The Last Dark King

Chapter 176 Join the battle

Latest website: This is a huge cliff.

The wind howled, the black mist rolled, and the lanterns around the knights' waists were extinguished.

Darkness swept in, drowning everyone, leaving only the subtle red light of the red tear stone.

The knight captain said in a deep voice: "This is a death cliff, at least a hundred miles away from the defensive circle."

The darkness was very thick, and Rhodes noticed that his sight range had been greatly shortened, leaving only a distance of less than two hundred yards.

The knight captain suddenly said: "A monster is approaching!"

Rhodes was surprised: "Did you see it?"

"I sensed it, eight-level psychic waveform, vicious mid-level, nine in total, ready to fight!"

Everyone's spiritual energy suddenly lit up.

"High-energy response from the front! Eagle Wings! Defense!"

A knight stepped forward and raised his giant shield. The spiritual energy spread out from the giant shield, like a vulture spreading its wings, forming a huge defensive cover.

The next second, an extremely bright light burst through the air and hit the defensive cover directly.

The huge explosion overwhelmed all sight, and the power of this blow was close to that of the [Psychic Quintet] before strengthening.

But the defensive shield remained motionless.

In the gray light, Rhodes clearly saw nine shadows rushing forward.

Their souls fluctuate extremely strongly, with complex and sharp waveforms in the shape of spreading stripes. They are indeed mid-level ferocious monsters.

Perhaps the psychic energy fluctuations caused by the explosion were too strong, and the knight captain did not respond. Rhodes shouted: "The monster is coming!"

The knight captain immediately said: "Fight!"

Rhodes saw one of the shadows' psychic energy light up quickly, much more than the other shadows, and immediately shouted: "Here we go again! The psychic cannon!"

The knight captain immediately shouted: "Eagle Wings! Continue to defend!"


The second psychic cannon hit the shield.

The knight stood motionless, but there was a thin stream of blood on his eyes, nose and ears.

Rhodes shouted for the third time: "Monsters are coming! Three in front, two at one o'clock, three at three o'clock, and one at nine o'clock."

The knight captain immediately adjusted his position.

"I protect Eagle Wings! Others disperse, Rhodes, stay by the Chief Dean's side."

Rhodes controlled all the puppets to surround Theodore. The wooden puppets formed a wooden wall, and the flesh puppets blocked the front of the wooden wall.

After a few seconds, the monster broke into the defensive circle.

Rhodes finally saw what they looked like.

It was a dark, gooey mass wearing a giant ghost mask, with no legs and only huge claws.

The guard knight soon fell into a hard fight. The ghost mask's attack was very fast and its psychic energy was powerful. The most troublesome thing was that the mask would suddenly eject small psychic cannons. The fierce battle made the fluctuations of psychic energy very violent, and it was impossible to do anything. Perception, only Rhodes can detect it.

Rhodes kept raising alarms and fully fulfilled his duties as a scout.

Flesh puppets also joined the battlefield.

The strength of this big guy far exceeds Rhodes' imagination. Although it moves slowly and cannot hit the ghost mask, it is not afraid of the ghost mask attack and is a very good shield.

The war situation gradually came to a standstill.

The knight captain shouted: "Hold on a little longer! The teleportation will start again soon."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly sensed a huge psychic reaction in the distance.

"Ten, level ten psychic reaction!"

There was a rare tremor in the captain's voice, as if he couldn't believe it, and he suddenly reacted.

"High-level reaction ahead! Protect the chief dean quickly!"

In an instant, all the knights flew behind Eagle Wing and opened up their psychic defenses.

The captain pushed Rhodes away and threw him to the back.

"Stay alive with..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge ball of white light burst through the air. It instantly penetrated the protective shield of the eagle wings and swallowed up all the guarding knights. The remaining power then penetrated the flesh puppets and tore the lumped wooden puppets into pieces. Two halves.

The white light fell, and everything in front of him turned into ashes.

In the distance, more ghost masks were flying towards him, and a larger white shadow was slowly moving towards him.

Rhodes' heart beat wildly.

But the time has come.

The next moment, the gray light lit up, his vision became blurry again, and he felt weightless. When he came back to his senses, he had been transported to a new place.

This is a mountainous area covered with sharp gravels. The black fog is not that thick, but the line of sight still cannot reach two thousand yards.

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At this time, only he and Theodore were left.

The huge body of the chief dean lay quietly beside him, not knowing what would wake him up.

Rhodes' heart was heavy. He didn't want to think too much, so he found a hidden cave and hid in it.

This was an absolutely wise choice. Not long after, the ghost mask at the cliff actually chased him, and brought more ghost masks with him.

Rhodes immediately summoned a large number of wooden puppets, formed a ball, and blocked the cave.

Huge explosions kept coming from outside, and the sound of broken branches kept coming. The tough wooden puppet just blocked the external attack and delayed it until the next transmission.

When his sight returned again, what Rhode saw was a large familiar wasteland, and his sight finally returned to two thousand yards.

Is this a wasteland of corpses?

That wasteland in front of Jianguan?

Isn't this the inner layer of the defensive circle? Is there any danger here?

Rhodes stood up and looked around.

Sure enough, most of the monsters nearby were at level 1 or below, and they did not pose any threat to him now.

It should be safe.

Even more fortunately, not long after, the chief dean finally opened his eyes.

The moment those blue eyes looked at Rhodes, he let out a long breath.

It's finally safe.

"Chief Dean..."

Just when Rhodes was about to speak, a strong sense of sadness suddenly surged into his heart. His throat suddenly became choked and he was speechless.

Theodore seemed to know something and asked softly: "Lille and the others have been sacrificed, haven't they?"

Rhodes nodded slightly.

