The Last Dark King

Chapter 117 Preparing for Battle

Latest website: The first thing after entering the dreamland, Rhodes sacrificed all the souls on the altar.

In a total of eight days, he hunted about 700 evil spirits. If the number of evil spirits had not decreased significantly in the last few days, there would have been more.

But even so, it far exceeds what was gained in the sewer.

Now, he has a total of 72916 soulless souls and 1510 spiritual points, which is completely enough to make [Soul Firewood].

Rhodes came to the stone platform and placed 50,000 soulless souls and 100 souls on it.

They resemble a pile of black and white snow and a ball of translucent jelly.

The item [Powerful Soul] lights up, indicating that its substitute has taken effect.

Then put the materials in order, one medium soul, ten parts of humanity, one part of divinity, a thirteen-gram radiant stone, and ten parts of monster ashes.

[Soul Firewood] This item is completely bright.

Rhodes let out a long breath. Fortunately, he had prepared two radiance stones, otherwise he would have to wait until he went back to do it.

With a tap of his finger, the stone platform was surrounded by light, and a big hand and two big pestles flew out from under the platform, and the materials were kneaded and pounded fiercely.

In just a few moments, the soul firewood was completed.

Rhodes picked up this valuable object that seemed to be tangled with countless dead branches, came to the obelisk, and entered the wilderness of souls.

Under the boundless darkness, a few bonfires were burning in the wilderness, which inexplicably reminded him of the current situation of mankind.

He came to the bonfire that was glowing like a bright yellow ribbon, and put the soul fuel in it.

The flame shrank slightly, then expanded, and the flying flame tip became stable, while the firewood lay quietly in the bonfire, becoming the core of the burning.

Rhodes knew that he still needed to raise the status of the bonfire to the limit of burning.

Stretching his hand above the obelisk, as soon as he thought, soft black and white objects gathered in his palm.

This is a soulless soul.

Throw them into a campfire and the fire will get stronger.

It took three thousand souls to go from "weak burning" to "continuous burning", and four thousand souls to go from "continuous burning" to "blazing burning".

Then to "excessive burning", five thousand were used.

The final "extreme burning" took 10,000.

Of the more than 70,000 soulless souls of Rhodes, only 916 were left in an instant.

The bright yellow bonfire, which was originally less than one person tall, expanded to the height of two people. The fire was so intense that it looked like a ribbon swaying in the strong wind, reminiscent of the dress of a running girl.

A line of bright yellow text emerged in the void.

【Justice execution】

[Status: Extreme Burning]

[Star Power: Psionic Quartet]

[Injection: Soulless Soul]

【Add fire: human nature】

[With quantification: not available]

[Position: Blazing Fire]

[Strength: 310]

[Description: Stars shine in the dark night, I just want to protect you who are so bright]


Rhodes opened his eyes wide. The change this time was far beyond expectations.

It took him a total of 22,000 soulless souls to raise [Justice Execution] to the state of "blazing fire".

However, the original level of [Frigid Blue] only cost less than a thousand.

The gap is huge.

But the changes are also huge.

The strength of [Justice Execution] was increased from 10 to 310 in one breath.

You know, [Bitter Blue] in a completely burning state only has 200, and [Dark Devourer] only has 30.

[Justice Execution] has just reached the "blazing fire", and the intensity has already surpassed them.

Does this mean that there is a big gap between bonfire and bonfire?

The size of [Justice Execution] far exceeds them?

Considering the different needs for igniting the stars, this guess is likely to be true.

For a moment, Rhodes felt as if there was a huge surge of heat in his heart.

As the stars strengthened, his soul strength also jumped from 240 to 540, which was more than doubled.

Doesn't this mean that his absolute power has doubled?

Moreover, the extremely powerful [Psychic Trio] became a [Psychic Quartet].

What if it is upgraded to "Golden Fire" or even "Eternal Fire"?

Doesn't that mean he has an extremely powerful killing move?

As long as he finds a way to sneak into a team full of super strong men, and when they fight the most powerful monster to the end, he can use [Psychic Duo], then wouldn't he be prosperous?

This is an opportunity and a challenge.

If you can grasp it well, the dangers you will encounter in the future will be much smaller, and you will not encounter frequent life and death crises.

However, the prerequisite for not suffering a life-and-death crisis is to suffer a life-and-death crisis.

