The Last Dark King

Chapter 280: Divinity and New Stars (2 in 1)

Latest website: In Star Square, the trajectory of the stars forms a special scene.

Starlight filled the air, nebulae floated around, and the entire star map shone in the smoke and clouds.

Rhodes suddenly had a strange feeling, as if an ancient door that had been sealed for a long time had been opened, as if he was looking into the deeper starry sky, and something was calling him in the endless depths.

Golden light spots emerged from the depths of the gray fog, falling like raindrops and converging into the obelisk.

The book of knowledge ran excitedly on the ground, with three words repeated in the gaps between each page.



"Haha! Hahaha!"

There were more and more golden lights, but for a moment, countless golden light spots were floating in the entire dream, like lights on a summer night in the world.

Rhodes stood among the golden light spots in the sky, opening his hands like Shawshank, and the golden light spots passed through his body, like condensed hope.

In this beautiful scene, his spirit was baptized and his soul was sublimated.

The hardship, pain, fatigue, and confusion that had been hidden deep in my heart along the way all disappeared at this moment.

This is the result of his best efforts and the crystallization of his wisdom.

At this moment, he felt that all his efforts were worth it.

The golden light rain lasted for a quarter of an hour before disappearing.

Then, several lines of huge gold characters appeared on the obelisk.

Brings hope to mankind, divinity +25

Open up new space, divinity +25

Ignite new fire, divinity +20

Increase the intensity of fire, divinity +3

Improve the overall strength of the orderly ones, divinity +120

Because of your efforts, the possibility of inheritance of fire has increased, and human civilization is one step further away from the abyss of absolute darkness.


A strange feeling arose from the bottom of his heart. Rhodes forgot everything for a moment, only feeling the blood flowing and his heart beating.

Strong heat flow spread into his limbs and bones, making his whole body feel hot, as if he had turned into an infinite giant, carrying the human world on his back, holding the flame of civilization in one hand, and marching through the thorns and thorns in the boundless darkness.

A surge of heroic spirit arose spontaneously, and the boundless darkness, the strange black mist, the deformed monsters, and the unknown weirdness that swallowed up countless people and gods no longer frightened him.

He suddenly had the belief that he would defeat the darkness, dispel the black mist, restore light to the world, and let humans walk proudly on the earth.

At this moment, Rhodes' heart brightened, and he suddenly understood that he was not only a new star, but also a strong man.

He is the destined savior, the pioneer who holds the torch high.

Since you have a dream, you must do something great.

Although Rhodes still doesn't know the origin of the dream, he can guess that it is an extremely special and extraordinary thing.

The Book of Knowledge once revealed in a few words that every owner of the dream was the king of their time.

How could he be content to lag behind?

Hahaha, Trorian, your superhero is back!

Rhodes was satisfied, laughed loudly, and came to the obelisk.

Just as he was about to take a closer look at his soaring divinity, his laughter suddenly stopped like a duck that had its neck pinched.

The current data of the dreamland is clearly written on the obelisk.

Soul Strength: 28005

Soul Star: 6

Human nature: 1.59 million

Divinity: 122

Soulless Soul: 8.71 million

Storage: 15 flowers of humanity, 12111 pieces of spirituality, various items (omitted).

Crystal Wall: 1062 souls, 1 very powerful soul with four origins.


Nothing else is a problem, only the divinity is a big problem.

Rhodes' eyes almost popped out of his head.

He read it countless times and determined that the number behind divinity was 122.

its not right.

Rhodes calculated it several times. The divinity he obtained should be 193. Adding the remaining 2 points, it should be 195.

Why 122?

What about 73 points?

Rhodes immediately turned his attention to the Book of Knowledge.

It also looked very violent, with the pages shaking crazily and a white mist rising from it, connecting to the dreamland.

Rhodes knew that it was operating in the dream world at the moment.

Sure enough, a moment later, two lines of red letters appeared under those huge lines of gold letters.

——Destroyed the energy balance of the Sea of ​​Origin many times, causing increased erosion of the world, and divinity -40.

——Behaviors such as maliciously disturbing the high-level spiritual world and destroying the balance of the Sea of ​​Origin have intensified the turmoil of the human holy fire, reduced order, lost source power, and reduced divinity by 33.


