The Last Dark King

Chapter 319 Ancient God Fragments

Latest website: The white light fell and the world returned to its original state.

In the thick black fog, there were red figures everywhere. The light of the lighthouse was already quite weak, and the red tear stones on everyone began to work.

Everyone stood stunned on the spot.

No one could believe that nine powerful monsters were reduced to ashes in just twelve seconds.

The white light across the sky saved them like a sudden miracle.

A few seconds later, the calm voice of the prostitute Lannister came.

"Celie, fire a second flare to indicate that the danger is lifted to avoid duplication of support."

Celie, who had been raped for free, woke up from a dream and said viciously: "Shut up, you big liar! You don't need to tell me, I know!"

He took out a small ball and injected it with psychic energy.

With a snap, the ball flew into the sky and exploded into colorful colors.

The special light penetrated the black fog again and illuminated the earth at the same time.

Through this strange light, everyone could clearly see the nine large groups of ashes on the ground.

That terrifying demonized king ant is really dead.

For a time, long exhales could be heard everywhere, and many people sat down on the ground. They were so shocked that they could not relax a little until now.

Lannister and Celie rushed to Rhodes.

"'re awake."

Celie's voice was thick with disappointment.

"After using such a powerful psychic cannon, your psychic energy should be exhausted, and your soul should enter a state of self-protection shock."

Lannister pushed up his glasses and said in an emotionless voice: "Rhodes' soul is very strong, all values ​​are perfectly balanced, and his tolerance is very high. Even if his psychic energy is exhausted, he will not shock."

"You don't need to tell me!"

Celie glared at him.

"I know everything about Arrow, including how many rumored mistresses he had."

Rhodes felt a throbbing pain in his spirit, and the feeling of depletion in his soul made him very uncomfortable. He felt that he needed to rest for a night in a comfortable environment, and yet these two people were still arguing about these irrelevant matters. thing.

"Hey, can't you help me up first?"

Just as Celie was about to take action, a gust of wind whipped up from under Rhodes and lifted him up.

"Not bad." Rhodes praised: "The wind is very comfortable."

Celie gave him a disapproving look.

Lannister felt nothing and said calmly: "Let's go back to the lighthouse first. The crisis is not over yet. Celie, please quickly organize the wounded. Some people are seriously injured and need urgent treatment. The demon king ant has very powerful psychic powers." Strong, their mental impact will damage the soul, and some people who have soul sequelae must be quickly sent back to the royal city for treatment."

Celie said angrily: "I know! You are the only one who talks nonsense!"

Turn around and run away quickly.

Lannister took Rhodes back to the lighthouse and placed him on a soft bed in the infirmary.

As soon as he lay down on the bed, Rhodes fell into a deep sleep.

The Lannister called the medics from the tower again.

After a detailed inspection, they were surprised to find that Rhodes was not injured at all, and there was not even a trace of corruption in his soul.

"Lord Lannister, he just fell asleep because of exhaustion."

the medical staff said politely.

"His soul is completely healthy and pure as crystal."

The Lannister frowned.

"This is impossible. He just killed nine demonized king ants. The immeasurable black mist will definitely erode his soul. Check it carefully again and don't miss anything suspicious."

The medical staff looked at each other, and they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

They are all senior medical practitioners, and their characteristics are "Mingguang" who are professional counterparts. Although they are not as good as central medical practitioners, they can still be regarded as elite logistics personnel.

There is no way this check can go wrong.

But Lannister is a member of the palace. According to the principles of the battlefield, he is the supreme commander of the lighthouse at this moment, and his orders cannot be violated.

The medical staff hurried back and took out their special instruments.

True silver detectors, psychic crystal lenses, high-energy ruby ​​waveform detectors... and other high-end psychic instruments were placed on Rhodes, exploring every corner of Rhodes' life and soul.

But among the various feedbacks, there was still no abnormal waveform eroded by black mist. All instruments showed that his life and soul were in perfect harmony.

"How is this going?"

As high-end medical personnel who have ignited the soul fire, they also have common sense. They know that after killing the monster, the condensed black mist loses the support of the positional structure, its existence collapses, and it will return to the void.

This process is called "unquantification".

The inevitable cause and effect that leads to the "unquantifiable" black mist will inevitably be counterattacked by the black mist, but it's just different.

The stronger the monster you kill, the stronger the backlash you receive.

If what he said was true, it was impossible that the nine powerful monsters would not leave any traces.

"His soul resistance is very high."