Alas, everything is always full of contradictions.

Rhodes sighed softly and exited the wasteland full of remnants.

After taking a look at the text on the obelisk, it has become:

Soul Strength: 540

Soul Star: 3

Humanity: 611

Divinity: 35

Soulless Soul: 916


There are only 35 divinities left, so you can only extract three more copies to make three soul firewood.

Rhodes still has no idea how to obtain divinity.

However, three soul firewood is enough for him to use for a long, long time.

He didn't want to think about longer-term matters for the time being.

There are only 916 soulless souls left.

Next, his first priority is to obtain as many soulless souls as possible.

Based on the experience of [Bitter Blue], [Justice Execution] will consume more soulless souls next.

Rhodes sighed.

The hunt is far from over.

In order to stop hunting, but to hunt desperately is also one of his contradictions.

Rhodes glanced at the "Immortal Spirit", "Wooden Puppet" and "Brain-Eating Demon's Soul Ashes" in the storage room, and thought it would be great if there were more trump cards.

I don’t know when the [Stone of Resurrection] in the stone platform will be made.

If he could be resurrected, he would not be afraid of risking his life.

After that, Rhodes checked the dream as usual. As long as time allowed, this was something he had to do every time. Dreams were related to his life and death.

The invasion surface of the obelisk is still empty, I don’t know what’s going on.

The words in the Book of Knowledge are still obscure and difficult to understand. Rhodes plans to find an Ancient Language teacher and study them systematically as soon as he returns to the royal city. The sub-course "Ancient Tongues" that he originally chose was canceled due to the patrol mission in the royal city, and he did not attend a single lesson.

The stored supplies are still very abundant. During the eight-day hunting trip in the wilderness, he used about 1,500 real silver bullets. On average, two real silver bullets per evil spirit, which is much more cost-effective than using spirit-sealing bullets.

There are still one thousand true silver bullets, ninety-eight spirit-sealing bullets, two hundred thunder stones, and numerous food, medicines and supplies.

If it weren't for repairing the psychic generator, there should be many valuables.

Rhodes' eyes flashed brightly.

After returning to the royal city, in addition to reimbursing him for the material expenses, he should also be given some travel expenses, right?

For such an unprecedented freight transportation method, it’s not too much to pay 10,000 silver cords for travel expenses, right?

Oh hey hey.

With such wonderful expectations, Rhodes fell into a sweet sleep.

When morning came, Rhodes woke up on time.

Although the light looked the same as yesterday, he knew that it was already the next day.

He took out his pocket watch and saw that the largest pointer was pointing at the top. According to Trorian's rules, this was the beginning of the day and the origin of all things.

Rhodes jumped out of bed. The environment in the fortress was naturally far inferior to that of the academy. Whether it was clean water, food or heat, they were all limited.

Of course there is no running water.

All the supplies at Jianguan are transported from the Giant Fortress.

Therefore, the material supply channel located at the foot of the Dead Mountain Mountains needs to be cleaned frequently.

The patrol team led by Baywood has been doing this during this period. The loss of supplies is a very terrible thing.

Rhodes went to the water storage room to get a basin of clean water, briefly finished washing, and then went to the hall to have breakfast.

Since it was still early, there were some people sitting scattered in the hall. When they saw Rhodes coming in, they all raised their food and waved to him.

"Hey Rod, who's the victim today?"

"Brother, don't choose me, okay? I worked hard all day yesterday and my waist is about to break."

"Tell me honestly, brother, how long can you hold on?"

"I heard that you are very familiar with Sister Mina. Please reveal her data to the brothers."

Rhodes replied casually: "99, 66, 95."

Everyone didn't know why.

"What's this?"

"The psychic output is 99 seconds? This is too low."

"You just said it casually, right?"

"Haha, it turns out Brother Rhodes didn't know either. It seems I have a chance."

No one cared, only Annabeth, who was sitting in the corner, felt a little strange. There seemed to be some pattern to the numbers, and it didn't look like random talk.

What could it be?

She was thinking while drinking the fragrant mushroom soup.

Rhodes chose a seat at random and sat down. The long dining table was filled with food brought by the logistics department, including hot soup, fragrant sugar-filled pies, and tempting-looking fresh milk and baked goods. intestinal.

There are more than 100 people in the Jiangguan Fortress, and except for 21 combatants, they are all logistics personnel.

