The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 22: Thunder

Last URL: 4:00 p.m.

Beihai, Canglan City.

A luxury bus slowly drove into No. 0 Air Force Base in Beihai Province.

No. 0 Air Force Base is the largest air force base of the Beihai Regiment. It was established in Canglan City, located in the center of Beihai. Most of the content is at the world's first-tier level, and some of the fighters jointly developed by Beihai and Zhongzhou and Europe are at the world's top level. The entire No. 0 base can be said to be the biggest trump card for Beihai Province to guarantee air supremacy.

The luxury bus stopped slowly in the center of the base.

A leading middle-aged fat man slowly got out of the car, scanning the surrounding airport majesticly.

The sunshine in the North Sea is just right.

The afternoon sun shines on the planes in the base, shining with brilliance. The whistling of helicopter rotors and the roar of fighters can be heard from time to time. The fighters swoop down and land, and the fully armed helicopters take off slowly. Busy with daily maintenance and maintenance, a major general of the Beihai Regiment stood in front of the bus, looked at the fat man in front of him, his eyes were cold, and his tone was calm: "Director Liu, hello."

The middle-aged fat man with a flushed face snorted softly, ignored the major general's outstretched palm, and said with a half-hearted smile, "Are you the head of the Air Force of the Beihai Corps?"

"I am the person in charge of this Zero Base."

The major general squinted his eyes, withdrew his palm, and said, "General Wang Yue couldn't meet with Director Liu because of temporary business. He asked me to express his apology on his behalf."


The fat man's face was gloomy for a moment, and he said strangely: "General Wang is really a big air."

Not only him, more than a dozen men and women behind him also looked unhappy.

The major general twitched the corners of his mouth, clenched his fists, and did not speak.

Wang Yue is the deputy head of the Beihai Corps and the commander of the Air Force. He is in charge of all the air forces of the Beihai Corps. no? The Beihai Wang family really dares to step on any small character now?

The major general took a deep breath,

Looking at the faces full of displeasure in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Director Liu, please."

"I have nothing to say to you."

The fat man had a serious face and said in a gloomy tone: "Some things, can you represent the Beihai Air Force? I don't care what Wang Yue is busy with. Let him come to see me right away. I can't tell you."

The major general raised his head and looked straight at the fat man.

The fat man raised his eyebrows: "What are you looking at? I'm here, representing Zhongzhou. I'm here to make an inspection at No. 0 agency. I want to see your chief of the air force. What, is it too much?"

"That is, you are only a major general. Our director wrote many reports to communicate with Wang Yue. Can you decide these things?"

The men and women behind the fat man talked in a hurry.

They are from the Central Continent Military Equipment Department. They are the first batch of inspection teams dispatched by Central Continent to the North Sea. Fatty is a director of the general assembly and has the rank of colonel. If it was the past, he would not dare to be presumptuous when he came to the North Sea, but now the interior of the North Sea is precarious. , these imperial envoys, who doesn't want to step on it? This is a job that can earn some money casually. Fatty has visited three bases in Beihai for a few days. See Wang Yue, take a big head, but the other party doesn't come?

Fatty was extremely dissatisfied. Beihai's air force really felt that he couldn't cure them?

"That's right, the master and General Wang Yue are talking about important matters. Can you represent Wang Yue? Hmph, Director, it seems that the Beihai Army Corps is very cooperative. If you want me to read our report, I have to think carefully about it. Looking at it, the maintenance of these fighters in the base is not in place, I suggest that all these fighters be sent to Youzhou for proper maintenance."

A 30-year-old young woman smiled and gave her suggestions in a soft voice. After finishing the work, when she was serving the director on the big bed with another female colleague who had just started working, this was what the director told them The original words, when she said it at this time, she thought it was a very good supplementary knife.

Fatty's expression became more and more dignified, he stared at the major general, and said coldly: "I think so, these fighters should be sent back to Youzhou for maintenance, major general, are you sure I want to write this in the report?"

The major general's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Director Liu, we strictly enforce the maintenance of these fighter planes on weekdays. You have only been here for a few minutes, and there is no investigation at all."

"Who said we didn't investigate? We have already investigated, and all colleagues can testify. All of us will sign the director's investigation report. Our conclusions can stand scrutiny and have been carefully investigated."

A young woman stepped forward, almost clinging to the fat man, with an aggressive tone.

The fat man became more and more impatient: "Will Wang Yue come? You call him immediately, you can't bear such a responsibility."

The call hasn't been made yet.

The phone has already rang.