Lannister made his decision.

"Strong enough to resist the backlash of nine powerful monsters."

A medical staff suddenly woke up and asked, "Is he Mr. Rhodes?"

Lannister looked at him warily: "How do you know?"

"Feel sorry."

The medical staff said cautiously: "I have heard that Lord Rhodes has a very powerful self-purification ability. This is brought about by his fire black rice bucket. General filth, corruption and erosion will not harm him."

Lannister was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "This sounds reasonable, the black rice bucket can swallow filth... He is really a genius, I can't compare to him."

The medical staff smiled and said: "Sir Rhodes is a rising star of mankind, and will become a hero of mankind in the future. Of course he is extraordinary."

"But he is still Trollian's hero."

Lannister's tone suddenly became uncharacteristically sour.

"The gap between the two is not easy to bridge. Who knows how he will die tragically in the future... Well, he needs to rest now. You can go out and no one is allowed to disturb him."

After everyone left, the medical room fell into absolute silence.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, there was a soft sound and the door was pushed open.

A figure walked in quietly.

He closed the door carefully and walked quietly to Rhodes.

He was sleeping soundly, and the powerful spiritual energy rose and fell with his breathing.

He is recovering quickly, and his soul is generating spiritual energy from the void. Most people will not experience any phenomena during this process.

The appearance of "psionic breathing" shows that he is infinitely close to the ninth level of psychic power and is about to cross that gap and become another Trorian strongman.

"Heh, if he is allowed to grow up, he might actually get into some trouble."

The black figure said to himself.

He raised his wrist, and a shining knife struck down like lightning.

"Die, future human hero, darkness will last forever!"


His wrist stopped in mid-air, as if it had hit an invisible barrier.

He tried several times, but was unable to stab further.

"What, what's going on?"

He struggled desperately, but his wrists seemed to be cuffed by the air and he couldn't break free.

Suddenly, he had an idea, flicked his fingers, and stabbed Rhodes' throat with the knife.

But the air still solidified the blade.

"It's you!"

The attacker suddenly woke up and turned his head to look to the side.

There was a soft snap.

The Lannister jumped from the shadows in the corner of the roof.

"it's me."

He said calmly.

"Stop struggling, the air has already baked you."

The attacker's eyes turned red: "How did you know I would come?"

Lannister said calmly: "The core information about Rhodes is highly confidential. Only a few people know how a healer can know things that even I don't know."

He flicked his fingers and there was a click.

The room lit up, the firelight illuminating the faces of the attackers.

It was the medical staff from before.

He fell silent, staring directly at the Lannister.

"So you said those hostile words on purpose to lure me in, right?"

"I just wanted to give it a try."

The Lannister's tone was calm.

"I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to take the bait like this."


The attacker laughed to himself.

"I'm so stupid, I thought that I could put the blame on you, and the other healers are witnesses. Haha, I didn't expect that Homo sapiens in Wood City was not a false rumor."

Lannister said calmly: "If you choose to confess now and tell us how you got into the team of healers, you might be able to survive."

The attacker was silent for a few seconds and said in a low voice: "I can confess, but I have to ask you a question first."


"Why do you know that some of Rhode's circumstances are confidential?"

"Because I checked, and as a member of the palace, certain information will not be shown to me."

Lannister pushed up his glasses, his tone calm.

"You pay attention to him?"

"No, only after meeting Celie... no man wouldn't care about that."

The attacker laughed miserably and said: "I have been hiding for so long, but I didn't expect that I would fall for human love in the end. Maybe the eternal dark era is just a scam. Humanity may not have no hope. Lord Asa's plan is not absolutely safe. of."

"Okay...I'll tell you."

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Lannister suddenly came back to his senses and shouted urgently: "Don't say it! Don't even think about it! There is a curse..."

But it was too late. His head began to twist and deform, and pieces of flesh and bone burst out. His face was ferocious and terrifying.

With a loud bang, his head exploded into pieces, and brains mixed with blood and flesh splattered all over the floor.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, and a twisted spirit flew out of him.

"Ah, you ignorant and humble protester."

A sharp and distorted sound came from it.

"Your efforts are destined to be in vain. Everyone will die without exception. The dark era will eventually come."

Lannister frowned and silently summoned his spiritual energy to protect his whole body.

"Are you Asa, the leader of the doomsday cult?"

Sharp laughter came from the twisted spirit. It suddenly rushed towards Lannister, but the psychic barrier raised in advance blocked its invasion.

"As expected of you."

