The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 786

"Quick, report what happened here to London!!"

In the ruins of the military port with constant explosions, the general guarding the military port watched Lola leave in the Britannia with bitter eyes.

He ignored his broken arm, momentarily forgetting the pain in his body, grabbed a soldier beside him and shouted.

"Yes, sir, but your body..."

"Leave me alone, go report it!!"

The soldier took one last look at the officer, gritted his teeth, and ran to an underground air-raid shelter.


"Empress, we found the trace of Laura's female fox!"

In Windsor Castle, the second princess of Britain, Carissa, pushed open the door of the Queen's bedroom, and rushed in anxiously with the head of the Knights.

Her Majesty Queen Elisa was not angry at her daughter's impolite behavior, she just frowned her old brows and asked in a deep voice:

"...Where is Laura Stuart now?"

The second princess spoke very quickly: "...We have just received a report from Anglesey Naval Port."

"...A blond woman broke into the naval port and hijacked the Queen of Britain."

"After comparing the frequency of magic power, the staff has confirmed that it is Laura Stuart."

"...and the guards at Port Anglesey have all died for their country."

Carissa gritted her teeth when she said this, her beautiful eyes were bloodshot.

"The Queen Britannia, Port Anglesey."

Queen Eliza stepped forward quickly, and there was a map of the world on the table in her bedroom.

Her finger landed on the Port of Anglesey and moved slowly until it landed in the Irish Sea.

"This is the center of the British Isles, which has a strong symbolic meaning."

"...No matter what Laura wants to do, she may perform some rituals here."

"Not long ago, the Scottish side gave us an important piece of news. Lola Stuart once appeared in Scotland Fort. It is absolutely impossible for her to travel there."

"...If my prediction is correct, Laura Stuart probably obtained four treasures from Scotland."

"She is going to perform the grand Scottish ceremony once used by King James VI!"

As soon as Her Majesty finished speaking, the second princess' complexion changed drastically, and she said eagerly, "...She wants to use the grand Scottish ceremony to take away the orthodox symbol of Katina."

"...and hijack the whole of Britain?"

Queen Elisa nodded slowly and said: "...Now it seems that this is her purpose."


"...It can be seen that this woman is very anxious now, otherwise she would never have taken the action of directly invading the military port and hijacking the Queen of Britain."

"This woman is used to making plans before acting, and will only reveal her purpose after what she has done."

"...Now that she is in such a hurry, it seems that someone or something is forcing her, so that she wants to give it a go."

Her Majesty's finger pointed vigorously at the waters of the Irish Sea. She took a deep breath and said, "...Carissa, how is the 'Crowley Disaster' handled?"

The second princess straightened her back, and said excitedly: "...With the efforts of the British mainland magic and regular troops."

"...Crowley's disaster is already under control. Although there are still sporadic Crowley's invasion of Britain, it has not become a big climate."

"According to incomplete statistics, Britain has at least killed more than hundreds of millions of Aleister Crowley."


When Queen Elisa heard the result, she didn't smile, but sighed: "...But it also exhausted Britain's war potential."

Hearing this, Kailisa also fell silent.

Because what Her Majesty the Queen said was right, in order to fight against Crowley's disaster, Britain almost used all its cards, and spent all of its thousands of years of accumulation.

Even the final guardian barrier 'three-layer four-color barrier' is now in a state of repair.

It's not a victory, it's just a miserable victory.

"However, there is good news. I have contacted Rear Water, and he is willing to continue to play for Britain."

"...Sylvia will obey the royal family's orders, and Orells will also help. I hope they can stop Laura's female fox."

"Carissa, you go and inform the Atlantic Fleet of France and the United States, and tell them to go to the Irish waters."

"...Tell them that if the Puritan Supreme Bishop cannot be stopped, I am afraid that the world war will start again."

"Even this time it's not a world war, but the direct demise of mankind."

Queen Elisa was still calm at this time, and quickly ordered.


Carissa, who received the order, saluted with the head of the knights, and then retreated.

After her daughter left, Queen Elisa left the map, walked to the window, looked at the beautiful scenery of the garden outside, and sighed: "...Halloween is coming soon."

"...I hope this crisis can be overcome safely, and Halloween is still lively."

After finishing speaking, Queen Elisa murmured in confusion again: "...Why is Halloween coming?"



On the Queen of Britannia, Great Demon Coronzon covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes flashed with puzzlement.

She didn't know why she always wanted to eat sour food recently, and she would vomit from time to time, just like morning sickness. corpse.

Chapter 151: Laura's Physical Symptoms

"The human body is such a mess!"

Great Demon Coronzon cursed in a low voice.

Although she has lived for a hundred years, and Coronzon has also learned a lot of human knowledge, medicine just happened to be something she didn't study.

From Coronzon's point of view, no matter what kind of physical ailment he encountered, it could be solved with magic.

From this point of view, the human body is an advantage.

Because the human body is much simpler than the soul and spirit, even if there is a problem, it can be easily repaired with magic.

Although the magic ritual is complicated, it does not have high requirements on the human body. As long as the knowledge of occultism is used step by step, supernatural phenomena can be triggered.

This is the greatest advantage of human beings, and it is also the reason why it is difficult for existences like 'spirits' to obtain psychic mediums.

