"But we can't say to others,'Leave your warm house, bid farewell to the hot fire, and go with us to the Willen with only swamps and forests, lying in the swamps and bushes, blowing The cold wind, eating frozen dried meat and icy river water, waited for a group of demon spirit knights to descend from the sky.'" Ren spread his hands and shook his head. "I bet your noses will be swollen by the slammed door. Wild hunting itself is an enemy we have never faced, let alone other people. I don't know anyone who wants to leave their house in the winter and go Trouble with the demon spirit knight."

"They will be slashed by the silver sword, and they will be killed, so they are no different from other monsters." Resso's low voice sounded. "I, Oaks, Serritt, we can fight Wild Hunt at any time. Use the silver sword to deal with Wild Hunt, they are not invincible."

"I can try to contact the demon hunters of the bear school. Gerd should still be in the north." Zelin touched his chin, thinking in his mind who he could contact. "My brother George will come to help us, Aiden and Gaitan of the cat school. I don't know if they will come, but I can ask."

"Geralt needs help. We won't stand by." Eskell stretched out his finger and drew a circle. "We will all go."

"Twelve demon hunters." Resso squeezed a smile on his stiff face like a rock. "If it succeeds, it will be something that has never happened in the past two centuries."

Zelin felt that there were more helpers he could find in a short period of time, but he didn't need to say it. Then, Wild Hunting would be caught off guard by them, really caught off guard. Zelin didn't know how many wild hunts there were, but their purpose was to find Geralt and rescue Ye Naifah. It would be better to figure out the reasons for the frequent activities of wild hunts. As long as they can achieve the first two goals, they will succeed.

"What if we can contact everyone?" Vesemir asked, who had been silent.

"Go to Mahakam Castle to assemble." Zelin was prepared for Vesemir's worries. "From the floating port below Mahakam, take a boat to Willen, but it only takes half a day. Now any rumors are not as fast as the news of wild hunting. We can collect sighting reports of wild hunting as much as possible. When someone in the vicinity of Willen sees them, we set off to Willen. The assembled helpers can temporarily live in my castle. Our reason is to deal with wild hunting. This year, wild hunting is raging for all to see. No one will doubt that we have. Other motivations."

"Ah, it's our prince, who has everything ready? More than a dozen demon hunters will pass by, and your castle will be eaten up. Be careful that your elf lover kicks you."

"Do I need to feed you pie, Lambert?"

"I'm not an aristocratic master who needs someone to take care of me." Lambert showed his sarcasm at all times, lowered his head and started to deal with the food on the plate in front of him.

"Then what are we doing now?"

Rehn asked a lot of people's concerns. Several demon hunters looked at each other, and then Zelin took out a small leather bag from his waist.

"Since the heavy snow keeps going, let's play the Gwent card."

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-five chapters split plan

Vesemir once again proved that it makes sense to listen to the experience of the elderly.

The snow fell for a day and a night. In the evening, the wind stopped, but the snow did not mean the slightest decrease. The thick snow in front of the door made Resso, a demon hunter who rarely showed emotional expressions, a rare expression. Own surprise. Resso is a Gureta, but he spends most of his time in the south and rarely travels to the north. Not to mention the snow, snow is not common in the south. Going further south across Aibin is a large desert and oasis. For many southerners, snow is just a weather term that only exists in natural science books.

"I heard that when the southern army crossed the Yaruja River to attack the north, the winter wind and snow caused them a lot of trouble. You know, some southern soldiers saw the wind and snow and the whole area for the first time. Frozen river."

"You said it was good, so give this a try."

Ren said, throwing a biting frost. "Why don't those professors refuse to let the Nilfgaard soldiers at the card table get more harm in the cold weather?"

"Because it's not fair."

"Yes, but the battlefield is inherently unfair."

This snow is rare not only for southerners, but also for northerners. Zelin often lives in the north. He can say that he hasn't seen such a blizzard in 50 years. Snowfall of this scale will not only stop in the Kyle Morkhan area. It is conceivable that even if the snow here stops, they will face a certain degree of trouble-muddy roads and snow melts. Colder temperatures.

Maybe next year's climate will be worse, but who knows? The cold caused people to wear cotton-stuffed pants, fur coats, and leather caps that could cover their ears, and cotton prices began to skyrocket. Who would care about growing that cotton in the past? The Arugal River does not even freeze in winter.