The major general picked up the phone and looked at it, his face changed, and after connecting it, he subconsciously straightened his body, and said in a deep voice


Fatty's eyes lit up, and a gloomy smile appeared on his oily face: "Is it Wang Yue? Give me the phone, and I'll talk to him."

The major general glanced at him with strange eyes, hesitantly said: "Commander, are you sure?"


He nodded, let out a breath slowly, and smiled ferociously: "I understand."

"What do you understand? I'll ask you to bring the phone and I'll talk to Wang Yue."

The fat man stretched out his fat hand.



Amidst the intense screams, the major general grabbed the fat man's palm and snapped it off.

Amidst the crisp sound of bones breaking, the fat body of the fat man knelt down and screamed.


The major general's knee directly pressed against the fat man's chin, blood and teeth flew out of his mouth, and his screams suddenly turned into whimpers.

"what are you doing?!"

The young woman and the young woman exclaimed at the same time, subconsciously rushing forward.


In the crisp voice, the major general's face became as indifferent as ice, and two slaps directly sent the two women aside.

The soldiers at the air force base next to them started to move at once. Amidst the sound of orderly footsteps, a large number of soldiers began to charge.

The original high-spirited inspection team was all stunned.

Looking at the major general's epaulets and the soldiers rushing over, everyone trembled slightly. At this moment, the major general's epaulets seemed to become extremely majestic in their eyes.

"General... General, what do you want to do?"


The major general took two steps forward, pulled up the fat man who was covered in cold sweat and kept whimpering, and threw him to the soldier.

"My name is Jiang Cheng, the commander of No. 0 Air Force Base, and the major general of the Beihai Regiment. If you can go back, you can write reports casually. Remember, my name is Jiang Cheng."

He glanced at everyone in the inspection team, and said coldly: "Tie them up and send them to Dibing Mountain. The patriarch wants to see them."


Wang Shengxiao?

Everyone was shocked.

Wang Yue didn't come, what did Wang Shengxiao want to see them for?


The piercing sirens spread throughout the base without warning.

Numerous signal lights are shining in the base.

The next moment, all the soldiers in the base moved.

In the line of sight of the inspection team, all the fighter jets took off, and the roaring helicopters were densely packed.

An indescribable iron-blooded and determined aura emanated from Jiang Cheng's eyes.

He looked at the inspection team in front of him, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

The fat man's face was pale, his legs trembled, and he peed on his pants.

He knew what the scene in front of him meant.

This is war alarm!

The highest level of war alert.

The moment the alarm goes off, it means one thing.

The entire No. 0 base, and even the entire Beihai, will completely enter a state of war at this moment.

"General, please enter the command room immediately, General Wang Yue is waiting for your meeting."

A soldier raised his hand in salute, his voice calm and solemn.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Jiang Cheng nodded, glanced at the frightened inspection team, and sneered: "Send them to Dibing Mountain."

Soldiers like wolves rushed up to tie their bodies, one after another still boarded the plane, some fell to the wrong position, and were directly kicked to the side, all the members of the inspection team were shaking silently At this moment, everyone could feel the astonishing hostility emanating from the soldiers of the Beihai Regiment.

It was like the most extreme outburst after being held back for a long time.

The fat man whose palm was broken was covered in cold sweat all over his body.

He didn't know if all this had anything to do with the inspection team today.

But he had a hunch that he might have gotten into trouble.


The plane lifted off in his panic and flew towards the city of Shengzhou.

Through the window, the inspection team looked at the land outside the window.

The densely packed planes are constantly taking off outside the window, while in the base, countless soldiers are loading ammunition, and the huge muzzle is slowly turning into operation, and further away, from the Canglan River to the North Sea, one after another The warships were gathering, and a huge monster loomed in the sea, turning into a vague silhouette.

Countless bee sting fighters that were smaller than normal fighters but faster roared in the air, and finally landed on the huge ship in the sea.

That is the aircraft carrier in the North Sea.

Codenamed Sea City.


Autumn Water, Floating Island, Queen City, Tongtian Harbor.

Everyone is moving.

At this moment, the army of more than 200,000 soldiers of the Beihai Regiment surged into action.

Sea, land and air, all arms are constantly gathering.

Fatty is obviously not the first one, and doesn't even have any special enemies.

Fifteen inspection teams were arrested almost at the same time

, still boarded the plane and flew to Dibing Mountain.

Some unfinished reports also gathered in Dibing Mountain.

Fatty's reports weren't the most intense.