Because of this, Laura feels that human medicine is meaningless to her big devil, so she has no idea of ​​researching it. "zero three three"

In the past hundred years, the Great Demon Coronzon felt that the most troublesome thing about human female bodies was the phenomenon of menstruation.

In other respects, this human body is not stretched, perfectly used by the big devil.

But who would have thought that at this critical moment, when she was preparing to seize the British regime and launch the grand ceremony of proliferation, something strange appeared in her body.

After the Queen of Britain fell as a royal family in the mainland, it can continue to use it as an alternative command platform. This ship usually has sufficient living supplies inside.

Laura found a lot of daily necessities such as cups, plates, and forks from the boat, and then used these daily necessities to perform rituals to check her physical problems.

"This body is very healthy, without any illness, and without any trauma or internal injury, so what's going on? Why do I feel like vomiting?"

The Puritan High Bishop paced back and forth anxiously in the cabin of the Queen of Britannia.

At first, she thought it was something wrong with her stomach, after all, a sick stomach might make people want to vomit.

But after a detailed magical examination, she found that there was nothing wrong with her body.

Of course, it is also possible that this kind of disease cannot be detected by magic, and scientific methods are needed.

But this is the critical moment of her plan, where is it possible to go to a hospital in a big city for a physical examination.

"Forget it, let's forget about these things. I didn't eat all the way here. For the next battle, the most important thing is to fill my stomach."

Laura rubbed her shriveled belly, and she started groping again on the Queen of Britannia.

Not long after, she found many fresh ingredients in the kitchen, as well as some canned foods that could last for a long time.

Although she is the supreme bishop of Puritanism, Laura knows how to cook, thanks to Roy.

At the beginning of the last century, in order to take care of Roy and prevent him from dying, the big devil at that time specially learned cooking skills, and he cooked by himself every day to support Roy.

I didn't expect this technology to be useful at this time.

He found a clean apron from the kitchen and wrapped her around himself.

There are still many unopened condiments in the galley of the ship, which gives Laura enough room to play.

At the beginning, Laura's movements were still a little jerky.

But as time went by, the body's muscle memory was awakened, and soon the sound of cooking came from the kitchen.

A small but rich dinner was prepared by Laura. She brought the food into her bedroom and sat in a chair silently enjoying her food.

Laura's embroidered eyebrows frowned slightly, which brought an abrupt end to her preparations to find tampons on the ship.

She clearly remembered that she should be in her menstrual period now, so her temperament is a little irritable,

But inexplicably, when she was cooking just now, her menstrual period disappeared.

This situation not only did not make Laura happy, but made her more vigilant and nervous deep inside.

A woman's menstrual period cannot disappear for no reason.

Laura has always calculated the time of her menstrual period very accurately. It is clear that the symptoms of this menstrual period should begin to alleviate tomorrow, and will completely disappear after three days.

But unfortunately, the menstrual period, which was calculated very accurately by her time, suddenly disappeared just now.

Immediately afterwards, Laura put down the knife and fork again.

Although she didn't have enough to eat, she somehow felt disgusted by the food in front of her.

A feeling of exhaustion that didn't want to eat anything, just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep soundly, suddenly hit her heart.

"There must be something wrong with this body. Is it some unknown disease? But I don't have time to go to the hospital for a detailed examination now."

"...Forget about it, as long as this body can continue the ceremony, I will take a good rest tonight, and strive to have enough energy for tomorrow."

Laura put down the knife and fork in her hand, and she sat in the cabin of the bedroom, looking out from the window.

The Irish Sea is located in the middle of the British Isles. Compared with other places where the Atlantic Ocean is located, the sea here is relatively calm.

It is already night, and a round of bright moon rises high, forming a magnificent view of the sea and sky with the rippling sea water....

But at this time, Laura didn't have any leisure to enjoy the beautiful scenery. She just thought about the situation she might face tomorrow with a sullen face.

The journey from Port Anglesey to the heart of the Irish Sea will take just a few hours, at least not until tomorrow.

But the big ceremony that Lola will hold also has time requirements, and the ceremony must be started at noon.

This made Laura have to sail to the core area at a slow speed, and had to stay on this ship for one night.

She knew that success or failure depended on one move, and tomorrow was the day when the great devil's fate would be decided.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed!

"Go and have a good rest first, at least to protect the physical strength of this body."

Laura breathed a sigh of relief, she stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom, and took off the elegant nun clothes she had been wearing all the time.

But under her heavy monastic uniform, there was only a rather sexy underwear.

Lola's skin in the mirror is crystal clear, fair and delicate, with delicate and soft features.

She has a slender figure, beautiful and charming, the curves around her waist are extremely exaggerated, and there is no fat on her abdomen.

No one would have thought that the supreme bishop of the Puritan Church in Britain would have such a good figure under the stable and conservative monastic uniform.

But at this time, no one appreciated her figure. Laura untied the hairpin on her head, and any hair that was more than four meters long spread out.

She walked to the bunk with her snowy feet like this, and after covering herself with the quilt, she forced herself to fall asleep quickly.

She was already feeling tired and sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

At around five o'clock in the morning, the sky had just dawned, and the sun's brilliance shone faintly in the distant sky.

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