The Last Dark King

Chapter 173 Dream Fragments

Latest website: In this land shrouded in darkness, in such a gloomy and miserable defeat, there is a dazzling star shining.

Many survivors who fled saw the lighthouse that was extremely bright in the night sky.

Its light was so bright that it dispelled the dark atmosphere.

Many people cried bitterly, many shed tears, and many people rekindled hope in despair. The extremely bright fire attracted a large number of monsters in the area, making their journey home less bumpy. The bright beam of light drove away the gangrene attached to the bones and guided them. right direction.

Countless humanity rushed towards him, and precious flowers of humanity occasionally flashed in his eyes, but Rhodes didn't pay attention and concentrated on operating the reflector, accurately projecting the power of the fire to the team in need of help.

The light dispels the darkness, drives away the monsters, and cleanses the encroaching infection.

Thousands of people were rescued.

Three hours later, the firelight inevitably dimmed, and the distance of the beam of light projected by the reflector shortened to within ten miles.

Six hours later, the light of the fire became weak, and the light beam of the reflector could not shine even for three miles. The black fog had shrouded within a hundred yards of the lighthouse. Most of the monsters under the tower had dispersed, but some were still attacking the tower. .

A few monsters tried to climb up the tower to put out the disgusting fire, but the smell of blue bone marrow ashes disgusted them so much that none of them made it to the top of the tower.

After seven hours, the fire went out.

Only thick ashes were left in the brazier.

That's what's left of the fire, and it's also what's left of the warriors.

Rhodes collected the rest and decided to bury it in his dream and let them witness his growth.

I will never let you down.

Rhodes looked into the distance, as if there was fire beating in his chest.

Black fog has enveloped the lighthouse. The monsters are not interested in lifeless dead things. Most of them have dispersed, and only a few are wandering nearby.

There is a lamp with residual light inside the lighthouse. The seriously injured have been properly placed. The entrance to the top of the tower has been sealed. The letter for help has been sent. There are special vents in the tower. The materials stored are enough for them to survive for a long time. It is completely possible. Hold on until help arrives.

The team of refugees has long since disappeared. Laisuo City was destroyed very suddenly, so the peak number of survivors who fled to the lighthouse area was very short, mainly concentrated in those few hours, and then there were no more.

Those who did not come all unfortunately died in the darkness.

Deeper black mist rushed towards the face, and fine black dust rolled in the mist. The real darkness had broken through Laisuo City and spread to the inner defense line. This large area had been swallowed up and turned into a paradise where monsters were rampant.

Rhodes' body exudes a hazy red light. This is a red tear stone, which can resist the erosion of black mist to a limited extent and is used to fight in an environment without light.

He knew it was time to set off, a fire warrior here would only bring danger to the survivors in the tower.

Most of the monsters wandering nearby are black death beasts. This kind of monster has high defense and strong spiritual energy, and the spirit-sealing bullets cannot cause effective damage. Rhodes has no good attack methods, so it is difficult to kill them alone.

There is no point in using [Psychic Sextet], they are just adult monsters, not special monsters with [Source].

[Psychic Sextet] and [Awakening] are both last resorts and should never be used until the right time.

Maybe I can go and have a look near Laisuo City, maybe I can meet special monsters?

Because of the Stone of Resurrection, Rhodes was not afraid of danger, only afraid of not being able to find his target.

Rhodes jumped off the lighthouse and ran towards the direction of the refugees.

With the help of the Eye of the Soul, Rhodes avoided many dangers and quickly left the lighthouse area.

Along the way, he saw a large number of corpses lying on the road, some were killed by monsters, and some were corrupted by the black mist.

After being attacked by a resurrected corpse, Rhodes knew that these corpses must be cremated. The black mist had already lodged in their bodies, and they would soon all turn into living corpses.

Everything that is alive, or has ever been alive, will be corroded and corrupted by the black mist, and eventually become something indescribable.

But Rhodes didn't have that many ignition materials, and it was impossible for natural flames to ignite in the darkness.

This matter can only wait for the legions in the royal city to do it.

Rhodes could only stay as far away from the main roads as possible and kill all living corpses he encountered.

After these monsters who were once human beings are killed, they will turn into ashes like monsters. Perhaps this is the dividing line between humans and monsters - humans are naturally existing lives, while monsters are twisted and condensed things. Once they are supported, When the foundation of existence disappears, it will turn into ashes.

The souls obtained from them also vary greatly depending on the degree of decay of the corpse. Some are large or small pieces of soul fragments, some are [souls of living corpses], and a very few are the soul of a certain person.

Is this a different degree of corruption?

Rhodes thought.

The stronger the power in life, the slower the corruption? The weaker the strength, the deeper the erosion, the more convergent?

Corruption will erase their unique marks and unite them into cursed beings, right?

Rhodes walked forward while thinking,

The closer we get to Leso City, the denser the corpses become, spread out radioactively on every road.

Rhodes also discovered that the combat effectiveness of living zombies varied greatly. Some were just dust on the battlefield, while others had reached advanced levels.

He already has a certain amount of conventional fighting power. Without resorting to unconventional means, he can defeat adult high-level monsters one-on-one.

But it won't be enough to be stronger, and limited and expensive unconventional means must be used.

Thanks to the Eye of the Soul, Rhodes can basically judge the strength of monsters, and he will bypass monsters that are difficult to deal with.

But it is unpredictable when the corpse will transform into a monster.

Sometimes you don't see the threat, but the body jumps when you walk past.

It's fine if it's a weak zombie, but it's very troublesome for some very strong zombies.