Rhodes couldn't believe his eyes.

What does it mean?

When did I destroy the Sea of ​​Origin? What's the point of maliciously disturbing the spiritual world?

Also, what is their relationship with the Holy Fire?

Rhodes' eyes turned red and he looked at the Book of Knowledge fiercely.

It looked even angrier than him. It rushed up and slapped its heels with the pages of the book. Each page was filled with three words.

"It's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault!"

Rhodes grabbed it and asked angrily: "What's going on?"

Four words were written instantly in the book of knowledge.

"Wrath of the Void!"

Rhodes woke up one by one.

"You mean, the Wrath of the Void is the culprit that destroys the energy balance of the Sea of ​​Origin? The ability of [Awakening] draws power from the Sea of ​​Origin?"


Rhodes said angrily: "Then when I asked you, why did you say you didn't know?"

The Book of Knowledge wrote angrily: "My soul is incomplete, and a lot of knowledge has been forgotten. I only remembered it after seeing it."

I knew it wouldn't be such a good thing... Rhodes was very depressed and asked again: "Why does destroying the energy balance of the Sea of ​​Origin cause the world's erosion to intensify?"

The Book of Knowledge quickly wrote.

"After the energy you plunder exceeds a certain limit, a negative energy hole is formed in the Sea of ​​Source. This hole will not be filled, but will only be transferred around, destroying the balance of the Sea of ​​Source."

"The source mechanism of the Sea of ​​Source will make the hole deeper and deeper, filling it more and more urgently, until it explodes in the material world, converting all nearby spiritual matter into pure energy and sucking it into the hole."

Rhodes frowned and said, "Yes, is there a problem?"

The Book of Knowledge wrote angrily: "You use it to blow up monsters! Monsters are the condensation of black mist and the embodiment of the corrupted source law. They enter the sea of ​​source like this, just like pouring a pile of filth directly." Into the sea.”

Rhode's frown deepened. He felt that the real world was different from what he knew.

He couldn't help but ask: "What exactly is the black mist? Didn't you say that the world was created according to the rules of 107 origin laws? Which origin law does the black mist belong to?"

The Book of Knowledge was silent for a long time before writing in a low handwriting.

"The black mist does not belong to any source law. It is outside the 107 source laws."

"I don't know what it is specifically. The information about it is very deep. Maybe I won't know it until I recover my entire soul. However, in my memory, a certain owner once called it a heretic."

"Heretic?" Rhode repeated the word, feeling as if it contained some deep secret.

"Then why can the guardian fire dispel the black fog and restrain monsters?"

The Book of Knowledge writes: "When fire was first created, it was used to protect the world and resist the erosion of the black mist."

Rhodes was surprised: "Created? Who created it?"

"I don't know. This part of the information is also lost. Maybe it's an ancient god."

Rhodes frowned, feeling that there were many unexplainable things.

"If fire was specifically created to fight against the black mist, what about the sun, moon and stars? They also have the ability to restrain the black mist, and they can also echo the power of fire."

The Book of Knowledge writes: "I don't know, maybe fire comes from the sun, moon and stars, and the sun, moon and stars themselves are the correction of the world's mistakes."

Well, that makes sense.

Rhodes' brows widened.

No wonder all the fire in the royal city was obtained from the ruins of the dark world. The method of making fire must have been lost long ago.

For today's humans, fire has become something that cannot be created.

Hmm... The maker of such a powerful magical item was probably an ancient god from ancient times.

She took fire from the sun, moon and stars, brought it to the mortal world, and gave it to humans to dispel darkness and protect living beings.

I just don’t know who this fire-stealing Prometheus is.

Rhodes thought with a little regret.

If you could find its remains and obtain its soul, you might be able to find a way to create fire.

Of course, this is not something he can currently do.

Rhodes retracted his divergent thoughts and asked: "What about disturbing the spiritual world?"

The Book of Knowledge replied angrily: "You flew back and forth between the Abyss of Darkness and the River of Eternal Death for nothing, awakening the old masters who were silent in the depths of the spiritual world. You panicked and took a new path to escape, causing a disturbance. Not big enough?”

Rhodes sighed: "I thought I had found a shortcut to invincibility...I really don't understand why it triggered such a big reaction?"

