
With the continuous roaring sound, no matter how hard Mamoru Yuantang tried, he was still a little short, and the football kept flying into the goal from Mamoru Yuantang's side.

"Yuantang can't catch the shots of senior Haoyan Temple!" Shaolin Temple watched and said with a sigh.

"I really don't understand, what's the use of such training!" Someoka let out a cold snort.

"Don't worry, but don't use normal people's thinking to guess what a fool is thinking!" Hanyu Takeha clasped his hands and explained.

"Goyanji, how many more times can you use the flame tornado with all your strength!" Hanyu Takeha asked Goyanji.

From before to now, Haoyan Sixiu has used the flame tornado seven or eight times.

"If you go all out, you should be able to use it once more!" Haoyan Sixiu said out of breath.

"Really?" Hanyu Takeha touched his chin and asked.

Haoyanji Xiuya's physical strength is still far from his requirement of being able to use superpowers to bomb the entire field!

"Then let's kick it all out for the last time!"


Just when Goenji Shuya was about to use the flame tornado again, Hanyu Takeha suddenly called Goenji Shuya.

"Hoenji, wait a moment, I have something to say to Endo first..." Hanyu Takeha walked towards Entangshu.

"Endo, Haoyan Temple can only kick the flame tornado once more now. This is your last chance. If you can't catch it, then you don't need to do any goalkeeping training from now on! Keep running for me go!"

"What!" Yuantang Mamoru exclaimed in surprise.

Although Mamoru Yuando agrees with the training of physical fitness, but after experiencing the goalkeeping experience that he has not experienced for a long time, why would Mamoru Yuando want to return to boring running?

"Not only that, if you can't catch it, then you don't have to play in the match with O Karito Middle School!"

"Student Hanyu, Endo is the only goalkeeper in our football club!" Shaolin Temple and others hurriedly persuaded.

"That's right, if Yuantang can't play, we won't have a goalkeeper!"

"I'll go..." Takeha Hanyu said with a sideways glance at Shaolin Temple and the others.

Hearing Hanyu Takeha's words, Shaolin Temple and others looked at each other and fell into silence.

They still remembered that Hanyu Takeha had easily caught Imperial High School's death field shot with his feet. In that case, Hanyu Takeha seemed to have no problem being the goalkeeper.

"Damn it, has this bastard finally shown his face?" Someoka stared at Hanyu Takeha viciously.

However, Hanyu Takeha doesn't care what Someoka and others think of him.

Of course, what Hanyu Takeha said about playing himself was just deceiving Endo Mamoru, even if Endo Mamoru couldn't catch Goenji Shuya's shot, Hanyu Takeha would still let Endo Mamoru play.

After all, Kami Natsumi only gave Hanyu Takeha money as a coach, but he didn't give Hanyu Takeha money as a player. If Hanyu Takeha played, wouldn't it be a waste of money for the capitalist Natsumi Leimon?

Of course, if Leimon Natsumi is willing to pay more, Hanyu Takeha doesn't mind playing.

The reason why Takeha Hanyu deceived Mamoru Endo is that when many idiots are in trouble, they will explode with power far beyond their own abilities, just like Keigo Atobe, Keigo Atobe, and Kei Atobe I……

And looking at Endo Mamoru who looked like he had been spat out with chicken blood, he knew how effective Hanyu Takeha's aggressive method was!

"I'll definitely catch it! I won't give up my position to anyone!" Yuan Tangmori exuded an amazing aura, as if it was about to condense into substance.

"Then come on!" Hanyu Takeha looked at Mamoru Endo with satisfaction. According to Mamoru Endo's morale, there was a high probability that he could activate his superpower.


"Come on! Haoyanji! I will definitely catch this ball!" After patting his palms, Mamoru Yuantang stared closely at Shuya Haoyanji, as if his whole body merged with the goal.

"I won't keep my hand!" Hao Yanji Shuya and the football flew into the air again.

"Flame Tornado!"

At this moment, the hot flames all over Haoyanji Shuya's body exploded instantly, and the flames continued to surge in the air, even the air became distorted.

The terrifying breath spread out immediately, and in the eyes of everyone in Shaolin Temple, the football once again turned into a roaring ferocious dragon!

"I can definitely catch it!"

Facing the roaring fire dragon, Yuantang Mamoru didn't have any fear, but became more motivated to fight.