The spirit is still smiling.

"Homo sapiens of Wooden City, but it's useless, stupid humans, you are already in danger..."

Lannister said calmly: "Really? But I heard that you suffered a big defeat in Fanxing Town. The monsters you summoned were wiped out, the traps you laid were discovered, and even your home base of the Defiler Sect was punished. I found it, but I don’t know how many rats are left in the gutter.”

The twisted spirit was enraged and swelled suddenly, turning into a blood-red color.

The flesh, blood and brains on the ground flew together.

A flesh-and-blood monster is taking shape.

Strong winds swirled around Lannister. He had entered the highest alert state, but his face remained calm and he spoke calmly.

"The leader of the Polluter Sect is nothing more than that. He can be angered so easily. It seems that your sect is not that good either..."

"Shut up!"

Distorted sounds sounded from all directions, and flesh-and-blood monsters rushed forward, but were easily scattered by Lannister.

However, at this moment, the twisted spirit pounced on Rhodes like lightning and sank into his soul.

Lannister suddenly woke up.

It turned out that its target was Rhodes from the beginning, and he didn't take his words to heart at all.

This twisted spirit is a powerful and strange curse force, generated from the artifact Book of Destiny in the ancient city of Sagus. If it is allowed to merge into Rhodes' soul, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lannister rushed forward and tried to prevent the spirit from integrating, but it was already too late.

The twisted spirit sank directly into Rhodes' soul, leaving only a cold and sharp word in the void.

"That's really stupid."

Lannister's heart sank to the bottom for a moment.

He jumped on Rhodes and tried to use his spiritual energy to force the twisted spirit out, but it triggered the body's own rejection reaction.

Rhodes' spiritual energy refused to allow his spiritual energy to enter.

Lannister knew that if he pressed any harder, psionic repulsion would turn into psionic hostility.

At that time, he would have to engage in a dangerous psychic duel with Rhodes.

"Oops, we must send Rhodes back to the Royal City quickly. The Soul Master of the Soul Church may have a way."

The Lannister quickly ran outside, only to run into Celie head-on.

"Ouch! Big liar, what are you doing?"

Lannister explained the process quickly and briefly.

Celie's eyes widened.

"You are sending us away just because of this? Are you an idiot? Can you not do things that you are not sure about? If something happens to Rod, I will cook you and eat you!"

Lannister said calmly: "Don't worry, we can send Rhodes back in a psychic carriage. If he can be rescued by the Soul Master within two quarters of an hour, the probability of Rhodes having problems is very small."

"But we don't have a psychic carriage!"

"Teacher Churchill has it!"

"Then contact the teacher!"

Celie quickly took out the Raven Messenger, but was held down by the Lannister.

"No, Teacher Churcher is fighting and may not be able to receive the Spirit Crow Messenger."

"What should we do?" Celie glared at him.

Lannister said calmly: "Use the highest level of flares."

Celie hesitated for a second.

The highest-level signal flare means that they have encountered a life-or-death crisis that can determine an area. Anyone who sees it must rush over unconditionally.

This will cause chaos on the battlefield.

But she only hesitated for a second, then turned around immediately and ran out without saying a word.

What they didn't know was that at this moment, Rhodes was sleeping soundly in the rocking chair in the Dream House.

Suddenly, a pins and needles-like feeling woke him up.

"What the hell... Ouch, are there teeth on this chair?"

Rhodes jumped up and looked back.

Nothing has changed on the rocking chair?

"It's really weird."

Rhodes scratched his head and walked out of the hut. When he was about to take a look at the soul altar, he suddenly saw a strange spirit in the center of the dream.

It was a weird white color, its shape was twisted and deformed, and it looked very uncomfortable.

"what is this?"

Rhodes watched it curiously as it swam slowly in the air, as if it was stuck in a swamp.

The powerful force from the dream is suppressing it, and its movements are getting slower and slower, like a fly falling into a spider's web.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Like a malfunctioning gramophone, it kept repeating the phrase.

Rhodes walked over curiously, and the twisted spirit suddenly saw him and was startled.

"You! It's you!"

Rhodes wondered: "Is it me? What are you?"

The twisted spirit screamed: "You are God..."


The entire spirit was crushed into pieces and turned into countless gray fragments.

They stayed in the air for a while, then flew past Rhodes and flew directly into the crystal wall of the Soul Altar.

A golden handwriting appeared under his eyes.

[Part of the soul fragment of Anosadag, the ancient god of destiny]

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