How can I wait until now?

Isn't it because of this slavery?


Blue rain is going crazy in these days.

Beginning with the blue raccoon bringing back the wicked starry slave, she tried every means to kill people.

However, I don't know what went wrong.

Poisoning, finding someone to assassinate, hiring someone to insult her, tried everything, but the woman was safe and sound again and again.

It’s like a ghost.

The poisonous poison was inexplicably replaced with a tonic.

The assassin clearly followed the star stream to the secluded place, but suddenly lost her trace.

Let people lead her to a remote place, want to find someone to insult her, but somehow those people have actually made a mistake, but instead tarnished her personal maid.

The more this is the case, the more blue rain feels this woman's evil door, in addition to hatred, even the faint fear of a hairy hair.

Blue Rain felt embarrassed at first and didn't want to tell his parents about his repeated failures.

But later, she felt that she could not get rid of the woman without relying on the strength of her parents.

Mrs. Blue’s wife listened to her daughter’s words and showed a dignified expression. “As you say, this screaming star slave is afraid that the heart is really deep. It may be the little singer of the blue raccoon. She has been sending people to protect her secretly."

Blue rain does not channel: "Isn't the blue raccoon an orphan girl? Who else is there besides the old man who surnames Ann? What ability does she have to protect the slaves?"

Mrs. Blue’s sneer, “The father of the blue raccoon was trained as a family owner. All the resources of the blue family are concentrated in his hands. He has cultivated some secret forces. What are so rare, maybe, those forces are now They have been left to the blue raccoon."

"However, the blue raccoon can have a little girl who can control these forces. When she marries, these forces will naturally return to your hand."

The blue rain heard a moment of excitement for a while, then worried: "But the Sun family came to mention the last time, so troubled and disappointing, even the birth book has not been exchanged. Can this door really become?"

If it is not, Huang Fu Ling will be very disappointed with her? Then how can she please Huangfu brother?

Mrs. Blue revealed a secret smile, faintly said: "Relax, the book of the birth of the blue raccoon has been sent to the Sun family. The names of the two have been written interactively. The marriage book has also been justified by the innocent island priests, just waiting for the wedding. On the day of the **** swear, this pro will be completed."

"Really?!" The blue rain was overjoyed and grabbed the hand of Mrs. Blue's wife. "Mother, how do you do these things silently, don't tell me? I am worried that the blue raccoon will not marry the sun." Home, the marriage has been confusing, and I haven’t even slept in these days!"

Mrs. Blue took a picture of her daughter and said: "I and you both guessed that the cinnabar and ink suddenly overturned that day, it must be the hands and feet behind the blue raccoon. But she thought that by these small means It is innocent to be able to ruin the marriage of the Blue Family and the Sun Family. If Sun Aochen did not get married to Jiuye on that day, the marriage book had already been concluded."

"However, this is also good." Mrs. Blue’s face showed a smug smile. “Let the blue raccoon’s gimmick think that the marriage was blown up, and it’s better to sit back and wait. When the wedding period is set, it will be sent to the float, and she wants to repent. Impossible!"

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