The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 589

The azure blue radiance penetrates the heaven and the earth, this arrow that abandons the crown embraces the entire will of the primate, and wraps the light of human self-salvation.

It crossed the troposphere, passed through the stratosphere, crossed the middle layer, penetrated the ionosphere, and finally reached the outer layer, coming to the orbit where the body of Mechanism Artemis was.

This is simply a planetary near-defense gun. If it is pierced by this arrow, even Artemis will collapse and turn into falling stars.

But at this moment, a golden right hand suddenly emerged from the void of the universe, grabbing the arrow! .

Chapter 184 My Selfish Love

It was an arrow capable of knocking down a god, and it was the strongest arrow shot by Orion in this life when he gave up his crown and sacrificed his body, spirit and soul.

He just wants to use this arrow to destroy the mysterious Moon Goddess, and save the Artemis whom he has been chasing and longing for in the history of pan-humanity.

As it should be, Orion should have shot down the fuselage Artemis.

But fate just made a joke with him, because the spindle of fate is also under the will of the demon god.

In that infinitely vast universe, if a hand came across the void, with an understatement, it lay between the arrow and the machine god Artemis.

The golden right hand stretched out five fingers, and easily and freely held that arrow, the bow that Orion gave up his crown and was blessed by the human law and the primate, in his hand.

That hand can coerce the universe, wipe out fate, reverse time, and regenerate all things. What it performs is all the miracles of Christianity.


In the void where no sound could be conveyed, there was a crisp sound like glass breaking, and the right hand gently exerted force like this, crushing the arrow shot by the archer who gave up the crown.

Pieces of azure blue light spots were reflected in the black night. Seeing that the arrow that was enough to kill him was stopped, the fear that Artemis, the God of Mechanism, gradually calmed down.

She stopped the overloading of her body, and the golden light that filled the sky began to fade, and finally the brilliance of the bright white moon once again occupied the earth.

850 Orion stared at this scene dumbfounded, cracks had already appeared in his body, and the brilliance of spirits overflowed from the cracks.

Abandoning the crown, the attack launched at the cost of breaking his spiritual core has completely made him lose the ability to exist. If he hadn't been a crown hero before, he might have completely disappeared at this time.


Orion turned into that sad giant bear again, looking up at the night sky and whispering.

The golden giant hand disappeared into the sky, but this scene may become an unforgettable image that everyone will forever imprint in their minds.

"Yeah, you have failed."

Suddenly, a strange male voice came from this unnamed island.

His tone is gentle and merciful, like the Son of God who saves the world, offering redemption to all sinful people.

This voice made everyone in Chaldea tremble, it was the last voice they wanted to hear.

Orion withdrew his gaze from looking up at the moon, and looked forward with his stiff head, and saw a man in a white robe standing beside the machine-god Artemis human terminal.

He seems to have been standing there watching the farce of this scene, and it seems that he does not exist at all. It can be said that he is truly omnipresent and everywhere.

This is exactly Roy's formula, which is similar to the quantum superposition state.

Just like Othinus can move the coordinates of everything in the universe to move himself, this state of Roy also allows him to be at any coordinate in the material world.

"You are the Roy Crowley they talk about?"

Orion had never met Roy, so he couldn't feel any threat from Roy, and even Roy's gentle smile made him feel like a spring breeze.

But he knew that this was the initiator of everything, the maker of the belt of strange stories and the singularity, the person who awakened the beast, and the greatest enemy of a crowned hero like him.


Roy nodded in agreement.

Then he looked at Artemis beside him, and said softly, "...What a dangerous move, Artemis!"

"...If you are not careful, you may end up here."

Even though he said so, there was no fear at all from Roy's expression, as if everything was under his control.

"But that's good too. As Mech-god, you are a tool for fighting, and you have no fear from the beginning."

"...However, fear is the greatest protection for a living being. It is precisely because you understand fear that you can avoid disadvantages. Now that you have fear in the crisis just now, you are one step closer to becoming a real god. "

Roy's voice is so soft that anyone who hears his voice will feel relaxed and people will become softer.