At the moment when the fire dragon approached Hao Yuan Tang Mamoru, Yuan Tang Mamoru felt as if a kind of power was about to spew out from his body.

"Hand of God!" There was a roar from the mouth of Yuantang Mamoru!

A large stream of golden air flowed out of the body, forming a huge arm in front of Mamoru Yuantang, grabbing the flying fire dragon abruptly!

Sparks splashed everywhere, and a hot gust of wind spread towards the surroundings in an instant, and time seemed to stand still.

As the flames dissipated, Endou Mori grabbed the football with one hand and stood in front of the goal!

"Catch it, Yuantang actually caught senior Haoyan Temple's shot!" Shaolin Temple and others exclaimed.

"Is this the hand of God in the training manual left by grandpa? I finally practiced it! Sure enough, grandpa didn't lie to me!" Yuantang Mamoru said excitedly.

After the excitement, Endou Mamoru showed an incomparably brilliant idiot smile at Hanyu Takeha and Goen Jishu.

"Hanyu-san! Goenji! I caught the ball!"

"What an amazing guy!" Goyanji Ouya said in shock, looking at Entang Mamoru. On Entang Mamoru, Haoyan Jishu also seemed to see his original appearance.

"Congratulations, it's a great move!" Takeha Hanyu also applauded and praised, anyway, praise doesn't cost money.

"Hanyu-san is right, Endo, you are really amazing!"

"That's right, that's right..." Bi Shan and the others swarmed towards Yuantang Shou.

"No more, this is all thanks to my grandfather!" Hearing so many people's compliments, Mamoru Yuantang felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, since you have learned this move, Yuantang, let's continue running!"

"Eh? Hanyu-san, shouldn't I continue to practice this move?" Entang Mamoru said anxiously.

Yuantang Mamoru finally learned the hand of God, and now let Yuantang Mamoru continue to run, how could Yuantang Mamoru be reconciled?

"It's not necessary..." Hanyu Takeha rejected Endo Mamoru's request without hesitation.

Unless it is a special case, otherwise, the moves that are generally learned will basically not be forgotten. More importantly, this special case will never happen to idiots, because their brain capacity will not let them think about it at all. Something too complicated.

"Hoenji, you all continue to run for me too, by the way, Someoka stay here for a while!"


"What did you leave me for!" Someoka still didn't give Hanyu Takeha any good looks.

"It's nothing more, I just feel that you are qualified, do you want to learn football with me!" Hanyu Takeha said to Someoka bewitchingly. "I can make you as strong as Haoyan Temple!"

After Endou Mamoru activated the Hand of God, Hanyu Takeha didn't have to worry about defense for the time being. So Hanyu Takeha is going to put more energy on how to improve the offensive firepower of Kaminarimon Middle School, and Someoka is the second candidate Hanyu Takeha has selected.

No way, who made Someoka a striker, and one of the few people whose physical fitness is up to the standard?

"I..." Although Someoka really wanted to reject Hanyu Takeha.

But under the bewitchment of Hanyu Takeha, Someoka still succumbed.

"Coach, I want to play football..."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll agree!" The answer to Someoka was naturally within Hanyu Takeha's expectation.

Although Hanyu Takeha has been telling Someoka that Mamoru Endo is an idiot, in fact, in the eyes of Takeha Hanyu, Someoka's brain is slightly better than Mamoru Endo.

How could such a simple-minded fellow be able to resist the super power of Hanyu Takeha's charming voice?

Because of the temptation of 16 million yen, Takeha Hanyu sorted out his ability bar and found many useful abilities, such as black eyes, ghost face and so on.

"Very good, then let's go!" Hanyu Takeha patted Someoka on the shoulder, and abruptly took Someoka away.

"Damn it, I want to play football too!" Seeing the two Hanyu Takeha and Hanyu leaving, Mamoru Endou let out an unwilling cry.

However, Endo Mamoru still followed Hanyu Takeha's orders, and kept running on the playground according to Hanyu Takeha's orders.


"What did you bring me here for?" Someoka asked Hanyu Takeha.

"Of course it's training!" Hanyu Takeha said lightly.

"Did you see the tires over there?" Hanyu Takeha pointed to the tires tied to the rack beside him.


