more souls that are difficult to ignite, thereby greatly increasing the passing rate of the Fire Trial and increasing the number of new fire holders.

New talents are the fire of the future and the hope of mankind.

Without a steady stream of newcomers, how could the legacy of humanity be passed down from generation to generation? How can there be eternal immortality of the holy fire?

Obtaining so much phlogiston and firewood at this juncture is almost like a miracle.

When they were sent back to the royal city, almost everyone cheered and paid tribute to Rhodes.

After passing the most stringent test, the fire priest carefully sent them into the holy fire. The raging golden flame became larger, the golden light became brighter and more intense, and the entire holy fire sacrificial site turned into a golden furnace. , the light of the holy fire passed all the way over the city wall of the outer city, reaching tens of thousands of yards before stopping in the suburbs.

In this way, even in the deepest night, the entire royal city is shrouded in the light of the holy fire.

The black fog in the sky has been dispersed far away. In the upper city, you can even occasionally see the clouds passing by in the sky and the golden light of the setting sun.

This was almost impossible before.

Everyone rejoiced, and those who passed through the darkness could hardly believe that all this was true. They howled in ecstasy, or looked up to the sky and laughed wildly while crying.

The despair seemed to dissipate at this moment.

What greets them is a better tomorrow.

The entire royal city burst out with unprecedented vitality. People lived freely under the light of the fire. They no longer had to worry. The efficiency of work was doubled. Various materials were continuously supplied from the Seamans Factory, the Byron Alchemy and Pharmaceutical Factory, and the Ximansi Alchemy and Pharmaceutical Factory. It is produced in various workshops such as Gewei Food Factory and Industrial Machinery Research Institute.

The botanical garden located in Shangcheng District also burst out with great vitality. The old holy white tree was re-injected with new vitality, new branches sprouted, new holy white trees bore fruit, the breath of life burst out, and all the spirituality in the botanical garden The plants and herbs began to grow crazily, and the spiritual fish in the Pure Blue Lake began to lay eggs.

And the news of the promotion or breakthrough of the fire bearers came one after another. The Holy Church was overwhelmed. The psychic rituals that were finally relieved were completely full. A large number of newcomers were also welcomed into the Palace of Fire.

All of this gives people a feeling.

The spring of mankind is coming.

In Starry Sky City, Rhodes finally showed a rare smile.

This large amount of divine income simply hit his soft heart, causing him to spread pollen everywhere like a flower blooming, bringing joy to others.

The dream is also filled with joy, the Book of Knowledge laughs wildly all day long, the Book of the Future is also happy for its owner's bright future, and even the doll can see the smile on its lips from time to time.

Asa was originally completely autistic and was studying his shit all day long, but after Rhodes asked him about Amon, he became angry.

Between the lines, Rhodes clearly regarded Amon as a powerful enemy, but he was dismissive of him. Although he did not say it directly, it was clear that he had contempt and contempt.

In his rage, Asa had completely forgotten his position and said angrily: "Don't underestimate me. My existence is more ancient, more mysterious, and more powerful than him. I just found the wrong opponent. My goal is The heir to the throne of Yuantian God, the powerful reincarnation of the fragment of the ancient god, and you are another completely unknown reason. I misjudged my target and was betrayed, so I became your prisoner."

Rhodes had no time to care about his dignity: "Oh, tell me where he might be hiding? What should I pay attention to if I deal with him?"

Asa's whole soul swelled up, and he roared: "He can't be stronger than me! I will prove it! Just wait! No one knows better than me how ancient evil thoughts can destroy mankind! When he reveals When chicken feet come out, that’s when I prove it all.”

Rhodes blinked and suddenly smiled.

"Okay, Asa, this is what you said. I hope you are not bragging again."

Asa sneered and said: "Haha, I know what you are thinking, but I don't care. The black mist will eventually swallow you poor people. No matter how hard you struggle, it will be useless. No matter what I do, it will not change this ending."

Rhodes smiled and said: "Even so, I will give it a try and let time prove us right or wrong."

Asa snorted and stopped talking.

Although he received an unexpected help, Rhodes was not completely relieved. It was a very dangerous behavior to place all his hopes on an evil thought.

While he urged the royal city to strengthen its defenses and check the souls of every strong man, he continued to search for his clues in Starry Sky City.

But as the invasion approaches, his focus inevitably shifts to divinity.

The moment when the stars shine is coming, and he must obtain more divinity.

The Book of Knowledge and other dream servants became nervous. It started a comprehensive restoration in the dream, and it was necessary to further increase the completeness of the dream to the current level.

Rhodes sacrificed all the souls below "extremely great" to obtain enough souls and spirituality to repair the dream.

The "Celestial Sphere Bell" was temporarily put on hold. Rhodes tried to use it. Its function was not as powerful as imagined. It did not mark the location of all dream fragments on a huge spiritual world map, but connected with a dream fragment. , showing its approximate orientation.

Once this connection appears, it cannot be interrupted or the target changed. Rhodes speculates that this may be related to the strange connection between dream fragments and dreams.

Unless the fragment is melted back into the dream, the next piece cannot be found.

Unfortunately, this dream fragment is very far away, at least two thousand yards from Star City.

At this time, it is obviously very irrational to cross such a long distance and go deep into the darkness to search for fragments.

Rhodes could only wait until the invasion was over and then think of a solution.

As for the other function of the "Celestial Sphere Clock", Rhodes did not use it either.

He was very worried. Wouldn't it be terrible if the monster also saw you when you saw it?

With Trorian's current strength, he may have to gather all his strength and fight the strange shadow in front of the holy fire to win.

Such harsh conditions are difficult to achieve, and for the sake of safety, it is best not to take risks.

After the invasion is over, Rhodes can choose to stay away from Trorian alone and test its capabilities in the dark.

Even if the terrifying existence silent in the depths of darkness is alarmed, the most he can do is commit suicide and be reborn, so as not to cause a disaster.

In short, everything went on in an orderly manner, and time passed bit by bit.

Finally, the moment for the stars to shine has arrived again.

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