Even the moon goddess Artemis is no exception.

The goddess lowered her head slightly, and said embarrassingly: "...I'm sorry, Lord Roy! I haven't completed the task you entrusted to me."

"You have done well, Artemis."

Roy pointed at Orion in front of him, and said to her with a smile: " see, Orion has lost his spirit foundation. As a heroic spirit, he is hopeless. You have completed the task I gave you. , killed him completely."

"...The current heroic spirit is just a reflection of the light."

Hearing Roy's words, Artemis breathed a sigh of relief. She tilted her head slightly, and a smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she was happy that she had completed Roy's task.

At this time, Orion shouted loudly: "...Before I disappear, I just want to ask you a question. Do you really want this strange moon goddess to replace the goddess of pan-human history?"

This is what Orion cares most about. If the goddess of the moon in pan-human history is denied, then wouldn't his love be false and wrong from the very beginning.

"I know what questions you want to ask, Orion... Let me answer your doubts because of your decisive decision to give up the crown."

"...I want to declare here that your love is a selfish love, your love is a self-righteous love, your love is a hypocritical love, and your love will actually lead the person you love into the abyss!"

Roy's declaration moved Orion's expression, and the escaping spirit particles became even faster.

"Twelve thousand years ago, the white giant descended on the earth. The Greek gods in pan-human history fought against the white giant, but they were defeated and died in the end."

"...In order to save their lives, they had to abandon their own bodies, borrow the mystery of the earth to be reborn as gods, and finally came to the land called Greece."

Roy slowly told the ancient history, and everyone from Orion to Chaldea listened attentively.

This is what happened on this land when human beings had no writing, and it is an ancient history that even the modern magic society cannot find out.

The same is true for Orion. What Roy tells is actually the secret before the emergence of Greek mythology that people are familiar with.

Although neither Orion nor Chaldea knew what the white giant was, and it was able to defeat the Greek gods, but it was still the true body of those gods.

"The reason why the Greek gods appeared in such a divine body was not their voluntary choice, but a choice they had to make in order to survive."

"... Orion, let me ask you, you are not Artemis, the goddess of the moon. How do you know the goddess you are familiar with, but she is actually looking forward to giving up her status as a god and becoming her original self?" !"

Roy's words struck Orion's mind like a drum at dusk and a bell at dawn.

His heart was also shaken by it.

Yes, if the goddess he loves is actually eager to return to its original posture, then everything he has done is wrong.

Just because he didn't want the goddess he was familiar with and loved to disappear, he made a decision for her privately, and he didn't know the true thoughts of Artemis, who had never understood the pan-human history.

As the man in front of him said, his love is selfish, just because he only wants to leave the appearance of the person he loves in his heart, so he made a strong choice for his lover.

This is not mutual understanding love.

Thinking of this, Orion's heart ached, his whole body completely collapsed, and his body gradually disappeared along with the spirit son.

The name of the crown has been abandoned, and it is unknown who the next archer's crown will fall on.

It's just that Roy didn't say a word, that is, his love is also selfish love, and his love is the light of love that avoids taboos. If he can't strengthen his selfish love, then everyone will go to Orion. ending. .

Chapter 185 I am... the God of Alien Stars!

Orion returned to the recording tape of the realm, with regret, pain, and helplessness, and just disappeared into the sky.

"Mr. Orion..."

Sakura looked back reluctantly, for a young girl with delicate feelings, she felt a little bit reluctant to see such a parting of life and death.

I also can't see how Orion was confused about his "love" at the end, and finally had a mental breakdown and disappeared.

"This time, it's your victory."

At this moment, Roy said: "...Because of the overload operation of Artemis's body just now, it is no longer able to send out that kind of shelling again in a short period of time."

"...while Artemis is resting, leave this sea of ​​Atlantis and head to Mount Olympus!"

At this moment, Peperoncino's heart moved, and he blurted out, "...Where is Mount Olympus?"

This is something that everyone in the Chaldeans wondered after they came to Greece.