In his report, he said that Beihai Wang's air force maintenance was extremely perfunctory, and suggested that Zhongzhou transfer back all Beihai Wang's fighter planes for maintenance.

Of course, after the maintenance, there is no need to return to Beihai.

But there was more than one report that was even more egregious.

Some inspection teams believe that the senior officials of the Beihai Corps have committed serious dereliction of duty.

Some inspection teams believe that many companies owned by the Beihai Wang family are destroying the interests of Zhongzhou.

There are also inspection teams who believe that the Beihai provincial government has been seriously organized over the years.

More than ten reports, more than ten suggestions, no good words.

It is recommended to call back the fighter planes, to take back the warships, to cancel the cooperation with Beihai, and to investigate the senior officials of the Beihai Provincial Government.

At the same time, there is a proposal that directly requires Beihai to report all the nuclear warheads stored in Beihai Province, and the base must be supervised by Zhongzhou, requiring Beihai to hand over the launch code of the nuclear warheads and the use authority of Beihai Wang.

If this series of suggestions is really adopted, the entire Beihai Wang Clan will completely lose control of Beihai Province, and the strength of the Beihai Wang Clan will seriously shrink in all aspects, from the strongest giant in the dark world to the front line of Central Continent wealthy.

Wang Shengxiao's silence seemed to make everyone misunderstand something.

So each inspection team completely ignored the Beihai Wang family, and the reports were written more radically than the other.

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

The night shrouded Dibing Mountain.

Numerous inspection teams were pushed to the top of Dibing Mountain.

They walked up the steps leading to the Xiongxiong Terrace, and looked at the figure standing beside the Xiongxiong Stone.

Wang Shengxiao turned his back to them, looking at Beihai in front of him.

The waves were rough, and the huge waves beat against Dibing Mountain, roaring endlessly.

"Wang Shengxiao, do you know what you are doing? Do you want to treason? I warn you, let us go immediately, and Beihai will hand over..."

An engineer in the inspection team who enjoys the treatment of vice-governor spoke loudly, but before his words fell, a sword light suddenly lit up in the darkness.

The sword light continued to split, and dense sword energy enveloped the engineer's body.

The extremely shrill screams suddenly lit up.

Blood was constantly splattering.

Every piece of flesh and blood on the engineer's body was completely smashed by the sword light, and then the bones. The wailing that made everyone's scalp numb took five or six minutes to completely disappear. The engineer also disappeared, leaving only a pool of flesh and blood on the ground .

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Countless people trembled, looking at the direction where the engineer disappeared, their faces pale.

How dare he kill!

How dare he kill someone!

How dare he kill Zhongzhou's inspection team?

Wang Shengxiao turned around slowly.

Beihai's military satellites enveloped Dibing Mountain.

at the same time.

All the channels in Beihai Province and the news channels in various cities in Beihai, all the signals were taken over by Dibingshan.

The same picture appeared on the TVs of every household in Beihai and on the Internet.

It is the Dibing Mountain that looks a little desolate in the night, it is the sound of the waves of the vast North Sea beating against the Xiongxiong Terrace, and it is the calm and gentle face of Wang Shengxiao under the lights.

At this moment, countless ordinary people in Beihai are looking at the new ruler of Beihai.

their patriarch.

"I do not understand."

Wang Shengxiao spoke slowly.

With a slight smile in his voice, he said calmly, "I don't understand why the Beihai Wang family has been targeted so much. Over the years, the Beihai Wang family may have done many wrong things, but in the face of the entire Central Continent , we have a clear conscience, when you are aggressive, we intend to bow our heads, but why are you unwilling to let us go?"

"You, Liu Tan, the director of the assembly department, we have paid you more than 600,000 yuan in the past few days since you came to Beihai. I just ask you to let us go once. You took the money, but you didn't do anything."

"You took more than two million yuan, and your report disappointed me."

"You, three million."

"You, eight hundred thousand."

"I don't understand. How did Beihai offend everyone? The more than 20 million people in Beihai just want to live a better life. Why are you targeting us?"


At this moment, silence swept through Beihai Province like a hurricane.

Countless people standing in front of the TV were silent.

But they didn't panic, instead everyone was extremely calm.

Also extremely firm.

"I couldn't figure this out, so I invited everyone here. I want everyone to help me think about it, and let everyone who can see me think about it. Beihai Wang has been sorry to you all these years. .”

With calm eyes, he stretched out his hand and patted the Xiongxiong Stone beside him.

"This is the history of the Wang family of Beihai."

He said slowly: "You don't need to understand, but it doesn't matter."


"I'll tell you little by little."

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