The Last Dark King

Chapter 317 Everyone must die

Latest website: Inside the giant floating psychic carriage are neatly arranged wooden seats, with a closed red copper stove in the middle.

The powerful firepower penetrated the metal, making people clearly feel the majestic power surging within.

Is this the core of its power?

Rhodes thought.

I didn't see a spiritual horse. This carriage was driven by pure spiritual energy.

He looked around and felt that the interior space was very much like an airship.

The reserve members of the hall sat down one after another, followed closely by Rhodes, who sat next to the king of prostitutes.

Lannister pushed up his glasses, which had only one frame left.

"Rod, I won't lose to you, my time is very long."

Rhodes was stunned for a while before he realized what he was talking about, and replied dumbfounded: "Brother, I won't compete with you for Celie. If you really like her, pursue her seriously and don't use deception or impersonation." s method."

The Lannister looked at him, his eyes sparkling behind his framed glasses.

He seemed about to say something, but then Churchill came in and interrupted him with a booming voice.

"Sit tight, boys, let's go!"

The giant psychic carriage soared into the air, and powerful psychic energy erupted from the furnace, pushing the carriage to fly through the air at an unimaginable speed.

Fortunately, no one in this car was an ordinary person, otherwise the sudden overload would crush everyone into pieces.

Rhodes mustered up his spiritual energy and tensed his muscles for a while before the strong pressure relaxed.

There was only rolling black mist left outside the window, and the Fire Palace had long since disappeared.

There was a rhythmic rumble from the red copper stove, and the orange-red fire shrank back and forth like breathing.

Lannister saw Rhode's gaze and explained: "This is the psychic heart of the giant floating carriage. It is made of precious star marrow and pure ruby. The core is soul crystal. It is very expensive. There are only three in the entire royal city. "

it is as expected.

Rhodes thought.

Ordinary carriages powered by pure spiritual energy cannot leave the royal city, but the Fire Palace is indeed different.

After the carriage stabilized, Churchill said loudly: "Little guys, we will arrive at the Trident River area in a quarter of an hour. Get ready for battle!"

Everyone replied in unison: "Yes, Mr. Churchill!"

"Your mission is to assist the soldiers below to defend their respective strongholds and maintain the situation until the main force of the legion arrives. Do you understand?"


Churchill paused and continued: "This is a cluster mission. The monsters in the underground world are unpredictable and the threats to each area are different. Don't rigidly stick to one stronghold. You can go there if the situation permits. Support others, but if you encounter irresistible danger, call for support immediately, and I will come to your aid in the shortest possible time, okay?"

"Got it, Mr. Churchill!"

"Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Churchill looked around, saw Rhodes' eyes flashing, and said.

"Little Rod, what's your problem?"

Rhodes hesitated for a moment and asked: "Mr. Churchill, are we going to join the war like this? Where are our respective battle groups?"

All eyes in the floating carriage moved over.

The eyes of these young Fire Hall reserve members are very complex.

Churchill slapped his forehead.

"Ah, yes, I forgot, you have the Black War Group, don't worry, I will notify them to come for reinforcements."

Rhodes frowned slightly, hearing the problem.

"Don't you have any?"

"No." Laien from Qingcao Town replied: "This is generally an honor reserved for first-level combatants. Only high-level combatants in the palace can lead their own battle groups to participate in the battle."

"We are only reserve members and cannot have our own war group."

Celie looked at Rhodes with bright eyes: "You are indeed different!"

Churchill smiled and said: "Trolian heroes are of course different. If you can capture a large area of ​​land like Fanxing Town without any assistance, you can also have your own war group."

Lannister pushed the frame: "I will try my best!"

Celie pouted: "I don't want to work hard, can I join his battle group?"

Churchill smiled and said, "You can ask him when the battle is over."

He stamped his feet and opened the floor at the front of the "airship".

The howling wind hit everyone in the face like a heavy punch, and the black mist, separated by the firelight, passed crazily under the airship.

"Girls and boys, get ready to fight!"

He said loudly, his voice still clearly audible in the strong wind.

"Lannister of the Wooden City!"


The handsome young man stood up from Rhodes' side, jumped off without hesitation despite the strong wind, and disappeared into the black mist in an instant.

