The Last Dark King

Chapter 365 Our Children

Latest website: Rhodes is like a tough guy, fighting tirelessly, while the White Walkers are torn apart like pieces of paper, and their screams, which have a huge impact on the soul, have no effect on him.

He shuttles among the monsters like a light that never goes out.

The soldiers were inspired by him and fought harder.

Soon, Qingyu rescued the Courage Chapter, the Light Chapter, and the Stone and Wood Chapter one after another, and the battle situation began to turn around.

Later, they met Jessica on the western battlefield.

This was the first time Rhodes saw the awakening state of a "Magic Liberation" holder other than Annabeth.

Unlike Annabelle's "petite" centaur, Jessica, who has the title of "undefeated", has an extremely huge awakening state.

It was a basilisk that was at least a hundred yards tall. Its skin was covered with blue scales. Its six huge arms held six huge swords with cold light. With each sword strike, the sky seemed to be split open and the earth was split. They were all trembling, and countless White Walkers were swept away.

The six-armed snake demon kept swinging the giant sword, and the six giant swords slashed back and forth among the ghosts like windmills.

In front of her, the White Walkers were like dust. Rhodes was shocked by this terrifying efficiency.

Is "Magical Liberation" so powerful?

I originally thought that it was said to be one of the seven soul characteristics of the Royal City.

Compared to the powerful six-armed snake demon in front of her, Annabeth's centaur was just like a toy.

No wonder she is called the weakest "spiritual girl". No wonder she has always envied the strength of her sisters.

The six-armed snake demon saw them. She suddenly raised her hand, and with a bang, six giant swords struck the ground in six directions. The huge snake body lay down, and the whole body began to rotate. The six giant swords were like a Like an unprecedented huge whirlwind, it quickly swept across the battlefield.

In just a few seconds, the group of White Walkers were beaten to ashes and could not even be resurrected.

The six-armed snake demon stopped spinning, put away its giant sword, and twisted its huge snake body towards them.

Some soldiers in the team saw such a powerful existence for the first time. They turned pale with fear and even drew their weapons.

White Wolf shouted: "Put away your weapons! She is a companion!"

In the dark fog, a figure a hundred yards high came to them.

Due to its large size, it could not carry a portable lamp, so it could only be filled with red tear stones.

Under the reflection of the cyan scales, her entire body emitted a strange red light, looking very much like some kind of strange and powerful monster.

But the leading few were not nervous at all and did not enter a battle-ready state. It was obviously not the first time they had seen this.

Qingyu raised his voice and shouted: "Jessica, how is the situation on the battlefield?"

The rumbling sound of the six-armed snake demon came from above, with a strange hissing sound.

"The situation is very good. The number of White Walkers has been greatly reduced. The dangerous White Walker groups have been eliminated. There will be no threat from the King of White Walkers on the western battlefield for a long time to come."

After hearing her words, everyone smiled.

White Wolf said loudly: "Thank you for your hard work, Jessica, you are our glory."

A smile appeared on the ferocious and blurry face of the six-armed snake demon: "This is what I should do. The holy fire protects us, and mankind will live forever."

Everyone responded in unison: "Humanity will survive forever!"

Qingyu asked: "Jessica, the situation on the battlefield on the southeast side is very critical, but we have no time to take care of it right now. Can we leave it to you?"

The six-armed snake demon replied happily: "No problem."

"Do you need Aluo to replenish your spiritual energy?"

"No, my spirit can be used. A Luo wants to leave the spirit power to those who need it most."

Qingyu nodded slightly: "Time waits for no one, let's go."


The six-armed snake demon drew out its giant sword, twisted its body and swam towards the south. One arm raised the giant sword high, and a roaring sound came from the distance.

"May the fire be everlasting and may the heroes be immortal!"

All the warriors responded in unison.

"May the fire be passed down from generation to generation, and may humanity never be extinguished!"

The sound spread far away, echoing over the land shrouded in darkness, lingering for a long time.


After that, Qingyu led the team to fight in several consecutive battles and eliminated several very dangerous groups of White Walkers.

But the warriors have also reached their limit. Everyone is exhausted, their spiritual energy is on the verge of overdraft, and their spirits are listless.

Only Rhodes was still in full swing.

Everyone was shocked. They had never seen a person fight for so long, and even monsters were not as resistant as him.

Only Rhodes knew why he lasted so long.

Every time the fight started, he would yell, "I want it."

Qingyu will give him blessings.

Rhodes opened the Phantom again and went up to kill everyone.

With the double blessing reply, a battle would not consume much spiritual energy at all.

A Luo would also come here specifically to replenish his spiritual energy.

If it weren't for his physical limit, Rhodes could have fought until next week.

However, most of the warriors in the team were stretched to their limits, exhausted and scarred.

A Luo is the healer and supplier in the team. She said worriedly: "We need to return to the fortress. The soldiers need to rest and recover. They are no longer good."