In Trorian's system, the vast majority of logistics personnel are ordinary people, who are responsible for medical treatment, supplies, construction, cleaning, transportation and other chores.

All personnel, except combat and production, were relegated to logistics.

If a fire handler becomes a logistician, he must have special logistical abilities.

For example, the Sisters of Healing are all fire bearers with the attribute of clear light.

"Clear light" is a recognized soul characteristic of healers. It can detect injuries, sense souls, and eliminate dirt and infections. Under their treatment, wounds on the body and soul can be healed quickly.

It is worth noting that those who ignite the fire of the soul and awaken the "clear light" characteristic are almost all women.

But there are a few exceptions, and in order to maintain a unified image, they also wear the same clothes and become healing monks in the healing cult, so that ordinary people cannot tell them apart.

As a fire bearer with the property of "changing physical properties", Mina is a natural repairer.

This characteristic allows her to easily change the shape of matter to achieve repair purposes.

It was also because of this that she embarked on the path of pursuing knowledge and truth and became a disciple of the great scholar Amides.

Mina told him all this while chatting, and the purpose of Rhodes chatting with her was just to remind her not to forget the supplies she had provided, and that she must reimburse her money plus travel expenses when she went back.

You must know that Rhodes's combat methods are not in the regular combat system of the royal city. Except for novices and non-combatants, no one uses real silver bullets in combat.

Therefore, this item does not exist in the reimbursement list of the General Logistics Department of Wangcheng, and there are no real silver bullets in the material supplies.

Rhodes has been burning his own money to fight.

He is very poor.

"Fortunately, the food is free." Rhodes brought a plate of pies and a few sausages and ate them, "It tastes good."

Half a quarter of an hour later, squad leader Heiyu walked in, and everyone in the hall burst into laughter.

Someone shouted: "Captain Blackfish, I heard that you were tired again yesterday!"

Heiyu's face turned dark instantly: "Stop spreading rumors and slandering..."

"I saw it with my own eyes. After you came back, you fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth. It was the sisters from the logistics department who carried you back."

Heiyu ignored them, sat down and drank a bowl of mushroom soup.

"Captain, captain, your stamina is not as long as that of little Rhodes. You are like this every day. You fell down last time. You said it was pain in your balls and your condition was not good. You fell down again after resting for so many days. Why? "

Heiyu snorted: "You go ahead."

"Of course I can't, but Captain, you are a super brave man who claims to have fought bloody battles on the Trident Plains for seven days and seven nights, killing thousands of corrupted people. How did you do that? Was it in your dream?"

Heiyu's face flushed, and veins popped out on his forehead: "You don't understand! Lord Alan and I were together at that time. Lord Alan's ring of aura inspired me, and the glory of the knight echoed in my heart..."

Then came the incomprehensible words about "soul will", "spiritual potential" and "the unity of man and spirit", which made everyone burst into laughter.

The little fat man Duoduo on the side came over and asked softly: "Brother, can you really come here three hundred times a night?"

Rod swallowed the last piece of pie and gave him an unhappy look.

So far, this guy is the only one willing to call him big brother, and he is not a girl, which is very disappointing.

"This is a rumor, don't believe it."

"Oh." The little fat man sat back happily, picked up a large pot of mushroom soup and drank it.

Rhodes glanced at him. This guy had a huge appetite. No wonder he was so fat.

But his strength is not very strong. Like him, he is a spiritual gun warrior who relies on handjobs to produce strength.

The key is that there are not many bullets. On the day I took him out, they were all used up in half a day. Rhodes lent him dozens of bullets.

Another quarter of an hour later, Baywood, Raistlin and others walked in one after another, and everyone greeted them warmly.

The hall quickly became lively.

When the instructor An Ye, the knight Bach, the garrison commander Steel Hand and others walked in, the atmosphere in the hall had already reached a very heated level.

They seemed to have endless topics to talk about, discussing everything closely related to them.

"Be quiet."

The steel hand shouted, his voice was not loud, but it was heard by the whole audience.

"According to the news from Liguang Fortress on the front line, the black tide has overflowed and is coming to Giant Fortress, Linfeng City, Dragon Pass, Sword Pass and other places. From now on, the inner defense circle has officially replaced the responsibilities of the middle defense circle, and all tasks have been cancelled. ”

He paused and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, get ready for battle."

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