"Celie from the City of Flowers."


Beautiful, perfectly formed, and raped Celie stood up.

The strong wind blew her long hair away, but it did not stop her pace. She jumped down with a beautiful all-time flip.

"Laien from Qingcao Town!"

Lain, who was not tall but had powerful psychic abilities, stood up and jumped off the airship with a perfect leap.

Churchill called names one by one, and there were fewer and fewer people in the airship.

Finally, it was Rhodes' turn.

"Lord, Hero of Trorian!"

Rhodes stood up, without even a second's hesitation, and plunged into the black mist.

In an instant, he was blown away by the strong wind and disappeared into the boundless black mist.

Warmth, fire, and companionship were gone from him in the blink of an eye.

There was only biting wind and billowing black mist around him.

Rhodes took a deep breath, took out the red tear stone, and wore it on his body.

The rising red light blocked the erosion of the black fog and stopped the decline of humanity.

Open the eyes of the soul and your vision will instantly broaden.

But the height is too high and the ground is still not visible.

He was descending rapidly with the wind howling past his ears.

But for him now, this speed is very slow.

Rhodes thought for a while, took out a useless stone from his dream, threw it gently, and used his spiritual energy to step on it.

The stone flew through the air and disintegrated into powder before it flew very far.

Rhodes went down a little faster.

This method is clumsy, but better than nothing.

After repeating it several times, Rhodes finally saw the ground and the light.

That's a lighthouse.

The reflector on the tower had been shattered, leaving only the remnants of the fire burning in the brazier.

Outside the lighthouse are all huge black monsters. They look like a fusion of humans, horses and ants. Their fiery red shells are covered with traces of black corruption, and their bodies are covered with long black bristles.

Its body is relatively small, but its tail is huge and terrifying.

These black ants have surrounded the lighthouse. The weak light is crumbling in the black torrent, and the light of the remaining fire cannot restrain them at all.

Many ants climbed up the tower, and the soldiers guarding the tower were fighting bloody battles with them.

This reminded Rhodes of a very bad memory. He took out a piece of waste again and accelerated downward.

At the same time, silver light flashed on the fingertips, and a rotating star shuttle was rapidly taking shape.

Accompanied by a sharp chirping sound, the star shuttle that reached its limit broke through the sky, drew a bright silver line, and hit the head of an ant on the tower.

The super penetrating power instantly penetrated its head, and the huge impact force brought by the rotating shuttle body further tore its small head into pieces all over the sky.

The black ant fell to the ground without saying a word, but the speed of the star shuttle did not slow down, and penetrated three more ants one after another, exploding in the abdomen of the fourth ant.

Four black lines flew into the sky.

Soulless Soul 1612

Soulless Soul 1511

Soulless Soul 1607

[The soul of the demonized soldier ant]

The long-lost feeling came over him, and Rhodes smiled unconsciously.

The soldiers' exclamations came from the lighthouse below.

"Support, support is available!"

"We have hope!"

With the second chirp, three more ants were killed.

Three black lines came from the sky. Based on the amount of souls obtained, Rhodes roughly judged that these ants were around the mid-level vicious level.

Monsters of this level no longer pose any threat to him now. As long as the number does not exceed the limit, no matter how many come, they will die.

Rhodes flicked his fingers and hit the lighthouse one after another, shooting down the ants that climbed up the tower.

[Star Shuttle] This star is simply made for fighting. Rhodes' previous stars were all too special, either for recovery, special functions, or ultimate moves.

None in conventional combat.

Only now did he have a method suitable for combat.

And this period of stinging also allowed him to control the Star Shuttle to the extent that he wanted to do whatever he wanted.

On average, every three seconds, a star shuttle breaks through the sky and hits several ants accurately.

The black ants are not strong, and Rhodes does not need to charge to the limit. The three-second star shuttle is the most streamlined state, fast, fast, not bad in power, and cost-effective.

In the past, he would not have been able to shoot such a precise and efficient star shuttle.

Sure enough, the training carried out between battles will quickly digest past experience.

Strength will grow faster than just fighting.