There was sadness in Theodore's eyes, but it was quickly hidden behind his square glasses, and he said softly: "Little Rhodes, don't be sad, return is our destiny. Without their sacrifice, there would be no people in the royal city." Smiles and gifts have a price. You have been so happy before, and you can also bring this happiness to those who have smiled for you. "

In an instant, many people appeared in Rhode's mind, including Qingyu, Aunt Uther, Sister Nun, Cassian, Brother Raistlin, A'duo, Theresa...and many more whose names they knew or didn't know. people.

The moment their smiles appeared in his mind, Rhodes suddenly no longer felt confused, and infinite courage arose in his heart.

He knew what he was going to do.

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Chief Dean."

Theodore looked at him with kind eyes: "You have done a good job, child. Now, leave the burden to me."

Rhodes hurriedly told everything he knew quickly and in detail, starting from the lighthouse and continuing to the end.

"...I'm very lucky to be teleported this time. There is no danger here..."


Theodore interrupted.

"The luck of malicious disembodiment is never good. The twisted curse of the abyss serpent Premus cannot go wrong. It is a high-level monster of the abyss, second only to the king of the abyss."

Rhodes was startled: "You mean..."

Theodore stretched out his right hand, and a long wooden staff appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"Yes, there are dangers here that you can't think of."


Theodore held the wooden staff with both hands and thrust it into the ground.

With a huge flash of light, a giant ghost made up of countless painful faces rose from the ground and appeared in front of you.

Rhodes recognized it instantly. It was the high-level evil spirit he met when he reinforced Jianguan last time!

That Gregor deliberately awakened the high-level evil spirit used to destroy the sword gate.

That high-level evil spirit was formed by gathering countless remnants of the Twilight Knights that were destroyed thousands of years ago!

Yue Gong Bach's soul attack didn't kill him back then?

Theodore said gently: "The current situation is very bad. The abyss is spreading. The city of Laisuo has been destroyed. The nearby areas have fallen. The war zone is in a state of erosion. The soldiers are in a bitter battle. The big snake has no where to go, and the black tide has not yet ended. … We have a lot to do, but we can’t rush it and do it one by one.”

Lifting the wooden stick, spiritual energy like a sea tide gathered at the tip of the stick.

"Let's start by eliminating this hidden threat."




King District.

Supreme Military War Department.

The city of Lyso was breached and Theodore disappeared, causing chaos for two days.

Bad news came one after another, making the situation of the already stretched and leaky royal city defense system even worse.

In this gloom, the only good news is that the situation in the Iron Armor Fortress has improved.

Alan killed the zombie giant and destroyed the unclean core.

As long as the skeleton monsters in the fortress are cleared, the armored fortress can be restored.

But the corruption in the entire war zone makes this good news not so good.

The first defense officer, Chang Lin, had not slept for two days.

The destruction of Laisuo City caused a large rupture in the defense line. Nearby strongholds were in danger one after another. If it were not for the iron armored fortress, darkness would have driven in.

But the armored fortress cannot exist in isolation. Its value lies in protecting nearby strongholds.

If all nearby strongholds are lost, the isolated armored fortress will not have much effect in the entire defense line.

To make matters worse, the previous fierce and protracted battle penetrated the abyss, and an abyss crack appeared near the defense line, and monsters from the abyss came to attack it like a tide.

This rift must be destroyed and the abyss monster that opened the rift must be destroyed.

The Royal City has urgently dispatched Guardian Qingyu and Guardian Jon to support, but the situation of the battle did not turn around quickly, and reports of death and destruction continued to come like snow flakes.

Dalin watched these pillars of humanity fall one by one, feeling so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

In this massive tragedy, the only news that made him feel better was that the Sword Fortress accepted a large number of defeated troops and refugees from Laisuo City.

This is not an easy thing.

According to the report, when Laisuo City was destroyed, at least half of the people escaped from the city, and about 10,000 people fled toward the Sword Fortress.

Most of them successfully arrived at the Sword Fortress in the rear.

Most of the people who fled in the other two directions were dead.

According to the escapees, it was the giant stone lighthouse that guided them in the direction and lured away the monsters.

This is a huge achievement.

Unfortunately, by the time support arrived, the lighthouse had gone out.

They only found one hundred and twenty seriously injured people who were sealed in the tower. There was a high probability that all the garrisoned soldiers had been killed.

Dalin smoked two packs of cigarettes before forgetting the news.

Even though he was used to seeing sacrifices, he couldn't remain indifferent.

Moreover, too much negative emotions will cause the soul to corrupt in an unfavorable direction.

Forgetting is the best memorial.

But the situation is still corrupt, and Dalin can no longer find any reinforcements in his hands.

what to do?

Just when he was worried, an order from the Supreme Council of the Royal City came to him.

After reading this brief instruction, Dalin immediately stood up and quickly came to the main hall of the Royal City Council.

Archbishop Horus, First Elder Armando, and Second Chief of Defense Zhang Bai are all already sitting here.

Dalin rushed forward angrily and said anxiously: "Are we going to use forbidden methods?"

Horus said in a deep voice: "The king has given permission. We can dispatch a forbidden object or person under the Silver Oath."

Dalin fell silent.


The first elder Armando said in a cold voice: "It is best not to use the forbidden objects. The corrosion of the abyss is too great, and they will get out of control."

Dalin and Zhang Bai looked at each other and instantly connected.

"Only that one."

"Yes, that's the only one."

Horus asked in a deep voice: "Has the decision been made? This is our last chance. Once the defensive circle is broken, all our achievements over the past decades will be destroyed."

Zhang Bai nodded slightly: "It's decided."

Dalin said solemnly: "We will make proper use of it."


Horus said no more and turned away.

"The oath of the Forbidden One, Wolfgang von Mavis, is about to be lifted."

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