The Greatest Showman

Chapter 763: The battle of momentum

Enjolras sat on Eddie’s left hand, facing the audience, supporting the table with his left hand, and slightly to the right of his body. He raised his gaze and glanced at Marius, then hung down, covering the surging and turbulent heart. The audience couldn't catch it at all, but the spilt light and shadow outlined the sadness between the eyebrows. Lifting the eyes, the scorching steadfastness and determination of the eyes melted the blue sorrow little by little. When the deep cries overflowed from the lips, the handsome face and the facial lines became tense again, sonorous and powerful.

The voice is deep and soft, like a sonnet written by Shakespeare, slowly flowing out, but the eyes are so bright, so persistent, and so enthusiastic, "Now, it's time to define the true self! What are we for? Fight for justice? Fight for the pleasure of the opera house?"

Enjolras raised his eyes and looked far and deep to the front. The condensed gaze seemed to be able to look into the heart of every audience, gentle and tough; with a light glance, Marius could feel it. The sharpness behind the persistent gaze made people unable to look directly, as if he could feel the vocal questioning hidden in it. Marius could not help but avoid the sight, lowered his eyelids in a panic, and fell into contemplation.

The society has fallen into turmoil, the people have been trapped in dire straits, and the country has been falling apart frequently. The country has broken mountains and rivers, and mountains and rivers have broken. Home is no longer home, and the country will not be the country! They used to be the children of the rich who enjoyed class treatment. Now they join forces for the country and the society to join the revolution/life. This is not a game! The torrent of the times has rolled in!

Who are they? How should they define themselves? Where will they go? What color will they burst into their lives?

Now is the time to decide!

In the face of Marius's hesitation and hesitation, in the face of the laughter and ridicule of his friends, Enjolras's heart was suffering and burning, and those bright eyes released the enthusiasm in the soul little by little. , Looked at Marius, looked at the other partners, shook his head gently, the slight invisible shaking, but expressing the feelings of helplessness, disappointment, and grief, like a dragonfly, ripples and waves. The ripples continue to spread.

"Have you ever asked yourself, what is the price of this battle?" Enjolras turned his head and looked at Marius deeply, but his body leaned back slightly because of disappointment, and he slowly closed his eyes. He opened it again and asked mercilessly, "Is this just a game for the young and rich children?"

Before starting, they should be aware of the significance of this battle, the price they will pay, and their mission! If it's just games, if it's just fun, then the young rich children should choose to quit before the blood flows into the river.

Marius couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Enjolras, but saw the turbulent waves in Enjolras's calm vision.

Enjolras glanced at Marius lightly, turned his head to look straight ahead, and looked at the world before him seriously and profoundly. If the people are not living, their determined eyes are getting deeper and deeper, bursting out with magnificent power, "The color of this world is changing every day!"

After a slight pause, Enjolras raised his chin and looked into the distance, "Red is the blood of people's anger! Black is the gloom of the past years!" In the melodious and beautiful melody, Enjolras's singing is neat and firm, as if Every word burst out of blood and tears, and there was a sound, he turned his head and looked at Marius intently, "Red, is the world that is about to break! Black is the long night that will end!"

Short and powerful, clean and neat. The whole sing is like banging drums, once and again, powerfully hitting everyone's heart. However, at the end of the last sentence, the sentence "Long Night" prolonged the ending sound, rising high and high, pushing the powerful momentum step by step, centered on Enjolras and Marius, on the whole stage. It spread, and in an instant burst out the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and the shock of the soul was like a tide, one wave after another.

The blood began to boil quietly.

Enjolras stood up, tilted his head, paused lightly on Marius for a moment, and then moved away. The grimace and anger that hated iron and steel, tolerated under the tight muscles, full of excitement, turned and prepared to leave.

Marius disagreed. He grabbed Enjolras's arm and prevented him from leaving. He stood up, and the shoulders of the two were crossed. He looked at Enjolras seriously and hummed softly, "If you are today If you have seen her, you may understand." Full of tenderness, enough to turn steel into a soft finger, his eyes are like a lake with sparkling waves, which makes his singing become melodious and melodious. The long tail tone hides the inner tiredness, "The shock that penetrates into the brain is an instant suffocating joy!"