White Wolf said flatly: "No! The investigators' intelligence shows that four groups of White Walkers in the southwest have reached critical status, and seven more groups of White Walkers are about to reach critical status. We must eliminate them as soon as possible."

"The number of White Walkers on the dead ground has seriously exceeded the limit, and we have no time to rest!"

A Luo pursed her lips and was speechless.

Qingyu silently led the team forward.

After another fierce battle, A Luo shouted: "We can't fight anymore!"

Bai Lang glanced at the exhausted and exhausted warriors, and said in a deep voice: "An overdose of potion."

Anger suddenly appeared on Ah Luo's round face, and she said loudly: "This won't work, many of us will die..."

White Wolf sternly said: "If the King of the White Walkers is born, more of us will die!"

A Luo's eyes flashed and her tone softened: "I can overdose. My characteristics have reached level nine and I can quickly digest psychic potions..."

Bai Lang said coldly: "No! Can you alone replenish the spiritual energy consumption of so many people? You have a limit."

Suddenly, Qingyu said: "Let's ask for help from Wangcheng."

"This is absolutely not possible!" Bai Lang categorically rejected: "We must not ask for help anymore. The battle strength of the royal city is very tight. Asking for help means that another area will be damaged and many people will die."

Everyone fell silent, but after a moment, Qingyu said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"White Wolf, you lead the troops back to Courage Fortress for repairs."

"I, Rhodes, and A'luo took the initiative to reduce the number of White Walkers and prevent them from crossing the limit. Until you complete the repairs, you can eliminate the dangerous White Walker groups."

Bai Lang was silent for a moment and asked: "Is it possible? Your Highness, you should know that you must not abuse your spiritual power. As long as you are here, we have a glimmer of hope. If your spiritual power is exhausted, there will be no hope of death." "

Qingyu nodded: "I know."

Bai Lang was silent for another moment, then suddenly sighed: "Boy, the pressure is on you, can you withstand it?"

Rhodes replied briefly: "Yes."


White Wolf didn't say much, and turned around with the large army in the direction of Courage Fortress.

Under the boundless black fog, only three people were left.

Qingyu asked: "Little Rhodes, do you still have the strength?"

Rhodes drummed his arms and said seriously: "Yes!"

"A'Luo, how much spiritual power can you still recover?"

A Luo thought for a moment and replied crisply: "10 tracks. If you add the psychic potion, there are 50 tracks."

"Very good!"

Qingyu suddenly smiled. Her smile was bright and delicate, like water waves rippling across the surface of a lake.

"Let's go fight now!"



Throughout the night, Rhodes stayed with them, sprinting and fighting desperately.

Qingyu no longer showed the form of the little sun, but stood far away, occasionally attacking the White Walkers with fire bombs or fireballs. Apart from blessing Rhodes, she basically did not fight.

A'luo was the same, even more so. She only replenished Rhodes' spiritual energy and did nothing else.

The only one fighting was Rhodes.

He rushed into the vast sea of ​​White Walkers to fight alone. After reducing their number to a certain level, he quickly escaped and rushed into another group of White Walkers to fight.

Throughout the night, Rhodes never stopped, except fighting, that is, during the battle.

He couldn't even remember how many times he swung his sword and how many White Walkers he killed. He became more and more proficient in "soul warfare", and even felt like he could do whatever he wanted.

It was already past midnight, the sun obscured by black mist had set, and the darkness had become thicker.

Without the support of firelight, the White Walkers in the black fog become far more powerful than during the day. Their eyes emit red light, their movements are fast, their psychic powers are active, and their screams have a greater impact on the soul.

But all this had no effect on Rhodes.

He still wielded one sword at a time, and his figure was like a stream of light passing through the group of ghosts. Wherever he passed, the ghosts turned into ashes.

Including phantoms, this efficiency is quite high.

What's even more valuable is stability. Just as it was at the beginning, it will still be the same at the end.

Under such operations, the group of White Walkers in the Dead Land was finally temporarily controlled.

Qingyu was delighted. The guardian's "intuition" was indeed correct. She felt that Rhodes was very durable, and in fact he was indeed very durable.

Looking back, I decided that trusting him was the right choice.

That was actually her "intuition". When she saw this helpless young man walking over the pile of corpses, she had an inexplicable feeling, as if he had a special difference that could bring them a new one. , unknown future.

Now it seems that she was absolutely right.

In a short period of time, Rhodes has become one of the most dazzling new stars of the new generation, successfully standing alongside Tyro, Jessica and others.

Although his absolute power is still very weak, given time, he will become another pillar of mankind.

Bring a glimmer of hope to this world plunged into darkness.

Under the dim light of the fire, the girl has delicate features, red lips and white teeth, bright eyes and white teeth. Her pretty face is slightly red under the flickering eyes.

"Our children must be very good."

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