The Last Dark King

Chapter 198 Don’t let us down

Latest website: Rhodes was startled.

Does the king want to see me?

It had been a long time since the last meeting, and many things had happened during this period, but Rhodes' memory of that time was still very vivid.

The king told him that the holy fire was going out.

The internal disputes in the royal city intensified because of his seclusion and the increasingly serious situation outside Trolian.

The royal city indulges and tolerates certain people because it needs their strength.

Human beings have to give up some things in order to survive.

In addition, I also chatted with him about the issue of "Instant Shot". Under his guidance, Rhodes learned how to actively use "Instant Shot", which greatly enhanced the power of [Psychic Duo].

At the end, Wang told Rhodes that Trolian was very much looking forward to the emergence of new stars. The more burdens he could bear, the more he would be able to change everything and pick up what he had given up.


Am I strong enough now?

Can you please give me some of the burden?

Rhodes is full of confidence.

And so it turned out.

After the investigation team left, the fire priest arrived quickly and took him into the holy fire sacrificial site.

Rhodes met the supreme leader of this human country for the second time.

He has not changed much. He is wearing a golden and white robe full of flame patterns and a burning flame crown on his head. His body is full of vicissitudes and majesty, but his eyes are full of gentle smiles.

The first thing the king said when he saw him was: "I have an important task to give you."

Rhodes smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. You should feel my strong strength and surging spiritual energy. This is a correct decision. You can rest assured to leave the burden to me..."

Wang Shi smiled and said: "I'm sorry, little Rhodes, I really can't sense such a small change in you. I didn't have this plan originally. This operation is too dangerous for you."

"First Evolution"

He paused and said softly.

"This is the request of the chief dean."


Rhodes was stunned: "The chief dean's request?"

Wang tilted his head slightly, his eyes turned dark, and a touch of sadness flashed past him.

"I received a psychic communication from the Chief Dean. He believes that you can complete this extremely important task, and if you have such a merit, you can stop all doubts that you are just a Theodore carrier. And completely clear him of the crime of publicly killing the justice.”

"In this way, you are qualified to hold a higher-level position in the royal city."

Rhodes was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Chief Dean, so you have thought of it too?

Haha, your wisdom is indeed as good as mine.

Now I just want to climb up step by step. As long as I have a higher status, I can mobilize more resources, participate in more important affairs, have more opportunities to hunt monsters, and have a greater chance of finding dream fragments.

and divinity.

"no problem."

Rhodes patted his chest and said.

"Don't worry, I promise to complete the mission!"

Wang said softly: "Although Theodore didn't tell me the reason, I believe him. Little Rhodes, go to the Military War Department. Dalin will arrange everything. If you can really succeed, there will be many things to do later." ”

Two fire priests fell from the sky and lifted Rhodes up.

Before he could say goodbye, they flew out of the Holy Fire Sacrifice and arrived at the Supreme Military Warhead Castle directly north of the sacrificial site.

This is a majestic and serious building. Standards and meticulousness are its biggest features. The exact same side length and perfect symmetry make it look like a square magnified tens of thousands of times.

The inside of the cube is very busy, with countless staff going back and forth, and people hurriedly carrying a pile of paper or working fluid crystals can be seen everywhere.

In a huge room in the center of the castle, Rhodes met the actual person in charge of the Supreme Military War Department, the first defense minister in charge of all war affairs in the human kingdom of Trolian.

Jovi Dalin.

This was the second time Rhodes saw him.

He is a serious-looking middle-aged man with a square face and a thick brown beard. He has gray hair on his temples and smells of cigarette smoke.


He said calmly.

"I'm glad we met again. Since the matter is rather urgent, I won't say any more nonsense."

"According to the intelligence of the Survey Corps, the front of the Kuroshio is likely to pass through Trorian. With our existing defenses, it may cause great losses."

"Fortunately, Lister discovered two nodes and had a certain chance of changing the direction of the Kuroshio."

"This is an extremely dangerous task that requires placing a lot of rot in the dark depths far away from Trorian. Oh, do you know what rot is?"

Rhodes replied: "Spiritual items that have been highly corrupted have a strong attraction to monsters."

"Not bad."

Dalin showed a happy smile, subconsciously took out the cigarette from the drawer, lit it with a flint, and took a deep breath.

"You are indeed very different. You have only been in school for a few months, and you have already participated in so many major events. Your knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary students. At your time, I was still a little kid who knew nothing but picking up girls. My biggest dream is to open a harem, have thousands of wives, and surround me in public every day... Ahem, I'm sorry I said too much."

Rhodes smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I've thought about it too. Men all do the same."

Dalin smiled and said: "Little guy, when you get married, you won't think like this anymore. A wife can drain you dry and make you unwilling to think about anything except work. Even sleeping with a woman becomes a nightmare... ...Ahem, I mean, not all men are like this. For example, Alan, he only loved his wife in his life. After her death, countless women were willing to accompany him, but he declined them all. , we are still alone to this day. In fact, we are also very worried and have tried countless ways but without success..."

The adjutant on the side coughed: "Your Excellency Dalin, you have gone off topic again."

"Oh." Dalin woke up and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, every time I see a promising young man, I can't help but say a few more words."

He took a few deep puffs on the cigarette and his expression became serious.

"This mission is very dangerous and important. According to our rules, it was impossible for you to participate, but..."

Dalin smiled again. There was a special sense of joy in the way the middle-aged man with a square face opened his mouth.

"You happen to be responsible for killing Gregor. The Supreme Military War Department has the right to send you to carry out the most dangerous tasks. Did you know? There is a group of people in the royal city who hate you. This is what the first elder Armando specially did for you. The rights you fought for are meant to kill you, so you must make the most of this opportunity.”

Rhodes couldn't help but smile, a little strange.

"Why do they hate me? Because I publicly killed Chancellor Gregor?"

Dalin took a puff of the cigarette and said thoughtfully, "Maybe, but I guess the more important thing is that His Excellency Qingyu protects you and makes them think that you are Qingyu's person."

"Uh, is Qingyu disliked by others?"

"No, it's just because she is following the king's path, and many people want to change."

Rhodes asked strangely: "Why? After the king took office, isn't Trorian far more powerful and prosperous than before?"

There was a bit of coldness in Dalin's smile.

"That's true, but some people are not as well off as before."

Rhodes knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and frowned and said, "Why don't you kill them?"

Dalin shook his head slightly.

"The king is tolerant and merciful. If he kills people just because of different opinions, then how can he be tolerant and merciful? Isn't this excluding dissidents? We need to unite all the forces that can be united. In this darkness In this era, only by uniting can mankind survive."

The adjutant coughed again: "Your Excellency Dalin, let's talk business."

Dalin smiled and said: "Sorry, I can't help but go off topic. Maybe there are too many things going on recently."

"Little Rhodes, you will join the team of 'Invincible Ironforge City' Dmitri and perform this mission as a scout. The departure time is today. My adjutant will arrange everything for you."

Rhodes was startled: "Today? Are you in such a hurry?"

Dalin nodded slightly.

"Yes, logically speaking, we should not send a combatant who has just returned from the battle line to perform a new mission immediately, but the king trusts you and he thinks you are fully qualified for this task."

"Little Rod, don't let him down."

Dalin's tone became serious, his eyes were bright, as if he saw a ball of light.

"And don't let us down either."

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