The Last Dark King

Chapter 457: Make Humanity Great Again

Latest website: Trolian's castle at Storm Pass has been built, and the flight line for the floating psychic carriage has also been opened. When Rhodes passed through the undead passage, he directly got on the psychic carriage and returned to the royal city.

At this time, the royal city has entered a state of martial law, and there are almost no people in the streets and alleys.

The patrol guards became students and teachers of Jinworth College again, in the same way as they had done in the Kuroshio.

Seeing those young faces clumsily fighting the dust, Rhodes' memory was also touched. He had also had such an experience. It seemed like a long time ago, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed like yesterday.

The messy thoughts passed by in a flash. Rhodes didn't think much. He went to the big library first and completed the necessary preparations before returning to the upper city. In the Military War Department, he met the elders and retired soldiers.

The king agreed to Horus's suggestion and called them together.

But except for the first elder Armando, everyone was full of resentment.

Although Rhodes has many honors, in their eyes, he is just a young boy. How can he command them?

What's more, who can become an elder without great military exploits and a chest full of honors? What is a newly promoted Guardian?

Only Armando looked calm and said nothing.

As soon as Rhodes stepped into the hall, everyone's eyes were focused.

"Good day, elders."

Rhodes smiled and said hello. He had dealt with these elders a lot and was not afraid of them.

There were many snorts from the elders.

An elder took the lead in attacking: "Sir Rhodes, when will you capture Starry Sky City?"

Before Rhodes could answer, another elder also mocked: "Your Excellency, Guardian, have you found the way to the Herrscher?"

"When are you going to save Trorian?"

"No, no, this little thing is nothing. When do you plan to regain the glory of mankind? It is said that humans in ancient times conquered the sky, the earth and the ocean, and are about to move towards the upper spiritual world."

Upon hearing this, Rhodes understood that the elders had strong objections to his battle plan. Trorian had never commanded a group of elders before, and this first authority in thousands of years was actually given to a young boy.

If the First Elder Armando hadn't suppressed them, they would not have followed the king's orders as usual.

It seems that we must add some heavy stuff.

The group of elders must be suppressed as quickly as possible, otherwise the follow-up work cannot be carried out.

Rhodes smiled slightly and said: "Elders, I just became a guardian..."

One person sarcastically said: "Boy, everyone here was once a guardian, or had a similar position."

Rhodes said calmly: "Yes, I am very aware of the achievements of the elders. For example, Elder Adelaide was once the guardian of the third defense zone. Under his rule, the third defense zone lasted for twenty years. There were no major disasters, people’s lives were stable, the population doubled, and all output increased dramatically, making an indelible contribution to Trorian’s prosperity.”

An elder who looked like a chimpanzee raised his nose.

"That's wrong, kid, it's twenty-two years, seventeen six days."

Rhodes smiled and said: "I'm sorry, Lord Adelac, your achievements are recorded in the files of the big library, and not a minute or a second will be missing."

The chimpanzee scratched his head and looked better.

Rhodes continued: "And you, Elder Alex, you have made outstanding achievements in battle throughout your life. As the chief knight captain, you have participated in the Battle of the Northern City, the Battle of Setting Sun Mountain, and the Battle of the Northern Great Wall. Your characteristic scarlet lightning has been used in key battles many times. Kill powerful monsters at all times and make immortal contributions to winning the battle.”

A short, fat man who looked like a pig showed a pig-like smile.

"Yes, but, boy, what I am most proud of is that I used scarlet lightning to kill the Minotaur in Storm Castle. It was the first time that I killed a king-level monster as a first-level combatant."

Rhodes choked for a moment before he remembered that the king-level monster should be Trolian's secret and would not appear in the records of the big library.

But he thought of lightning in his mind and immediately changed his mind and said: "No one knows your achievements, but your name will last forever."

After the words fell, all the elders present were moved by it, and one person murmured: "No one knows about his achievements, but his name will last forever."

A strange feeling blew through everyone's hearts like a whirlwind. Many people recalled the past, some were silent, and some were in tears.

Suddenly, someone laughed loudly: "Okay, great! Lai Yin, please die in peace."

Flower of Humanity +1

Rhodes was very happy, but he didn't expect that quick wits could have such an effect.

Armando's eyes when he looked at Rhodes also changed, full of admiration and relief.