Especially some living zombies transformed by powerful combatants. They retain some of their fighting skills in life. Even if they only fight instinctively, they are very difficult to deal with.

There are also some living corpses that even have the characteristics and abilities they had in life, and they should have been corrupted before their souls dissipated.

This kind of living corpse is the most troublesome and the most powerful.

The corpses that have completely died will give birth to new monster souls after being corroded. Such living corpses act closer to monsters and often do not pose much of a threat except for more crazy attacks.

Most of the zombies Rhodes encountered before were like this, but the further he went, the more powerful zombies he saw.

After meeting a living corpse knight wearing full body armor, Rhodes knew that he would not be able to survive.

This living corpse knight is extremely powerful, his combat skills are far beyond him, and he is not afraid of spirit spears and thunder stones. He holds a long sword, and the blade is as fast as a flying bird, and he almost disembowelled him.

Fortunately, Rhodes practiced his dodge, sprint and escape skills hard, and used the terrain to run and turn quickly to get rid of it, otherwise it would have been a disaster.

But now the situation is also very troublesome, and Rhodes is forced to hide under a deep crack in the ground to avoid the zombie knight who is wandering aimlessly.

Its perception is extremely sharp, and it can detect movement from far away immediately.

what to do?

Should we use unconventional means to eliminate it?

Rhodes can do this, but the Living Corpse Knight definitely does not have a special soul. Judging from its spiritual power, it is not even a strong soul.

The harvest is very low, the consumption is high, and it is a completely loss-making business.

When he was at a loss what to do, Rhodes suddenly realized that he was stepping on something hard, not like soft soil.

When I looked down, I saw a gray stone tablet. I brushed away the soil on the stone tablet and saw the words written on it:

Tomb of Duke Jason Mallister.

The initiator of the Twilight War, the architect of the Sea Ribe Massacre, the signer of the Sleepless Dead, born in 2491 and died in 2344.

He has done no good deeds - but mentally,

But he is really a good person.

Do not exhume his coffin;

Otherwise you will be cursed by Parves, the god of war.


Rhodes frowned.

What happened in this year of life and death?

The tombstone was written in a very obscure ancient language. Without his extraordinary language skills, it would have been impossible to decipher the words on the tombstone, so its date was definitely not the Tesrivian Gregorian calendar currently used in the royal city.

This is understandable, but why is the date backwards?

What concerned him the most was the God of War, Pavis.

If I remember correctly, Wangcheng should have always stated that there are no gods, only powerful or more powerful monsters.

All gods are counterfeit and do not exist. They are just ignorant perceptions of certain things that are not understood.

Although Rhodes had reservations about this, he did not see any gods worshiped in the royal city, and only heard about their existence from the mouths of doomsday cultists.

Since doomsday cultists love to eat shit and have a shit-eating god, these existences have become somewhat insignificant in Rhode's mind.

But here, he actually saw the words "Pavis, God of War".

That is to say, did the belief in these gods exist before the Royal City Era?

But the point is, are these gods some kind of virtual objects? Or some kind of powerful creature? Or is it a truly authoritative “god”?

And when Rhodes turned over the tombstone, he leaned toward the first and second explanations.

The tombstone has been dug out, and a section underneath is broken off.

Obviously, the coffin of Duke Jason Mallister had already been dug up.

The curse of Parves, the god of war, didn't seem to have any effect.

Rhodes moved the tombstone and soon discovered that there were similar stones underneath.

He quickly dug through the soil and found another tombstone.

Tomb of Earl Leicester Royce.

The tombstone was badly damaged and the text underneath was incomplete. Rhodes could barely make out a few sentences:

"...the cradle, the...end of mankind..."

"...We must constantly strive to expand the time and space for survival..."

Rhodes threw away the tombstones and continued digging, and soon found more tombstones. Most of them were very old and had a style that was incompatible with this era.

It seems that this place was a cemetery or a mass grave a long time ago.

But the changes of the times buried it underground until he accidentally discovered it.

Suddenly, an idea came to Rhodes' mind. The owners of these cemeteries seemed to be of high status. Maybe they could find some valuable burial objects?

As soon as this idea appeared, it was firmly rooted in my mind.

Rhodes quickly dug down along the cracks in the ground, and his spiritual energy gathered on his fingers, allowing him to dig through the soil and gravel with ease.

Soon, Rhodes dug up more tombstones and many broken bones.

Just in case, Rhodes crushed them all into pieces, crushing their bones and raising ashes to help them avoid the infection of darkness and gain true rest.

Rhodes dug deeper and deeper, and soon dug a big hole under the ground.

However, except for the corpse, the broken coffin, and a few items that had long lost their spirituality, he found nothing of value.

He dug unbelievingly for a long time, but still found nothing.

"Have you been visited by tomb robbers?"

Rhodes felt very disappointed. Just as he was about to leave, his heart suddenly jumped and a strong feeling came over him. There seemed to be something attracting him underground!

This is a dream fragment!

Rhodes reacted instantly.

There is a dream fragment underground?

Rhodes quickly dug down and dug for more than two hundred yards in the direction of the induction before he found a tomb.

The door of the tomb has long been destroyed, and there is nothing inside. Even the bones in the stone coffin have been lifted up.

But Rhodes didn't pay attention. He walked through the two neat rows of sarcophagi and came to a skull candlestick.

This is a half-broken skull, and the candlestick on it has long been dug away, leaving only a thick layer of white wax.

A strong sense of attraction is coming from this skull.

Rhodes stretched out his hand and touched it lightly.

The next moment, countless hot things penetrated his soul.

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