Looking at the black lines that kept flying, the soulless soul and the complete soul that were quickly obtained, Rhodes was filled with joy.

Soon, all the ants on the lighthouse were killed, the soldiers' crisis was relieved, and the cheers could be heard from a distance.

The captain pointed into the distance and shouted: "Look! Those are the supporters!"


There was a loud noise, and a red figure fell from the sky, landed heavily on the ground, and trampled an ant to death.

Fragments of carapace and blackened acid splashed everywhere, but not a drop fell on Rhodes. The field formed by powerful psychic energy would repel any object approaching at high speed.

After another star was quantified, Rhodes' spiritual power was infinitely close to level nine.

Once he crossed this final gap, Rhodes officially entered the ranks of the strong.

In Trorian's grading system, strong men correspond to powerful monsters, and vicious monsters already have a rank gap with him and cannot pose a threat at all.

Silver light flew from Rhodes' fingertips, quickly forming a shield and a long sword.

He held a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. Powerful spiritual energy surged up. The fluctuations of spiritual energy rolled around like huge waves. He actually pushed the ants away and opened up a round circle among the black monsters. space.

Rhodes let out a loud roar and flew towards the group of monsters.

The silver sword flew up and down, and the huge black ants were as defenseless as expired cheese in front of it. The silver folding lines cut the black monsters into pieces.

The soldiers on the lighthouse were all stunned. After a long while, the captain said tremblingly: "This... this is a palace-level warrior! A high-level combatant!"

"What did you say?" a soldier asked doubtfully.

"The palace! The palace of fire!"

The captain smiled so hard that his mouth twisted and his jaw broke away from the control of his jaw.

"Hahahaha, we are saved! Have you seen his heroic appearance? He is a strong man, our hope, our savior, and our pillar. In a moment, please show some respect to me and call him Your Excellency. , understand?”

The soldiers looked at each other, seeing confusion in each other's eyes, but obeying orders was their bounden duty.

"Yes, Captain!"

Everyone watched from a distance as their savior went on a killing spree below.

Two pieces of silver light rushed left and right in the strange group, as if they were in an uninhabited land, killing the ants with corpses everywhere.

The ants were alarmed and rushed towards him, but the silver light was not hindered in any way. It was like an indestructible silver butterfly, gracefully and casually gliding through the waves of ants, cutting open any monster that touched it. Come.

"Captain, do we want to go down and support him?"

The captain was silent for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said: "The injured ones will stay on the tower. Those who are in good condition will come down with me. Be careful not to cause trouble to your Excellency, and do your best to clear the edges of the monster group."


On the bright lighthouse, dozens of warriors jumped down and began to clean up the monsters along the edge of the monster group.

Rodburn was a little worried when he saw them participating in the battle.

But seeing them carefully hunting down the lone monster made me feel relieved.

Sure enough, the combat system of the warriors was quite mature, and they did not rush into the monster group as soon as their brains got hot.


After all, having survived for thousands of years in the Dark Age, if there was no way to deal with it, Trorian would have been destroyed long ago and would not be alive today.

In fact, Rhodes should have received this kind of education, but he grew up too fast and lost a lot of experience.

I will make up for it when I have time in the future.

Rhodes thought.

My background is not enough and I need to settle down.

Otherwise, how will I lead my war group in the future? Molly can't always have something to do, right?

About an hour later.

Rhodes and the soldiers from the lighthouse killed all the black ants in the area.

Looking at the ant corpses that turned into black dust everywhere, Rhodes smiled again.

He walked forward and hugged the captain, and the cheers of the soldiers filled his ears.

He wanted to say something, but the warriors swooped in and overwhelmed him instantly.

Beneath the crowd, Rhodes was filled with strange emotions.

A long time ago, there was such a beacon and such a crisis.

That time it was a tragedy.

At that time, he was not strong enough to destroy the hordes of monsters.

But not this time.

Rhodes felt the warmth of the crowd, the joyful faces, and the excited laughter. He had never felt as satisfied as at this moment.

I have become stronger.

he thinks.

And even stronger.

I don’t want tragedy, I just want to see smiles in this dark world.

Anyone who stands in my way, no matter who the person is, what monster it is, or what level it is.

All must die!

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