The atmosphere was changed in an instant.

Next, Rhodes reviewed the glorious history of many elders, briefly summarized their historical achievements, and then said.

"Everyone, I know that the aging of the soul is a very regrettable but unavoidable thing. The fate of the fire bearer seems to have been planned at the moment it was born. When we are lucky enough to live to old age, The accumulation of darkness in the soul will make our spiritual abilities obscure, our characteristics dim, our operation slow, and our combat effectiveness greatly reduced."

"Retreating behind the scenes, becoming an elder, and shining a light for Trorian in another direction seems to be the only option."

"But, have you ever thought that one day, you can become a hero and fight on the front line passionately, even for just a moment?"

The group of elders was extremely quiet, but there was fire burning in the eyes of all the elders.

"Sir Rhodes."

An elder spoke.

"We already know the information about the Tears of the Goddess, but it is said that you don't have much inventory on hand. There are a total of one hundred and six people in the elder group who can fight. There are two retired first-level combatants who can be present. Twelve, do you have enough resources?”

"That's right."

Another elder also questioned: "It's not that we want to question you, Mr. Rhodes, you already have the honor of an elder and are considered one of us. However, I have never heard of such a magical potion. It is really Is it effective?"

Rhodes smiled slightly.

"Of course it works. The first elder, His Excellency Armando, has taken it himself. You can ask him how it works. Did he find the glory of his youth?"

Armando glanced at him coldly, but did not care about his leaping and jumping. He said word by word in a steady voice: "I took it when I was supporting Storm Castle. It can indeed temporarily restore my soul to youth." condition, but it can only last three days.”

"Three days?"

One of the elders questioned.

“It seems like there are only fourteen days until Hanukkah, so what about the remaining eleven days?”

Armando also looked at Rhodes, which was why he was puzzled. According to this time, it would take at least a thousand Goddess Tears to sustain such a huge consumption.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Rhodes to possess a thousand Goddess Tears.

That would require at least three thousand starlight fragments.

Rhodes smiled slightly and took out a crystal vial calmly.

Shake it gently, and the solution inside will glow with stars.

This is the core of his plan, the Goddess Tears Bottle.

To put it simply, it is the tears of the goddess mixed with water.

Rhodes raised the tear bottle high and said loudly: "You can drink ten sips from this tear bottle. Each sip will make you look younger for an hour."

An elder asked: "One hour? What's the use of that?"

"One bottle can only last ten hours."

Rhode's expression remained unchanged and he continued: "I will send you to various key defensive positions in Trolian. As far as I know, battles do not happen all the time. In most cases, they are just small-scale battles. Each castle and fortress can handle it with its own defense strength."

"When a large-scale battle occurs and your strength is needed, you can drink the goddess's blessing, rekindle the blood in your soul, join the battle, and dedicate everything to Trorian."

"Therefore, you can regard them as first-level combatants who can take action at critical moments. The first-level combatants stationed in major strongholds can be rotated out and enter the Star City battlefield."

Rhodes took out a whole box of goddess tear bottles from his arms.

"There are two hundred bottles in total. As long as they are used properly, they will last until Hanukkah."


Rhodes roared with all his strength.

"Do you want to go back in time and fight for Trollian again?"

The elders were silent for only a second, and then a thunderous voice sounded.

"For Trorian!"



Rhodes really didn't expect that his impromptu passionate drama would achieve such a great effect.

To be fair, he doesn't think he's perfect.

But the elders didn't think so. Their souls seemed to be ignited and burned with their past glory.

This long-lost passion makes them extremely excited. There is no elder who has not longed to return to the battlefield, and no elder has not recalled the past. It is useless to just dream, and they can only transfer their regrets to other things.

Maintaining the duties of the elders has become their only mission, so they often appear paranoid and stubborn.

However, when they had the opportunity to return to the battlefield, they changed, becoming passionate, passionate, full of energy and vitality, as if they had returned to their high-spirited youth.

However, although the elders can temporarily return to their youthful state with the goddess's blessing potion, they are not complete first-level combatants after all.

Strategically, it is more reasonable to treat two to three elders as one complete first-level combatant.

Moreover, due to the characteristics of the elders' fighting, those strongholds and fortresses with long tug-of-war are not suitable for the elders to settle.

How to deploy this power is the key to the problem.