"Your task is to keep kicking the tires. When you can break the rope tied to the tires, your superpower will be developed!" Hanyu Takeha gave Someoka a thumbs up. "So come on, boy!"

"How can humans do such a thing!" Someoka said with a dark face.

Hearing Someoka's words, Hanyu Takeha walked up to the tire and kicked it.


The tires flew straight out, and even the steel pipe frame tied with the rope was deformed.

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing..." Someoka stammered.

"That's good, pick up the tire, tie it on yourself, and you can start practicing!" Takeha Hanyu walked to the side grass and lay down, took out the sunglasses in his pocket and put them on.

"Is that all? Isn't there any skill?"

"Whatever skill you need for superpowers, just kick with all your strength!" Hanyu Takeha waved his hand. "I like you!"

"Okay..." Although he didn't understand Hanyu Takeha's way, Someoka endured it.

Otherwise, if Hanyu Takeha kicked him, Someoka would not be able to bear it.


"How can this kind of thing be useful!" Someoka raised his foot and kicked the tire angrily, and the tire tied to the rope began to sway, but the distance was like Hanyu Takeba, and the tire was directly hit by one kick. Kicked out, still don't know how far away.

"With all my strength, is this limp one kicking cotton? If you don't try your best, super powers won't be able to respond!" Hanyu Takeha squinted his eyes and said.

"We should ask Fu Luoli to sponsor our football club fees, otherwise, I would even bring a recliner from home for my coach to rest..." Hanyu Takeha was thinking wildly, while pointing to Someoka.

"Damn it, you bastard! You're just lying there basking in the sun!" Someoka regarded the tire in front of him as Hanyu bamboo leaves, and suddenly kicked it out, and the tire flew out instantly.

"Successful?" Someoka was not yet happy, because of the pendulum effect, the tires that flew back directly knocked Someoka out.

"it hurts……"

"Good job, that's it..." Hanyu Takeha said with a smile. "Kick hard! You will awaken your super power soon! Boy!"

Although Hanyu Takeha's words were still the same as before, completely out of tune.

However, Someoka has changed a little bit towards Hanyu Takeha. The shot just now really made Someoka feel a different feeling, but he can't tell what it is.



In this way, accompanied by the sound of Someoka's training, Hanyu Takeha fell asleep unknowingly, who made the sunshine this afternoon really a bit smoky.


"You bastard, didn't you mean special training?" Someoka suddenly walked up to Hanyu Takeha, and shouted loudly into Hanyu Takeha's ear.

"It's scary!" Hanyu Takeha said while rubbing his ears.

"It seems that your talent is more than I imagined, and you have awakened your superpower so quickly?" Looking at the broken rope, Hanyu Takeha said in admiration. "Show me, what superpower you awakened, is it summoning monsters, or manipulating elements!"

"You guy, how can there be such a thing as superpowers in the world!" Someoka said weakly. "However, I have really mastered my nirvana!"

But when he said this, Someoka couldn't help puffing out his chest.

"Then let's give it a try." Hanyu Takeha threw the football he brought earlier into Someoka's hands.

"The target, just face the big tree!"


"Then let me show you my nirvana!" With Someoka's kick, he swung it out.

An astonishing sound of dragon chant soared into the sky, the football's feet were covered by a cyan light, and it turned into a green dragon and roared towards the big tree, which was different from the fire dragon transformed by Haoyan Temple Xiuya's flame dragon hurricane.

Shuya Haoyanji's fire dragon is still fire in essence, and Someoka actually summoned a blue dragon.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the football precisely hit the tree, leaving a deep ball mark.

"How about it, this is my nirvana!" Someoka wiped his nose and said with his head raised.

"Not bad! Does your special move have a name? Someoka..."

"This..." Someoka fell into silence. After practicing this special move, Someoka immediately woke up Hanyu Takeha. As for the name of his special move, Someoka hadn't thought of it yet. .

"Otherwise, I'll make one for you!" Hanyu Takeha said while rubbing his chin.

Thinking of the previous names of Hanyu Takeha, Shura Shinto White Tiger, and Magic Space, Someoka reluctantly agreed to Hanyu Takeha's naming rights.

"When you just shot, I seemed to see a green dragon roaring, so this skill is called..."

Under Someoka's expectant eyes, Hanyu Takeha slowly spit out the last few words.

"One foot, one dragon!"

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