However, Enjolras didn't buy it at all. He snorted and shook his head helplessly. His eyes were filled with disappointment and grief. The corners of his mouth were drawn. The disdain and ridicule in that smile could not be concealed. There is a condescending scrutiny.

Marius just caught Enjolras who was about to turn and leave, and took a step closer again. The powerful momentum has an unstoppable and unstoppable power, and it vents heartily. It seems that if Enjolras is not persuaded, he will definitely not. Give up, "If you were present today, you might still understand that the change in this world only needs a light!"

The impassioned Marius pressed on the silent Enjolras step by step, and his gaze slammed into Enjolras’s eyes motionlessly, "The former right seems to have become a mistake, and the former mistake seems to have become again. Right!" Marius’s passionate voice fully and abundantly presents the throbbing, sprouting, joyful, and moving deep in his heart. The tenderness and selflessness of falling in love are so beautiful and moving, forgetting. I have forgotten myself, the world, and even existence.

Marius’s singing gradually rose, because he was too excited, too excited, and too ecstatic, so that the voice began to tremble slightly, and the happiness that emerged from the corners of his mouth and eyes burst out with a beautiful brilliance, "Red, I feel The soul is burning! Black, there is no world without her!"

The rhythm of the entire chant was slightly slowed down by a quarter beat, and every bite of Marius was so full. The strong force of the dantian made the vocal cords tremble violently, and the trembling happiness was like a firework event. It blooms proudly, filling the entire stage with no gaps left, as if even the air is beginning to bubble sweetly.

"Red is the brilliance of desire/hope! Black is the color of despair!" Marius leaned back slightly, and the condescending man became him.

Only those who have truly felt love, only those who have truly received the baptism of happiness, and only those who are truly in it, can taste the wonderful taste, from **** to heaven, from pain to beauty, from bitterness to sweetness, just a moment Looking back in time, an instant will become eternal.

With one look, one wrong body, one holding hands, the world will be turned upside down.

In every sentence, Marius prolongs the ending sound, tangled/tangled/squeezed/squeezed; every word, Marius is full of syllables, and his mind trembles; for every musical note, Marius is ambiguous in melody and tenderness. Like water. Marius tried to make Enjolras understand that it is everyone's instinct/instinct to pursue happiness; and love is a happy moment that can make the soul tremble. Falling in love and bathing in it, Marius's entire face glowed with light, enough to melt every audience in the theater.

Enjolras’s expression became heavier and heavier, a look of disappointment collided between his brows, a bitter smile was drawn on the edge of his lips, and the anger and generosity in his wrists agitated in those eyes, he involuntarily clenched. Yaguan, turned around and tried to give up the argument, but he failed.

The body turned abruptly, and there was a wave of air. Enjolras walked to Marius in a stride, frowning, "Marius, you are no longer a child. I never questioned you. But now, we have a higher mission!"

Facing Enjolras’s questioning, Marius shook his head slightly, trying to say something, but in those deep eyes, all the words disappeared from his throat, just staring at him in a daze. The stormy waves in the eyes, the collision between the blood and the gunfire, burst into tears of despair and pain, just like on the wild and desolate grassland. After the fire, no grass will grow, and life will disappear. That magnificent and majestic silence, Let every life become so small.

Enjolras’ eyes were full of radiant light, reflecting a magnificent picture, "Who cares about your lonely soul? We have even greater goals! Our small lives are nothing at all!"

This is not a game, this is a war, and the price is a war of life. Under the war of artillery fire, people are devastated, the people are dying, and the water is in dire straits. If they want to enjoy the beauty of the opera house, if they want to enjoy the nourishment of love, if they want to enjoy the luxury of wealth, then they should hide at home instead of standing on this blood-filled street .

Do you understand, what is the cost of this war? This is not a game for young rich kids!

The thunderous and vocal singing, without any superfluous decorations, fell down with a thunderous force, and the momentum was surging, like a mountain, like an ocean, like an earth, vast and vast! The magnificent historical picture was laid out in a mighty manner. It seemed that he had never seen any movement of Enjolras. Marius couldn't help but stepped back. There was helplessness and shock, even shame, feelings in his eyes. When I am insignificant, I feel my selfishness and even my blindness.

But Marius is not the only one!

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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