To maximize the use of this combat power, many factors need to be considered. This is a very complicated matter, and no one dares to say that he is competent.

Except for the dolls.

Rhodes did not waste such a great situation, and decisively summoned the phantom, possessed the puppet, triggered its combat intuition, and solved this problem with an optimal solution that no one could believe.

When Rhodes handed over the combat power deployment plan to Dalin, the entire military war department was excited. Every defense minister and every commander marveled at the elegance and perfection of the plan, as well as the astonishing details displayed in it. wisdom.

It is so perfect that some people do not believe that it was made by Rhodes. Some even think that it is a gift from God and they just wrote it down based on the words of Rhodes.

Obviously, this trend of thought is quite harmful.

Rhodes was forced to take all the credit on himself. He didn't want to do this originally. His morality couldn't tolerate such a thing. He rarely did this before, and the few times he was forced to do so, he had no choice but to do so.

The first defense officer, Chang Lin, also strongly suppressed this trend. With the cooperation of Rhodes, he finally suppressed this trend of thought.

At this time, Rhodes already had many honorific titles such as "Genius God of War", "King of Wisdom", "Leader of Humanity", etc. Many defense ministers would salute him with these titles when they met. For a while, the black rice bucket was forgotten by everyone. Gone to the back of my head.

Rhodes was secretly delighted. In order to maintain this image, he crazily squeezed the puppet to create more perfect tactical configurations.

The doll doesn't have any objections. It's just to trigger intuition. It takes a lot of spiritual energy every time, making the book of knowledge envious.

Since the defeat of the mastermind, the dream has been relatively stable, and the book of knowledge has always controlled the direction of the dream.

Although there is some turmoil in the spiritual world and occasional monster attacks, the dreamland has the Mirror of the Gods and the Tower of the Sun, which are both offensive and defensive. It does not even need Rhodes' control. The Book of Knowledge can destroy the incoming monsters without being attacked by one person. A little bit of damage.

The only problem is that due to the limitation of source energy, neither the Tower of the Sun nor the Mirror of the Gods can operate at full power, and the source energy propulsion ring is the core power of the dream bubble. Once a war begins, the speed of the dream will be greatly reduced. .

They have been flying in the vast Kingdom of Light for a long time, but unfortunately, they did not find the body of the God of Flesh and Blood at the predetermined location. They only found some traces, indicating that her body once existed here. But it seemed that he had been summoned by some kind of call, and the body moved in a certain direction.

The Book of Knowledge deciphered the remaining information and found that all the remaining bodies had been summoned and were heading to another area of ​​the upper spiritual world.

The Book of Knowledge was very excited and planned to follow the traces of this broken body and catch them all.

The dream bubble changed direction again and flew towards the unknown distance.

At this time, Rhodes already knew that he would obtain an unimaginable divinity.

The Tears of the Goddess plan was a complete success. Under Rhodes' arrangement, the elders and retired first-level combatants entered eleven large strongholds. They were all located at the outermost layer of the defense circle, thus replacing Fifty-two first-level combatants.

These fifty-two first-level combatants went to the Star City battlefield one after another, bringing a huge force to Star Ring Town.

At the same time, the impact of the elders' participation in the war continued to expand. In these eleven large strongholds, the effectiveness of the elders' battles far exceeded expectations.

Being young again made their morale high, and joining the war again made their blood boil. Their experienced experience and years of thinking produced a wonderful response. Although their fighting time was limited, they achieved 200% effectiveness.

"Wow hahaha! I'm standing up again!"

"I can cum again!"

"I will never make the mistake I made twenty years ago again!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

Similar sounds echoed on the battlefield one after another.

The elders, who were usually very serious and unsmiling, now seemed to have become spirited young men, killing the monsters to pieces, and the effect far exceeded the initial imagination.

More power is released.

The assistance that Archbishop Horus had been waiting for for a long time arrived in waves. In just a few days, the second and third batches of assistance from the Royal City had arrived. All the top warriors in Kalil's secret army were present, and More guardians, first-level combatants, and first-level combatants also arrived.

For a time, Star Ring Town’s combat power increased dramatically.

Clearing out all threats before Hanukkah no longer seems like an unattainable luxury.

The impossible miracle really happened.

Horus looked towards the royal city in the distance, smiling so hard that his face almost broke.

Perhaps, the revival of mankind began when he appeared!

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