The Greatest Showman

1938 Win-win situation

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The box-office battles during the summer season are starting to get interesting.

From Saturday to Sunday, the number of spectators entering the cinema is slowly rising, especially the golden schedule on Saturday night has reached its peak in one go. All mainstream cinemas in popular areas have been crowded out, and the attendance rate is unlimited. Approaching 100%, it unexpectedly pushed the summer craze to a new peak.

Royal Entertainment, the largest theater chain in North America, has released some statistics through Twitter, which positively shows the popularity of the North American film market:

In the four main districts of downtown Los Angeles and the two main districts of New York, a total of 20 theaters were counted, and the average occupancy rate of the main schedule from 8:00 to 11:00 on Saturday night reached a terrible 9% Sixteen, easily created the highest peak since 2014-

Among them, the number of screening halls for "Interstellar" has reached 83, and the number of screening halls for "The Fault in the Stars" has reached 55. The attendance rates of the two films have ushered in a full-blown moment. It has undoubtedly become a microcosm of the Saturday craze. Among other large-scale theater chains other than Royal Entertainment, the attendance rate is also terrifying. Like detonating a gunpowder storehouse, all the movie viewing crazes have been detonated within one day.

is it possible?


But don't forget, it's summer. When commercial blockbusters such as "Captain America 2" and "Godzilla" are released, such scenes can also be created during the prime time of the premiere weekend. Strictly speaking, this is not unusual. In other words, the North American market itself has such energy.

The real magic lies in the win-win situation. The two movies burst out with amazing energy, which disappointed the melon eaters who were looking forward to the bloody scene of "you or I live"; at the same time, the number of theaters with full attendance was beyond imagination. Such heat waves can also be felt in remote areas far from the city center, and the enthusiasm of the audience came a little off guard, as if it was just awakening now.

Just as "Divergent" and "Fault in Star Fortune" accidentally interacted, "Interstellar Crossing" and "Wrong in Star Fortune" also interacted by accident, and then all the eyes of the entire market were caught. Projected over, the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies in the theater has once again reached a new high.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flame was high, and the box office on Saturday and Sunday ushered in a small climax/tide——

Not one of those earth-shattering climaxes/climaxes, but little surprises that exceeded expectations.

First, as a rule, the box office figures of the opening weekend tend to be higher on Friday than on Saturday and higher on Sunday, especially for works with a single-day box office of more than 20 million on Friday. There are very few cases where the peak will be reached on Saturday; secondly, the conversion of social network feedback into actual box office numbers still requires time to further spread and precipitate, and want to create a tsunami in just twelve hours. A counterattack is by no means easy.

So, here comes the little surprise!

The exhibitor relationship responsible for box office statistics will not release the single-day box office information on Saturday and Sunday separately, but will wait for the official release of the predicted box office figures on Monday; and then release the adjusted actual box office on Tuesday.

In just two days of turbulence, all the attention of the entire North American market was focused on the weekend box office statistics——

Will this be Renly's "Waterloo"? Will this achieve the brilliant counterattack of the two young actors? The good reputation of "Interstellar" has not been able to detonate the box office. Has Nolan's influence touched the ceiling? In addition to "burning the brain", "Interstellar" failed to trigger a movie-watching frenzy. What are the similarities and deviations in the opinions of the audience and film critics? How did "The Fault in the Stars" work miracles? Can "Fault in Star Fate" really overturn "Interstellar"?

dispute! dispute! Still controversial!

It seems that every media holds their own opinions, but what is certain is that every media is gearing up to wait for the box office results to be released. Whether winning or losing, it is bound to be a storm of discussion frenzy. Completely detonate the enthusiasm of the summer season.

From this point of view, although the first film with over 100 million box office opening weekend in 2014 still failed to appear, the second peak/climax of the summer season finally appeared, after the "Captain America 2" was well-received and popular. , and now it is finally in line with expectations, showing the midsummer frenzy.

dong dong dong!

dong dong dong!

After much anticipation, the weekend box office of the first week of June finally came out!

Champion - "Interstellar", $75 million at the weekend box office!

The runner-up, "The Fault in the Stars," grossed $55 million over the weekend.

Third place, "Maleficent," grossed $34 million over the weekend.

Then, the highest total box office in a single week in 2014 was born! Unexpected, completely unexpected! Although the box office of "Interstellar" did not break through 100 million in the opening weekend, "Interstellar" joined forces with "The Fault in the Stars" and "Sleeping Curse", and the three works burst out with amazing energy. The final single The total weekly box office reached a height of 210 million.