They knew about Mount Olympus, or rather the capital of Greece, from the native population of Greece, but no matter how Chaldea investigated, they couldn't find that city.

All Chaldea saw was an endless ocean and scattered islands on this ocean.

Although they know that this ocean and those islands are the legendary Atlantis, but for Chaldea, in order to break through this rumor, they must find the king of the rumor belt and defeat him, destroying the fantasy tree .

But where the fantasy tree is, they don't even know.

"Pepe, why do you ask him such a question, how could he answer you!"

Cadoc felt that Peperoncino was out of his mind, and he would never ask the enemy the question 'Where is your lair?'.

But the next moment, Cadoc was stunned, because Roy actually answered Peperoncino's doubts, and he said it in great detail:

"...The road to the city in the Interstellar Mountain Range is just below the ocean. In the past, the ocean was the domain of Poseidon, the god of the sea. However, in the great war four thousand years ago, Poseidon was already destroyed by Athena."

"The duty of Artemis is to monitor the sea of ​​Atlantis and not to allow anyone to cross the ocean without consent, but now that Artemis' body has been damaged, this is your chance."

Roy explained to Chaldea almost every detail of the way forward.

Kadock was a little flustered, and he didn't know why Roy would 'betray' the gods of Olympus.

So the clown was actually me? Fortunately, I thought Peperoncino's previous question was stupid.

Peperoncino patted Kadoc on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "...Haha, Kadoc, you should know."

"...The reason why your Excellency burns human reason and creates strange belts and singularities is just to awaken the 'beast'."

"Whether these singularities or the Belt of Hearings is worth mentioning, they are just means to fully awaken the 'beast'. He will never stand on the side of the Belt of Hearings."

"...Just like the strange news in the Han Dynasty, in order to awaken the beast, he can even use the millennium fortune of the entire Han Empire as the cornerstone."

"...So it can be said that at some point, he is actually standing with us."

Roy clapped his hands and smiled when he heard the words: "...I like smart people, people who like wisdom and thinking. Peperoncino, you are right. At some point, I will even help you Chaldea."

Kadock said a little irritably: "...This is really a mess. He is the instigator of the Burning of Humanity and the appearance of the Lost Belt, but he is helping us save Humanity in order to awaken the beasts."

"...If that's the case, then we should just stop doing nothing!"

Peperoncino shook his head and said, "...that's not okay, Kadoc! We have been appointed by the crown long ago, and we must complete the task of saving humanity."

"...The ceremony that His Excellency the Supreme Bishop wants to awaken the beast is probably part of his many rituals. Until the final result, we may never know what his real purpose is."

"God has already decided the direction of our destiny for us, and we can only follow his instructions, because we have no other way to go, hahahaha!"

For Peperoncino, who has mastered the five supernatural powers of Buddhism, he believes in fatalism, even though he knows that he and the whole Chaldea are Roy's puppets.

But he is still willing to do it, to be the puppet.

Because this is fate, this is fate, and it is the mission that this man named Peperoncino can never escape.

That is to witness the mission of the Son of God to save the world.

"I appreciate your enlightenment, so go ahead and give your wisdom, your will, your courage and your life to save humanity!"

" lambs, God loves the world, just as I love you!"

Roy's voice gradually faded, and his figure began to loom.

"Lord Roy!"

Sakura shouted at this time, she hesitated to speak while watching Roy who was about to disappear.


Roy put a finger in front of his mouth, and said with a smile: "... Feeling my love, accepting my love is enough, Sakura, in this happy world for you, live happily .”

0····Ask for flowers·····

Immediately, Roy completely disappeared in front of everyone, along with Artemis and Atalanta.

"The grace of God is like the sea, and the power of God is like hell. What this Your Excellency actually wants to tell us is such a simple truth."

Seeing Roy disappear, Peperoncino sighed in this way.

"Huh? The communication with Chaldea has been restored. It seems that the reason why we were unable to contact Chaldea and lost the signal was because of Artemis."

Kadock glanced at the watch he was wearing and said in surprise.

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