The Last Dark King

Chapter 206 Please bring us a smile

Latest website: Molly said lightly: "The sun is a golden burning holy fire, rising from the east and setting from the west."

"The moon is a silvery misty disk with no fixed orbit."

"Stars are sparks that shine in the night sky and generally do not appear at the same time as the sun."

It sounds normal, but what's unusual is that Rhodes has never seen them once, and thick black fog always covers the sky.

Even in the King's District, there was billowing black mist high in the sky.

"How did they observe it?"

"The observatory has a super powerful psychic lens that can see through the black fog and see the upper levels of the spiritual world."

Rhodes was surprised and said: "The sun, moon and stars are all in the spiritual world?"

"The sun, moon and stars are all collections of infinite spirits in the spiritual world. They run in the high-level spiritual world, behind countless space faults, folds and gaps. Because they are too powerful, they can also be seen in the material world, but they are infinite. Dark fog obscures."

"So we'll never see it?"

For the first time, a smile appeared on Molly's serious face.

"You can see it, Mr. Rhodes. You will soon be able to see the sun for the first time since you lost your memory. Please cherish this moment, it will be the most beautiful memory in your life."

Seemingly knowing about Rhodes' history of amnesia, she explained the date, weather, and Trorian's calendar in more detail.

The cycle of the sun rising, setting, and rising again is a date, fixed at sixteen hours.

The seven stars among the stars complete a cycle of a fixed trajectory, which is a week, fixed at seven days.

The moon completes a cycle of all orbits, which is a month. This is not a fixed time. The shortest record is 22 days, and the longest record is 63 days.

Whenever the stars return, it is the arrival of the new year. It is also not a fixed time, approximately once every 333 to 515 days.

So in theory there would be a 5 month year or a 23 month year.

"Mr. Rhodes, if you become a defender or even a guardian in the future, and guard a village, a town, a city, or a place, please be sure to keep the date calendar in mind. It can help you avoid disasters."

Rod asked curiously: "Why?"

Molly tells him that dates are connected to weather, and weather is connected to disaster.

For example, the day before the Qiyao Star completes a cycle is the Fire Day.

During the Fire Sun, the scope of the fire increased greatly, and the black mist that shrouded the royal city all day dissipated and disappeared, only to gather again when the sun set. This is a period of major human activity, and many major activities will be carried out at this time.

Whenever the moon completes the last orbit of a cycle, it is the Sunday of the lunar month.

In the days before and after the lunar day, the dark fog fades (especially at night), monster activity decreases, and the light of the silver moon can be faintly seen, which will affect the performance of many abilities and characteristics.

"The Ronin Begins with Douluo"

For example, Olivia, the Pure Glory, one of the four knight captains, will be greatly enhanced on Sunday. At this time, Wangcheng will give priority to her to complete many tasks.

A solar day is formed when the sun and stars reach a special angle, usually occurring once every twenty to thirty-three weeks.

When it appears, the radiance of the stars converges on the sun, greatly increasing the power of the sun. During the duration, the range of the fire is greatly increased. The holy fire of the royal area can even cover the outskirts of the royal city, making it unaffected by the black mist.

Solar days generally last three to four days and are often times of great human expansion.

And when the stars return, it will be the most important festival for mankind——


Once every day from 333 to 515, it lasts for seven days. During the duration, the black fog disappears without a trace, and the monsters hide and disappear. Their traces can only be seen in extremely remote wild places. This is the largest celebration of mankind. Only during these seven days can people put down their vigilance and celebrate the rest of their lives together.

After listening, Rhodes did a mental calculation for a moment and asked strangely: "Why do I seem to have only seen the Fire Sun a few times so far?"

Molly's indifferent expression did not change at all.

"As well as good weather, we also have bad weather, and bad weather spells disaster."

"For example, a foggy day appears every time the month and day of the week intersect, and lasts for 1-2 days. During this period, the fog gets worse and the monsters are more active than usual."

"Black Sun. Observation shows a black sun with a golden burning edge. It lasts for up to 12 hours. It indicates that the power of fire will weaken in the next 3-7 days, black fog will hit the city, and monsters will appear frequently."

"At the end of the day, the stars will not move, the trajectory will be interrupted, all dates will be extended, and all special weather will be postponed."

Molly's voice became very soft, as if she was telling something inappropriate.

"We have been in the midst of the apocalypse for one hundred and forty days. To avoid panic, we have announced business as usual on the dates."

"According to previous practice, once the apocalypse lasts for more than a hundred days, after it is over, it will be the disaster we least want to face."

"The long night."

"During the long night, the sky is as dark as late night, the black fog is thick, monsters are active, the power of fire is greatly reduced, the scope of the holy fire will shrink to the upper city, and the warriors become extremely weak... This is the most serious challenge we face , it generally lasts 33-63 days, longer on rare occasions, and there will not be any special dates during the duration."

"When the long night comes, nightmares come, and in the long night, the most dangerous thing is the black tide... We were already prepared for the worst, and the seven Sons of Fire have entered the highest combat order, but."

She ended this heavy narrative with a tone of voice.

"The end of the world has been interrupted, and the long night has not come. The White Tower said that there has been an unprecedented strange disturbance in the spiritual world, and they are tracing the source... In short, the disaster is far away, and our festival has arrived."

"The Star Observatory tells us that in two days, the Sun Festival will come, and the Black Tide will also end. A large number of warriors will return to the royal city to reunite with their families, wives, children, and parents."

"We will hold a huge celebration to welcome the victorious warriors and celebrate this great moment, which will be imprinted in our history as a highlight of humanity."

Molly looked at Rod, something was shining in her beautiful almond eyes, but her voice was still cold and her expression was still cold.

"Mr. Rhodes, you have made an indelible contribution to all of this. The happiness, laughter and joy you have brought to countless people, Mr. Dalin will never lie to others."

"Although you are young, you are fully qualified to become one of the pillars of the royal city."

Rhodes saw clearly this time, there was a fire burning in Molly's eyes.

"Darkness and suffering have existed for too long. We are struggling on the verge of death. Sorrow and blood and tears run through our history like huge cracks without reason."

"Please be our hope," she whispered.

"Bringing smiles to our faces."

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