Such a result easily surpassed the 187 million single-week box office achieved two weeks ago, and became the first weekend in 2014 that the total box office in a single week exceeded the threshold of 200 million, and was crowned the weekly champion so far - two. A week ago, the premiere of "X-Men: Days of Future Past", the second week of "Godzilla", and the three weeks of "Battle of the Neighbors", a number of word-of-mouth masterpieces joined forces to create outstanding results; this week, three unexpected works joined forces Dominate and create new heights!

The first is "Sleeping Curse".

This Disney black fairy tale starring Angelina Jolie, because of all kinds of negative news, the expectations before the release have dropped again and again, and the investment of 180 million is even more impressive for a fairy tale movie. Frightened, many professionals in the industry are worried that this work may once again encounter a "super battleship" and "alien battlefield"-style avalanche, ushering in a grand failure.

After the film was released, the overall fall in the evaluation of all aspects also confirmed such concerns: the media comprehensive evaluation score was 54, the Rotten Tomatoes fresh index was only 54%, and the popcorn index was also as low as 70%... but , the accident appeared like this: the opening weekend box office was as high as 69 million, easily swept away all the haze, showed strong competitiveness, completely overturned all worries and speculations, and turned out.


"Maleficent" has an "a" in theaters.

The next week of its release, "Maleficent" suffered double sniping from "Interstellar" and "The Fault in the Stars". The box office plummeted by 51% over the weekend. The downward trend is still very obvious, but the accumulation of two weeks The box office easily reached 128 million, and the performance was really "far beyond expectations", and it has become a good scene in the summer season, which makes Disney full of confidence in the overseas box office market.

The second is "fault in the stars".

This is definitely the biggest dark horse in the summer of 2014. The box office performance of many works such as "Transcendental Hacker", "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and "Rio Adventure 2" are lower than expected or even completely collapsed. Next, this work with only 12 million dollars in investment has become the biggest surprise.

Without big-name directors, star actors, or even strong publicity, 20th Century Fox maintained a low-key attitude from beginning to end, but brought unexpected surprises. "It became a phenomenon-level work in an instant, and the discussion heat spread out in a mighty manner, even surpassing "Godzilla" and "Maleficent", and faintly threatening the position of the top of the "Interstellar" instant discussion heat list .

Following Friday's box office, "The Fault in the Stars" dropped 30% on Saturday, and then continued to drop 35% on Sunday, finally reaching 5,000 in the weekend's three-day box office. With five million dollars, it has easily entered the profitable stage, and once again staged the proud record of Xiaoboda.

In fact, the declines on Saturday and Sunday were somewhat obvious. Like "Maleficent", the relatively mediocre word of mouth still has an impact on senior and professional audiences. "Maleficent" is at least a VFX blockbuster, with a wider audience base; "The Fault in the Stars" lacks such popcorn moments, which also makes the film's opening weekend box office not able to reach "Sleeping". the height of.

Despite this, "The Fault in the Stars" still accomplished a minor miracle. What's more, Friday's single-day box office almost shook the position of "Interstellar", and it became a mythical moment of the year—— You know, the opponent they are facing is Nolang and Renly, who can definitely be called an opponent of the monster giant crocodile level. Even if it is only a little closer, this is still an achievement that countless works cannot achieve. This is enough to achieve two The super-popular moment of the young actor.

55 million opening weekend box office, how incredible is that?

In short, this figure has exceeded the premiere data of "Divergent" of 54 million - and the latter's investment is 85 million, not an order of magnitude production cast, but handed over more. The superior data, "The Fault in the Stars" can already be included in the first-line lineup in this summer's season, which is so incredible!

Finally, "Interstellar"!

Doubt it! Controversy! There is chaos! Thrilling! There are also explosions!

But in the final analysis, "Interstellar" still withstood the strong impact of competitors, overcame the chaos brought by the theme and the plot itself, and avoided the bad luck of Waterloo on the opening weekend, especially the box office on Saturday and Sunday. The trend curve is even more gratifying and eye-catching, easily surpassing the "Inception", and crowned the champion of the North American weekend box office chart in the first week of June with a better and more excellent performance!

what does that mean?

Renly's "invincible halo" has continued again, not only the weekend champion, but also continued miracles from word of mouth to box office, especially in the face of many passive and even negative factors, "Renly-Hall" really showed With his powerful appeal, he reversed the situation and completed the feat of being crowned again!

The reporters sighed: Another standard ending!

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