"I'll go to Weilun first to investigate the situation near the hanged ghost tree. Mahakam has a set of warlock telescopes. We can get in touch directly." Zelin leaned back on the chair with his legs upright. Throw out a sunny day. "The Ponta River is very turbulent from the floating port to the lower reaches of Novigrad. I think there will be some ice floes at most, but there will still be hard cargo ships sailing on it. George should be able to find a ship, I know someone The captain of the Ponta River trade. I will notify you as soon as there is a situation."

Zelin thinks this is the safest way. It is more convenient for him to go to Willen alone. He doesn't know whether Wild Hunt understands Willen's situation, but if more than three Demon Hunters act together, it will inevitably attract too much attention. Besides, when he arrived at Willen, he didn't necessarily fight alone. If necessary, he can find some friends with good combat effectiveness.

"I agree, we are going to ambush wild hunting, not being ambushed by wild hunting." A corpse machine was thrown out on the table, Zelin frowned slightly, he hated this card most. It is said that the North and the South have protested against the appearance of this card at the same time. The southerners think this is deliberately discrediting them, while the northerners think this thing is really tricky.

"Are you alone? Wouldn't you be in trouble?" Vesemir asked, who was squatting by an old box nearby, clearing the debris and dust inside. "You might as well go with another person, and take care of each other if they encounter any trouble on the road."

"It's okay. I know a mage named Alexander. He is studying the plague that broke out on the Sidaris Peninsula on an island in a lake in Willen. And I have dealt with the Baron of Willen in the past, and I walked to it. Ask them for news."

The last time after the plague ship was solved in Novigrad, Kaduin told Zelin that he gave the demon spirit dust obtained after defeating the plague demon spirit to his colleague Alexander at Ben Ad College. Alexander had a house in Willen. In the magic tower and laboratory, he can study the potions to relieve the plague. Once similar plagues erupt in the future, they will not only rely on burning the corpses and isolating the patients to pray for the plague to pass as soon as possible.

"Ha, I was thinking, who else you don't know." Lambert grinned. "Maybe we will hear that one day, you were involved in a court coup and then wanted all over the world."

"You can already have a horse-drawn carriage in your mind, Lambert."

Zelin shrugged, the wind and snow outside were still calling. But compared to this, this brand new set of cards makes the Demon Hunter even more headache.

"By the way, you know so many warlocks, why don't you ask if those warlocks can help us?" Resso, who was silent on the side, asked suddenly. "I don't know the north, but if there is a serious problem, southerners can report to the wizard tower in the city and seek help from the sorcerer."

"It used to be the same in the north." Vesemir waved his hand. "The Warlock Order has its own resident mage in every city. When the weather becomes bad, a magic curse is encountered, or some murders are difficult to determine whether it is a human or a monster, sometimes people will go to the resident mage. , Asking them to use magic to affect the weather and lift the curse. After hunting monsters in the past, the monsters' bodies can be sold to the local resident wizards. But recently...we still don't go to those warlocks, they cannot protect themselves."

"If we can put the evidence of wild hunting in front of Ben Ade Academy, maybe I can try my best to convince them." Zelin filtered the remaining mage forces in the north in his mind, and then shook his head. "As for the others, I don't think they can help."

At Erithusa Academy, perhaps only Tisaya can come and help out of personal relationships, but the Sorceress’s Assembly Hall, they will not be interested in incurring wild hunts that have no sign of invading this world. Even if they discover this, they will only use their influence to make the northern countries reach an alliance against wild hunting, but I am afraid that there will be no result in a few years. Moreover, this matter has something to do with Geralt and Ye Naifah. At that time, they left the world and went to Avalon to live in seclusion because they wanted to stay away from the Sorcerer's Assembly Hall and the political conspiracy of the South. These female warlocks are not stupid, Geralt and Ye Naifah. At that time, people’s rumors were that they died in the Livia massacre together, and Hilly was missing. Triss could prove it, and now, They would definitely wonder what went wrong.

"Let me say that these sorcerers will only cause trouble, and we'd better not deal with them, whether it is a wizard or a female sorcerer." Renn curled his lips. "It's your turn, let's play the cards."

"If you insist." Zelin looked down at the card in his hand, then raised his eyes to look at the coins placed in the iron plate. "You'd better prepare more Oren coins."