The handwriting in the Book of Knowledge became calmer, as if he knew that Rhodes was a newcomer and had no one to guide him, so it was understandable that he would make such a mistake.

"My stupid master, you have to know that dreams are intruders to the current spiritual world. Don't go in and out of the same area repeatedly, don't stay in one area for too long, and follow the fixed track formed over millions of years. Move, once we arrive at the City of Disorder, we must quickly get back on track, otherwise the disturbance will not stop."

Rhodes asked again: "Why does it affect the Holy Fire?"

"Perturbations in the spiritual world usually feed back to the Sea of ​​Source, causing turmoil in the Sea of ​​Source. If you frantically extract the energy of the Sea of ​​Source, the turmoil will become even greater. The source of the Holy Fire is rooted in the Sea of ​​Source, and its structure It is defective or incomplete, so the turmoil in the Sea of ​​Origin will affect the Holy Fire, and in severe cases may lead to the collapse of the Holy Fire."

Rhodes suddenly remembered that Horus told him that the movement of the holy fire in the royal city had not stopped since he went on the expedition, and the king had to devote himself to the holy fire to maintain its stability.

Did this happen to me?

Isn't it because those young people are so arrogant because the king is forced to retreat in the Holy Fire Sacrifice, and there is no one in the elders to check and balance?

What the hell.

Rhodes cursed.

It turns out that the real mastermind behind this is me.


Now that you know this, things will be easier to handle after that.

First of all, Fury of the Void, as a big move with huge side effects, can no longer be used easily.

And its power is not as powerful as Rhodes imagined. The Aries demon group last time didn't even eat them all, and there was still a big lump left.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t use it.

Then, the dream bubble must not jump horizontally again and again, and must enter the orbit of the city of disorder as soon as possible according to the book of knowledge.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

In this way, when the turmoil in the Sea of ​​Origin disappears and the Holy Fire calms down, the king can leave.

With a king sitting in the Supreme Council, many things will become much easier to handle.

Rhodes will no longer be treated unfairly.

In short, you will learn from mistakes and don’t make such mistakes again.

Be sure to get more divinity next time.

Rhodes shifted his gaze back to the golden text and summarized the details of obtaining divinity.

It goes without saying that "bringing hope to mankind" goes without saying.

Rhodes' series of victories not only inspired people in Star Town, but also countless people throughout Trolian.

"Opening up new space" naturally refers to Fanxing Town and the surrounding underground cities and Ghost Lake.

It's a pity that Rhodes encountered some troubles and didn't have time to take back the Blackwater Swamp to the north and the Yin Soen ruins to the west.

Otherwise, you can get more.

"Lighting a new fire" should refer to the fire in Fanxing Town that was swallowed up by the gray-robed priest. It lit up Fanxing Town again after 1,500 years.

Lighting a fire adds 20 points of divinity. It seems that I will light a few more in the future, Rhodes thought.

"Increase the intensity of fire" should refer to increasing the intensity of the fire in Fanxing Town.

Adding phlogiston cannot increase the intensity, it can only maintain or restore it. Fire wood must be added to increase the intensity of the fire.

Firewood is a very expensive and cherished item. The firewood in Fanxing Town only added firewood once, adding 3 points of divinity.

Not much, maybe too little improvement.

"Improve the overall strength of the orderly" item is as high as 120.

This should be his main job.

Rhodes asked about the Book of Knowledge and learned that "Order" refers to intelligent creatures with souls.

Only humans are left now.

And overall strength is comprehensive strength, including all indicators such as material, resources, output value, combat effectiveness, and the number of strong people.

This sentence translates to "enhancing the overall strength of mankind."

The mineral veins opened by Rhodes, the crops planted, the poor taken in, the development of towns, the training of combatants, and other actions that are beneficial to mankind are all the divinity obtained by gathering together.

Looks like I'm doing a pretty good job.

Rhodes thought happily.

Disturbing the Holy Fire and aggravating the corrosion of the world sounds serious, but in fact the impact is not that great.

It can be seen from the divinity that one deducted 40 points and the other deducted 33 points, which is far inferior to the 120 points of this item.

Maybe they are not irreparable.

After taking stock of the gains and losses of divinity, Rhodes already had his next plan in mind.