The blizzard lasted intermittently for three days. During the period, they made some magic gold bombs and moon dust. As for the sword oil, no one knows what sword oil should be used to deal with wild hunting. Neither the hanging ghost nor the evil spirit oil seems to be appropriate. As for the potion, Zelin is not worried. These, in Mahakam’s castle, he has enough potions and raw materials.

Zelin showed the smoke bomb he got in Constantinople to others by the way. Although he ran out of smoke bombs when dealing with Sabina, there were still some raw materials in his package that could make some. In this regard, Renn proposed whether smoke bombs can be used together with cat potions, just like when the fog demon hunts the target, thick smoke is used to block difficult enemies, and cat potions can make the hunters and hunters in the thick fog. Middle is like the day.

But the final result proved that if it is during the daytime, this trick will bring a lot of trouble to oneself, unless the range of the smoke bomb is expanded several times, and the thick can block the noon sun. But they have time, as long as they have a whimsical idea, they have enough time to improve various tools.

It was not until the fourth day that a rare ray of sunlight appeared in the clouded sky. Zelin was standing in front of the castle gate, stepping on the snow that was about to sink his boots, and looking up at the sky with a shed in front of him, the clear sky after the wind and snow seemed very blue. The sun seemed to vent his anger behind being blocked by the dark clouds, and the bright sunshine dazzled the continuous white snow valleys near Kyle Morkhan.

According to what they said before, Zelin will go to Willen first, and try to find out if there have been reports of wild hunting in the north recently, and then others will go to Mahakam, waiting for Zelin’s message, and be ready at any time. Set off when Wild Hunt appears near Willen and ambush them at the location provided by Resso.

"Before leaving, clear the snow on the roof." This is the first time these demon hunters will not spend the whole winter in Kyle Morhan. The snowy weather forced them to leave the castle as much as possible to clear the snow, nailing the doors and windows to prevent the violent snow blowing the doors and windows after they left, and making a mess in the castle.

"Don't worry, when we rescue Geralt and Yennefa, we will definitely come back." Vesemir looked at the silver-clad castle and rubbed his ears. "I will not leave Kodwin this year. There has just been a battle on the Ponta River. There will definitely be someone who needs a demon hunter. I can come back anytime then. Geralt and Yenapha will also need a place to rest. I just don't know where the little girl Xili is now."

"That little princess? If she had her mind, she wouldn't be starved to death in the wild." Lambert seemed to have no affection for the little princess from the Hinterland, and Zelin learned later, only because she had trained in Hilly in the past. Lambert had a conflict with Triss who came to Kyle Morhan. Lambert believed that training should be strengthened, otherwise she would not survive the first time she needed a sword, and Tris opposed Lambert has some harsh training methods.

In the end, Vesemir supported Triss' point of view.

"Okay, put away your cynicism, we should go." Eskell was afraid of sagging the package under the saddle. After he was sure that it would not fall off halfway, he rolled over and rode on the horse. "Taking advantage of the good weather, we will try to get out of this valley before this evening. Zelin, won't you leave with us?"

"Yes, I have a helper nearby. I have already contacted with Telescope. I will leave together when I arrive."

Vesemir came over and patted Zelin on the shoulder. "Be careful all the way, boy, if you get into trouble, use your telescope to get in touch with us immediately."

"I will."

Chapter 1366: Helper in another world

The helper Zelin was looking for was far away and close in front of him.

"How do you feel?"

A pretty figure stood in front of the demon hunter, with the silver-white hair hanging on his shoulders, and his ceramic-like cheeks looked at this snowy field that was not inferior to her white skin. With her back to Zelin, the demon hunter couldn't see the eyes that were covered by the triangular hat, but based on past understanding, it is difficult for him to see any different emotions in these eyes.

The light brown windbreaker swayed slightly with the turning motion, she raised her head, and the emerald green eyes that were almost the same as the jade pendant on her chest looked directly at the golden vertical pupils of the demon hunter. As Zelin thought, there was neither curiosity nor surprise in her eyes, as if she couldn't get her interested. But this did not disappoint Zelin. After all, he wanted her to come, not to show off like a novelty, but to ask for help.


It's just that she didn't seem to be interesting, but after looking around, she stopped, looking at Zelin and waiting for his next words. A gust of wind blew, but the dark brown windbreaker did not move at all before the howling cold wind, not only the windbreaker that was obviously out of season and the thin white silk coat under the collar of the windbreaker, if anyone were here, you would be surprised to find that it was dazzling. In the midday sun, there was only a shadow where they were standing.

"Maria, are you angry?"

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