But before that, Rhodes had to continue the work that had been stalled for a long time due to lack of divinity.

He first extracted 10 points of divinity to make a [Stone of Resurrection], and then prepared to light a new star.

The soul of the Book of Knowledge has recovered a little, and it knows that Rhodes should light the star.

"Your soul is already strong enough. You can go further to the soul wasteland and ignite a more powerful high-level star."

Rhodes knew that soul stars were indeed divided into strong and weak ones.

[Frigid Blue] is far less powerful than [Spiritual Elegy].

But the stronger the star, the higher the consumption.

For example, [Elegy of the Spirit] is the only star in Rhodes that has not yet reached its full state. It requires a "great soul" to reach the highest status.

Rhodes didn't expect that there were stars more powerful than [Elegy of the Spirit].

"What is it?" he asked: "And how do I get to the farther Soul Wasteland?"

The Soul Wasteland is endless, and the ashes on the wasteland become sparser as you go outside. Rhodes once ran for a long time without seeing the end.

The Book of Knowledge quickly wrote.

"[Star Shuttle], when you enter the wasteland of souls, always think about the higher and farther depths. I will lead you in the direction."

Its handwriting was scrawled and seemed a little anxious.

"Hurry up, I'm a little uneasy. An invasion may come at any time."

Rhodes became nervous and quickly came to the obelisk. He touched the soul surface with his forehead, thinking about the distant shore in his mind.

The world turned upside down again, and he entered the wasteland of souls.

This is a strange space, shrouded in darkness, but this darkness is more like lightless darkness, rather than the terrifying darkness formed by the strange black mist in the material world.

There are countless stars piled up in this space. He needs to use his complete soul with source, soulless soul and spirituality to ignite the Ashes and become his star.

On external inspection, they are believed to be Rod's fire.

Rhodes has been here countless times, but this time he did not land as usual, but flew in mid-air.

Looking around, the dark earth was covered with extinguished ashes, with only six bonfires burning.

Those are the six stars he lit.

Among them, the [Elegy of the Spirit] bonfire is the largest.

The quantified fires of [Dark Devourer] and [Spirit Boat] are particularly real.

Rhodes' speed was getting faster and faster, and an invisible force pulled him, flying towards the distance of the wasteland. Countless ash below passed by in the blink of an eye.

As the speed increased at any time, the ash ends became increasingly sparse, and eventually, no one could be seen in the wasteland for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Rhodes finally landed.

On the empty dark land, a ball of ash lay alone in front of you, with nothing around it.

Rhodes looked at Hui Jin, and a line of text appeared in his eyes.

【Star Shuttle】

[Requirements for ignition: 4 copies of source soul, 500,000 soulless souls, 10,000 copies of spirituality]

Damn it!

Rhodes almost cursed.

This star is many times stronger than the needs of [Spiritual Elegy].

If he hadn't harvested a large number of souls in the process of cleaning Fanxing Town, it would have been impossible to pay so many souls.

But Rhodes was more excited and excited.

So far, his regular combat effectiveness has obviously been unable to keep up, and he can only use ultimate moves such as "Soul Cutting" or "Soul Crit" to end the battle.

If he were allowed to fight normally, it would be difficult even to deal with fierce-level monsters. Strong-level monsters would not be able to fight head-on at all, and they would all be killed with special tactics.

Since Wrath of the Void has huge side effects, tactics such as abusing [Awakening], glaring powerful monsters to death over levels, etc. can no longer be used easily.

So he desperately needs a new star to strengthen his combat power.

The stars selected from this book of knowledge must be what I need most right now.

Rhodes excitedly summoned the soul of the unclean ghost that had been stored for a long time and threw it into the ashes.

Another 500,000 soulless souls and 10,000 spirits were added.

The moment the last bit of spirituality fell into ashes, flames rose into the sky like starlight.

A huge bonfire that was at least three stories high burned in front of him, emitting a strange starry light that illuminated the vast wasteland.

A line of text floats above the firelight.

【Star Shuttle】

[Status: weak burning]

[Star Energy: Stardust]

[Injection: Soulless Soul]

【Add fire: human nature】

[With quantification: not available]

[Position: Dark Fire]

[Strength: 20000]

[Description: The dream of a world that is rapidly destroyed]

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